Ambient AFM combined with inverted optical microscope and top view optics
Our atomic force microscope (MFP 3D, Asylum Research, CA) is utilized to investigate transparent as well as opaque samples from the micro- down to the nanoscale in any translucent fluid or gaseous environment, e.g. in air, solvents, buffer solutions. Besides topography, hardness and viscoelasticity, single molecule pulling experiments can be performed with unprecedented resolution. This versatile instrument is used for tribological and biophysical experiments (monomolecular lubricant layers, nanoindentation, biogenic glass, natural adhesives) as well as investigation of nanostructures induced via ion bombardment.
Tetraphenylporphyrin molecules deposited on quartz, AFM image at ambient conditions (MFP 3D, Asylum Research, CA). Contact mode, image size 20*20 µm2.

Proof of principle for imaging tetraphenylporphyrin deposited on quartz with ambient AFM (MFP 3D, Asylum Research, CA) [1]. Research dedicated to demonstration of quantum interference [2] for single biomolecules.
AFM-Aufnahme von Tetraphenylporphyrin auf Quarz. Diese Messungen mit einem ambienten AFM (MFP 3D, Asylum Research, CA) [1] dienen dem direkten Nachweis für quantenmechanische Interferenz [2] von Biomolekülen.
[1] Deachapunya S., Goldfarb F., Gebeshuber I.C., Aumayr F. and Arndt M.: "Towards a dirct surface detection of quantum interference with biomolecules.", Abstract for VII. Annual Linz Winter Workshop "Advances in Single-Molecule Research for Biology & Nanoscience", February 4-7, 2005, Linz, Austria.
[2] Hackermüller L., Uttenthaler S., Hornberger K., Reiger E., Brezger B., Zeilinger A. and Arndt M.: The wave nature