Contributions to the conference proceedings (2 page extended abstracts) are expected to arrive no later than December 31st, 2011 and should be submitted electronically.
Abstract maximum length is 2 pages of A4 paper (210mm x 297mm, portrait, printable area 160mm x 240mm). Underline the presenting author. E-mail address of the corresponding author should be placed in the affiliation field. Do NOT print a page number. If you need to include figures, EPS (encapsulated postscript) figures produced by Adobe PS driver are acceptable. Use only Times/Helvetica/Courier/Symbol/Arial/Times New Roman fonts. This restriction also applies to figures.
A template of the extended abstract is given as MS Word or PDF document. The format of the submitted document should be one of the following:
Do not forget to check that the document is not infected by any computer viruses.
Send the extended abstract as an attachment via e-mail to: [email address: lastname @ this server · enable javascript to see it]