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- ao Univ. Prof. Dr. Herbert Störi, Head of the SPT group
- ao Univ. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Betz
- ao Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Werner
- ao Univ. Prof. Dr. Johann Laimer
- ao Univ. Prof. Dr. Rudolf Dobrozemsky
- Dr. Ille Gebeshuber (AG Aumayr)
- Dr. Georg Vorlaufer
- Dipl. Ing. Werner Smekal
- Mag. Christian Jogl
- Mag. Markus Fink
- Dipl. Ing. Herbert Tratnik
- Dipl. Ing. Gerhard Hammerschmid
- Dipl. Ing. Ralph Kolm
- Dipl. Ing. Christian Tomastik