After 9 years of service Prof. Herbert Störi ended his term as head (“Institutsvorstand”) of
IAP as planned and handed over his office to Fritz Aumayr. From November 9th, 2006 until December 31st, 2015 he guided the institute through most difficult times and managed to expand the lab and office space of our institute considerably. During this period, two new Professors were hired and the measurable “output” of the institute increased tremendously both in quality and quantity. Herbert Störi will still continue his research work and teaching as a Professor.
Herbert, we all are very grateful for your work! Thank you very much!
Our research on strontium ruthenate surfaces shows how water dissociates and strips off one hydrogen atom upon adsorption. Although the hydrogen atom and the remaining OH group are physically separated, the pieces continue to interact through a weak hydrogen bond. This interaction leads to an interesting dynamic behavior, where the OH group circles the stripped off hydrogen atom. The result were published in Nature Materials. Click twice on the animation and watch the water dance.
The paper
TU press release in English or German
der Standard
Effective of Dec 1st, 2015 Fritz Aumayr was appointed as a full professor of ion and plasma physics. He joined our institute in 1982. In addition to his highly successful research work Fritz Aumayr is since several years the head of research unit of the Austrian research program on nuclear fusion. To our students he is well known for his excellent introductory physics lectures.
Curriculum Vitae
Research Group of Fritz Aumayr
European Academy of Sciences established the Blaise Pascal Medal in 2003 to recognize an outstanding and demonstrated personal contribution to science and technology and the promotion of excellence in research and education. Up to six medals may be awarded in any one year. This year Ulrike Diebold was honored with the Blaise Pascal Metal in Materials Science.
Researchers of the
IAP surface physics group nicely show how a prototype catalytic reaction works. They have studied a supported catalyst, platinum on magnetite (Fe
4), and demonstrate the important role of the oxide support. CO oxidation eats the oxygen from the magnetite support, and platinum helps to oxidize the support again. They could also investigate in detail what happens if hydrogen is oxidized with the help of the catalyst. These results were published in
Angewandte Chemie International Edition and provide the groundwork for improving catalysts.
The paper
TU press release in English or German · APA release · "Die Presse" newspaper article
Margareta Wagner of the Surface Physics Group received a
Hertha Firnberg Award for her research programme “Organic Molecules on Transparent Conductive Oxides: Fundamental studies”. The Hertha Firnberg programme of the
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) aims at boosting the career of extremely well qualified female scientists.
Gareth Parkinson of the surface Physics Group has received the
START Prize, the highest Austrian award for outstanding young researchers. Congratulations! The prize money will enable him to pursue research on single-atom catalysis during the next six years. With now three START awardees and one
Wittgenstein laureate, Gareth also makes our institute one of the most successful institutions in this respect!
TU press release (German)
Since almost two decades, it was widely believed that tiny structures made of lipid molecules and proteins wander within the membrane of a cell. These so-called molecular rafts would be important for cellular processes. Now a team of researchers around Eva Sevcsik and Gerhard Schütz of the
IAP biophysics group could show that it's all different! The results have been published in
Nature Communications.
Article in Nature Communications
TU press release in English and German
Media coverage: Austrian Press Agency (APA) · der Standard
Founded in 1652, the
Leopoldina is one of the oldest academies of science in the world. In the March 2015 elections the class of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Engineering elected 11 new members, one of them is Ulrike Diebold.
TU press release (German)
Mitochondria are essential for our cells, they produce the energy carrier ATP. Unfortunately, mitochondria are too small for scrutiny by conventional light microscopy. Using superresolution microscopy techniques, the
IAP biophysics group has determined where the relevant proteins are located in mitochondria, which provides important insights into how mitochondria work. These results are published in the prestigious journal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).
Article in PNAS
TU press release (German)
Media coverage: APA · der Standard
A team around Gareth Parkinson of the Surface Physics group has solved a long-standing mystery: No one could explain why the magnetite Fe3O4(001) surface behaves differently than all other oxides. It turned out that this surface has a very peculiar crystal structure, which requires a new way of thinking about oxide surfaces in general. The results have been published in the prestigious journal Science.
Article in Science
TU press release
Media coverage: ORF Science · Die Presse · der Standard · Salzburger Nachrichten
Wolfgang Husinsky and his co-workers have demonstrated for the first time that an array of nanoantennas (central nanotips inside sub-micrometer pits) on an aluminum surface, fabricated using a specific double-pulse femtosecond laser irradiation scheme, results in a 28-fold enhancement of the non-linear (three-photon) electron photoemission yield. The results are reported in the latest issue of Laser Physics Letters.
Link to original publication.
Press release of the TU Wien (in German), Der Standard
The Austrian Academy of Sciences
ÖAW has different levels of membership. Ulrike Diebold has been a 'corresponding member' since 2012, and was elected a 'full member' in April 2014.
List of all new ÖAW members.
der Standard
The SrTiO
3(110) surface forms a reconstruction that consists of a monolayer TiO
2, but in a special, rather unreactive - tetrahedrally coordinated - form. When oxygen vacancies are created in this layer, they move to the SrTiO
3 interface, where the resulting excess electrons form a two-dimensional gas (2DEG). Zhiming Wang, Stefan Gerhold and Bernhard Stöger from the surface physics group have measured the electronic structure of this electron gas at the synchrotron
Bessy in Berlin. (There they also took the happy photo at the right.) Different from other, known 2DEG's, this system shows a pronounced anisotropy that is depends on the doping level. The experimental results are complemented by theoretical calculations by Zhicheng Zhong and Karsten Held at the
Institute of Solid State Physics, and Xianfeng Hao and Cesare Franchini,
Computational Materials Physics, University of Vienna.
The results were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Link to original publication
TU press release APA article der standard die Presse
Anatase, a form of titanium dioxide (TiO2) is used in (photo)catalysis and many other applications. The interaction of oxygen molecules with this material is of central importance. How this happens on the atomic scale was investigated in experiments by Martin Setvin of the Surface Physics group and calculations by Annabella Selloni (Princeton University) and coworkers. It was found that O2 interacts with oxygen vacancies in the material, resulting in O2 (peroxo) molecules incorporated in the surface.
These results were published in the prestigious journal Science.
Abstract with link to full text
TU press release ⋅
Princeton press release ⋅
youtube video
Articles in the media: Article in Chemical & Engineering News ⋅der Standard (German) ⋅ ORF (German)
Metals such as gold or palladium are often used as catalysts to speed up certain chemical reactions. When the atoms ball together, most of them do not get into contact with the surrounding gas any more and the catalytic effect diminishes drastically. The mechanism of clustering is not well understood, however. In an article published in the prestigious journal Nature Materials, Gareth Parkinson and co-workers report on a detailed study of this issue; they have followed the fate of each surface atom and analyze how they are affected by different gas atmospheres. They find carbon monoxide to bind strongly to palladium atoms, helping them to move across the surface.
The article in Nature Materials (subscription required)
TU press release english ⋅ german ⋅ youtube video
Media coverage: ORF ⋅ Chemie.de
Ulrike Diebold was awarded the 2013 Arthur W. Adamson Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Surface Chemistry from the
American Chemical Society (ACS) for “significantly advancing the fundamental understanding of the surface chemistry of metal oxides, in particular TiO
2, through excellent research, writing, and lecturing.” She received the award during the
245th National ACS Meeting in New Orleans, USA, April 7-11, 2013. At the meeting, a five-session symposium was held in her honor, with contributions from more than 40 scientists from the US, Europe, and Asia.
Adamson Award · TU press release (in German)
We extend a warm welcome to Dr. Stijn Mertens, who joins us from the
KU Leuven. He will spearhead our new efforts in electrochemical
Research activities of the
Atomic and Plasma Physics Group of
IAP in the field of nuclear fusion are prominently mentioned in this week's cover story of the Austrian weekly magazine PROFIL. Read the
full story (in German).
IAP graduate student Katharina Dobes (AG-Aumayr) and her QCM experiment are featured as “Picture of the Week” on the Top Page of the
EFDA website. Read the full story on
"The Physicist and the Pea"
From 1 to 6 July 2012, more than 25 Nobel Laureates and more than 580 young researchers from all over the world met at Lindau, Germany, to exchange ideas, discuss projects and build international networks.
IAP graduate student Zbynek Novotny was selected to attend this meeting, which was dedicated to physics.
Click here for more information about the Lindau meetings
In the latest issue of Physical Review Letters [
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 216103 (2012)], Zbyněk Novotný and colleagues describe the discovery of highly stable single gold atoms on a magnetite (Fe
4) surface. This observation is expected to facilitate catalysis research: On the other substrates studied so far, gold atoms don't stay alone but easily form large clusters, which are considered less active catalysts than single atoms.
Press release of the TU Wien
APS Physics article
Chemical&Engineering News article
Articles in the media: ORF Science,
Wiener Zeitung,
der Standard,
nanowerk, …
Ulrike Diebold has received a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant for her project OxideSurfaces, which will be funded with up to 2.5M Euro, and will run over 5 years. The project focuses on metal oxides. These materials have an extremely wide range of physical and chemical properties, and are used in catalysis, solar cells, batteries, gas sensors, and many other technical areas. Research topics are the interaction between bulk and surface defects, complex oxides, and she will also aim at scanning probe microscopy of oxides with atomic resolution in an aqueous solution.
Press release of the TU Wien
Newspaper article in "Der Standard"
Newspaper article in "Die Presse"
Further online article
Ulrike Diebold received an invitation to join the editorial board of
Physical Review Letters (PRL). She will act as an associate editor for the Material Physics Division from 2012 - 2014. PRL reports on the 'hottest and newest' in all of physics, from high-energy to solid state to astrophysics. It is the most highly-respected journal in physics, and serving on its board is a true honor.
The Austrian Fund for (FWF) has approved a new doctoral program 'Building Solids for Function'
'SolidFun'. The program will be providing students with the opportunity to pursue interdisciplinary research. Groups from chemistry, physics, and electrical engineering departments at the TU are participating. The
Surface Physics Group at
IAP, headed by Ulrike Diebold, will also be part of this new doctoral program. The application process will start this Spring.
In an unusual location, the Opera House of Wrocław, Poland, Professor Ulrike Diebold gave a plenary talk at Europe's largest conference on surface science, ECOSS-28. The topic of Ulrike's talk was the Surface Science of Metal Oxides; she discussed recent progress, challenges, and opportunities in this area. The ECOSS-28 conference was attended by more than 650 participants, including
IAP members Michael Schmid, Zbyněk Novotný, Philipp Scheiber, Gareth Parkinson, Peter Jacobson, and Sameena Shah Zaman, who also gave presentations on their recent research.
Professor Gerhard J. Schütz, formerly at the University of Linz, has been appointed professor of biophysics. He will establish a biophysics group at our institute. Due to technical and space limitations, for the time being, his labs will be in the building of the chemistry department.
Today is the official start of the
Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) “Functional Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces”. Results of this four-million-Euro research program are expected to have an impact on applications in catalysis, gas sensing, fuel cells and microelectronics. The SFB unites researchers from the TU Wien and the Universities of Vienna, Innsbruck and Siegen (Germany). Three of the ten project leaders in the SFB are members of our institute!
Ulrike Diebold will work on pervoskites, Josef Redinger leads the theory part and
Michael Schmid will study ultrathin zirconia films. See the
TU Wien press release (in German) and the
abstract of the SFB for more details.
In the Cathedral of Lund, in a grand ceremony, Peter Varga was conferred an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Lund, Sweden. The degree was awarded for his outstanding contributions to materials science on the atomic scale.
Newly appointed professor Ulrike Diebold has discovered that hydrogen bonding plays a key role in the diffusion of organic molecules across solid surfaces. By gaining and losing hydrogen atoms, catechol molecules rotate in a dance-like motion along the titanium rows of a TiO
2 surface. These results have been published in the prestigious journal
Science [
Li et al., Science 328, 882-884 (2010)]. The work was also featured in Chemical and Engineering News [
C&EN 88, 29 (2010)].
Robert Ritter, PhD student in the
Atomic and Plasma Physics Group has been awarded a prestigious
DOC-Stipendium by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, which will allow him to pursue his studies on nanostructure formation due to impact of slow highly charged ions for the next 2.5 years. Austrian Federal Minister of Science and Research Prof. Dr. Beatrix Karl handed over the certificate to him in a celebration on Feb.26, 2010 at the Academy of Sciences in Vienna.
Prof. Ulrike Diebold has moved from
Tulane University (New Orleans, LA, USA) to TU Wien and started her position as full professor of surface science at our institute.
After 34 years of service our well known trade mark name “Institut für Allgemeine Physik” has been changed by the university administration to “Institut für Angewandte Physik” (Institute of Applied Physics). Our acronym (
IAP), however, stays the same, as will the quality of our research and teaching.
Computational Materials Science group moves to the Makartvilla, the former studio of painter
Hans Makart and an architectural jewel, which is now a building of the TU Wien. The street address is Gußhausstraße 25-25a/134, 1040 Wien, Austria (see the
Ayman S. El-Said, post-doctoral researcher in the
Atomic and Plasma Physics Group has been awarded a prestigious “Humboldt Research Fellowship” by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. His fellowship will take him to Forschungszentrum Dresden in Rossendorf/Germany, where he will start his work in fall 2009. We wish him success for his future career and hope for fruitful collaborations.
A major relaunch of the IAP/TU Wien webpages, replacing the decade-old design. You will still find a few legacy pages or pages under construction – sorry for the inconvenience!
We could not test everything with all web browsers. If you have problems with it or suggestions how to improve it, please send an email to Michael Schmid ([email address: lastname @ this server · enable javascript to see it]) or Wilhelm Hofer ([email address: lastname @ this server · enable javascript to see it]).
The first Hannspeter Winter Prize of the TU Wien, named for the late head of our institute, was awarded to physicist Bianca Mladek. See the
press release.
By scanning tunneling microscopy Peter Varga und Michael Schmid and members of their
Surface Physics Group have revealed the atomic structure of oxides used in catalysts. See the
press release.
Surface Physics Group celebrates its 25
th publication in
Physical Review Letters. Congratulations!
The 25
th PRL isn't about silver; although one might expect this for a silver jubilee; oxidation of silver happened to be the topic of the 24
th PRL of this group.
→ Current IAP News