IAP Surface Physics abstracts

  1. Surface composition of PtxNi1-x single crystal alloys
    P. Weigand, P. Novacek, G. van Husen, T. Neidhart, L.Z. Mezey*, W. Hofer and P. Varga
    Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 64 (1992) 93 - 97

  2. Sputtering of LiF(100) with low energetic Ne+ and Ne2+ ions
    D. Wutte, U. Diebold, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Research B 65 (1992) 167-172

  3. Analysis of vibration isolating systems for scanning tunneling microscopes
    M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Ultramicroscopy 42-44 (1992) 1610-1615

  4. An improved thermodynamic calculation of interface properties and its application for low-index and polycrystalline surfaces of PtNi
    L.Z. Mezey* and W. Hofer
    Surf. Sci. 269/270 (1992) 1135-1141

  5. An improved calculation of the surface composition of binary solids and its application to the PtNi(110) case
    W. Hofer and L.Z. Mezey*
    Vacuum 43 (1992) 601 - 604

  6. The improved MTCIP-1A (Modern Thermodynamic Calculation of Interface Properties - First Approximation) and its application to the (Pt)Ni surfaces
    L.Z. Mezey* and W. Hofer
    Surf. Interface Anal. 19 (1992) 618-622

  7. Lattice mismatch dislocations in a preferentially sputtered alloy studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
    M. Schmid, A. Biedermann, H. Stadler and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992) 925-928

  8. Mismatch Dislocations Caused by Preferential Sputtering of a Platinum-Nickel Alloy Surface
    M. Schmid, A. Biedermann, H. Stadler, C. Slama and P. Varga
    Appl. Phys. A 55 (1992) 468-475

  9. Surface analysis of PtxNi1-x single crystals
    P. Weigand, P. Novacek, G. van Husen, T. Neidhart and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 269/270 (1992) 1129-1134

  10. Direct observation of surface chemical order by scanning tunneling microscopy
    M. Schmid, H. Stadler, and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 (1993) 1441-1444

  11. Desorption from LiF(100) by singly- and doubly-charged hyperthermal He ions
    T. Neidhart, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions DIET V
    Springer Series in Surface Sciences, Vol. 31, pp. 129-132
    Eds. A.R. Burns, E.B. Sechel, D.R. Jennison (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1993)

  12. Embedded-atom method calculations applied to surface segregation of Pt-Ni single crystals
    H. Stadler, W. Hofer, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 287/288 (1993) 366 - 370

  13. Surface composition of Pt25Ni75(111) investigated by ISS and STM
    P. Weigand, C. Nagl, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 346 (1993) 281-283

  14. Investigation of Pt25Ni75(111): preferential sputtering and surface segregation
    P. Weigand, W. Hofer and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 287/288 (1993) 350 - 354

  15. Preferential sputtering of Pt-Ni alloy single crystals studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
    M. Schmid, A. Biedermann, C. Slama, H. Stadler, P. Weigand and P. Varga
    Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Res. B 82 (1993) 259-268

  16. Ionization of LiF by hyperthermal multiply charged ions
    T. Neidhart, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Ionization of Solids by Heavy Particles
    Ed. R.A. Baragiola (Plenum Press, New York 1993) pp. 447-453

  17. Segregated carbon on Pt10Ni90(100) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
    M. Schmid, A. Biedermann and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. Lett. 294 (1993) L952-L958

  18. On the surface composition of Pt10Ni90(110): a low energy ion scattering study
    P. Weigand, B. Jelinek, W. Hofer and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 295 (1993) 57 - 63

  19. Surface segregation of PtNi alloys - comparing theoretical and experimental results
    W. Hofer
    Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 346 (1993) 246 - 251

  20. Surface effects on Pt-Ni single crystals calculated with the embedded-atom method
    H. Stadler, W. Hofer, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. B 48 (1993) 11352-11360

  21. Preferential sputtering and segregation reversal: (100) and (110) surfaces of Pt25Ni75 single crystal alloys
    P. Weigand, B. Jelinek, W. Hofer and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 301 (1994) 306 - 312

  22. Chemical Analysis of PtxNi1-x alloy single crystal surfaces by scanning tunneling microscopy
    A. Biedermann, M. Schmid, and P. Varga
    Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 349 (1994) 201-203

  23. Total sputter yield of LiF induced by hyperthermal ions measured by a quartz microbalance
    T. Neidhart, Z. Toth*, M. Hochhold, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Research B 90 (1994) 496-500

  24. Sputtering of metals and insulators with hyperthermal singly and doubly charged rare gas ions
    P. Varga and U. Diebold
    Low-Energy Ion-Surface Interactions
    Ed. J.W: Rabalais (John Wiley & Sons 1994) pp. 355-386

  25. Surface segregation of Pt10Ni90(110): experimental and theoretical results
    P. Weigand, B. Jelinek, W. Hofer and P. Varga
    Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 349 (1994) 199 - 201

  26. Surface composition of Pt10Ni90(110)
    P. Weigand, B. Jelinek, W. Hofer and P. Varga
    Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 85 (1994) 424 - 428

  27. Pt25Ni75(100) and (110) single crystals: preferential sputtering and segregation reversal
    P. Weigand, B. Jelinek, W. Hofer and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 307-309 (1994) 416 - 421

  28. The shifted row reconstruction of PtxNi1-x(100)
    M. Schmid, A. Biedermann, S. D. Böhmig, P. Weigand and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 318 (1994) 289-298

  29. Submonolayer growth of Pb on Cu(111): surface alloying and de-alloying
    C. Nagl, O. Haller, E. Platzgummer, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 321 (1994) 237-248

  30. Segregated Si on Fe96.5Si3.5(110): Domain-wall structures in a two-dimensional alloy
    A. Biedermann, M. Schmid, and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. B 50 (1994) 17518-17524

  31. Enhancement of STM images and estimation of atomic positions based on maximum entropy deconvolution
    S. D. Böhmig, M. Schmid, H. Störi
    Surf. Sci. 313 (1994) 6-16

  32. Competitive Segregation of Si and P on Fe96.5Si3.5(100) and (110)
    A. Biedermann, M. Schmid, B.M. Reichl, and P. Varga
    Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 353 (1995) 259-262

  33. Surface alloying and superstructures of Pb on Cu(100)
    C. Nagl, E. Platzgummer, O. Haller, M. Schmid, and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 331-333 (1995) 831-837

  34. Surface segregation and chemisorption of CO and oxygen on Pt25Ni75(111) studied by XPS and HREELS
    A. Pantförder, J. Skonieczny, E. Janssen, G. Meister, A. Goldmann, and P. Varga*
    Surf. Sci. 331-333 (1995) 824-830

  35. Determination of electron-induced total sputter yield of LiF
    T. Neidhart, M. Sporn, M. Schmid, and P. Varga
    Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Res. B 101 (1995) 127-130

  36. An STM study of the step structure of Pb(110) and Pb(111)
    S. Speller*, W. Heiland*, A. Biedermann, E. Platzgummer, C. Nagl, M. Schmid, and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 331-333 (1995) 1056-1061

  37. Domain wall structures in an ordered Si/Fe(110) surface alloy
    A. Biedermann, M. Schmid, and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 331-333 (1995) 787-793

  38. Application of an improved thermodynamic description of multilayer surface compositions of binary alloys
    W. Hofer and L.Z. Mezey*
    Fres. J. Anal. Chem. 353 (1995) 631 - 633

  39. A new surface segregation isotherm description and its application to binary alloys
    L.Z. Mezey* and W. Hofer
    Surf. Sci. 331-333 (1995) 799-804

  40. Surface stress, surface elasticity and the size effect in surface segregation
    M. Schmid, W. Hofer, P. Varga, P. Stoltze*, K. W. Jacobsen*, and J. K. Nørskov*
    Phys. Rev. B 51 (1995) 10937-10946

  41. Potential sputtering of lithium fluoride by slow multicharged ions
    T. Neidhart, F. Pichler, F. Aumayr, HP. Winter, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 (1995) 5280-5283

  42. Secondary ion emission from lithium fluoride under impact of slow multicharged ions
    T. Neidhart, F. Pichler, F. Aumayr, HP. Winter, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Research B 98 (1995) 465-468

  43. Direct observation of a new growth mode: subsurface island growth of Cu on Pb(111)
    C. Nagl, E. Platzgummer, M. Schmid, P. Varga, S. Speller* and W. Heiland*
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 2976-2979 and 76 (1996) 3240 (E)

  44. Surface composition of Pt25Ni75(111) probed by HREELS
    A. Pantförder, J. Skonieczny, E. Janssen, G. Meister, A. Goldmann, and P. Varga*
    Surf. Sci. 337 (1995) 177-182

  45. p(nx1) superstructures of Pb on Cu(110)
    C. Nagl, M. Pinczolits, M. Schmid, P. Varga, and I. K. Robinson*
    Phys. Rev. B 52 (1995) 16796-16802

  46. Deconvolution of STM images using entropy as a regularization functional
    S. D. Böhmig, M. Schmid, H. Störi
    Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 353 (1995) 439-442

  47. Strain induced local surface chemical ordering observed by STM
    G. Ritz, M. Schmid, A. Biedermann and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. B 53 (1996) 16019-16026

  48. Subsurface islands and superstructures of Cu on Pb(111)
    C. Nagl, E. Platzgummer, M. Schmid, P. Varga, S. Speller* and W. Heiland*
    Surf. Sci 352-354 (1996) 540-545

  49. Concentration profiles of low-index surfaces of PtCo alloys: application of an improved thermodynamic theory
    L.Z. Mezey* and W. Hofer
    Surf. Sci. 352-354 (1996) 15-20

  50. Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of niobium carbide (100) and (110) surfaces
    R.M. Tsong*, M. Schmid, C. Nagl, P. Varga, R.F. Davis+ and I.S.T. Tsong#
    Surf. Sci 366 (1996) 85-92

  51. Chemically resolved STM on a PtRh(100) surface
    P. T. Wouda*, B. E. Nieuwenhuys*, M. Schmid, and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 359 (1996) 17-22

  52. Quantum wells and electron interference phenomena in Al due to subsurface noble gas bubbles
    M. Schmid, W. Hebenstreit, P. Varga, and S. Crampin*
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 2298-2301

  53. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of one-dimensional surface states on a metal surface
    A. Biedermann, O. Genser, W. Hebenstreit, M. Schmid, J. Redinger*, R. Podloucky+, and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 4179-4182

  54. Inverse corrugation and corrugation enhancement of Pb superstructures on Cu(111) and (110)
    C. Nagl, M. Schmid, and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 369 (1996) 159-168

  55. Depth profiles of low-index surfaces of PtRh alloys. Results of an improved thermodynamic approach compared with available experimental data
    L.Z. Mezey* and W. Hofer
    Proc. ECASIA '95, Eds. H.J. Mathieu, B. Reihl and D. Briggs, ISBN 0-471-95899-9, J. Wiley & Sons (1996) 248 - 251

  56. Segregation phenomena on PtxNi1-x low-index single crystal surfaces studied by STM
    P. Varga, M. Schmid, and W. Hofer
    Surface Review and Letters 3 (1996) 1831-1845

  57. Segregation of impurities on Cr(100) studied by AES and STM
    M. Schmid, M. Pinczolits, W. Hebenstreit, and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci., 377-379 (1997) 1023-1027

  58. Study of silica supported PtxNi1-x catalysts by ion scattering spectroscopy
    M. Borrell, A. Jentys* and P. Varga
    Mikrochim. Acta 125 (1997) 389-393

  59. Concentration profiles of low-index surfaces of PtNi alloys: Results of an improved thermodynamic approach
    W. Hofer and L.Z. Mezey*
    Mikrochim. Acta 125 (1997) 93-99

  60. Surface composition of PtCo alloys. Results of improved thermodynamic calculations incorporating data from a bulk critical state
    W. Hofer and L.Z. Mezey*
    Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 358 (1997) 169-170

  61. Segregation and reconstructions of PtxNi1-x(100)
    W. Hebenstreit, G. Ritz, M. Schmid, A. Biedermann and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 388 (1997) 150-161

  62. The nitrogen-induced herringbone reconstruction of Cr(110)
    M. Schmid, M. Pinczolits*, W. Hebenstreit, and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 389 (1997) L1140-L1146

  63. Interaction of oxygen with PtRh(100) studied with STM
    P.T. Wouda*, M. Schmid, W. Hebenstreit, and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 388 (1997) 63-70

  64. The Pt(100) quasihexagonal reconstruction: A comparison between STM data and EMT simulation calculations
    G. Ritz, M. Schmid, P. Varga, A. Borg*, and M. Rønning+
    Phys. Rev. B 56 (1997) 10518-10525

  65. Potential sputtering of clean SiO2 by slow highly charged ions
    M. Sporn, G. Libiseller, T. Neidhart, M. Schmid, F. Aumayr, HP. Winter, P. Varga, M. Grether*, D. Niemann*, and N. Stolterfoht*
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 945-948

  66. Sputter yields of insulators bombarded with hyperthermal multiply charged ions
    P. Varga, T. Neidhart, M. Sporn, G. Libiseller, M. Schmid, F. Aumayr, and HP. Winter
    Physica Scripta T73 (1997) 307-310

  67. Interaction of slow multicharged ions with solid surfaces
    A. Arnau1, F. Aumayr2, P.M. Echenique1, M. Grether3, W. Heiland4, J. Limburg5, R. Morgenstern5, P. Roncin6, S. Schippers5, R. Schuch7, N. Stolterfoht3, P. Varga2, T.J.M. Zouros8 and HP. Winter2
    Surf. Sci. Rep. 27 (1997) 113-239

  68. Anti-corrugation and nitrogen c(2x2) on Cr(100): STM on atomic scale and quantitative LEED
    M. Sporn, E. Platzgummer, M. Pinczolits*, W. Hebenstreit, M. Schmid, W. Hofer, and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 396 (1998) 78-86

  69. Chemical ordening and reconstruction of Pt25Co75(100): a LEED/STM study
    Y. Gauthier, P. Dolle, R. Baudoing-Savois, W. Hebenstreit*, E. Platzgummer*, M. Schmid*, P. Varga*
    Surf. Sci. 396 (1998) 137-155

  70. Scanning tunneling microscopy of binary-alloy surfaces: Is chemical contrast a consequence of alloying?
    W. A. Hofer, G. Ritz, W. Hebenstreit, M. Schmid, P. Varga, J. Redinger1, and R. Podloucky2
    Surf. Sci. Lett. 405 (1998) L514-L519

  71. Intrinsic defects on a TiO2(110)(1x1) surface and their reaction with oxygen: A scanning tunneling microscopy study
    U. Diebold, J. Lehman, T. Mahmoud, M. Kuhn, G. Leonardelli1, W. Hebenstreit1, M. Schmid1, and P. Varga1
    Surf. Sci. 411 (1998) 137-153

  72. High transient mobility of chlorine on TiO2(110): evidence for "cannon-ball" trajectories of hot adsorbates
    U. Diebold, W. Hebenstreit, G. Leonardelli1, M. Schmid1, and P. Varga1
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 405-408

  73. Trajectory dependent neutralization of 1 keV He+ ions scattered from Pb(111) and Pb films on Cu(100)
    E. Platzgummer, M. Borrell, C. Nagl, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 412-413 (1998) 202-212

  74. A quantitative LEED analysis of the oxygen-induced p(3x1) reconstruction of Pt25Rh75(100)
    M. Sporn, E. Platzgummer, E.L.D. Gruber, M. Schmid, W. Hofer and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 416 (1998) 384-395

  75. Thermodynamic calculation of global and local surface compositions of PtRh: a case of surface clustering even with bulk ordering
    L.Z. Mezey* and W. Hofer
    Surf. Sci. 402-404 (1998) 845-850

  76. Unreconstructed Au(100) monolayers on a Au3Pd(100) single-crystal surface
    M. Aschoff, S. Speller, J. Kuntze, W. Heiland, E. Platzgummer*, M. Schmid*, P. Varga*, and B. Baretzky+
    Surf. Sci. 415 (1998) L1051-L1054

  77. The accuracy of quantitative LEED in determining chemical composition profiles of substitutionally disordered alloys: a case study
    M. Sporn, E. Platzgummer, S. Forsthuber, M. Schmid, W. Hofer and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 416 (1998) 423-429

  78. STM study of the (111) and (100) surfaces of PdAg
    P. T. Wouda, M. Schmid*, B. E. Nieuwenhuys, and P. Varga*
    Surf. Sci. 417 (1998) 292-300

  79. An atomic-scale study of the Co induced dendrite formation on Pt(111)
    E. Lundgren, B. Stanka, W. Koprolin, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 423 (1999) 357-363

  80. Atomic resolution by STM on ultra-thin films of alkali halides: experiment and local density calculations
    W. Hebenstreit, J. Redinger1,3, Z. Horozova, M. Schmid, R. Podloucky2,3, P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 424 (1999) L321-L328

  81. Adsorbate migration on PdAg(111)
    P. T. Wouda, M. Schmid*, B. E. Nieuwenhuys, and P. Varga*
    Surf. Sci. 423 (1999) L229-L235

  82. Oxygen-induced vacancy formation on a metal surface
    M. Schmid, G. Leonardelli, M. Sporn, E. Platzgummer, W. Hebenstreit1, M. Pinczolits2, and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 355-358

  83. Temperature dependent segregation and (1x2) missing-row reconstruction of Pt25Rh75(110)
    E. Platzgummer, M. Sporn, R. Koller, M. Schmid, W. Hofer and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 423 (1999) 134-143

  84. Temperature dependent segregation on Pt25Rh75(111) and (100)
    E. Platzgummer, M. Sporn, R. Koller, S. Forsthuber, M. Schmid, W. Hofer, and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 419 (1999) 236-248

  85. Surface X-ray Diffraction Study of the Rh(111)+(2x2)-3CO Structure
    E. Lundgren1, X. Torrelles2, J. Alvarez3, S. Ferrer3, H. Over4, A. Beutler5, J. N. Andersen5
    Phys. Rev. B 59 (1999) 5876-5880

  86. Chemical discrimination on atomic level by STM
    P. Varga and M. Schmid
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 141 (1999) 287-293

  87. Interlayer diffusion of adatoms: a scanning tunneling microscopy study
    E. Lundgren, B. Stanka, G. Leonardelli, M. Schmid, and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 5068-5071

  88. An ultrathin buried Si layer in GaAs studied by soft X-ray emission spectroscopy and surface X-ray diffraction: theory and experiment
    P.O. Nilsson1, S. Mankefors1, E. Lundgren2
    J. Alloys Comp. 286 (1999) 31-36

  89. Pt25Rh75(111), (110), and (100) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy with chemical contrast
    E.L.D. Hebenstreit*, W. Hebenstreit*, M. Schmid, and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 441 (1999) 441-453

  90. A highly sensitive quartz-crystal microbalance for sputtering investigations in slow ion-surface collisions
    G. Hayderer, M. Schmid, P. Varga, H.P. Winter, and F. Aumayr
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70 (1999) 3696-3700

  91. High temperature growth of Pt on the Rh(111) surface
    M. Duisberg, M. Dräger, K. Wandelt, E.L.D. Gruber*, M. Schmid*, P. Varga*
    Surf. Sci. 433-435 (1999) 554-558

  92. Threshold for potential sputtering of LiF
    G. Hayderer, M. Schmid, P. Varga, H.P. Winter, F. Aumayr, L. Wirtz1, C. Lemell1, J. Burgdörfer1, L. Hägg2, C.O. Reinold3
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 3948-3951

  93. Magnetization of Pt in the Co/Pt(110) system investigated with surface x-ray magnetic diffraction: Evidence for in-plane magnetic anisotropy
    J. Alvarez1, E. Lundgren1,2, X. Torrelles1,3, H. Isern1,4, K.F. Peters1, P. Steadman1, S. Ferrer1
    Phys. Rev. B 60, 10193-10198

  94. The Au3Pd surface studied by ion scattering and LEED
    S. Speller1, M. Aschoff1, J. Kuntze1, W. Heiland1, A. Atrei2, U. Bardi3, E. Platzgummer4
    Surf. Rev. Lett. 6 (1999) 829

  95. STM and STS of bulk electron scattering by subsurface objects
    M. Schmid, S. Crampin *, and P. Varga
    J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phen. 109 (2000) 71-84

  96. Atomic-scale structure and catalytic reactivity of the RuO2(110) surface
    H. Over1, Y.D. Kim1, A.P. Seitsonen1,2, S. Wendt1, E. Lundgren3, M. Schmid3, P. Varga3, A. Morgante4, G. Ertl1
    Science 287 (2000) 1474-1476

  97. Interaction of H2, CO and O2 with a vanadium (111) surface
    M. Beutl1, J. Lesnik1, E. Lundgren2, C. Konvicka2, P. Varga2, K.D. Rendulic1
    Surf. Sci. 447 (2000) 245-258

  98. Temperature-dependent segregation reversal and (1x3) missing-row structure of Pt90Co10(110)
    E. Platzgummer, M. Sporn, R. Koller, M. Schmid, W. Hofer and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 453 (2000) 214-224

  99. Adsorption kinetics and energetics of atomic hydrogen (deuterium) on oxygen and carbon covered V(100)
    G. Krenn1, C. Eibl1, W. Mauritsch1, E.L.D. Hebenstreit2, P. Varga2, and A. Winkler1
    Surf. Sci. 445 (2000) 343-357

  100. Surface Reconstructions of Fe3O4(001)
    B. Stanka1,2, W. Hebenstreit1, U. Diebold1, and S.A. Chambers3
    Surf. Sci. 448 (2000) 49-63

  101. Thin films of Co on Pt(111): strain relaxation and growth
    E. Lundgren, B. Stanka, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. B 62 (2000) 2843-2851

  102. Observation of a threshold in potential sputtering of LiF surfaces
    G. Hayderer, C. Lemell1, L. Wirtz1, M. Schmid, J. Burgdörfer1, P. Varga, H.P. Winter, F. Aumayr
    Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 164-165 (2000) 517-521

  103. Surface and subsurface alloy formation of vanadium on Pd(111)
    Ch. Konvicka, Y. Jeanvoine*, E. Lundgren, G. Kresse*, M. Schmid, J. Hafner* and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 463 (2000) 199-210

  104. Segregation and chemical ordering in the surface layers of Pt25Co75(111): a LEED/STM study
    Y. Gauthier, R. Baudoing-Savois, J.M. Bugnard, W. Hebenstreit*, M. Schmid*, P. Varga*
    Surf. Sci. 466 (2000) 155-166

  105. Effect of a surfactant in homoepitaxial growth of Ag(001): dendritic versus faceted island morphologies
    J. Alvarez1, E. Lundgren2, X. Torrelles3 and S. Ferrer4
    Surf. Sci. 464 (2000) 165-175

  106. Bulk terminated NaCl(111) on aluminum: A polar surface of an ionic crystal?
    W. Hebenstreit1,*, M. Schmid1, J. Redinger2,4, R. Podloucky3,4, P. Varga1
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 5376-5379

  107. Limits of perturbation theory: first principles simulations of scanning tunneling microscopy scans on Fe(100)
    W.A. Hofer1, J. Redinger1, A. Biedermann2 and P. Varga2
    Surf. Sci. 466 (2000) L795-L801

  108. Modeling STM tips by single absorbed atoms on W(100) films: 5d transition metal atoms
    W.A. Hofer1, J. Redinger1 and P. Varga2
    Solid State Comm. 113 (2000) 245-250

  109. Hochauflösende Rastertunnelmikroskopie unterscheidet Atome
    P. Varga, M. Schmid and J. Redinger1
    Physik in unserer Zeit 31 (2000) 215-221

  110. Curve-crossing analysis for potential sputtering of insulators
    L. Wirtz1, G. Hayderer2, C. Lemell1, J. Burgdörfer1, L. Hägg3, C.O. Reinold4, P. Varga2, H.P. Winter2, F. Aumayr2
    Surf. Sci. 451 (2000) 197-202

  111. On the role of kinks and strain in heteroepitaxial growth: An STM study
    E. Lundgren, M. Schmid, G. Leonardelli, A. Hammerschmid, B. Stanka and P. Varga
    Surf. Rev. Lett. 7 (2000) 673-677

  112. Nucleation of bcc iron in ultrathin fcc films
    A. Biedermann, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 464-467

  113. STM studies of HCI-induced surface damage on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite
    G. Hayderer, S. Cernusca, M. Schmid, P. Varga, H.P. Winter and F. Aumayr
    Physica Scripta T92 (2001) 156-157

  114. Influence of impurities on localized transition metal surface states: scanning tunneling spectroscopy on V(001)
    M.M.J. Bischoff1, C. Konvicka2, A.J. Quinn1, M. Schmid2, J. Redinger3, R. Podloucky4, P. Varga2, H. van Kempen1
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 2396-2399

  115. The structure of the oxygen induced (1x5) reconstruction of V(100)
    R. Koller1, W. Bergermayer2, G. Kresse3, E.L.D. Hebenstreit1, C. Konvicka1, M. Schmid1, R. Podloucky2 and P. Varga1
    Surf. Sci. 480 (2001) 11-24

  116. Oxygen adsorption on Al(111): low transient mobility
    M. Schmid, G. Leonardelli, R. Tscheließnig, A. Biedermann and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 478 (2001) L355-L362

  117. Exchange processes in interlayer diffusion - kinks, corners and the growth mode
    M. Schmid, E. Lundgren, G. Leonardelli, A. Hammerschmid, B. Stanka and P. Varga
    Appl. Phys. A 72 (2001) 405-412

  118. Kinetically assisted potential sputtering of insulators by highly charged ions
    G. Hayderer1, S. Cernusca1, M. Schmid1, P. Varga1, H.P. Winter1, F. Aumayr1, D. Niemann2, V. Hoffmann2, N. Stolterfoht2, C. Lemell3, L. Wirtz3, J. Burgdörfer3
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 3530-3533

  119. Segregation and ordering at Fe1-xAlx(100) surfaces - a model case for binary alloys
    V. Blum1, L. Hammer1, W. Meier1, K. Heinz1, M. Schmid2, E. Lundgren2,3, P. Varga2
    Surf. Sci. 474 (2001) 81-97

  120. Adsorption sites and ligand effect for CO on an alloy surface: a direct view
    Y. Gauthier1, M. Schmid2, S. Padovani1, E. Lundgren2, V. Bus3, G. Kresse4, J. Redinger5, P. Varga2
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 036103

  121. Adatom interlayer diffusion on Pt(111): an embedded atom method study
    G. Leonardelli, E. Lundgren* and M. Schmid
    Surf. Sci. 490 (2001) 29-42

  122. Crystallographic structure of ultrathin Fe films on Cu(100)
    A. Biedermann, R. Tscheließnig, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 086103

  123. Oxygen-induced surface phase transformation of Pd(111): sticking, adsorption and desorption kinetics
    B. Klötzer1, K. Hayek1, C. Konvicka2, E. Lundgren2*, P. Varga2
    Surf. Sci. 482-485 (2001) 237-242

  124. Ultrathin films of Co on Pt(111): an STM view
    P. Varga1, E. Lundgren1*, J. Redinger2, and M. Schmid1
    Physica Stat. Sol. (a) 187 (2001) 97-112

  125. Direct imaging of catalytically important processes in the oxidation of CO over RuO2(110)
    H. Over1*, A.P. Seitsonen1, E. Lundgren2+, M. Schmid2, P. Varga2
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123 (2001) 11807-11808

  126. The interaction of gas molecules at atmospheric pressures with surfaces investigated with surface X-ray diffraction
    H. Isern1, K. Peters1, P. Steadman1, O. Robach1, J. Alvarez1,2, E. Lundgren1,3 and S. Ferrer1
    Surf. Sci. 482-485 (2001) 101-106

  127. Sputtering of Au and Al2O3 surfaces by slow highly charged ions
    G. Hayderer1, S. Cernusca1, V. Hoffmann2, D. Niemann2, N. Stolterfoht2, M. Schmid1, P. Varga1, H.P. Winter1, F. Aumayr1
    Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 182 (2001) 143-147

  128. Quenching surface states with the tip: STM scans on Fe(100)
    W.A. Hofer1, J. Redinger2, A. Biedermann3 and P. Varga3
    Surf. Sci. 482-485 (2001) 1113-1118

  129. Structure of an ultrathin TiOx film, formed by the strong metal support interaction (SMSI), on Pt nanocrystals on TiO2(110)
    D. R. Jennison, O. Dulub, W. Hebenstreit, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 492 (2001) L677-L687

  130. Bulk-defect dependent adsorption on a metal oxide surface: S/TiO2(110)
    E. L. D. Hebenstreit, W. Hebenstreit, H. Geisler, C. A. Ventrice Jr., P. T. Sprunger, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 486 (2001) L467-L474

  131. Structures of sulfur on TiO2(110) determined by scanning tunneling microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and low-energy electron diffraction
    E. L. D. Hebenstreit, W. Hebenstreit, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 470 (2001) 347-360

  132. Segregation and surface chemical ordering - an experimental view on the atomic scale
    M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Chapter 4 in: The Chemical Physics of Solid Surfaces, Volume 10: Alloy surfaces and surface alloys; ed. by. D. P. Woodruff, Elsevier 2002, ISBN 0-444-51152-0, pp. 118-151

  133. Stabilizing single metal adatoms at room temperature: Pd on C- and O-covered V(100)
    C. Konvicka, A. Hammerschmid, M. Schmid and P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 496 (2002) 209-220

  134. Superstructures of carbon on V(100)
    W. Bergermayer1, R. Koller2, C. Konvicka2, M. Schmid2, G. Kresse3, J. Redinger4, P. Varga2 and R. Podloucky1
    Surf. Sci. 497 (2002) 294-304

  135. A misfit structure in the Co/Pt(111) system studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and embedded atom method calculations
    E. Lundgren1, G. Leonardelli2, M. Schmid2 and P. Varga2
    Surf. Sci. 498 (2002) 257-265

  136. Interaction of oxygen with palladium deposited on a thin alumina film
    Sh. Shaikhutdinov1, M. Heemeier1, J. Hoffmann1, I. Meusel1, B. Richter1, M. Bäumer1, H. Kuhlenbeck1, J. Libuda1, H.-J. Freund1, R. Oldman2, S.D. Jackson3, C. Konvicka4, M. Schmid4, P. Varga4
    Surf. Sci. 501 (2002) 270-281

  137. Geometry of the valence transition induced surface reconstruction of Sm(0001)
    E. Lundgren1, J. N. Andersen1, R. Nyholm1, X. Torelles2, J. Rius2, A. Delin3, A. Grechnev3, O. Eriksson3, C. Konvicka4, M. Schmid4, P. Varga4
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 136102

  138. The structure of the oxygen induced c(6x2) reconstruction of V(110)
    R. Koller1, W. Bergermayer2, G. Kresse3, C. Konvicka1, M. Schmid1, J. Redinger4, R. Podloucky2 and P. Varga1
    Surf. Sci. 512 (2002) 16-28

  139. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on clean and contaminated V(001)
    M. M. J. Bischoff1, C. Konvicka2, A. J. Quinn1, M. Schmid2, J. Redinger2,3, R. Podloucky4, P. Varga2, and H. van Kempen1
    Surf. Sci. 513 (2002) 9-25

  140. Two-dimensional oxide on Pd(111)
    E. Lundgren1, G. Kresse2, C. Klein3, M. Borg1, J.N. Andersen1, M. De Santis4, Y. Gauthier4, C. Konvicka3, M. Schmid3 and P.Varga3
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 246103

  141. Probing high-barrier pathways of surface reactions by scanning tunneling microscopy
    M. Dürr1,2, A. Biedermann1,3, Z. Hu1, U. Höfer2, T.F. Heinz1
    Science 296 (2002) 1838-1841

  142. Experimental and simulated STM images of stoichiometric and partially reduced RuO2(110) surfaces including adsorbates
    H. Over1,2, A.P. Seitsonen1,2, E. Lundgren3, M. Schmid4, P. Varga4
    Surf. Sci. 515 (2002) 143-156

  143. STM study of the geometric and electronic structure of ZnO(0001)-Zn, (000-1)-O, (10-10), and (11-20) surfaces
    O. Dulub, L. A. Boatner, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 519 (2002) 201-217

  144. Ab initio and experimental studies of chlorine adsorption on the rutile TiO2 (110) surface
    D. Vogtenhuber, R. Podloucky, J. Redinger, E. Hebenstreit, W. Hebenstreit, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. B 65 (2002) 125411

  145. Current-controlled channel switching and magnetoresistance in an Fe3C island film supported on a Si substrate
    J. Tang, J. Dai, K. Wang, W. Zhou, N. Ruzycki, U. Diebold
    J. Appl. Phys. 91 (2002) 8411-8413

  146. Decay channels for the Ti(2p1/2) core hole excitations in TiO2 observed by x-ray Raman scattering
    J. Jiménez-Mier, U. Diebold, D. Ederer, T. Callcott, M. Grush, R. Perera
    Phys. Rev. B 65 (2002) 184105

  147. The adsorption of chlorine on TiO2(110) studied with scanning tunneling microscopy and photoemission spectroscopy
    E. L. D. Hebenstreit, W. Hebenstreit, H. Geisler, C. A. Ventrice, D. A. Hite, P. T. Sprunger, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 505 (2002) 336-348

  148. STM study of the geometric and electronic structure of ZnO(0001)-Zn, (000-1)-O, (10-10), and (11-20) surfaces
    O. Dulub, L. A. Boatner, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 519 (2002) 201-217

  149. STM study of Cu growth on the ZnO(10-10) surface
    O. Dulub, L. A. Boatner, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 504 (2002) 271-281

  150. Variations of the local electronic surface properties of TiO2(110) induced by intrinsic and extrinsic defects
    M. Batzill, K. Katsiev, D. J. Gaspar, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. B 66 (2002) 235401

  151. Two-dimensional alloy of immiscible metals: Single and binary monolayer films of Pb and Sn on Rh(111)
    J. Yuhara1,2, M. Schmid2, and P. Varga2
    Phys. Rev. B 67 (2003) 195407

  152. Surface structure and composition of Pt50Rh50(110): room temperature analysis of the (1x3) missing row reconstruction
    R. Koller, Y. Gauthier*, C. Klein, M. De Santis*, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 530 (2003) 121-135

  153. When scanning tunneling microscopy gets the wrong adsorption site: H on Rh(100)
    C. Klein1, A. Eichler2, E.L.D Hebenstreit1, G. Pauer3, R. Koller1, A. Winkler3, M. Schmid1 and P. Varga1
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 176101

  154. Complex surface reconstructions solved by ab initio molecular dynamics
    G. Kresse1, W. Bergermayer2, R. Podloucky2, E. Lundgren3, R. Koller4, M. Schmid4, P. Varga4
    Appl. Phys. A 76 (2003) 701-710

  155. Vanadium surface oxides on Pd(111): A structural analysis
    C. Klein1, G. Kresse2, S. Surnev3, F.P. Netzer3, M. Schmid1, P. Varga1
    Phys. Rev. B 68, 235416 (2003)

  156. Slowing down adatom diffusion by an adsorbate: Co on Pt(111) with and without preadsorbed CO
    R. Kalousek1, M. Schmid2, A. Hammerschmid2, E. Lundgren2,3, and P. Varga2
    Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003) 233401.

  157. Surface structure of the missing-row reconstruction of VC0.8(110): a scanning tunneling microscopy analysis
    Y. Gauthier1, M. Schmid2, W. Hebenstreit2*, P. Varga2
    Surf. Sci. 547 (2003) 394-402

  158. Quantitative study of adsorbate-adsorbate interactions of hydrogen on the Si(100) surface
    Zonghai Hu1, A. Biedermann1,2, E. Knoesel1, and T.F. Heinz1
    Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003) 155418.

  159. The surface science of titanium dioxide
    U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. Rep. 48 (2003) 53-229

  160. Novel Stabilization Mechanism on Polar Surfaces: ZnO(0001)-Zn
    O. Dulub, U. Diebold, G. Kresse
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 016102

  161. Scanning tunneling microscopy study of the anatase (100) surface
    N. Ruzycki, G. S. Herman, L. A. Boatner, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 529 (2003) L239

  162. The locus of sulfate sites on sulfated zirconia
    R. Marcus, U. Diebold, R. D. Gonzalez
    Catal. Lett. 86 (2003) 151-156

  163. Dynamics of the TiO2(110) surface and step: Onset of defects in the ordered structure
    I. Kuyanov, D. Lacks, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003) 233404

  164. Competing stabilization mechanism for the polar ZnO(0001)-Zn surface
    G. Kresse, O. Dulub, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003) 245409

  165. STM study of copper growth on ZnO(0001)-Zn and ZnO(000-1)-O surfaces
    L. V. Koplitz, O. Dulub, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. B 107 (2003) 10583-10590

  166. Experimental Investigation of the Interaction of Water and Methanol with Anatase-TiO2(101)
    G. S. Herman, Z. Dohnalek, N. Ruzycki, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. B 107 (2003) 2788-2795

  167. Influence of subsurface, charged impurities on the adsorption of chlorine at TiO2(110)
    M. Batzill, E. L. D. Hebenstreit, W. Hebenstreit, U. Diebold
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 367 (2003) 319-323

  168. Structure and properties of TiO2 surfaces: a brief review
    U. Diebold
    Appl. Phys. A 76 (2003) 681-687

  169. One step towards bridging the materials gap: surface studies of TiO2 anatase
    U. Diebold, N. Ruzycki, G. S. Herman, A. Selloni
    Catal. Today 85 (2003) 93-100

  170. Surface morphologies of SnO2(110)
    M. Batzill, K. Katsiev, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 529 (2003) 295-311

  171. Local atomic structure of ultrathin Fe films grown on Cu(100)
    A. Biedermann, R. Tscheließnig, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    Appl. Phys. A 78 (2004) 807-816

  172. Self-limited growth of a thin oxide layer on Rh(111)
    J. Gustafson1, A. Mikkelsen1, M. Borg1, E. Lundgren1, L. Köhler2, G. Kresse2, M. Schmid3, P. Varga3, J. Yuhara4, X. Torrelles5, C. Quirós6, J.N. Andersen1
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 126102

  173. Visualization of atomic processes on ruthenium dioxide using scanning tunneling microscopy
    H. Over1, M. Knapp1, E. Lundgren2, A.P. Seitsonen3, M. Schmid4, P. Varga4
    Chem. Phys. Chem. 5 (2004) 167-174

  174. Growth of Ce on Rh(111)
    E. Napetschnig, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 556 (2004) 1-10

  175. Atomic structure of an Al-Co-Ni decagonal quasicrystalline surface
    J. Yuhara1, J. Klikovits2, M. Schmid2, P.Varga2, Y. Yokoyama3, T. Shishido4, K. Soda5
    Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 024203

  176. Reconstruction of the clean and H-covered "magnetic live surface layer" of Fe films grown on Cu(100)
    A. Biedermann, R. Tscheliessnig, C. Klein, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 563 (2004) 110-126

  177. Structure of the cobalt-filled missing-row reconstruction of Pt(110)
    C. Klein1, R. Koller1, E. Lundgren2, F. Màca3, J. Redinger1,4, M. Schmid1, P.Varga1
    Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 153403

  178. High-coverage oxygen structures on Rh(111) - adsorbate repulsion and site preference is not enough
    L. Köhler1, G. Kresse1, M. Schmid2, E. Lundgren3, J. Gustafson3, A. Mikkelsen3, M. Borg3, J. Yuhara4, J.N. Andersen3, M. Marsman1, P. Varga2
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 266103

  179. Partial dissociation of water leads to stable superstructures on the surface of zinc oxide
    B. Meyer, D. Marx, O. Dulub, U. Diebold, M. Kunat, D. Langenberg, C. Wöll
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 43 (2004) 6641-6645

  180. Surface Structure of TiO2(011)-(2 × 1)
    T. Beck, A. Klust, M. Batzill, U. Diebold, C. Di Valentin, A. Selloni
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 036104

  181. Atomic-scale properties of low-index ZnO surfaces
    U. Diebold, L. V. Koplitz, O. Dulub
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 237 (2004) 336-342

  182. Tuning the oxide/organic interface: Benzene on SnO2(101)
    M. Batzill, K. Katsiev, U. Diebold
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 (2004) 5766-5768

  183. Surface oxygen chemistry of a gas-sensing material: SnO2(101)
    M. Batzill, A. M. Chaka, U. Diebold
    Europhys. Lett. 65 (2004) 61-67

  184. Structure of a thin oxide film on Rh(100)
    J. Gustafson1, A. Mikkelsen1, M. Borg1, J.N. Andersen1, E. Lundgren1, C. Klein2, W. Hofer2, M. Schmid2, P. Varga2, L. Köhler3, G. Kresse3, N. Kasper4, A. Stierle4, H. Dosch4
    Phys. Rev. B 71 (2005) 115442

  185. The surface oxide as a source of oxygen on Rh(111)
    E. Lundgren1, J. Gustafson1, A. Resta1, J. Weissenrieder1, A. Mikkelsen1, J.N. Andersen1, L. Köhler2, G. Kresse2, J. Klikovits3, A. Biedermann3, M. Schmid3, P. Varga3
    J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phen. 144-147 (2005) 367-372

  186. An STM study of growth and alloying of Cr on Ru(0001) and CO adsorption on the alloy
    M.P. Engelhardt1, M. Schmid2, A. Biedermann2, R. Denecke1, H.-P. Steinrück1, P. Varga2
    Surf. Sci. 578 (2005) 124-135

  187. Understanding the Structural Deactivation of Ruthenium Catalysts on an Atomic Scale under both Oxidizing and Reducing Conditions
    J. Aßmann2, D. Crihan1, M. Knapp1, E. Lundgren3, E. Löffler2, M. Muhler2, V. Narkhede2, H. Over1, M. Schmid4, A.P. Seitsonen5, P. Varga4
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44 (2005) 917-920

  188. Structure of the ultrathin aluminum oxide film on NiAl(110)
    G. Kresse1, M. Schmid2, E. Napetschnig2, M. Shishkin1, L. Köhler1, P. Varga2
    Science 308 (2005) 1440-1442

  189. Growth of ultrathin Fe films on Cu(111) by pulsed laser deposition
    H. Schiechl, G. Rauchbauer, A. Biedermann*, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 594 (2005) 120-131

  190. One-dimensional PtO2 at Pt steps: formation and reaction with CO
    J. G. Wang1, W.X. Li1, M. Borg2, J. Gustafson2, A. Mikkelsen2, T.M. Pedersen1, E. Lundgren2, J. Weissenrieder2, J. Klikovits3, M. Schmid3, B. Hammer1, J. N. Andersen2
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 256102

  191. The surface and materials science of tin oxide
    M. Batzill, U. Diebold
    Prog. Surf. Sci. 79 (2005) 47-154

  192. Mixed dissociated/molecular monolayer of water on the TiO2(011)-(2x1) surface
    T. Beck, A. Klust, M. Batzill, U. Diebold, C. Di Valentin, A. Tilocca, A. Selloni
    Surf. Sci. 591 (2005) L267-L272

  193. Gas-phase-dependent properties of SnO2 (110), (100), and (101) single-crystal surfaces: Structure, composition, and electronic properties
    M. Batzill, K. Katsiev, J. Burst, U. Diebold, A. Chaka, B. Delley
    Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 165414

  194. Growth of Copper on Single Crystalline ZnO: Surface Study of a Model Catalyst
    O. Dulub, M. Batzill, U. Diebold
    Top. Catal. 36 (2005) 65-76

  195. Dispersed Au atoms, supported on TiO2(110)
    U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 578 (2005) 1-3

  196. Optimization of synthesis variables in the preparation of active sulfated zirconia catalysts
    M. Cutrufello, U. Diebold, R. Gonzalez
    Catal. Lett. 101 (2005) 5-13

  197. Adsorption of Water on Reconstructed Rutile TiO2(011)-(2×1): Ti=O Double Bonds and Surface Reactivity
    C. Di Valentin, A. Tilocca, A. Selloni, T. J. Beck, A. Klust, M. Batzill, Y. Losovyj, U. Diebold
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 (2005) 9895-9903

  198. Observation of the dynamical change in a water monolayer adsorbed on a ZnO surface
    O. Dulub, B. Meyer, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 136101

  199. Pure and cobalt-doped SnO2(101) films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Al2O3
    M. Batzill, J. M. Burst, U. Diebold
    Thin Solid Films 484 (2005) 132-139

  200. Growth and decay of the Pd(111)-Pd5O4 surface oxide: pressure-dependent kinetics and structural aspects
    Harald Gabasch1, Werner Unterberger1, Konrad Hayek1, Bernhard Klötzer1, Georg Kresse2, Christof Klein3, Michael Schmid3, Peter Varga3
    Surf. Sci. 600 (2006) 205-218

  201. Combined STM, LEED and DFT study of Ag(100) exposed to oxygen at near atmospheric pressures
    I. Costina1, M. Schmid2, H. Schiechl2, M. Gajdoš3, A. Stierle1, S. Kumaragurubaran1*, J. Hafner3, H. Dosch1, P. Varga2
    Surf. Sci. 600 (2006) 617-624

  202. Coexistence of fcc and bcc-like crystal structures in ultrathin Fe films grown on Cu(111)
    A. Biedermann1, M. Schmid2, P.Varga2
    Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006), 165418

  203. Structure of Ag(111)-p(4x4)-O: no silver oxide
    M. Schmid1, A. Reicho2, A. Stierle2, I. Costina2, J. Klikovits1, P. Kostelnik3, O. Dubay4, G. Kresse4, J. Gustafson5, E. Lundgren5, J.N. Andersen5, H. Dosch2, and P. Varga1
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 146102

  204. Kinetics of the reduction of the Rh(111) surface oxide: Linking spectroscopy and atomic-scale information
    J. Klikovits1, M. Schmid1, J. Gustafson2, A. Mikkelsen2, A. Resta2, E. Lundgren2, J.N. Andersen2, and P. Varga1
    J. Phys. Chem. B 110 (2006) 9966-9975

  205. Oxygen induced step-bunching and faceting of Rh(553): Experiment and ab initio calculations
    J. Gustafson1, A. Resta1, A. Mikkelsen1, R. Westerström1, J. N. Andersen1, E. Lundgren1, J. Weissenrieder2, M. Schmid3, P. Varga3, N. Kasper4, X. Torrelles5, S. Ferrer6, F. Mittendorfer7, G. Kresse7
    Phys. Rev. B 74 (2006) 035401

  206. Unusual process of water formation on RuO2(110) by hydrogen exposure at room temperature
    M. Knapp1, D. Crihan1, A.P. Seitsonen2, A. Resta3, E. Lundgren3, J.N. Andersen3, M. Schmid4, P. Varga4, H. Over1
    J. Phys. Chem. B 110 (2006) 14007-14010

  207. Surface oxides on close-packed surfaces of late transition metals
    E. Lundgren1, A. Mikkelsen1, J.N. Andersen1, G. Kresse2, M. Schmid3, P. Varga3
    J. Phys. Cond. Matter 18 (2006) R481-R499

  208. Oxygen-deficient line defects in an ultrathin aluminum oxide film
    M. Schmid1, M. Shishkin2, G. Kresse2, E. Napetschnig1, P. Varga1, M. Kulawik3, N. Nilius3, H.-P. Rust3, H.-J. Freund3
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 046101

  209. Chemical ordering and composition fluctuations at the (001) surface of the Fe64Ni36 Invar alloy
    M. Ondráček1, F. Máca1, J. Kudrnovský1, J. Redinger2,4, A. Biedermann3, C. Fritscher2,5, M. Schmid2, P.Varga2
    Phys. Rev. B 74 (2006) 235437

  210. Tuning the chemical functionality of a gas sensitive material: Water adsorption on SnO2(101)
    M. Batzill, W. Bergermayer, I. Tanaka, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 600 (2006) 29-32

  211. Enhanced tunneling magnetoresistance and high-spin polarization at room temperature in a polystyrene-coated Fe3O4 granular system
    W. Wang, M. Yu, M. Batzill, J. He, U. Diebold, J. Tang
    Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006) 134412

  212. Structure, defects, and impurities at the rutile TiO2(011)-(2x1) surface: A scanning tunneling microscopy study
    O. Dulub, C. D. Valentin, A. Selloni, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 600 (2006) 4407-4417

  213. Characterizing solid state gas responses using surface charging in photoemission: water adsorption on SnO2(101)
    M. Batzill, U. Diebold
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 (2006) L129-L134

  214. Tuning surface properties of SnO2(101) by reduction
    M. Batzill, K. Katsiev, J. M. Burst, Y. Losovyj, W. Bergermayer, I. Tanaka, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. Sol. 67 (2006) 1923-1929

  215. Steps on anatase TiO2(101)
    X.-Q. Gong, A. Selloni, M. Batzill, U. Diebold
    Nature Mater. 5 (2006) 665-670

  216. Influence of Nitrogen Doping on the Defect Formation and Surface Properties of TiO2 Rutile and Anatase
    M. Batzill, E. Morales, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 026103

  217. The Pd(100)-(√5 × √5)R27°-O surface oxide: a LEED, DFT and STM study
    P. Kostelník1, N. Seriani2, G. Kresse2, A. Mikkelsen3, E. Lundgren3, V. Blum4, T. Šikola1, P. Varga5, M. Schmid5
    Surf. Sci. 601 (2007) 1574-1581

  218. Pd, Co and Co-Pd clusters on the ordered alumina film on NiAl(110): Contact angle, surface structure and composition
    E. Napetschnig, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 601 (2007) 3233-3245

  219. Surface oxides on Pd(111): STM and density functional calculations
    J. Klikovits1, E. Napetschnig1, M. Schmid1, N. Seriani2, O. Dubay2, G. Kresse2, P. Varga1
    Phys. Rev. B 76 (2007) 045405

  220. Oxidation of Pd(553): From ultrahigh vacuum to atmospheric pressure
    R. Westerström1, J. Gustafson1, A. Resta1, A. Mikkelsen1, J. N. Andersen1, E. Lundgren1, N. Seriani2, F. Mittendorfer2, M. Schmid3, J. Klikovits3, P. Varga3, M.D. Ackermann4, J.W.M. Frenken4, N. Kasper5, A. Stierle5
    Phys. Rev. B 76 (2007) 155410

  221. Nanotemplate with holes: Ultra-thin alumina on Ni3Al(111)
    M. Schmid1, G. Kresse2, A. Buchsbaum1, E. Napetschnig1, S. Gritschneder3*, M. Reichling3, P. Varga1
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 196104

  222. Doping and functionalization of photoactive semiconducting metal oxides
    C. Di Valentin, U. Diebold, A. Selloni
    Chem. Phys. 339 (2007) vii-viii

  223. Surface studies of nitrogen implanted TiO2
    M. Batzill, E. H. Morales, U. Diebold
    Chem. Phys. 339 (2007) 36-43

  224. Electron-Induced Oxygen Desorption from the TiO2(011)-2×1 Surface Leads to Self-Organized Vacancies
    O. Dulub, M. Batzilln, S. Solovev, E. Loginova, A. Alchagirov, T.E. Madey, U. Diebold
    Science 317 (2007) 1052-1056

  225. Surface and Interface Properties of Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown a-Plane MgxZn1-xO (0 <= x <= 0.3) Films
    G. Saraf, J. Zhong, O. Dulub, U. Diebold, T. Siegrist, Y. Lu
    J. Electron. Mater. 36 (2007) 446-451

  226. Growth of One-Dimensional Pd Nanowires on the Terraces of a Reduced SnO2(101) Surface
    K. Katsiev, M. Batzill, U. Diebold, A. Urban, B. Meyer
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 186102

  227. Are the surfaces of CrO2 metallic?
    C.A. Ventrice, Jr., D.R. Borst, H. Geisler, J. van Ek, Y.B. Losovyj, P.S. Robbert, U. Diebold, J.A. Rodriguez, G.X. Miao, A. Gupta
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 315207

  228. Surface studies of gas sensing metal oxides
    M. Batzill, U. Diebold
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9 (2007) 2307-2318

  229. Ultra-thin Fe films grown on Cu by pulsed laser deposition: Intermixing and bcc-like structures
    G. Rauchbauer1, A. Buchsbaum1, H. Schiechl1, P. Varga1, M. Schmid1, A. Biedermann2
    Surf. Sci. 602 (2008) 1589-1598

  230. Ultrathin alumina film on Cu-9%Al(111)
    E. Napetschnig, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    Surf. Sci. 602 (2008) 1750-1756

  231. Time-of-flight spectroscopy of the energy distribution of laser-ablated atoms and ions
    A. Buchsbaum, G. Rauchbauer, P. Varga, M. Schmid
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 (2008) 043301

  232. Stressing Pd atoms: Initial oxidation of the Pd(110) surface
    R. Westerström1, C. J. Weststrate1, A. Resta1, A. Mikkelsen1, J. Schnadt1, J. N. Andersen1, E. Lundgren1, M. Schmid2, N. Seriani3, J. Harl3, F. Mittendorfer3, G. Kresse3
    Surf. Sci. 602 (2008) 2440-2447

  233. Fabrication of a well-ordered nanohole array stable at room temperature
    K. Aït-Mansour1, A. Buchsbaum2, P. Ruffieux1, M. Schmid2, P. Gröning1, P. Varga2, R. Fasel1, and O. Gröning1
    Nano Lett. 8 (2008) 2035-2040

  234. Ion-beam induced fcc-bcc transition in ultrathin Fe films for ferromagnetic patterning
    W. Rupp1,2, A. Biedermann3, B. Kamenik1, R. Ritter1, Ch. Klein2, E. Platzgummer2, M. Schmid1, P. Varga1
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (2008) 063102

  235. Step-orientation-dependent oxidation: from 1D to 2D oxides
    J. Klikovits1, M. Schmid1, L.R. Merte1*, P. Varga3, R. Westerström2, A. Resta2, J. N. Andersen2, J. Gustafson2, A. Mikkelsen2, E. Lundgren2, F. Mittendorfer3, G. Kresse3
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (2008) 266104

  236. Decomposition of catechol and carbonaceous residues on TiO2(110): A model system for cleaning of extreme ultraviolet lithography optics
    P. Jacobson, S.-C. Li, C. Wang, U. Diebold
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 26 (2008) 2236-2240

  237. Scanning tunneling microscopy study of a vicinal anatase TiO2 surface
    S.-C. Li, O. Dulub, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (2008) 16166-16170

  238. Characterization of individual SnO2 nanobelts with STM
    K. Katsiev, A. Kolmakov, M. Fang, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 602 (2008) L112-L114

  239. Defects and Pd growth on the reduced SnO2(100) surface
    K. Katsiev, M. Batzill, L.A. Boatner, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 602 (2008) 1699-1704

  240. Small Au and Pt clusters at the anatase TiO2(101) surface: Behavior at terraces, steps, and surface oxygen vacancies
    X.-Q. Gong, A. Seloni, O. Dulub, P. Jacobson, U. Diebold
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130 (2008) 370-381

  241. Oxygen adsorption on Cu/ZnO(0001)-Zn
    P. Lazcano, M. Batzill, U. Diebold, P. Häberle
    Phys. Rev. B 77 (2008) 035435

  242. Surface structure of Sn-doped In2O3(111) thin films by STM
    E.H. Morales, Y. He, M. Vinnichenko, B. Delley, U. Diebold
    New J. Phys. 10 (2008) 125030

  243. Wiggling its way out of surface polarity: Fe3O4(100) (A Perspectives on the article: "A combined DFT/LEED approach for complex oxide surface structure determination: Fe3O4(001)" by R. Pentcheva, W. Moritz, J. Rundgren, S. Frank, D. Schrupp, M. Scheffler)
    U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 602 (2008) 1297-1298

  244. A LEED study of NO superstructures on the Pd(111) surface
    P. Kostelník1, T. Šikola1, P. Varga2, M. Schmid2
    J. Phys. Cond. Matter 21 (2009) 134005

  245. A quartz-crystal-microbalance technique to investigate ion-induced erosion of fusion relevant surfaces
    A. Golczewski, K. Dobes, G. Wachter, M. Schmid, F. Aumayr
    Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 267 (2009) 695-699

  246. Structure and catalytic reactivity of Rh oxides
    J. Gustafson1,2, R. Westerström1, A. Resta1,3, A. Mikkelsen1, J. N. Andersen1, O. Balmes3, X. Torrelles4, M. Schmid5, P. Varga5, B. Hammer6, G. Kresse7, C. Baddeley2, E. Lundgren1
    Catalysis Today 145 (2009) 227-235

  247. Magnetism of FePt Surface Alloys
    J. Honolka1, T.Y. Lee1, K. Kuhnke1, A. Enders2, R. Skomski2, S. Bornemann3, S. Mankovsky3, J. Minar3, J. Staunton4, H. Ebert3, M. Hessler5, K. Fauth6, G. Schütz5, A. Buchsbaum7, M. Schmid7, P. Varga7, K. Kern1
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) 067207

  248. Evidence of the substrate effect in hydrogen electroinsertion into palladium atomic layers by means of in situ surface x-ray diffraction
    C. Lebouin1, Y. Soldo-Olivier1, E. Sibert1, M. De Santis2,3, F. Maillard1, R. Faure1
    Langmuir 25 (2009) 4251-4255

  249. Ion-induced erosion of tungsten surfaces studied by a sensitive quartz-crystal-microbalance technique
    A. Golczewski, A. Kuzucan, K. Schmid*, J. Roth*, M. Schmid, F. Aumayr
    J. Nucl. Mater. 390-391 (2009) 1102-1105

  250. High island densities in pulsed laser deposition: Causes and implications
    M. Schmid, C. Lenauer, A. Buchsbaum, F. Wimmer, G. Rauchbauer, P. Scheiber, G. Betz, P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 076101

  251. Complex magnetic phase in submonolayer Fe stripes on Pt(997)
    J. Honolka1, T.Y. Lee1, K. Kuhnke1, D. Repetto1, V. Sessi1, P. Wahl1, A. Buchsbaum2, P. Varga2, S. Gardonio3, C. Carbone3, S.R. Krishnakumar4, P. Gambardella5, M. Komelj6, R. Singer7, M. Fähnle7, K. Fauth7, G. Schütz7, A. Enders1, K. Kern1,8
    Phys. Rev. B 79 (2009) 104430

  252. Local ordering and electronic signatures of submonolayer water on anatase TiO2(101)
    Y. He, A. Tilocca, O. Dulub, A. Selloni, U. Diebold
    Nature Materials 8 (2009) 585-589

  253. Nucleation and growth of 1D water clusters on rutile TiO2 (011)-2×1
    Y. He, W.-K. Li, X.-Q. Gong, O. Dulub, A. Selloni, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. C 113 (2009) 10329-10332

  254. Evidence for the predominance of subsurface defects on reduced anatase TiO2(101)
    Y. He, O. Dulub, H. Cheng, A. Selloni, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) 106105

  255. Correlation between bonding geometry and band gap states at organic-inorganic interfaces: Catechol on rutile TiO2(110)
    S.-C. Li, J.-G. Wang, P. Jacobsen, X.-Q. Gong, A. Selloni, U. Diebold
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (2009) 980-984

  256. The structure of the polar Sn-doped indium oxide (001) surface
    E.H. Morales, U. Diebold
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 (2009) 253105

  257. Direction-dependent intermolecular interactions: catechol on TiO2(110)-1×1
    S.-C. Li, U. Diebold
    Proc. SPIE 7396 (2009) 73960P

  258. Water-soluble nanorods self-assembled via pristine C60 and porphyrin moieties
    M. Fathalla, S.-C. Li, U. Diebold, A. Alb, J. Jayawickramarajah
    Chem. Commun. 2009, 4209-4211

  259. The 2 × 1 reconstruction of the rutile TiO2(011) surface: A combined density functional theory, X-ray diffraction, and scanning tunneling microscopy study
    X.-Q. Gong, N. Khorshidi, A. Sierle, V. Vonk, C. Ellinger, H. Dosch, H. Cheng, A. Selloni, Y. He, O. Dulub, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 603 (2009) 138-144

  260. Metastable surface oxide on CoGa(100): structure and stability
    A. Vlad1, A. Stierle1*, M. Marsman2, G. Kresse2, I. Costina1**, H. Dosch1,3, M. Schmid4, P. Varga4
    Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 115402

  261. Oxide surface science
    U. Diebold1, S-C. Li1, M. Schmid2
    Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 61 (2010) 129-148

  262. Highly ordered Pd, Fe and Co clusters on alumina on Ni3Al(111)
    A. Buchsbaum, M. De Santis*, H.C.N. Tolentino*, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 115420

  263. Oxide surfaces: Surface science goes inorganic
    U. Diebold
    Nature Mater. 9 (2010) 185

  264. Hydrogen bonding controls the dynamics of catechol adsorbed on a TiO2(110) surface
    S-C. Li1, L.-N. Chu2, X.-Q. Gong2, U. Diebold1,3
    Science 328 (2010) 882-884

  265. Metal-related gate sinking of interfacial oxygen layer in Ir/InAlN high electron mobility transistors
    C. Ostermaier1, G. Pozzovivo1, B. Basnar1, W. Schrenk1, M. Schmid2, L. Tóth3, B. Pécz3, J.-F. Carlin4, M. Gonschorek4, E. Feltin4, N. Grandjean4, G. Strasser1, D. Pogany1, J. Kuzmik1,5
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 (2010) 263515

  266. Observation and destruction of an elusive adsorbate with STM: O2/TiO2(110)
    P. Scheiber, A. Riss, M. Schmid, P. Varga, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 216101

  267. Semiconductor-half metal transition at the Fe3O4(001) surface upon hydrogen adsorption
    G.S. Parkinson1,2, N. Mulakaluri3,4, Y. Losovyj5, P. Jacobson1,2, R. Pentcheva3, and U. Diebold1,2
    Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 125413

  268. Ion beam induced magnetic transformation of CO-stabilized fcc Fe films on Cu(100)
    S. Shah Zaman, H. Oßmer, J. Jonner, Z. Novotný, A. Buchsbaum, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 235401

  269. Reactivity of TiO2 Rutile and Anatase Surfaces toward Nitroaromatics
    S.-C. Li, U. Diebold
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132 (2010) 64-66

  270. Influence of Subsurface Defects on the Surface Reactivity of TiO2: Water on Anatase (101)
    U. Aschauer, Y. He, H. Cheng, S.-C. Li, U. Diebold, A. Selloni
    J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 1278-1284

  271. Preparation of a pristine TiO2 anatase (101) surface by cleaving
    O. Dulub, U. Diebold
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22 (2010) 084014

  272. Straightforward self-assembly of porphyrin nanowires in water: Harnessing adamantane/β-cyclodextrin interactions
    Maher Fathalla, A. Neuberger, S.-C. Li, R. Schmehl, U. Diebold, J. Jayawickramarajah
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132 (2010) 9966-9967

  273. Growth and structure of an ultrathin tin oxide film on Rh(111)
    J. Yuhara1, D. Tajima1, T. Matsui1, K. Tatsumi1, S. Muto1, M. Schmid2, P. Varga2
    J. Appl. Phys. 109 (2011) 024903

  274. Photocatalysts: Closing the gap
    U. Diebold
    Nature Chem. 3 (2011) 271-272

  275. A metastable Fe(A) termination at the Fe3O4(001) surface
    G.S. Parkinson, Z. Novotný, P. Jacobson, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 605 (2011) L42-L45

  276. Unusual cluster shapes and directional bonding of an fcc metal: Pt/Pt(111)
    M. Schmid, A. Garhofer, J. Redinger, F. Wimmer, P. Scheiber, P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011) 016102

  277. In-situ magnetic nano-patterning of Fe films grown on Cu(100)
    S. Shah Zaman1, P. Dvorak1, R. Ritter1, A. Buchsbaum1, D. Stickler2, H.P. Oepen2, M. Schmid1, P. Varga1
    J. Appl. Phys. 110 (2011) 024309

  278. Photoemission study of azobenzene and aniline adsorbed on TiO2 anatase (101) and rutile (110) surfaces
    S.-C. Li1, Y. Losovyj2, V.K. Paliwal1,3, U. Diebold1,4
    J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (2011) 10173-10179

  279. Growth and organization of an organic molecular monolayer on TiO2: catechol on anatase (101)
    L.-M. Liu1, S.-C. Li2, H. Cheng1, U. Diebold2,3, A. Selloni1
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133 (2011) 7816-7823

  280. Room temperature water splitting at the surface of magnetite
    G.S. Parkinson, Z. Novotný, P. Jacobson, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133 (2011) 12650-12655

  281. Growth of ultrathin cobalt oxide films on Pt(111)
    M. de Santis1,2, A. Buchsbaum1, P. Varga1, M. Schmid1
    Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 125430

  282. Adsorption-site-dependent electronic structure of catechol on the anatase TiO2(101) surface
    S.-C. Li1, Y. Losovyj2, U. Diebold1,3
    Langmuir 27 (2011) 8600-8604

  283. Oxygen-stabilized Rh adatoms: 0D oxides on a vicinal surface
    F. Mittendorfer, T. Franz, J. Klikovits, M. Schmid, L.R. Merte, S. Shah Zaman, P. Varga, R. Westerström, A. Resta, J.N. Andersen, J. Gustafson, E. Lundgren
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2 (2011) 2747-2751

  284. An in vitro controlled release study of valproic acid encapsulated in a titania ceramic matrix
    M.J. Uddin1,2,3, D. Mondal4, C.A. Morris3, T. Lopez1,5,6, U. Diebold2 and R.D. Gonzalez1
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 257 (2011) 7920-7927

  285. Disorder and Defect Healing in Graphene on Ni(111)
    P. Jacobson, B. Stöger, A. Garhofer, G. S. Parkinson, M. Schmid, R. Caudillo, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3 (2012) 136-139

  286. Trapping Nitric Oxide by Surface Hydroxyls on Rutile TiO2(110)
    S.-C. Li, P. Jacobson, S.-L. Zhao, X.-Q. Gong, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012) 1887-1891

  287. Bulk and surface characterization of In2O3(001) single crystals
    D. R. Hagleitner1, M. Menhart1, P. Jacobson1, S. Blomberg2, K. Schulte2, E. Lundgren2, M. Kubicek3 J. Fleig3, F. Kubel3, C. Puls3, Andreas Limbeck3, H. Hutter3, L. A. Boatner4, M. Schmid1, U. Diebold1
    Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 115441

  288. Nickel Carbide as a Source of Grain Rotation in Epitaxial Graphene
    P. Jacobson, B. Stöger, A. Garhofer, G. S. Parkinson, M. Schmid, R. Caudillo, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, U. Diebold
    ACS Nano 6 (2012) 3564-3572

  289. The Rh(100)-(3 × 1)-2O structure
    J. Gustafson, E. Lundgren, A. Mikkelsen, M. Borg, J. Klikovits, M. Schmid, P. Varga, J.N. Andersen
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 225006

  290. Ordered array of single adatoms with remarkable thermal stability: Au/Fe3O4(001)
    Z. Novotny, G. Argentero, Z. Wang, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 216103

  291. Antiphase domain boundaries at the Fe3O4(001) surface
    G. S. Parkinson, T. A. Manz, Z. Novotný, P. T. Sprunger, R. L. Kurtz, M. Schmid, D. S. Sholl, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 195450

  292. Tailoring the Interface Properties of Magnetite for Spintronics
    G. S. Parkinson, U. Diebold, J. Tang, L. Malkinski
    in: Advanced Magnetic Materials; ed. L. Malkinski. InTech (Rijeka, 2012), pp. 61-88

  293. Evidence for s-d Hybridization in Au38 Clusters
    Y. B. Losovyj, S.-C. Li, N. Lozova, K. Katsiev, D. Stellwagen, U. Diebold, L. Kong, C.S.S.R. Kumar
    J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012) 5857-5861

  294. Pt3Zr(0001): A substrate for growing well-ordered ultrathin zirconia films by oxidation
    M. Antlanger, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, J. Pavelec, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, P. Varga, U. Diebold, M. Schmid
    Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012) 035451

  295. Interface-Confined Mixing and Buried Partial Dislocations for Ag Bilayer on Pt(111)
    K. Aït-Mansour, H. Brune, D. Passerone, M. Schmid, W. Xiao, P. Ruffieux, A. Buchsbaum, P. Varga, R. Fasel, O. Gröning
    Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012) 085404

  296. (Sub)surface mobility of oxygen vacancies at the TiO2 anatase (101) surface
    P. Scheiber, M. Fidler, O. Dulub, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, W. Hou, U. Aschauer, A. Selloni
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 136103

  297. Composition and local atomic arrangement of decagonal Al-Co-Cu quasicrystal surfaces
    R. Zenkyu, J. Yuhara, T. Matsui, S. Shah Zaman, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012) 115422

  298. Imaging physical phenomena with local probes: From electrons to photons
    D. A. Bonnell, D. N. Basov, M. Bode, U. Diebold, S. V. Kalinin, V, Madhavan, L. Novotny, M. Salmeron, U. D. Schwarz, P. S. Weiss
    Rev. Mod. Phys. 84 (2012) 1343-1381

  299. Tailoring the photocatalytic reaction rate of a nanostructured TiO2 matrix using additional gas phase oxygen
    M.J. Uddin, M.M. Alam, M.A. Islam, S.R. Snigda, S. Das, M.M. Rahman, M.N. Uddin, C.A. Morris, R.D. Gonzalez, U. Diebold, T.J. Dickens, O.I. Okoli
    Int. Nano Lett. 3 (2013) 16

  300. Probing the surface phase diagram of Fe3O4(001) towards the Fe rich limit: Evidence for progressive reduction of the surface
    Z. Novotný, M. Mulakaluri, Z. Edes, M. Schmid, R. Pentcheva, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    Phys. Rev. B 87 (2013) 195410

  301. Carbon monoxide-induced adatom sintering in a Pd-Fe3O4 model catalyst
    G.S. Parkinson, Z. Novotny, G. Argentero, M. Schmid, J. Pavelec, R. Kosak, P. Blaha, U. Diebold
    Nature Mater. 12 (2013) 724-728

  302. The role of defects in the local reaction kinetics of CO oxidation on low-index Pd surfaces
    D. Vogel, C. Spiel, M. Schmid, M. Stöger-Pollach, R. Schlögl, Y. Suchorski, G. Rupprechter
    J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (2013) 12054-12060

  303. Strain-induced defect superstructure on the SrTiO3(110) surface
    Z. Wang, F. Li, S. Meng, J. Zhang, E. W. Plummer, U. Diebold, J. Guo
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 056101

  304. Reaction of O2 with subsurface oxygen vacancies on TiO2 anatase (101)
    M. Setvin, U. Aschauer, P. Scheiber, Y.-F. Li, W. Hou, M. Schmid, A. Selloni, U. Diebold
    Science 341 (2013) 988-991

  305. Real-space imaging of the Verwey transition at the (100) surface of magnetite
    J. de la Figuera, Z. Novotny, M. Setvin, T. Liu, Z. Mao, G. Chen, A. T. N'Diaye, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, A. K. Schmid, G. S. Parkinson
    Phys. Rev. B 88 (2013) 161410(R)

  306. Water adsorption at the tetrahedral titania surface layer of SrTiO3(110)-(4 × 1)
    Z. Wang, X. Hao, S. Gerhold, Z. Novotny, C. Franchini, E. McDermott, K. Schulte, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (2013) 26060-26069

  307. Ion-beam-induced magnetic and structural phase transformation of Ni-stabilized face-centered-cubic Fe films on Cu(100)
    J. Gloss, S. Shah Zaman, J. Jonner, Z. Novotny, M. Schmid, P. Varga, M. Urbánek
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (2013) 262405

  308. Stoichiometry-driven switching between surface reconstructions on SrTiO3(001)
    S. Gerhold, Z. Wang, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 621 (2014) L1-L4

  309. Anisotropic two-dimensional electron gas at SrTiO3(110)
    Z. Wang, Z. Zhong, X. Hao, S. Gerhold, B. Stöger, M. Schmid, J. Sánchez-Barriga, A. Varykhalov, C. Franchini, K. Held, U. Diebold
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111 (2014) 3933-3937

  310. Charge trapping at the step edges of TiO2 anatase (101)
    M. Setvin, X. Hao, B. Daniel, J. Pavelec, Z. Novotny, G. S. Parkinson, M. Schmid, G. Kresse, C. Franchini, U. Diebold
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53 (2014) 4714-4716

  311. Surface preparation of TiO2 anatase (101): Pitfalls and how to avoid them
    M. Setvin, B. Daniel, V. Mansfeldova, L. Kavan, P. Scheiber, M. Fidler, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 626 (2014) 61-67

  312. The growth of ultrathin zirconia films on Pd3Zr(0001)
    J. I. J. Choi, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, U. Diebold, M. Schmid
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26 (2014) 225003

  313. Local electronic and chemical structure of oligo-acetylene derivatives formed through radical cyclizations at a surface
    A. Riss,1 S. Wickenburg, P. Gorman, L. Z. Tan, H.-Z. Tsai, D. G. de Oteyza, Y.-C. Chen, A. J. Bradley, M. M. Ugeda, G. Etkin, S. G. Louie, F. R. Fischer, M. F. Crommie
    Nano Lett. 14 (2014) 2251-2255

  314. Imaging and tuning molecular levels at the surface of a gated graphene device
    A. Riss, S, Wickenburg, L. Z. Tan, H.-Z. Tsai, Y. Kim, J. Lu, A. J. Bradley, M. M. Ugeda, K. L. Meaker, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi , A. Zettl, F. R. Fischer, S. G. Louie, M. F. Crommie
    ACS Nano 8 (2014) 5395-5401

  315. Cluster nucleation and growth from a highly supersaturated adatom phase: silver on magnetite
    R. Bliem, R. Kosak, L. Perneczky, Z. Novotny, O. Gamba, D. Fobes, Z. Mao, M. Schmid, P. Blaha , U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    ACS Nano 8 (2014) 7531-7537

  316. Hybrid exchange density functional study of vicinal anatase TiO2 surfaces
    F. F. Sanches, G. Mallia, L. Liborio, U. Diebold, N. M. Harrison
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  317. Vacancy clusters at domain boundaries and band bending at the SrTiO3(110) surface
    Z. Wang, X. Hao, S. Gerhold, M. Schmid, C. Franchini, U. Diebold
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  318. Reducing the In2O3(111) surface results in ordered indium adatoms
    M. Wagner, S. Seiler, B. Meyer, L. A. Boatner, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Adv. Mater. Interf. 1 (2014) 1400289

  319. A direct view at excess electrons in TiO2 rutile and anatase
    M. Setvin, C. Franchini, X. Hao, M. Schmid, A. Janotti, M. Kaltak, C. G. Van de Walle, G. Kresse, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 086402

  320. Synthesis, characterization, and computation of catalysts at the Center for Atomic-Level Catalyst Design
    J. J. Spivey, K. Sai Krishna, C. S. S. R. Kumar, K. M. Dooley, J. C. Flake, L. H. Haber , Y. Xu, M. J. Janik, S. B. Sinnott , Y.-T. Cheng, T. Liang, D. S. Sholl, T. A. Manz , U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson, D. A. Bruce, P. de Jongh
    J. Phys. Chem. C 118 (2014) 20043-20069

  321. High Chemical Activity of a Perovskite Surface: Reaction of CO with Sr3Ru2O7
    B. Stöger, M. Hieckel, F. Mittendorfer, Z. Wang, D. Fobes, J. Peng, Z. Mao, M. Schmid, J. Redinger, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 116101

  322. Stabilizing single Ni adatoms on a two-dimensional porous titania overlayer at the SrTiO3(110) surface
    Z. Wang, X. Hao, S. Gerhold, P. Mares, M. Wagner, R. Bliem, K. Schulte, M. Schmid, C. Franchini, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem C 118 (2014) 19904-19909

  323. Identification of adsorbed molecules via STM tip manipulation: CO, H2O, and O2 on TiO2 anatase (101)
    M. Setvin, B. Daniel, U. Aschauer, W. Hou, Y.-F. Li, M. Schmid, A. Selloni, U. Diebold
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16 (2014) 21524-21530

  324. Point defects at cleaved Srn+1RunO3n+1(001) surfaces
    B. Stöger, M. Hieckel, F. Mittendorfer, Z. Wang, M. Schmid, G. S. Parkinson, D. Fobes, J. Peng, J. E. Ortmann, A. Limbeck, Z. Mao, J. Redinger, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. B 90 (2014) 165438

  325. Squeezing, then stacking: From breathing pores to three-dimensional ionic self-assembly under electrochemical control
    K. Cui, K. S. Mali, O. Ivasenko, D. Wu, X. Feng, M. Walter, K. Müllen, S. De Feyter, S. F. L. Mertens
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53 (2014) 12951-12954

  326. Potential-driven molecular tiling of a charged polycyclic aromatic compound
    K. Cui, O. Ivasenko, K. S. Mali, D. Wu, X. Feng, K. Müllen, S. De Feyter, S. F. L. Mertens
    Chem. Commun. 50 (2014) 10376-10378

  327. Subsurface cation vacancy stabilization of the magnetite (001) surface
    R. Bliem, E. McDermott, P. Ferstl, M. Setvin, O. Gamba, J. Pavelec, M. A. Schneider, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, P. Blaha, L. Hammer, G. S. Parkinson
    Science 346 (2014) 1215-1218

  328. Growth of an ultrathin zirconia film on Pt3Zr examined by by high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, temperature-programmed desorption, scanning tunneling microscopy, and density functional theory
    H. Li, J. I. J. Choi, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, C. Weilach, C. Rameshan, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, M. Schmid, G. Rupprechter
    J. Phys. Chem. C 119 (2015) 2462-2470

  329. Coexistence of trapped and free excess electrons in SrTiO3
    X. Hao, Z. Wang, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, C. Franchini
    Phys. Rev. B 91 (2015) 085204

  330. In situ scanning tunneling microscopy study of Ca-modified rutile TiO2(110) in bulk water
    G. Serrano, B. Bonanni, T. Kosmala, M. Di Giovannantonio, U. Diebold, K. Wandelt, C. Goletti
    Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 6 (2015) 438-443

  331. Aggregation and electronically induced migration of oxygen vacancies in TiO2 anatase
    M. Setvin, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. B 91 (2015) 195403

  332. Adsorption and incorporation of transition metals at the magnetite Fe3O4(001) surface
    R. Bliem, J. Pavelec, O. Gamba, E. McDermott, Z. Wang, S. Gerhold, M. Wagner, J. Osiecki, K. Schulte, M. Schmid, P. Blaha, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) 075440

  333. Molecular ordering at the interface between liquid water and rutile TiO2(110)
    G. Serrano, B. Bonanni, M. Di Giovannantonio, T. Kosmala, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, A. Di Carlo, J. Cheng, J. VandeVondele, K. Wandelt, C. Goletti
    Adv. Mater. Interf. 2 (2015) 1500246

  334. Adsorption of formic acid on the Fe3O4(001) surface
    O. Gamba, H. Noei, J. Pavelec, R. Bliem, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, A. Stierle, G. S. Parkinson
    J. Phys. Chem. C 119 (2015) 20459-20465

  335. Nickel-oxide-modified SrTiO3(110)-(4 × 1) surfaces and their interaction with water
    S. Gerhold, M. Riva, Z. Wang, R. Bliem, M. Wagner, J. Osiecki, K. Schulte, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. C 119 (2015) 20481-20487

  336. A multitechnique study of CO adsorption on the TiO2 anatase (101) surface
    M. Setvin, M. Buchholz, W. Hou, C. Zhang, B. Stöger, J. Hulva, T. Simschitz, X. Shi, J. Pavelec, G. S. Parkinson, M. Xu, Y. Wang, M. Schmid, C. Wöll, A. Selloni, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. C 119 (2015) 21044-21052

  337. An atomic-scale view of CO and H2 oxidation on a Pt/Fe3O4 model catalyst
    R. Bliem, J. van der Hoeven, A. Zavodny, O. Gamba, J. Pavelec, P. de Jongh, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54 (2015) 13999-14002

  338. NO adsorption and diffusion on hydroxylated rutile TiO2(110)
    Y.-Y- Yu, U. Diebold, X.-Q. Gong
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 26594-26598

  339. Probing the Role of Interlayer Coupling and Coulomb Interactions on Electronic Structure in Few-Layer MoSe2 Nanostructures
    A. J. Bradley, M. M. Ugeda, F. H. da Jornada, D. Y. Qiu, W. Ruan, Y. Zhang, S. Wickenburg, A. Riss, J. Lu, S.-K. Mo, Z. Hussain, Z.-X. Shen, S. G. Louie, M. F. Crommie
    Nano Lett. 15 (2015) 2594-2599

  340. Adsorption on Metal Oxide Surfaces
    G. S. Parkinson, U. Diebold
    Surface and Interface Science, vol. 6, edited by K. Wandelt (Wiley-VCH 2015) pp. 793-817

  341. Adsorption of water at the SrO surface of ruthenates
    D. Halwidl, B. Stöger, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, J. Pavelec, D. Fobes, J. Peng, Z. Mao, G. S. Parkinson, M. Schmid, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, U. Diebold
    Nat. Mater. 15 (2016) 450-455

  342. Characterization of collective ground states in single-layer NbSe2
    M. M. Ugeda, A. J. Bradley, Y. Zhang, S. Onishi, Y. Chen, W. Ruan, C. Ojeda-Aristizabal, H. Ryu, M. T. Edmonds, H.-Z. Tsai, A. Riss, S.-K. Mo, D. Lee, A. Zettl, Z. Hussain, Z.-X. Shen, and M. F. Crommie
    Nat. Phys. 12 (2016) 92-98

  343. Interplay between steps and oxygen vacancies on curved TiO2(110)
    L. A. Miccio, M. Setvin, M. Müller, M. Abadía, I. Piquero, J. Lobo-Checa, F. Schiller, C. Rogero, M. Schmid, D. Sánchez-Portal, U. Diebold, J. E. Ortega
    Nano Lett. 16 (2016) 2017-2022

  344. Fe3O4(110)-(1 × 3) revisited: Periodic (111) nanofacets
    G. S. Parkinson, P. Lackner, O. Gamba, S. Maaß, S. Gerhold, M. Riva, R. Bliem, U. Diebold, M. Schmid
    Surf. Sci. 649 (2016) 120-123

  345. Adjusting island density and morphology of the SrTiO3(110)-(4 × 1) surface: Pulsed laser deposition combined with scanning tunneling microscopy
    S. Gerhold, M. Riva, B. Yildiz, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 651 (2016) 76-83

  346. Iron oxide surfaces
    G. S. Parkinson
    Surf. Sci. Rep. 71 (2016) 272-365

  347. Transition from reconstruction toward thin film on the (110) surface of strontium titanate
    Z. Wang, A. Loon, A. Subramanian, S. Gerhold, E. McDermott, J. A. Enterkin, M. Hieckel, B. C. Russell, R. J. Green, A. Moewes, J. Guo, P. Blaha, M. R. Castell, U. Diebold, L. D. Marks
    Nano Lett. 16 (2016) 2407-2412

  348. Metal adatoms and clusters on ultrathin zirconia films
    J. I. J. Choi, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, I. Valenti, P. Luches, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, U. Diebold, M. Schmid
    J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (2016) 9920-9932

  349. Imaging single-molecule reaction intermediates stabilized by surface dissipation and entropy
    A. Riss, A. P. Paz, S. Wickenburg, H.-Z. Tsai, D. G. De Oteyza, A. J. Bradley, M. M. Ugeda, P. Gorman, H. S. Jung, M. F. Crommie, A. Rubio, F. R. Fischer
    Nat. Chem. 8 (2016) 678-683

  350. Atomic structure and stability of magnetite Fe3O4(001): An X-ray view
    B. Arndt, R. Bliem, O. Gamba, J. E. S. van der Hoeven, H. Noei, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson, A. Stierle
    Surf. Sci. 653 (2016) 76-81

  351. Switching stiction and adhesion of a liquid on a solid
    S. F. L. Mertens, A. Hemmi, S. Muff, O. Gröning, S. De Feyter, J. Osterwalder, T. Greber
    Nat. Chem. 8 (2016) 678-683

  352. Following the reduction of oxygen on TiO2 anatase (101) step by step
    M. Setvin, U. Aschauer, J. Hulva, T. Simschitz, B. Daniel, M. Schmid, A. Selloni, U. Diebold
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138 (2016) 9565-9571

  353. Dual role of CO in the stability of subnano Pt clusters at the Fe3O4(001) surface
    R. Bliem, J. E. S. van der Hoeven, J. Hulva, J. Pavelec, O. Gamba, P. E. de Jongh, M. Schmid, P. Blaha, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113 (2016) 8921-8926

  354. Tailoring the nature and strength of electron-phonon interactions in the SrTiO3(001) 2D electron liquid
    Z. Wang, S. McKeown Walker, A. Tamai, Y. Wang, Z. Ristic, F. Y. Bruno, A. de la Torre, S. Riccò, N. C. Plumb, M. Shi, P. Hlawenka, J. Sánchez-Barriga, A. Varykhalov, T. K. Kim, M. Hoesch, P. D. C. King, W. Meevasana, U. Diebold, J. Mesot, B. Moritz, T. P. Devereaux, M. Radovic, F. Baumberger
    Nat. Mater. 15 (2016) 835-839

  355. Well-ordered In adatoms at the In2O3(111) surface created by Fe deposition
    M. Wagner, P. Lackner, S. Seiler, S. Gerhold, J. Osiecki, K. Schulte, L. A. Boatner, M. Schmid, B. Meyer, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 (2016) 206101

  356. Co on Fe3O4(001): Towards precise control of surface properties
    R. Gargallo-Caballero, L. Martín-García, A. Quesada, C. Granados-Miralles, M. Foerster, L. Aballe, R. Bliem, G. S. Parkinson, P. Blaha, J. F. Marco, J. de la Figuera
    J. Chem. Phys. 144 (2016) 094704

  357. A multi-technique study of CO2 adsorption on Fe3O4 magnetite
    J. Pavelec, J. Hulva, D. Halwidl, R. Bliem, O. Gamba, Z. Jakub, F. Brunbauer, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G.S. Parkinson
    J. Chem. Phys. 146 (2017) 014701

  358. Surface point defects on bulk oxides: atomically-resolved scanning probe microscopy
    M. Setvin, M. Wagner, M. Schmid, G.S. Parkinson, U. Diebold
    Chem. Soc. Rev. 46 (2017) 1772-1784

  359. Electron transfer between anatase TiO2 and an O2 molecule directly observed by atomic force microscopy
    M. Setvin, J. Hulva, G.S. Parkinson, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114 (2017) E2556-E2562

  360. Formaldehyde adsorption on the anatase TiO2(101) surface: Experimental and theoretical investigation
    M. Setvin, J. Hulva, H. Wang, T. Simschitz, M. Schmid, G.S. Parkinson, C. Di Valentin, A. Selloni, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. C 121 (2017) 8914-8922

  361. Physical-chemical stability of fluorinated III-N surfaces: Towards the understanding of the (0001) AlxGa1-xN surface donor modification by fluorination
    M. Reiner, J. Schellander, G. Denifl, M. Stadtmueller, M. Schmid, T. Frischmuth, U. Schmid, R. Pietschnig, C. Ostermaier
    J. Appl. Phys. 121 (2017) 225704

  362. Ordered hydroxyls on Ca3Ru2O7(001)
    D. Halwidl, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, D. Fobes, J. Peng, Z. Mao, M. Schmid, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, U. Diebold
    Nat. Commun. 8 (2017) 23

  363. The role of surface defects in the adsorption of methanol on Fe3O4(001)
    O. Gamba, J. Hulva, J. Pavelec, R. Bliem, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    Top. Catal. 60 (2017) 420-430

  364. Polaron-driven surface reconstructions
    M. Reticcioli, M. Setvin, X. Hao, P. Flauger, G. Kresse, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, C. Franchini
    Phys. Rev. X 7 (2017) 031053

  365. Self-limiting adsorption of WO3 oligomers on oxide substrates in solution
    M. Müllner, J. Balajka, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, S. Mertens
    J. Phys. Chem. C 121 (2017) 19743-19750

  366. Methanol on anatase TiO2(101): Mechanistic insights into photocatalysis
    M. Setvin, X. Shi, J. Hulva, T. Simschitz, G. S. Parkinson, M. Schmid, C. Di Valentin, A. Selloni, U. Diebold
    ACS Catalysis 7 (2017) 7081-7091

  367. Zirconium-Palladium Interactions during Dry Reforming of Methane
    N. Köpfle, L. Mayr, P. Lackner, M. Schmid, D. Schmidmair, T. Götsch, S. Penner, B. Kloetzer
    ECS Trans. 78 (2017) 2419-2430

  368. Construction and evaluation of an ultrahigh-vacuum-compatible sputter deposition source
    P. Lackner, J. I. J Choi, U. Diebold, M. Schmid
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88 (2017) 103904

  369. Resolving the Structure of a Well-Ordered Hydroxyl Overlayer on In2O3(111): Nanomanipulation and Theory
    M. Wagner, P. Lackner, S. Seiler, A. Brunsch, R. Bliem, S. Gerhold, Z. Wang, J. Osiecki, K. Schulte, L. A. Boatner, M. Schmid, B. Meyer, U. Diebold
    ACS Nano 11 (2017) 11531–11541

  370. Surface Structure of TiO2 Rutile (011) Exposed to Liquid Water
    J. Balajka, U. Aschauer, S. Mertens, A. Selloni, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. C 121 (2017) 26424-26431

  371. Reversible Anion-Driven Switching of an Organic 2D Crystal at a Solid-Liquid Interface
    K. Cui, K. S. Mali, D. Wu, X. Feng, K. Müllen, M. Walter, S. De Feyter, S. F. L. Mertens
    Small 13 (2017) 1702379

  372. Wetting, Adhesion and Stiction of 2D Materials
    S. F. L. Mertens
    ECS Trans. 80 (2017) 23-27

  373. Copper underpotential deposition on boron nitride nanomesh
    S. F. L. Mertens
    Electrochim. Acta 246 (2017) 730-736

  374. Area-selective passivation of sp2 carbon surfaces by supramolecular self-assembly
    Z. Li, H. V. Gorp, P. Walke, T. H. Phan, Y. Fujita, J. Greenwood, O. Ivasenko, K. Tahara, Y. Tobe, H. Uji-i, S. F. L. Mertens, S. D. Feyter
    Nanoscale 9 (2017) 5188-5193

  375. Nanoconfined self-assembly on a grafted graphitic surface under electrochemical control
    T. M. T. Huynh, T. H. Phan, O. Ivasenko, S. F. L. Mertens, S. D. Feyter
    Nanoscale 9 (2017) 362-368

  376. Perspective: A controversial benchmark system for water-oxide interfaces: H2O/TiO2(110)
    U. Diebold
    J. Chem. Phys. 147 (2017) 040901

  377. Unravelling single atom catalysis: The surface science approach
    G. S. Parkinson
    Chinese J. Catal. 38 (2017) 1454-1459

  378. Atomic-scale structure of the hematite α-Fe2O3(1 -1 0 2) "r-cut" surface
    F. Kraushofer, Z. Jakub, M. Bichler, J. Hulva, P. Drmota, M. Weinold, M. Schmid, M. Setvin, U. Diebold, P. Blaha, and G. S. Parkinson
    J. Phys. Chem. C 122 (2018) 1657-1669

  379. Probing the geometry of copper and silver adatoms on magnetite: quantitative experiment versus theory
    M. Meier, Z. Jakub, J. Balajka, J. Hulva, R. Bliem, P. K. Thakur, T-L Lee, C. Franchini, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, F. Allegretti, D. A. Duncan, G. S. Parkinson
    Nanoscale 10 (2018) 2226-2230

  380. Adsorption of CO on the Fe3O4(001) surface
    J. Hulva, Z. Jakub, Z. Novotny, N. Johansson, J. Knudsen, J. Schnadt, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    J. Phys. Chem. B 122 (2018) 721-729

  381. Polarity compensation mechanisms on the perovskite surface KTaO3(001)
    M. Setvin, M. Reticcioli, F. Poelzleitner, J. Hulva, M. Schmid, L. A. Boatner, C. Franchini, U. Diebold
    Science 359 (2018) 572-575

  382. Sexiphenyl on Cu(100): nc-AFM tip functionalization and identification
    M. Wagner, M. Setvín, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 678 (2018) 124-127

  383. A full monolayer of superoxide: oxygen activation on the unmodified Ca3Ru2O7(001) surface
    D. Halwidl, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, M. Setvin, D. Fobes, J. Peng, Z. Mao, M. Schmid, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, U. Diebold
    J. Mater. Chem. A 6 (2018) 5703-5713

  384. Prototypical Organic-Oxide Interface: Intramolecular Resolution of Sexiphenyl on In2O3(111)
    M. Wagner, J. Hofinger, M. Setvín, L. A. Boatner, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10 (2018) 14175-14182

  385. Research Update: Focused ion beam direct writing of magnetic patterns with controlled structural and magnetic properties
    M. Urbánek, L. Flajšman, V. Křižáková, J. Gloss, M. Horký, M. Schmid, P. Varga
    APL Materials 6 (2018) 060701

  386. Water agglomerates on Fe3O4(001)
    M. Meier, J. Hulva, Z. Jakub, J. Pavelec, M. Setvin, R. Bliem, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, C. Franchini, G. S. Parkinson
    PNAS 115 (2018) E5642-E5650

  387. Formation and dynamics of small polarons on the rutile TiO2(110) surface
    M. Reticcioli, M. Setvin, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, C. Franchini
    Phys. Rev. B 98 (2018) 045306

  388. High-affinity adsorption leads to molecularly ordered interfaces on TiO2 in air and solution
    J. Balajka, M. A. Hines, W. J. I. DeBenedetti, M. Komora, J. Pavelec, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Science 361 (2018) 786-789

  389. Apparatus for dosing liquid water in ultrahigh vacuum
    J. Balajka, J. Pavelec, M. Komora, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89 (2018) 083906

  390. Interfacial supramolecular electrochemistry
    K. Cui, I. Dorner, S. F. L. Mertens
    Curr. Opin. Electrochem. 8 (2018) 156-163

  391. Adsorption and self-organization of organic molecules under electrochemical control
    S. F. L. Mertens
    Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry, vol. 4, edited by K. Wandelt (Elsevier 2018) pp. 13-23

  392. Water adsorption at zirconia: from the ZrO2(111)/Pt3Zr(0001) model system to powder samples
    P. Lackner, J. Hulva, E.-M. Köck, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, J. I. J. Choi, S. Penner, U. Diebold, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, B. Klötzer, G. S. Parkinson, M. Schmid
    J. Mater. Chem. A 6 (2018) 17587-17601

  393. Influence of surface atomic structure demonstrated on oxygen incorporation mechanism at a model perovskite oxide
    M. Riva, M. Kubicek, X. Hao, G. Franceschi, S. Gerhold, M. Schmid, H. Hutter, J. Fleig, C. Franchini, B. Yildiz, U. Diebold
    Nat. Commun. 9 (2018) 3710

  394. Atomic scale insights into single-atom catalysis
    G. S. Parkinson
    Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis 30 (2018) 45-49

  395. Adsorption of CO on the Ca3Ru2O7(001) surface
    W. Mayr-Schmölzer, D. Halwidl, F. Mittendorfer, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, J. Redinger
    Surf. Sci. 680 (2019) 18-23

  396. The growth of metastable fcc Fe78Ni22 thin films on H-Si(100) substrates suitable for focused ion beam direct magnetic patterning
    J. Gloss, M. Horký, V. Křižáková, L. Flajšman, M. Schmid, M. Urbánek, P. Varga
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 469 (2019) 747-752

  397. Surface structures of ZrO2 films on Rh(111): From two layers to bulk termination
    P. Lackner, Z. Zou, S. Mayr, J. I J. Choi, U. Diebold, M.Schmid
    Surf. Sci. 679 (2019) 180-187

  398. Interplay between adsorbates and polarons: CO on rutile TiO2(110)
    M. Reticcioli, I. Sokolović, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Setvin, C. Franchini
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 016805

  399. Stability and catalytic performance of reconstructed Fe3O4(001) and Fe3O4(110) surfaces during oxygen evolution reaction
    M. Müllner, M. Riva, F. Kraushofer, M. Schmid, G. S. Parkinson, S. F. L. Mertens, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019) 8304-8311

  400. Small Polarons in Transition Metal Oxides
    M. Reticcioli, U. Diebold, G. Kresse, C. Franchini
    Handbook of Materials Modeling, vol. 6, edited by W. Andreoni and S. Yip (Springer 2019)

  401. Incipient ferroelectricity: A route towards bulk-terminated SrTiO3
    I. Sokolović, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Setvin
    Phys. Rev. Materials 3 (2019) 034407

  402. Pushing the detection of cation nonstoichiometry to the limit
    M. Riva, G. Franceschi, Q. Lu, M. Schmid, B. Yildiz, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. Materials 3 (2019) 043802

  403. Water ordering on the magnetite Fe3O4 surfaces
    E. Zaki, Z. Jakub, F. Mirabella, G. S. Parkinson, S. Shaikhutdinov, H.-J. Freund
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10 (2019) 2487-2492

  404. Single-atom catalysis: How structure influences catalytic performance
    G. S. Parkinson
    Catal. Lett. 149 (2019) 1137-1146

  405. Using photoelectron spectroscopy to observe oxygen spillover to zirconia
    P. Lackner, Z. Zou, S. Mayr, U. Diebold, M. Schmid
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 (2019) 17613-17620

  406. Nickel doping enhances the reactivity of Fe3O4(001) to water
    Z. Jakub, J. Hulva, F. Mirabella, F. Kraushofer, M. Meier, R. Bliem, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019) 15038-15045

  407. Understanding heterolytic H2 cleavage and water-assisted hydrogen spillover on Fe3O4(001)-supported single palladium atoms
    N. Doudin, S. F. Yuk, M. D. Marcinkowski, M.-T. Nguyen, J.-C. Liu, Y. Wang, Z. Novotny, B. D. Kay, J. Li, V.-A. Glezakou, G. S. Parkinson, R. Rousseau, Z. Dohnálek
    ACS Catal. (2019) 7876-7887

  408. Influence of local defects on the dynamics of O-H bond breaking and formation on a magnetite surface
    A. Bourgund, B. A. J. Lechner, M. Meier, C. Franchini, G. S. Parkinson, U. Heiz, F. Esch
    J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019) 19742-19747

  409. Self-limited growth of an oxyhydroxide phase at the Fe3O4(001) surface in liquid and ambient pressure water
    F. Kraushofer, F. Mirabella, J. Xu, J. Pavelec, J. Balajka, M. Müllner, N. Resch, Z. Jakub, J. Hulva, M. Meier, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    J. Chem. Phys. 151 (2019) 154702

  410. Local structure and coordination define adsorption in a model Ir1/Fe3O4 single-atom catalyst
    Z. Jakub, J. Hulva, M. Meier, R. Bliem, F. Kraushofer, M. Setvin, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, C. Franchini, G. S. Parkinson
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58 (2019) 13961-13968

  411. Growth of In2O3(111) thin films with optimized surfaces
    G. Franceschi, M. Wagner, J. Hofinger, T. Krajňák, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Riva
    Phys. Rev. Materials 3 (2019) 103403

  412. Epitaxial growth of complex oxide films: Role of surface reconstructions
    M. Riva, G. Franceschi, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. Research 1 (2019) 033059

  413. Substoichiometric ultrathin zirconia films cause strong metal-support interaction
    P. Lackner, J. I. J. Choi, U. Diebold, M. Schmid
    J. Mater. Chem. A 7 (2019) 24837-24846

  414. Partially dissociated water dimers at the water-hematite interface
    Z. Jakub, F. Kraushofer, M. Bichler, J. Balajka, J. Hulva, J. Pavelec, I. Sokolović, M. Müllner, M. Setvin, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, P. Blaha, G. S. Parkinson
    ACS Energy Lett. 4 (2019) 390-396

  415. Defect chemistry of Eu dopants in NaI scintillators studied by atomically resolved force microscopy
    M. Ulreich, L. A. Boatner, I. Sokolović, M. Reticcioli, B. Stoeger, F. Poelzleitner, C. Franchini, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Setvin
    Phys. Rev. Mater. 3 (2019) 075004

  416. Highlights of the Science and Life of Peter Varga (1946-2018)
    W.-D. Schneider, F. Aumayr, U. Diebold
    e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech. 18 (2020) 8-11

  417. Few-monolayer yttria-doped zirconia films: Segregation and phase stabilization
    P. Lackner, A. J. Brandt, U. Diebold, M. Schmid
    J. Chem. Phys. 152 (2020) 064709

  418. Zero-field propagation of spin waves in waveguides prepared by focused ion beam direct writing
    L. Flajšman, K. Wagner, M. Vaňatka, J. Gloss, V. Křižáková, M. Schmid, H. Schultheiss, M. Urbánek
    Phys. Rev. B 101 (2020) 014436

  419. Probing structural changes upon carbon monoxide coordination to single metal adatoms
    P. T. P. Ryan, M. Meier, Z. Jakub, J. Balajka, J. Hulva, D. J. Payne, T.-L. Lee, C. Franchini, F. Allegretti, G. S. Parkinson, D. A. Duncan
    J. Chem. Phys. 152 (2020) 051102

  420. Adsorbate-induced structural evolution changes the mechanism of CO oxidation on a Rh/Fe3O4 model catalyst
    Z. Jakub, J. Hulva, P. T. P. Ryan, D. A. Duncan, D. J. Payne, R. Bliem, M. Ulreich, P. Hofegger, F. Kraushofer, M. Meier, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    Nanoscale 12 (2020) 5866–5875

  421. A model system for photocatalysis: Ti-Doped α-Fe2O3(1 -1 0 2) single-crystalline films
    G. Franceschi, F. Kraushofer, M. Meier, G. S. Parkinson, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Riva
    Chem. Mater. 32 (2020) 3753-3764

  422. Order-disorder phase transition of the subsurface cation vacancy reconstruction on Fe3O4(001)
    B. Arndt, B. A. J. Lechner, A. Bourgund, E. Grånäs, M. Creutzburg, K. Krausert, J. Hulva, G. S. Parkinson, M. Schmid, V. Vonk, F. Esch, A. Stierle
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 (2020) 8336-8343

  423. Resolving the adsorption of molecular O2 on the rutile TiO2(110) surface by noncontact atomic force microscopy
    I. Sokolović, M. Reticcioli, M. Čalkovský, M. Wagner, M. Schmid, C. Franchini, U. Diebold, M. Setvín
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 117 (2020) 14827-14837

  424. Movable holder for a quartz crystal microbalance for exact growth rates in pulsed laser deposition
    G. Franceschi, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Riva
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91 (2020) 065003

  425. Fast low-noise transimpedance amplifier for scanning tunneling microscopy and beyond
    M. Štubian, J. Bobek, M. Setvin, U. Diebold, M. Schmid
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91 (2020) 074701

  426. Propagation of spin waves through a Néel domain wall
    O. Wojewoda, T. Hula, L. Flajšman, M. Vaňatka, J. Gloss, J. Holobrádek, M. Staňo, S. Stienen, L. Körber, K. Schultheiss, M. Schmid, H. Schultheiss, M. Urbánek
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 117 (2020) 022405

  427. Atomic force and scanning tunneling microscopy of ordered ionic liquid wetting layers from 110 K up to room temperature
    M. Meusel, M. Lexow, A. Gezmis, S. Schötz, M. Wagner, A. Bayer, F. Maier, H.-P. Steinrück
    ACS Nano 14 (2020) 9000-9010

  428. Oxide chemistry and catalysis
    L. R. Baker, U. Diebold, J. Y. Park, A. Selloni
    J. Chem. Phys. 153 (2020) 050401

  429. Atomic-scale studies of Fe3O4(001) and TiO2(110) surfaces following immersion in CO2-acidified water
    F. Mirabella, J. Balajka, J. Pavelec, M. Göbel, F. Kraushofer, M. Schmid, G. S. Parkinson, U. Diebold
    ChemPhysChem 21 (2020) 1788-1796

  430. Carbide-modified Pd on ZrO2 as active phase for CO2-reforming of methane - A model phase boundary approach
    N. Köpfle, K. Ploner, P. Lackner, T. Götsch, C. Thurner, E. Carbonio, M. Hävecker, A. Knop-Gericke, L. Schlicker, A. Doran, D. Kober, A. Gurlo, M. Willinger, S. Penner, M. Schmid, B. Klötzer
    Catalysts 10 (2020) 1000

  431. Atomically resolved surface phases of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3(110) thin films
    G. Franceschi, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Riva
    J. Mater. Chem. A 8 (2020) 22947-22961

  432. IrO2 surface complexions identified through machine learning and surface investigations
    J. Timmermann, F. Kraushofer, N. Resch, P. Li, Y. Wang, Z. Mao, M. Riva, Y. Lee, C. Staacke, M. Schmid, C. Scheurer, G. S. Parkinson, U. Diebold, K. Reuter
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 206101

  433. Adsorption and reaction of methanol on Fe3O4(001)
    M. D. Marcinkowski, K. C. Adamsen, N. Doudin, M. A. Sharp, R. S. Smith, Y. Wang, S. Wendt, J. V. Lauritsen, G. S. Parkinson, B. D. Kay, Z. Dohnálek
    J. Chem. Phys. 152 (2020) 064703

  434. Electrochemical stability of the reconstructed Fe3O4(001) surface
    D. Grumelli, T. Wiegmann, S. Barja, F. Reikowski, F. Maroun, P. Allongue, J. Balajka, G. S. Parkinson, U. Diebold, K. Kern, O. M. Magnussen
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59 (2020) 21904-21908

  435. A high temperature dual-mode quartz crystal microbalance technique for erosion and thermal desorption spectroscopy measurements
    R. Stadlmayr, P. S. Szabo, H. Biber, H. R. Koslowski, E. Kadletz, C. Cupak, R. A. Wilhelm, M. Schmid, C. Linsmeier, F. Aumayr
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91 (2020) 125104

  436. Perfect monolayers of the BaTiO3-derived 2D oxide quasicrystals investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy and noncontact atomic force microscopy
    E. M. Zollner, S. Schenk, M. Setvin, S. Förster
    Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 257 (2020) 1900620

  437. Direct assessment of the acidity of individual surface hydroxyls
    M. Wagner, B. Meyer, M. Setvin, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Nature 592 (2021) 722-725

  438. Unraveling CO adsorption on model single-atom catalysts
    J. Hulva, M. Meier, R. Bliem, Z. Jakub, F. Kraushofer, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, C. Franchini, G. S. Parkinson
    Science 371 (2021) 375-379

  439. Polarons in materials
    C. Franchini, M. Reticcioli, M. Setvin, U. Diebold
    Nat. Rev. Mater. 6 (2021) 560-586

  440. Ni-modified Fe3O4(001) surface as a simple model system for understanding the oxygen evolution reaction
    F. Mirabella, M. Müllner, T. Touzalin, M. Riva, Z. Jakub, F. Kraushofer, M. Schmid, M. T. M. Koper, G. S. Parkinson, U. Diebold
    Electrochim. Acta 389 (2021) 138638

  441. Surface reduction state determines stabilization and incorporation of Rh on α-Fe2O3(1 -1 0 2)
    F. Kraushofer, N. Resch, M. Eder, A. Rafsanjani-Abbasi, S. Tobisch, Z. Jakub, G. Franceschi, M. Riva, M. Meier, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    Adv. Mater. Interfaces 8 (2021) 2001908

  442. Quest for a pristine unreconstructed SrTiO3(001) surface: An atomically resolved study via noncontact atomic force microscopy
    I. Sokolović, G. Franceschi, Z. Wang, J. Xu, J. Pavelec, M. Riva, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Setvín
    Phys. Rev. B 103 (2021) L241406

  443. Two-dimensional surface phase diagram of a multicomponent perovskite oxide: La0.8Sr0.2MnO3(110)
    G. Franceschi, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Riva Phys. Rev. Materials 5 (2021) L092401

  444. Adding oxides to the 2D toolkit
    G. S. Parkinson Nat. Mater. 20 (2021) 1041–1042

  445. Oxygen-rich tetrahedral surface phase on high-temperature rutile VO2(110)T single crystals
    M. Wagner, J. Planer, B. S. J. Heller, J. Langer, A. Limbeck, L. A. Boatner, H.-P. Steinrück, J. Redinger, F. Maier, F. Mittendorfer, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Phys. Rev. Materials 5 (2021) 125001

  446. Rapid oxygen exchange between hematite and water vapor
    Z. Jakub, M. Meier, F. Kraushofer, J. Balajka, J. Pavelec, M. Schmid, C. Franchini, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    Nat. Commun. 12 (2021) 6488

  447. Single Rh adatoms stabilized on α-Fe2O3(1 -1 0 2) by coadsorbed water
    F. Kraushofer, L. Haager, M. Eder, A. Rafsanjani-Abbasi, Z. Jakub, G. Franceschi, M. Riva, M. Meier, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    ACS Energy Lett. 7 (2022) 375-380

  448. Reconstruction changes drive surface diffusion and determine the flatness of oxide surfaces
    G. Franceschi, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Riva
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 40 (2022) 023206

  449. CO oxidation by Pt2/Fe3O4: Metastable dimer and support configurations facilitate lattice oxygen extraction
    M. Meier, J. Hulva, Z. Jakub, F. Kraushofer, M. Bobić, R. Bliem, M. Setvin, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, C. Franchini, G. S. Parkinson
    Sci. Adv. 8 (2022) eabn4580

  450. Why and how Savitzky-Golay filters should be replaced
    M. Schmid, D. Rath, U. Diebold
    ACS Meas. Sci. Au 2 (2022) 185-196

  451. Adsorption configurations of Co-phthalocyanine on In2O3(111)
    M. Wagner, F. Calcinelli, A. Jeindl, M. Schmid, O. T. Hofmann, U. Diebold
    Surf. Sci. 722 (2022) 122065

  452. Competing electronic states emerging on polar surfaces
    M. Reticcioli, Z. Wang, M. Schmid, D. Wrana, L. A. Boatner, U. Diebold, M. Setvin, C. Franchini
    Nat. Commun. 13 (2022) 4311

  453. Structure of an ultrathin oxide on Pt3Sn(111) solved by machine learning enhanced global optimization
    L. R. Merte, M. K. Bisbo, I. Sokolović, M. Setvín, B. Hagman, M. Shipilin, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, E. Lundgren, B. Hammer
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61 (2022) e202204244

  454. Surface chemistry on a polarizable surface: Coupling of CO with KTaO3(001)
    Z. Wang, M. Reticcioli, Z. Jakub, I. Sokolović, M. Meier, L. A. Boatner, M. Schmid, G. S. Parkinson, U. Diebold, C. Franchini, M. Setvín
    Sci. Adv. 8 (2022) eabq1433

  455. Single-atom catalysis: insights from model systems
    F. Kraushofer, G. S. Parkinson
    Chem. Rev. 122 (2022) 14911–14939

  456. Modeling polarons in density functional theory: Lessons learned from TiO2
    M. Reticcioli, U. Diebold, C. Franchini
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34 (2022) 204006

  457. Machine learning for exploring small polaron configurational space
    V. C. Birschitzky, F. Ellinger, U. Diebold, M. Reticcioli, C. Franchini
    npj Comput. Mater. 8 (2022) 1–9

  458. Water structures reveal local hydrophobicity on the In2O3(111) surface
    H. Chen, M. A. Blatnik, C. L. Ritterhoff, I. Sokolović, F. Mirabella, G. Franceschi, M. Riva, M. Schmid, J. Čechal, B. Meyer, U. Diebold, M. Wagner
    ACS Nano 16 (2022) 21163-21173

  459. Role of Polarons in Single-Atom Catalysts: Case Study of Me1 [Au1, Pt1, and Rh1] on TiO2(110)
    P. Sombut, L. Puntscher, M. Atzmueller, Z. Jakub, M. Reticcioli, M. Meier, G. S. Parkinson, C. Franchini
    Top. Catal. 65 (2022) 1620-1630

  460. Resolving the intrinsic short-range ordering of K+ ions on cleaved muscovite mica
    G. Franceschi, P. Kocán, A. Conti, S. Brandstetter, J. Balajka, I. Sokolović, M. Valtiner, F. Mittendorfer, M. Schmid, M. Setvín, U. Diebold
    Nat. Commun. 14 (2023) 208

  461. Analysis of temperature-programmed desorption via equilibrium thermodynamics
    M. Schmid, G. S. Parkinson, U. Diebold
    ACS Phys. Chem. Au 3 (2023) 44-62

  462. Automated real-space lattice extraction for atomic force microscopy images
    M. Corrias, L. Papa, I. Sokolović, V. Birschitzky, A. Gorfer, M. Setvin, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Reticcioli, C. Franchini
    Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. 4 (2023) 015015

  463. A study of Pt, Rh, Ni and Ir dispersion on anatase TiO2(101) and the role of water
    L. Puntscher, K. Daninger, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    Electrochim. Acta 449 (2023) 142190

  464. Oxygen-terminated (1 × 1) reconstruction of reduced magnetite Fe3O4(111)
    F. Kraushofer, M. Meier, Z. Jakub, J. Hütner, J. Balajka, J. Hulva, M. Schmid, C. Franchini, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14 (2023) 3258-3265

  465. Meandering periods and asymmetries in light curves of Miras: Observational evidence for low mass-loss rates
    P. Merchan-Benitez, S. Uttenthaler, M. Jurado-Vargas
    Astron. Astrophys. 672 (2023) A165

  466. Oxide Surfaces
    G. Franceschi, U. Diebold
    in: Encyclopedia of Materials: Electronics, ed. A. S. M. A. Haseeb (Academic Press, Oxford, 2023), pp. 501-511

  467. Effect of Different In2O3(111) Surface Terminations on CO2 Adsorption
    S. M. Gericke, M. M. Kauppinen, M. Wagner, M. Riva, G. Franceschi, A. Posada-Borbón, L. Rämisch, S. Pfaff, E. Rheinfrank, A. M. Imre, A. B. Preobrajenski, S. Appelfeller, S. Blomberg, L. R. Merte, J. Zetterberg, U. Diebold, H. Grönbeck, E. Lundgren
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 15 (2023) 45367-45377

  468. Formation and stability of Fe-rich terminations of the Fe3O4(001) surface
    O. Gamba, M. Eder, M. Poglitsch, J. Pavelec, P. Sombut, M. Meier, U. Diebold, M. Schmid, G. S. Parkinson
    Mater. Res. Express 10 (2023) 116517

  469. Evolution of the surface atomic structure of multielement oxide films: curse or blessing?
    G. Franceschi, R. Heller, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Riva
    Nanoscale Adv. 5 (2023) 7009-7017

  470. Hematite α-Fe2O3(0001) in top and side view: Resolving long-standing controversies about its surface structure
    J. Redondo, J. Michalička, F. Kraushofer, G. Franceschi, B. Šmid, N. Kumar, O. Man, M. Blatnik, D. Wrana, B. Mallada, M. Švec, G. S. Parkinson, M. Setvin, M. Riva, U. Diebold, J. Čechal
    Adv. Mater. Interfaces 10 (2023) 2300602

  471. Toward a Comprehensive understanding of photocatalysis: What systematic studies and alcohol surface chemistry on TiO2(110) have to offer for future developments
    M. Eder, M. Tschurl, U. Heiz
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14 (2023) 6193-6201

  472. A multitechnique study of C2H4 adsorption on Fe3O4(001)
    L. Puntscher, P. Sombut, C. Wang, M. Ulreich, J. Pavelec, A. Rafsanjani-Abbasi, M. Meier, A. Lagin, M. Setvin, U. Diebold, C. Franchini, M. Schmid, G. S. Parkinson
    J. Phys. Chem. C 127 (2023) 18378-18388

  473. How water binds to microcline feldspar (001)
    G. Franceschi, A. Conti, L. Lezuo, R. Abart, F. Mittendorfer, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15 (2024) 15-22

  474. Atomic structure of oxide surfaces in aqueous environment
    G. Franceschi, U. Diebold, J. Balajka
    Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces, edited by K. Wandelt and G. Bussetti (Elsevier, Oxford 2024) pp. 200-209

  475. Interaction of surface cations of cleaved mica with water in vapor and liquid forms
    G. Franceschi, S. Brandstetter, J. Balajka, I. Sokolović, J. Pavelec, M. Setvín, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    Faraday Discuss. 249 (2024) 84-97

  476. CO-induced dimer decay responsible for gem-dicarbonyl formation on a model single-atom catalyst
    C. Wang, P. Sombut, L. Puntscher, Z. Jakub, M. Meier, J. Pavelec, R. Bliem, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, C. Franchini, G. S. Parkinson
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 63 (2024) e202317347

  477. NH3 adsorption and competition with H2O on a hydroxylated aluminosilicate surface
    G. Franceschi, A. Conti, L. Lezuo, R. Abart, F. Mittendorfer, M. Schmid, U. Diebold
    J. Chem. Phys. 160 (2024) 164312

  478. Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy setup with incidence angle selection for surfaces of non-metals
    D. Rath, V. Mikerásek, C. Wang, M. Eder, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson, J. Pavelec
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95 (2024) 065106

  479. High-κ Wide-Gap Layered Dielectric for Two-Dimensional van der Waals Heterostructures
    A. Söll, E. Lopriore, A. Ottesen, J. Luxa, G. Pasquale, J. Sturala, F. Hájek, V. Jarý, D. Sedmidubský, K. Mosina, I. Sokolović, S. Rasouli, T. Grasser, U. Diebold, A. Kis, Z. Sofer
    ACS Nano 18 (2024) 10397-10406

  480. Stoichiometric reconstruction of the Al2O3(0001) surface
    J. I. Hütner, A. Conti, D. Kugler, F. Mittendorfer, G. Kresse, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, J. Balajka
    Science 385 (2024) 1241-1244

  481. Machine learning-based prediction of polaron-vacancy patterns on the TiO2(110) surface
    V. C. Birschitzky, I. Sokolović, M. Prezzi, K. Palotás, M. Setvín, U. Diebold, M. Reticcioli, C. Franchini
    npj Comput. Mater. 10 (2024) 89

  482. Digging its own site: Linear coordination stabilizes a Pt1/Fe2O3 single-atom catalyst
    A. Rafsanjani-Abbasi, F. Buchner, F. J. Lewis, L. Puntscher, F. Kraushofer, P. Sombut, M. Eder, J. Pavelec, E. Rheinfrank, G. Franceschi, V. Birschitzky, M. Riva, C. Franchini, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, M. Meier, G. K. H. Madsen, G. S. Parkinson
    ACS Nano 18 (2024) 26920-26927

  483. Exploring inhomogeneous surfaces: Ti-rich SrTiO3(110) reconstructions via active learning
    R. Wanzenböck, E. Heid, M. Riva, G. Franceschi, A. M. Imre, J. Carrete, U. Diebold, G. K. H. Madsen
    Digital Discovery 3 (2024) 2137-2145

  484. Real-space investigation of polarons in hematite Fe2O3
    J. Redondo, M. Reticcioli, V. Gabriel, D. Wrana, F. Ellinger, M. Riva, G. Franceschi, E. Rheinfrank, I. Sokolović, Z. Jakub, F. Kraushofer, A. Alexander, E. Belas, L. L. Patera, J. Repp, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, G. S. Parkinson, C. Franchini, P. Kocan, M. Setvin
    Sci. Adv. 10 (2024) eadp7833

  485. The impact of third dredge-up on the mass loss of Mira variables
    S. Uttenthaler, S. Shetye, A. Nanni, B. Aringer, K. Eriksson, I. McDonald, D. Gobrecht, S. Höfner, U. Wolter, S. Cristallo, K. Bernhard
    Astron. Astrophys. 690 (2024) A393

  486. The evolutionary state of the red giant star L2 Puppis
    S. Uttenthaler
    Astron. Astrophys. 692 (2024) A224

  487. ViPErLEED package I: Calculation of I(V) curves and structural optimization
    F. Kraushofer, A. M. Imre, G. Franceschi, T. Kißlinger, E. Rheinfrank, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, L. Hammer, M. Riva
    Phys. Rev. Res. 7 (2025) 013005

  488. ViPErLEED package II: Spot tracking, extraction, and processing of I(V) curves
    M. Schmid, F. Kraushofer, A. M. Imre, T. Kißlinger, L. Hammer, U. Diebold, M. Riva
    Phys. Rev. Res. 7 (2025) 013006

  489. "Single-atom" catalysis: An opportunity for surface science
    G. S. Parkinson
    Surf. Sci. 754 (2025) 122687

Last update of abstract list on 10-Feb-2025 at 16:18 CET.
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