March 7 - 13, 2010
St.Christoph/Arlberg, Austria
Friedrich Aumayr and Peter Varga, organizers
IAP (Institute of Applied Physics), TU Wien
Preliminary Announcement
This is the announcement for the 23. Symposium on Surface Science (3S*10), which will take place at the Bundes Ski Akademie St. Christoph in St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria from Sunday March 7th to Saturday March 13th, 2010
The topics of 3S*10 will include all aspects of surface science as, e.g.
- Surface structure
- Surface reactions
- Particle-surface interactions
- Epitaxial growth
- Adsorption and desorption
- Applications of surface science
These fields will be covered by about 30 - 40 oral presentations (20 minutes talks including discussion), to be selected from the submitted contributions. All other contributions will be presented as posters. Poster boards are 180 cm high and 90 cm wide. Poster sessions will be preceded by poster introductions, where the authors will have the opportunity to orally present highlights of their work as a “2 minute commercial”.
All participants
All participants will be accommodated in the newly renovated Bundes Ski Academy St. Christoph am Arlberg next to St. Anton am Arlberg (Austria) in single and two-bed rooms (all now with shower/bath, WC and TV). We only have a certain limited number of rooms at our disposal and therefore urge you to fill out the online-registration form as soon as possible. If possible please indicate a room-mate, with whom you would like to share your room. The number of single rooms is rather small. All registration will be done strictly on a first come - first serve basis. The Symposium will start in the evening of Sunday, March 7, 2010. You should therefore plan to arrive on Sunday afternoon the latest. However, arrival on Saturday March 6, 2010 is possible for an additional fee. Upon registration, you will receive the conference proceedings together with the final program. Full board starts on Sunday evening with dinner. The scientific program runs from Sunday evening to Friday in the evening. Departure is on Saturday, March 13, 2010 after breakfast. In addition to the scientific program, an important purpose of this symposium is to enable informal contacts during daily skiing activities. Therefore, lectures, poster introductions and poster presentations will take place in the morning and evening hours. A typical day schedule of this symposium will be as follows:
07:30 | Breakfast |
08:00 - 10:00 | Lectures |
10:00 - 15:00 | Skiing instructions (and Lunch) |
15:30 - 18:30 | Lectures and/or poster introductions |
18:30 | Dinner |
19:30 - 22:00 | Lectures and/or posters |
22:00 | more discussions |
Contributions to the conference proceedings (2 page extended abstracts) are expected to arrive no later than December 21, 2009 and should be submitted electronically. For paper preparation and submission follow the instructions on our Abstract submission page.
The all-inclusive conference fee for 3S10 is
Euro 1100.- for participants sharing a double room with another participant
Euro 130.- additional fee for arrival on Saturday, March 06, 2010 (accommodation and full board)
Euro 300.- additional fee for single room (sorry, single rooms are sold out, Sep. 14, 2009!)
To guarantee your participation a deposit of Euro 600.- is due until November 1st, 2009 (will be refunded if cancelled before Dec. 1st, 2009). Registration without receipt of payment at this date will be automatically cancelled. Instructions for paying the conference fee.
- Online Registration: Sorry, closed! (deadline was November 1, 2009)
- Payment of the Conference Fee (deadline November 1, 2009)
- Submission of Extended Abstracts (deadline December 21, 2009)
Contact: 3s10@iap.tuwien.ac.at