Curriculum Vitae of Ille Gebeshuber

Ille C. Gebeshuber

Associate Professor @ IAP TU Wien. Expert in Tribology, Nanotechnology and Biomimetics.

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Research Teaching Outreach
Activities Publications Private

Name: Ille C. Gebeshuber
Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/134, 1040 Wien, Vienna, Austria, Europe
email:, mobile: +43 (0)676 5108737, phone: +43 1 58801 13483, FAX: +43 1 58801 13499

Full Academic CV in English (as of 2017): Long CV ICG, Short Academic CV in English (3 Pages, as of 2017): Short CV ICG, List of Publications (as of 2016): Publications ICG, Deutschsprachiger Lebenslauf (5 Seiten, as of September 2024): CV ICG, Portrait (c) 2022 Mihaela Noroc link (15.9 MB)

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*** CV, *** Professorships, *** Habilitation "Nanoscience on Surfaces", *** Diploma and PhD Theses, PostDoctoral "Wanderjahre", *** Recent Additional Training / Courses , *** Research Projects

*** Guest Professorships, Teaching (courses, labs), supervising (undergraduates, Bachelor students, Master students, PhD students, postdoctoral scientists) and external PhD thesis reviewing

*** List of Publications: *** Research Articles, *** Books, Edited Books and Book Chapters, *** Standards and Technical Guidelines, *** Book Review, *** Research Abstracts, *** Papers in Conference Proceedings, *** Posters

*** Popular Science / Outreach Activities, *** Media Coverage of Research and Professional Activities, *** Teaching in Adult Education

*** Honors and Awards, *** Organized Workshops, Meetings and Conferences, *** Scientific Community Services / Industry Services (Boards, Committees, Editorial Activities, Expert Panels, Consultancy Functions, Mentoring and Reviewing Activities), *** Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, Short Visits, *** Expeditions, *** Plenary Addresses, Keynote Presentations and Invited Lectures

Short Biography:

Ille C. Gebeshuber is Associate Professor at the Institute of Applied Physics at TU Wien. She is expert in Nanotechnology, Biomimetics and Tribology. She was born on April 10, 1969, in the small city Kindberg. On the school bus, when she wrote a message on the window to a friend who was outside, she discovered that - a natural lefthander - she can write in mirror. She uses this ability to stimulate the right side of her brain and thereby her creativity and cross-border thinking. This has had major influence on her scholarly development and achievements - unlike most other physicists and engineers her approach to science is wide and holistic, and inherently trans- and interdisciplinary, bridging over to biology, the arts and the social sciences. 2017 she was elected 'Austrian of the Year' in the category 'Research'.

From 2008 until 2015 she was living and working in Malaysia, since 2016 she is back at her home institution, the TU Wien. Prof. Ille is associate editor in chief of the Journal of Bionic Engineering, associate editor of the IMechE Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (SAGE Publishing, London, UK), editorial board member of various scientific journals, author of two books on biomimetics and nanotechnology and editor of a book on biomimetics by Springer Scientific Publishing. Since 2011 she has been scientific advisory board member regarding nanotechnology for the Lifeboat Foundation, a US American think tank safeguarding humanity. Her research interests comprise the use of nanotechnology and biomimetics to address global challenges for humankind.

Prof. Ille C. Gebeshuber serves on various international strategy boards. She has been acting as reviewer and advisor for agencies, universities, research institutions and public bodies. Prof. Ille is doing extensive public science outreach work and her professional activities are widely covered in the media. She loves to go on rainforest expeditions with her students, who come from different cultures and different fields (Europe & Asia, physics, engineering, biology, veterinary medicine, applied arts, fine arts).

Her research interests are located at the interface of biology, engineering and the arts, systems thinking and nanotechnology. She has experience in various expert panels, including the Science Advisory Board (Arlington, USA), the Strategy Board of the Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology (Wiener Neustadt, Austria), QS and THES University Rankings and the ISESCO Expert Panel on Nanotechnology.


  • 1975-1979: Primary School in Kindberg, Austria
  • 1979-1987: Secondary School in Kapfenberg, Austria, obtained first class honors
  • 1987-1995: Studies of Technical Physics at TU Wien, obtained first class honors
  • 1989-1992: Elected representative of all students of Technical Physics at TU Wien
  • 1994-1999: Coordination and management of the activities of the TU-BioMed - Association of Biomedical Engineering at TU Wien
  • 1995: Completion of the studies of Technical Physics (obtained first class honors). Rede_ICG_1995.pdf (My speech at the academic celebration)
  • 1995-2000: Tutor on Computer-Simulation at TU Wien
  • 1995-1998: Dissertational studies in the field Hearing Theory at TU Wien (supervisor Prof. DDDr. Rattay)
  • 1995-1997: Postgraduate studies "Environmental Protection with Technological Means"
  • 1997: Crete Course in Computational Neuroscience, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas, FO.R.T.H. Heraklion, Greece
  • 1998: PhD in the Technical Sciences (external examiner: Prof. Jonathan Ashmore, FRS, University College London; obtained first class honors). Click here to view my speech at the graduation ceremony on YouTube.
  • 1999: PostDoc at Paul Hansma's lab, Physics Department, University of California Santa Barbara
  • December 1999-2002: PostDoc with Friedrich Aumayr at Tu Wien, Institut für Allgemeine Physik, Group "Atomic and Plasma Physics"
  • 2002-2009: Assistant Professor, TU Wien, Austria
  • 2003-2006: Senior Researcher and Project Manager @ AC2T (Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology) Research GesmbH, Wiener Neustadt
  • 2002: Telluride Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering, Telluride CO 81435, Colorado, USA
  • 2003: Research scholar at the Santa Fe Institute, CSSS03 (Complex Systems Summer School 2003), Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, USA
  • from 2006: Editorial Board Member of the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science
  • 2006-2010: Key Researcher and Principal Scientist @ AC2T (Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology) Research GesmbH, Wiener Neustadt
  • 2008: Initiator and Founding Member of TU BIONIK, Center of Excellence Bionik / Biomimetics at TU Wien
  • 2008: Prince2 Foundation Qualification, APM Group, UK
  • 2008: Habilitation (i.e. large venia, venia legendi) in "Experimental Physics"
  • 2008-2015: Leave of Absence from TU Wien, to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • From 2009: Associate Professor, TU Wien, Austria
  • 2009-2015: Full Professor, University Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • from 2010: Associate Editor of the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
  • 2010-2016: Strategy Board Member, COMET K2 XTribology Excellence Centre of Tribology, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
  • from 2011: Director Aramis Technologies Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • From 2011: Scientific Advisory Board Member Lifeboat Foundation
  • November 2011: Inaugural Address (Syarahan Umum Profesor), UKM, Bangi, Malaysia. Accompanied by my new book "Biomimetics and Nanotechnology", UKM Press, Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, ISBN 978-967-412-004-7.
  • July 2012: TEDxKL Talk "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Watch it on YouTube: link
  • From 2014: Member of the Board of Directors International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE) (2014-2016, 2017-2019, 2020-2022, 2023-2026)
  • From November 2015: Member of Netzwerk Algen
  • From 2016: Back in Vienna, at the Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria. Thank you, dear Malaysia, for seven great years!!
  • From May 2016: Member of Biointerface - Connecting Frontier Research in Nanotechnology and the Life Sciences
  • 2016-2018: Editor in Chief "Journal of Biomimetics in Engineering", SAGE Publishing, London, UK
  • 2017-2018: Scientific Advisory Council Member "Bird Shades", ZAT Leoben, Austria
  • May 2019: TEDxTUWien Talk "(Re)Connect to Living Nature", Vienna, Austria. Watch it on YouTube: link
  • From 2020: Associate Editor in Chief of the Journal of Bionic Engineering
  • From October 2022: Member of Bioeconomy Austria
  • April 2024: TEDxKollerschlag Talk "A Bio-Inspired Vision for the Future", Kollerschlag, Austria. Watch it on YouTube: link
  • Back to Start


    Full Professor of Physics. Expert in Tribology, Nanotechnology and Biomimetics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2009-2015.
    Tenured Associate Professor, Research Group Atomic and Plasma Physics, Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, from 2009.


    Large venia in Experimental Physics. Title of Habilitation: Nanoscience on Surfaces, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2008. pdf

    Diploma and PhD Theses, Post Doctoral "Wanderjahre":

    Diploma Thesis: Modeling the Kinetics in the Auditory Receptor Cell using Equivalent Electric Circuits, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 1995
    PhD Thesis: Stochastic and Deterministic Influences on the Peripheral Coding of Auditory Signals, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 1998
    Post Doctoral "Wanderjahre":
  • 1998-1999 Biomedical Engineering, TU-BioMed, TU Wien, Vienna (Prof. DDDr. Frank Rattay)
  • 1999 Scanning Probe Microscopy, Biophysics, University of California Santa Barbara Physics Department, USA (Prof. Paul Hansma)
  • 2000-2002 Scanning Probe Microscopy, UHV, TU Wien, Vienna (Prof. HP. Winter)Back to Start

    Recent Additional Training / Courses:

    Typo3 Course (Effective Writing, Typo3 Basics & Typo3 Advanced Course)
    XR Extended Reality in der Lehre, SS 2023
    Didactic Measures to Increase Academic Integrity, SS 2023
    Tag der Wirksamkeit, Kardinal König Haus, 2023

    Leadership in Times of Crises, WS 2020
    Online Teaching, WS 2020
    Laudato si Lehrgang Schöpfungsverantwortung, Erzdiözese Wien, Austria, 2019-2020

    Improvisation Theatre, FFG, Vienna, Austria, 2019
    Laudato si Lehrgang Schöpfungsverantwortung, Erzdiözese Wien, Austria, 2019-2020

    Cognitive Training (with Hansjörg Aschenwald). SS2018
    Woche der Wirksamkeit, Kardinal König Haus, 2018
    Communication and Change, the single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place (B.Shaw). SS 2018

    IQ + EQ = Success, Emotionale Kompetenz bei Führungsaufgaben. SS 2017

    Meine Verantwortung als Führungskraft - Soziale Kompetenz. Kommunikation bei Konflikten und Krisen. WS 2016
    Meine Verantwortung als Führungskraft - Rechtliche Kompetenz: Workshop für (neue) Führungskräfte an der TU Wien. WS 2016
    Woche der Wirksamkeit, Kardinal König Haus, 2016
    Sozialökonomische Transformation, Institut für Gesellschaftliche Weiterentwicklung, Deutschland, 2016

    Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos, Santa Fe Institute MOOC, 2014

    Introduction to Complexity, Santa Fe Institute MOOC, 2013
    Forest Safety and Confidence Course, Malaysian Nature Society, August 21, September 25 and October 12, 2013

    Basics of Nature Guiding, Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, Malaysia, January 23, 2010

    Lab Safety for Group Leaders, Serembang, Malaysia

    Strategy and Games @ Work, FFG, Vienna, Austria, 2008
    Encouragement to Advance, European Union, Brussels, Belgium, 2008
    Salary Negotiations, TU, Vienna, Austria, 2008
    Biomimicry Innovation Method, Biomimicry Guild, Monatana, Uvita, Costa Rica, 2008
    Strategic Communication, TU, Vienna, Austria, 2008
    Prince 2 Foundation Exam, Project Management, Vienna, Austria, 2008 Back to Start

    Research Projects:

    1. 2024: Principal Investigator, FFG Talente Project "3DPferdeProthese" (Project Number FO999913844), financed by Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG)
    2. 2024-2025: Co-Principal Investigator, FFG Innovationscamp "BioGenDesKI" (Project Number 53090840), financed by Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG)
    3. 2023: Principal Investigator, FFG Talente Project "Schillerfarbenkubus" (Project Number FO999902110), financed by Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG)
    4. From 2022: Principal Investigator "Urban Sustainability Index", in cooperation with Clemes Singer, Alexander Ehrentraut and Erik Swan, Director, Digital Business Exploration at Husqvarna Group, Sweden
    5. From 2022: Team Member, "Learning from Nature: Epistemological and ontological foundations of biomimetics", with University of Tübingen & University of Rostock, Germany (German Research Promotion Agency DFG, Project Number 492191929)
    6. 2021-2023: Principal Investigator, "Biomimetics of Thermoregulation in Butterflies", with STO SE & Co. KGaA, Stühlingen, Germany and Zoo Schönbrunn, Vienna, Austria
    7. 2019-2023: Co-Principal Investigator, FFG Project "EFFIE - Effizientere, biobasierte und recyclebare Stretchfolie" (Produktion der Zukunft, Project Number 871446), with Fraunhofer Austria u.a., financed by Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG). FFG Success Story: EFFIE
    8. 2019-2020: Principal Investigator, Project "Rauhigkeitsmessungen menschlicher Lentikel" (with MedUni Wien)
    9. 2016-2018: Co-Principal Investigator, FFG Bridge Project "BioFacLay: Bio-inspired factory layouts for optimal materialflow" (Project Number 851267), with D. Tinello (TU Graz, Austria), Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Lehrstuhl für Produktionswirtschaft, KNAPP AG (Austria) and M. Drack (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Institut für Evolution und Ökologie - Evolutionsbiologie der Invertebraten), financed by Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG)
    10. From 2016: Principal Investigator, Research on the development of new technologies that are not negative but neutral for humans and the whole biosphere. For overview see my book. We especially investigate materials, structures and processes in living nature, and transfer the knowledge to engineering by doing biomimetics. But this is not all. We also learn from each other, since we are people from so many different fields, with so various fields of specialisation. We are open for all kinds of projects and cooperations - simply contact us! Current approaches (selection):
      • Phytoming (mining with plants) for Tungsten - goal: development of new ways to accumulate metals from waste, from mine dumps, from polluted soils, etc.
      • Development of a new optics inspired by the facet eye
      • Physical insect repellents that can be eaten by children (repel certain insect species, but do not harm other organisms)
      • Functionalised facades
      • Insights into Growth Regulation in Organisms
      • Stamping colors and further functionalities (inspired by nanostructure-based colors in butterfly wings)
      • Biomimetics of extremophiles (for urban mining, space mining, terraforming, ressource management, waste management)
    11. 2016: Principal Investigator, Research Project on Mussel Byssus, in collaboration with Jack Rudloe and Dick Gordon, Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratories, Inc., Panacea, Florida, U.S.A.

    12. 2016: Principal Investigator, Project for gifted refugee children, in cooperation with
    13. 2009-2015: Principal Investigator, "BioScreen (Biomimetics Pilot Project)". Analysis of the rich flora in South East Asia concerning its biomimetic inspirational potential for technological applications. Central aspect: installing cooperations between institutions in the European Union with local institutions in South East Asia. Increasing awareness about the technological innovation potential of the rainforest and its abundance of species might cause a paradigm shift in the way locals view the pristine forests. BioScreen is a pilot project with the installation of collaborations between key institutions serving as base for further projects as major task.
      If you are interested in joining/collaboration/more information, write me an email.
    14. 2014: Team Member, "Development of hybrid nanostructures", Dana Pembangunan Penyelidikan, UKM. Project Code: DPP-2-14-049
    15. 2014-2015: Team Member, "Healthcare and rehabilitation technology", Eurasia Pacific Uninet, Project Volume: EUR 10 000, Principal Investigator: Prof. (FH) Martin Kimmel, University of Applied Sciences, Technikum Wien, Vienna, Austria. Project partners: Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan; University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan; Tribhuvan University, Nepal; Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kazakhstan; Medical University of Vienna, Austria and Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia
    16. 2013-2015: Team Member, "Bio-adhesive effect of banana leaves for elevated temperature application", Fundamental Research Grant Scheme FRGS (MOHE, Government of Malaysia), Project Volume: RM 129 000, Project Code: FRGS/2/2013/TK04/UKM/02/2

    17. 2013-2015: Team Member, UKM Research University Grant Scheme OUP Project "ISFBER2G - Integrated Structural and Functional Biology, Engineering and Robotics Education Research in appreciation of social and cryptic insects 'technology'", Principal Investigator: Dr. Fadzly Rahim, Head STEMiND (STEM Integrative in Nobelist Development), STEM Education Cluster, UKM Education & Civilization Research Niche
    18. 2013-2015: Principal Investigator, "A structural approach to multifunctional nanomaterials", Fundamental Research Grant Scheme FRGS (MOHE, Government of Malaysia), Project Volume: RM 149 100, Project Code: FRGS/1/2013/TK02/UKM/01/1

    19. 2013-2014: Team Member, "Healthcare and rehabilitation technology", Eurasia Pacific Uninet, Project Volume: EUR 5000, Project Code: EPU 23/2013, Principal Investigator: Prof. (FH) Martin Kimmel, University of Applied Sciences, Technikum Wien, Vienna, Austria
    20. 2012-2013: Supervisor (together with M. Schreiner), Vienna Academy of Fine Arts Project "Struktur.macht.Farbe" (project in lieu of the PhD thesis of Sigrid Zobl, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna).

    21. 2010-2013: Principal Investigator, UKM Arus Perdana Project "Biomimetic development of a new generation of MEMS in medicine", Project Volume: RM 300 000, Project Code: UKM-AP-NBT-16-2010
    22. 2011-2012: Team Member, OUP-2012-117
    23. 2011-2012: Principal Investigator, BKBP-IMEN-K017745 Bantuan Kewangan Bahan, RM 6 400
    24. 2010-2012: Team Member, UKM Arus Perdana Project "Design and fabrication of surface topology as a tool for stem cells differentiation through morphological regulation", principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Ruszymah Hj Idrus, Project Volume: RM 300 000, Project Code: UKM-AP-TKP-10-2010
    25. 2010-2012: Team Member "Synthesis and characterization of Indium doped ZnO nanowires for gas sensing applications", Project Team: Dee Chang Fu (principal investigator), Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis, Ille Gebeshuber, Azrul Azlan bin Hamzah and Huda Abdullah, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme FRGS (MOHE, Government of Malaysia), location: Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), UKM, Malaysia, Project Volume: RM 39 200, Project Code: UKM-RRR1-07-FRGS0025-2010
    26. 2010-2011: Team Member "Biornametics: Architecture defined by natural patterns", Project Team: Barbara Imhof (principal investigator), Petra Gruber, Kristy Balliet, Waltraut Hoheneder, George Jeronimidis and Ille C. Gebeshuber, Austrian Science Fund PEEK Project, Arts based research, location: Vienna University of Applied Arts, Project Volume: 120 000 EUR, Project Code: AR 14-G21
    27. 2011: Team Member, Research University Grant "MEMS and Nanoelectronics", Project Leader Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jumril Yunas, Project Code: UKM-OUP-NBT-27-118/2011, RM 62 000
    28. 2010: Team Member, Research University Grant, Project Volume: RM 58 000, Project Code: UKM-OUP-NBT-27-118/2010
    29. 2009-2011: Team Member, Project Volume: RM 146 300, Project Code: UKM-GPP-PPKK-18-2009
    30. 2009-2011: Team Member, UKM Arus Perdana Project "Lab on Chip for Medical Applications (Micro Total Analysis System)", location: Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), UKM, Malaysia, Project Volume: RM 902 200, Project Code: UKM-AP-NBT-10-2009
    31. 2006-2009: Project Manager (TU Wien part), Scientist in Charge (TU Wien part) and member of the Scientific Committee (whole project) WEMESURF "Characterisation of wear mechanisms and surface functionalities with regard to life time prediction and quality criteria - from micro to the nano range", EU Human Resources and Mobility (HRM) activity, Marie Curie actions, Marie Curie Research Training Network (RTN), Project Volume (for our group) ca. 310 000 EUR, Total Project Volume 3 464 728 EUR, Project Code: MIFI-CT-2006-039220, Project Numer 35589.

    32. 2006-2009: Deputy Coordinator of the Joint Research Activity 4 of the European Union Sixth Framework programm "Structuring the European Research Area Specific Programme" "Production and Characterisation of Gas Phase Biomolecular Targets" (coodinator: Bob W. McCullough, Queen's University Belfast), Research Infrastructure Action: Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) ITS LEIF, I3 Full Title: Ion Technology and Spectroscopy at Low Energy Ion Beam Facilities, JRA4 Project Volume ca. 100 000 EUR, total funding 4 794 420 EUR

    33. 2008: Principal Investigator, "Atomic force microscopy of the interaction of functionalized nanoparticles with living CaCo-2 cancer cells", FFG Forschung macht Schule Innovationspraktikum, Project Code: 203778
    34. 2005, 2006: Austrian Project Manager, "Grain scale investigation into fretting contacts". Project with Thomas Dick and Georges Cailletaud from the Ecole National Superieure des Mines de Paris, sponsored by OEAD, Amadee Program (exchange with France).
    35. 2005-2006: Principal Investigator, "Magnetic carbon?", Innovative Project 2005 TU Wien, Project Volume: 47 600 EUR

    36. 2003-2006: Team Member, FWF Project "Nanometer-sized surface modifications on silicon produced by slow multiply charged ions" , Principal Investigator: Ao.Univ.Prof. Friedrich Aumayr, Project Code: P16178-PHY

    37. 2003-2006: Project Manager, "Functional Surfaces", KPlus Strategic Research Project, Project Volume: 544 000 EUR

    38. 1999-2000: Principal Investigator "Development of a Scanning Ion Conductance Microscope in Combination with a Patch Clamp Device" Hochschuljubilaeumsstiftung der Stadt Wien, TU Wien Research Project Initiative, Project Volume: 90 000 ATS, Project Code: Project H-120/99

    39. 2000-2002: Team Member, FWF Project "UHV-AFM studies of nanodefect formation by slow multicharged ions at insulator surfaces" , Principal Investigator: Dr. Friedrich Aumayr, Project Code: P13543-PHY

    40. 1999-2000: Principal Investigator, "Development of a Scanning Ion Conductance Microscope for Technical and Biological Applications" Wiener Wirtschaft Technology Prize (Fonds 150 Years TU Wien), Project Volume: 100 000 ATS

    41. 1998: Team Member, Austrian Ministry of Science project "TU-BioMed - Coordination Model for Biomedical Research and Teaching regarding the specific framework given by the European Union", Principal Investigator: DDDr. Frank Rattay, TU Wien
    42. 1996-1998: Team Member, Austrian Ministry of Science project "Medical Technology Assessment of (new) Biomedical Technologies", Principal Investigator: Dr. Claudia Wild, Austrian Academy of ScienceBack to Start

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    Guest Professorships

  • Universidad de la Habana, Colegio Universitario San Geronimo de La Habana, Havanna, Cuba. Lecture Series "Materials Science and Biomimetics", March 2012

  • Universidad de la Habana, Havanna, Cuba. Lecture Series "Surface Nanoanalytics in Physics, Biology and Tribology", July 2008
  • University of Technology Warsaw, Poland. Lecture Series "Biology for Nanotechnology Students", May 2006
  • Teaching (courses, labs) and supervising (undergraduates, Bachelor students, Master students, PhD students, postdoctoral scientists):

    Postdoctoral Scientists:

    PhD Students:

    1. Maria Cecilia Perroni, University of Life Sciences BoKu Wien, Vienna, Austria. Supervision Team: Profs. Elisabeth Quendler, BoKu Wien, Ille C. Gebeshuber, TU Wien, Wilfried Wöber & Susanne Schidler, FH Technikum Wien (ongoing, from 2024)
    2. Richard W. van Nieuwenhoven, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria. Main supervisor: Prof. Ille C. Gebeshuber, TU Wien (ongoing, from 2022)
    3. Siti Zaleha bt Mat Diah, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, financed by my Arus Perdana project (2011-2012) and a MyBrain Scholarship (2012-2014), PhD Thesis Title "Adaptasi Cahaya Terpolarisasi yang Berpotensi Sebagai Asas Pembangunan Sistem Navigasi Terbioinspirasi (Adaptation of Polarised Light as a Potential Foundation for Building Bioinspired Navigation Systems)".
      ** Winner of the 2012 AGSE Innovation Award in Recognition of Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Applied Geoinformatics for "The 'navigational sense' in living nature: A survey for engineers" AGSE2012_2012_Proceedings_Siti_Salmah_Oliver_Ille.pdf. photo
      ** Winner of a MyBrain Scholarship (2012-2014) subsequently to being awarded the AGSE Innovation Award in Recognition of Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Applied Geoinformatics in July 2012. PhD awarded 2020.
    4. Sigrid Zobl, Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna), Vienna, Austria, PhD awarded 2018. Title "Strukturfarben im Brennpunkt der Bionik zwischen Kunst und Naturwissenschaften", Main Supervisor: Univ. Prof. Dr. Manfred Schreiner, Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna). Co-supervisor. This thesis was published as a book by Springer: link
    5. Theresia Meschik, Vetmeduni Vienna, Austria, 2010-2016. Cow Biomimetics.
    6. Hasrawati abu Hassan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia. Thesis Title: "Microstructural effects of banana leaf on adhesion and self cleaning behaviour". Co-Supervisor (2014-2015, PhD awarded 2016)
    7. Salmah Karman, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, financed by my Arus Perdana project 2012-2014. PhD Thesis Title "MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human sensory perceptions".
      ** Winner of the 2012 AGSE Innovation Award in Recognition of Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Applied Geoinformatics for "Towards a 'navigational sense' for humans: Biomimetic polarized light-based navigation system" AGSE2012_2012_Proceedings_Siti_Salmah_Oliver_Ille.pdf. photo. PhD awarded 2016.
    8. Johannes Srajer, Universitaet für Bodenkultur Wien, Vienna, Austria. Thesis Title: "Plasmonic nanostructures for ultra-sensitive spectroscopy of biomolecules". External Advisor (2012-2014) and Examiner (PhD awarded 2014)
    9. Agnieszka Tomala (maiden name Bogus), TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, financed by our Marie Curie Research Training Network WEMESURF. Main supervisor: Prof. Ille C. Gebeshuber, TU Wien, 2007-2009. PhD awarded 2011.
    External PhD Students (Secondment):

    PhD and Master Theses, External Reviewer and/or Examiner:

    Research Assistants

    Master Students

    1. Tobias Wedenik, BSc (TU Wien, Physics Engineeering), "Redefining Bioprinting: Minimizing Turbulence with Z-Axis Printing Innovation", TU Wien, Vienna, in progress
    2. August Hammel, BSc (TU Wien, Biomedical Engineering), "3D-Printed Prosthetics for Horses", TU Wien, Vienna, in progress
    3. Markus Zimmerl, BSc (TU Wien, Physics Engineering), "Passive Radiative Cooling - Biomimetics of Silver Ants", TU Wien, Vienna, in progress
    4. Florian Zischka, BSc (TU Wien, Physics Engineeering), "Biomimetics of Multifunctional Butterfly Scale Nanostructures", TU Wien, Vienna, 2024.
    5. Tomas Zwettler, BSc (TU Wien, Physics Engineering), "Optimising a z-Scan Experiment with an Acousto Optic Modulator: Reducing Thermal Effects and Improving Beam Stability", 2024.
    6. Lukas Hageneder, BSc (Graz University, Physics), "Investigation of the superhydrophobic nanostructure of water strider feet", Graz University, 2023.
    7. Richard van Nieuwenhoven, BSc (TU Wien, Biomedical Engineering), "Mechanical bactericide by biomimetics of the nanopillars on insect wings", TU Wien, 2022.
    8. Alexander Bürger, BSc (TU Wien, Physics Engineering), "Surface analytics of bactericidal cicada wing nanopillars and development of a biomimetic nanoimprinting approach for functional replication" (Dipl.-Ing. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria 2022, with distinction)
    9. Simona Elena Bejan, Dr. (National Research and Development Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare Metals IMNR, Bukarest, Romania), "Hydrothermal synthesis of pure nanostructured ZrO2, Y2O3 doped ZrO2 and Gd2O3 doped ZrO2 ceramic biomaterials and certain characterization methods", Engineering Management, TU Wien, 2022.
    10. Maja Vasiljevic, BSc (TU Wien, Physics Engineering), "Experimental investigation of bio-based plastic films and development of a finite element model for the biomimetic optimization of stretch foils" (Dipl.-Ing. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria 2022). In collaboration with a company and not publicly available for two years.
    11. Cornelia Pichler, BSc (TU Wien, Physics Engineering), "Development and Testing of Biomimetic Macroscale Models for Novel Endoscopes" (Dipl.-Ing. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria 2021) Thesis-PDF. Finalist Women's Promotion Award for Digitization and Innovation 2022
    12. Cornelia Adami, BSc (TU Wien, Physics Engineering), "Mechanical and surface analytical studies of material properties of more efficient, bio-based and recyclable stretch foil" (Dipl.-Ing. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria 2020). In collaboration with a company and not publicly available for two years.
    13. Thomas Altmann (physics engineering), "Optical filters based on nanostructured substrates with Cu and Ag metalisation" (Dipl.-Ing. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria 2018, with distinction). In collaboration with a company and not publicly available for two years.
    14. Johanna Amlacher (physics engineering), "Phytomining for Tungsten (working title)" (MSc TU Wien, on hold)
    15. Philippe Takashi Becquet (physics, biomimetics), "Biomimetics of plant waxes and resins as nanostructured functional materials" (MSc Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, 2018)
    16. Severin Ehret (biology, biomimetics), "Biomimetic potential of sponge spicules" (MSc Carinthia University of Applied Sciences 2012, with distinction) Thesis-PDF
    17. Tina Rezaie Matin (physics), "Biomimetics of nanostructures concerning structural colors" (MSc Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 2011)
    18. Alexander Lurf (physics engineering), "Research on stem coatings and sealing materials for control valves to meet fugitive emission requirements" (Dipl.-Ing. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria 2009, with distinction), in collaboration with the company CCI - Control Components Inc. and therefore not publicly available for 5 years
    19. Robert Ritter (physics engineering), "Ion induced surface modifications investigated with scanning probe microscopies" (Dipl.-Ing. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria 2008, with distinction) Thesis-PDF
    20. Oliver Hekele (physics engineering), "Atomic force microscopy of Bacillus subtilis" (Dipl.-Ing. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria 2007, with distinction) Thesis-PDF
    21. Clemens Gruenberger (physics engineering), "Atomic force microscopy of the alga Euglena gracilis" (Dipl.-Ing. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria 2007, with distinction) Thesis-PDF
    22. Manfred Schabernig (physics education): "Rastersondenmethoden für die atomar aufgeloeste Abbildung von Oberflächen" (Scanning probe methods for atomically resolved surfaces) (Mag. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria 2004) Thesis-PDF
    23. Stefan Schraml (physics engineering): "Setup and application of a scanning ion conductance microscope" (Dipl.-Ing. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria 2003) Thesis-PDFBack to Start
    Bachelor Students:

    Undergraduate Students, doing the Projektarbeit "Interactions with surfaces" (8 hours per week, for one Semester) at TU Wien, Austria:

    ** If you study physics engineering at the TU Wien and want to do your Projektarbeit with me, please contact me directly. **

    1. Markus Zimmerl, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Biomimetic Passive Cooling" (ongoing)
    2. Franziska Pribyl, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Assessing Bacteria Viability Post-Extrusion in 3D Bioprinting: A Preliminary Experimental Design" (2024)
    3. Thomas Poll, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Development and Implementation of a Trigger-Synchronized Sweep Using Keithley SMUs" (2024)
    4. Sarunas Scefanavicius, BSc (Lithuania, Erasmus student), "XR in Nanotechnology" (2024)
    5. 2023
    6. Katja Schneeweiss, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Biological Motion Rectifier Inspiring Novel Energy Harvesting Approaches" (2023)
    7. Simon Hablas, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Investigations of Physarum polycephalum" (2023)
    8. Wilhelm Holmberg, BSc (ERASMUS student, TU Wien, physics engineering), "Investigations of Physarum polycephalum" (2023)
    9. Lea Fuchs, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Biological Motion Rectifier Inspiring Novel Energy Harvesting Approaches" (2023)
    10. Roman Neuhauser, BSc (TU Wien, physical energy and measurement engineering), "MXene Based Dipole Antenna: Evaluating the Performance of Ti3C2 Coated Fabrics for Communication Applications" (2023)
    11. Clemens Singer, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Towards Urban Sustainability" (2023)
    12. Florian Gisinger, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Biomimetics of Plant Wax-based Insect Repellents" (2023)
    13. Florian Zischka, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Biomimetic Thermoregulation" (2023)
    14. 2021
    15. Tomas Zwettler, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Two Photon Absorption Cross Section of Various Water Soluble Photoinitiators Measured with a Spectral Z-scan" (2021)
    16. Manuel Ruckerbauer, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Movement of Bacillaria paxillifer: Modelling & simulation of the cell colony's motion" (2021)
    17. 2020
    18. Lidija Radovanovic, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Potential Application of Auxetic Structures in Bio-Plastics" (2020)
    19. Lisa Reisinger, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Conceptional Development of a Measurement Device to Examine the Surface of Human Corneas" (2020)
    20. Maja Vasiljevic, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Developing a Functional Perforation Pattern to Enhance the Mechanical Properties of a Bio-Based, Recyclable Stretch Foil by Applying the Biomimetic Method" (2020). In collaboration with a company and not publicly available.
    21. 2019
    22. Sahra Black, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Thermoregulation in Butterflies" (2019)
    23. Arjan Mejas, BSc (TU Wien, Physics engineering), "Bio-inspired Micro- and Nanostructures of Shimmering Plants" (2019)
    24. 2018
    25. Martin Loesener, BSc (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Energy Storage in Organisms" (2018) Report-PDF
    26. Nathan Bissel, BSc (EPFL, Switzerland), "MEMS: Enhancing Human Visual and Auditory Capabilities with Biomimetics" (2018) Report-PDF
    27. 2016
    28. Johanna Amlacher (TU Wien, physics engineering), "Tungsten Phytomining"
    29. Hakan Gocerler (TU Wien, mechanical engineering), "Tungsten Accumulation in Endemic Plants"
    30. 2011
    31. Teresa Makarczuk (TU Wien, physics engineering), "MEMS to Assist, Enhance and Expand Human Sensory Perceptions" (2011) Report-PDF
    32. 2009
    33. Mario Adam (physics engineering), "Development and Construction of a Photonic Crystal Lab Experiment" (2009) Final_Lab_Experiment-PDF
    34. Franziska Stadlbauer (physics engineering), "Development and Construction of a Photonic Crystal Lab Experiment" (2009) Final_Lab_Experiment-PDF
    35. 2008
    36. Stefan Fossati (physics engineering), Targeted delivery (2008)
    37. Robin Glattauer (physics engineering), Targeted delivery (2008)
    38. Anna Celarek (physics engineering), "Nanoflakes" (2008) Report-PDF
    39. Lukas Suess (physics engineering), "UHV STM of HOPG bombarded with (highly charged) ions" (2008) Report-PDF
    40. Johannes Srajer (physics engineering), diatom tribology, FE modelling (2008) ABC_2009.pdf
    41. Christopher Andrew Vasko (physics engineering), "AFM Investigation of Isomer Specific Lubrication of Tribologically Relevant Surfaces" (2008)
    42. Matthias Schreitl (physics engineering, biology), optical microscopy, micromanipulation, the click-stop mechanism in diatoms (2008) PA_Corethron_2007_k.pdf
    43. Matthias Willensdorfer (physics engineering, biology), optical microscopy, micromanipulation, the click-stop mechanism in diatoms (2008) PA_Corethron_2007_k.pdf
    44. 2007
    45. Markus Jahn (physics engineering), "Instrumentation and Development of a SICM (Scanning Ion Conductance Microscope)" (2007) Report-PDF
    46. Hansjoerg Jerabek (physics engineering), "Instrumentation and Development of a SICM" (2007) Report-PDF
    47. Hannes Winkler (physics engineering), "Instrumentation and Development of a SICM" (2007) Report-PDF
    48. Christoph Goesselsberger (physics engineering), "AFM measurements on vegetative and sporulated Bacillus subtilis" Report-PDF (2007)
    49. Markus Brandstetter (physics engineering), "AFM measurements on vegetative and sporulated Bacillus subtilis" Report-PDF (2007)
    50. Thomas Aumeyr (physics engineering), "AFM Investigation of Isomer Specific Lubrication of Tribologically Relevant Surfaces" (2007), report confidential
    51. Matthias Ikeda (physics engineering), "AFM Investigation of Isomer Specific Lubrication of Tribologically Relevant Surfaces" (2007), report confidential
    52. Donat Holzer (physics engineering)"AFM Investigation of Isomer Specific Lubrication of Tribologically Relevant Surfaces" (2007), report confidential
    53. 2006
    54. Christoph Goesselsberger (physics engineering), "AFM force mapping on healthy and EPO red blood cells" (2006) Report-DOC
    55. Cezary Pieczetowski (physics engineering), "Atomic Force Microscopy of nanostructured surfaces" (2006) Report-DOC
    56. Robert Ritter (physics engineering), "AFM of Euglena gracilis" (2006) Report-DOC
    57. Oliver Hekele (physics engineering), "AFM force mapping on healthy and EPO red blood cells" (2006) Report-DOC
    58. 2005
    59. Donat Holzer (physics engineering), "Development of an atomic force microscope closed fluid cell for tribological investigations of large samples in chemically aggressive environments" (2005)
    60. Alexander Lurf (physics engineering), "MFM and Nanomanipulation of magnetotactic bacteria" (2005) Report-PDF
    61. Peter Oser (physics engineering), "MFM and Nanomanipulation of magnetotactic bacteria" (2005) Report-PDF
    62. 2004
    63. Stefan Nagele (physics engineering), AFM (2004)
    64. Danijel Dobozanov (physics engineering), AFM (2004)
    65. 2003 and earlier
    66. Stefan Schraml (physics engineering), SICM (2003)
    67. Perttu Niemela (biophysics), SICM, "Development of a scanning ion conductance microscope for technical and biological applications" (2003)
    68. Gerald Richter (physics engineering), SICM, "Development of a scanning ion conductance microscope for technical and biological applications" (2003)
    69. Manfred Schabernig (physics education), UHV AFM/STM Bedienungsanleitung (in German) Report-PDF (2000)Back to Start

    Research Pupils, Interns, AMADEUS, IAESTE and Summer Students (working on BSc, MSc or PhD):

    1. TU Wien, August and September 2024: Paul Lindlbauer (Austria), FFG Talente Praktikum über Entwicklung einer Prothese für Pferde (3DPferdeprothese). Abschlussbericht Praktikum (PDF)
    2. TU Wien, July 2023: Niklas Schober (Austria), FFG Talente Praktikum über Strukturfarben (Schillerfarbenkubus). Protokoll Praktikum (Movie)
    3. TU Wien, July 2019: Marlene Titz (Austria), Kurzpraktikum über Strukturfarben (inkl. Expeditionen ins Schmetterlingshaus und in Schönbrunn). Protokoll Praktikum
    4. TU Wien, August 2017: Teresa Jimenez Puente (Spain).
    5. TU Wien, March - May 2017: Alina Sutygina (Physics, Tomsk University, Sibiria).
    6. TU Wien, February 2017: Albin Eiter, Jan Pleschberger (Wiedner Gymnasium), TU Wien, Austria, Berufsbildende Tage
    7. UKM, May - June 2014: Hitesh Sharma, chemistry student, Indian Institute of Technology Varanasi (IIT-BHU), India.
    8. UKM, November 2013 - February 2014: Jonas Bansemer, student of Micro- and Nanostructures at Saarland University, Germany.
    9. UKM, July 2013 - February 2014: Chew Pui Cheng, student of architecture, Australia.
    10. UKM, summer 2013: Christoph Steiner (Klagenfurt, Austria), Biomimetics (August 2013)
    11. UKM, summer 2013: Mathias Steiner (HTL Klagenfurt, Austria), Biomimetics (August 2013)
    12. UKM, summer 2012: Oliver Futterknecht (physics undergraduate from TU Wien)
    13. UKM, summer 2012: Alys Crawford (architecure undergraduate from London, UK)
    14. UKM, summer 2012: Nicole Hirhager (architecture undergraduate from TU Wien)
    15. UKM, summer 2011 Mathias Steiner (HTL Klagenfurt, Austria), Biomimetics (August/September 2011)
    16. UKM, summer 2011: Nicole Hirhager (architecture undergraduate from TU Wien). Featured in two articles in the Malaysian magazin "For Connoisseurs", Issue #5, Sept. 2011: FC_5th_Oliver.pdf, For_Connoisseurs_Sept_2011_k.pdf
    17. UKM, summer 2011: Oliver Futterknecht (physics undergraduate from TU Wien). Featured in two articles in the Malaysian magazin "For Connoisseurs", Issue #5, Sept. 2011: FC_5th_Oliver.pdf, For_Connoisseurs_Sept_2011_k.pdf
    18. UKM, summer 2011: Dominik Pichler (physics undergraduate from TU Wien)
    19. UKM, summer 2011: Caroline Schweda (physics undergraduate from TU Wien)
    20. UKM, summer 2011: Christoph Steiner (Hauptschule Klagenfurt, Austria), Biomimetics (August/September 2011)
    21. UKM, summer 2011: MSc. Mag. (FH) Doris Lepschy (Philosophy, University of Klagenfurt, Austria), Women in Technology (June/July 2011)
    22. UKM, winter 2010: MAS Bettina Neunteufl (Advanced Studies, Vienna University, Austria), Vice Head of the Public Relations Office at TU Wien, Intercultaural exchange Malaysia - Austria (winter 2010)
    23. UKM, 2010: Jennifer Bawitsch (Tissue Engineering, FH Technikum Wien, Austria), Biomimetics of functional nanostructures (January 12 - April 8, 2010, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
    24. UKM, 2010: Teresa Stemeseder (Tissue Engineering, FH Technikum Wien, Austria), Development of a novel analysis method for biological and technical nanostructures (January 12 - April 8, 2010, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
    25. TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, summer 2008: Gregor Gressenbauer (European School of Karlsruhe, Germany), AFM (June 16-29, 2008, TU Wien, Austria)
    26. TU Wien, summer 2008: MSc Aldara Naveira Suarez (SKF Nieuwegein, The Netherlands), TU Wien, Austria, financed by WEMESURF Marie Curie RTN
    27. TU Wien, summer 2008: Tamina Laimer (Gymnasium Baden, Austria), AFM, cancer cells, nanotribology (three weeks in August 2008, TU Wien, Austria). Report-PDF
    28. TU Wien, summer 2007: Martina Aumayr (University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria), AFM, biotechnology (one month in August and September 2007, TU Wien, Austria) Report-PDF
    29. TU Wien, summer 2006: Daniel Alexander Pohoryles (Ecole Lycee, Vienna, Austria), AFM, nanotribology (two weeks in July, August and September 2006, TU Wien, Austria). Report-PDFBack to Start
    30. TU Wien, summer 2006: Cezary Pieczetowski, TU Wien, Austria, financed by AC2T Report-DOC
    31. TU Wien, summer 2006: IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) student Zahra Somani, United Kingdom
    32. TU Wien, summer 2005: IAESTE student Farzy Tabari, Pakistan
    33. TU Wien, summer 2005: Donat Holzer, TU Wien, Austria, financed by AC2T
    34. Back to Start
    35. TU Wien, summer 2003: IAESTE student Marco de Grazia, Italy

    Back to Start

    List of Publications:

    Research Articles and Editorial Writings

    1. Gebeshuber I.C. and Yaakop S. (in preparation) "Biomimetic Nanotechnology inspired by Insects", (invited article), Serangga
    2. Petz T., Grammer M., van Nieuwenhoven R.W. and Gebeshuber I.C. (in preparation) "3D Printing of Diatoms", (invited article) in preparation
    3. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Gisinger F., Hageneder L., Gebeshuber I.C. and Gazsó A. (invited article, accepted) "Engineered Living Materials I", NanoTrust Dossiers, NanoTrust Dossier 64, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 6 pages (invited article)
    4. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Gisinger F., Hageneder L., Gebeshuber I.C. and Gazsó A. (invited article, accepted) "Engineered Living Materials II", NanoTrust Dossiers, NanoTrust Dossier 65, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 6 pages (invited article)
    5. Gebeshuber I.C. and Roy M. (in preparation) "Special issue on the 5th Indo Austrian Symposium on Advances in Materials Science", Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., Guest Editors: Ille C. Gebeshuber and Manish Roy
    6. Zimmerl M., van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Whitmore K., Vetter W. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Biomimetic Cooling: Functionalizing Biodegradable Chitosan Films with Saharan Silver Ant Microstructures", Biomimetics 2024, 9(10), 630.
    7. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Editorial Board Members' Collection Series: Biomimetic Design, Constructions and Devices in Times of Change I", Biomimetics 2024, 9(10), 614.
    8. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Gabl M., Mateus-Berr R. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Harmonizing Nature, Education, Engineering and Creativity: An Interdisciplinary Educational Exploration of Engineered Living Materials, Artistry and Sustainability Using Collaborative Mycelium Brick Construction", Biomimetics 2024, 9(9), 525;
    9. Gebeshuber I.C. and Hersh M. (2024) "Beyond Boundaries: Harnessing Unique Intellectual Abilities through Inclusive Engineering Education", Elsevier, IFAC PapersOnLine 58(3), pp. 129-133. (invited article)
    10. Gebeshuber I.C., Graves P.M., Wardzinska I., Matheus-Berr R. and Walsh Shanahan B. (2024) "Interdisciplinary Approaches in Engineering Education: Preparing Young Minds for Complex Challenges", Elsevier, IFAC PapersOnLine 58(3), pp. 112-117. (invited article)
    11. Gebeshuber I.C. and Doyle-Kent M. (2024) "Innovations and Challenges in Engineering Education for the Future: Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)", Elsevier, IFAC PapersOnLine 58(3), pp. 134-138. (invited article)
    12. Gebeshuber I.C. and R.W. van Nieuwenhoven (2024) "Plant Galls on Alpine Plants - Fascinating Connection between Nature and Physics", Cecidology 39(1), pp. 10-15, ISSN 0268-2907. Gebeshuber Gallen 2024
    13. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Vom Einzelgänger zur Partnerschaft. Eine spannende Zeitreise durch die Evolution der Mitochondrien aus der Sicht einer Bionikerin und Nanotechnologin", OM & Ernährung - Fachzeitschrift für orthomolekulare und verwandte Medizin, Hauptausgabe 2024/Nr. 186 invited article link (paywall)
    14. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Bürger A.M., Mears L.L.E., Kienzl P., Reithofer M., Elbe-Bürger A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Verifying Antibacterial Properties of Nanopillars on Cicada Wings" Applied Nanoscience 14, pp. 531-541, Springer Nature.
    15. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Drack M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Engineered Materials: Bioinspired 'Good Enough' vs. Maximized Performance", (invited article), Advanced Functional Materials 34(35), 2307127.
    16. Varna M., Calin M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Advances in Natural and Bio-Inspired Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases", (invited article), Nanomaterials 2023, 13(23), 3015.
    17. Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Biomimetic Nanotechnology Vol. 3", (invited article), Biomimetics 8(1), 102,
    18. Chowdhury F.N., Bhattacharya B.S., Cho H.-K., Faragasso A., Gebeshuber I.C., Ciupercă, E.M., Marinova G. and Doyle-Kent M. (2022) "Women in STEM: Snapshots from a Few Asian Countries", Elsevier, IFAC PapersOnLine 55(39), pp. 204-209. Part of the Special Issue "21st IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability TECIS 2022. Prishtina, Kosovo, 26-28 October 2022" edited by P. Kopacek.
    19. Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Egyház es társadalom: A kutatás távlatai - Az elkövetkezö 50 áv" (in Hungarian), (invited article), Egyházfórum, Vol. XXXVII (XII. új), 2022/2, pp. 34-48.
    20. Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Biomimetics - Prospects and Developments", (invited article), Biomimetics 7(1), 29,
    21. Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Biomimetic Nanotechnology Vol. 2", (invited article), Biomimetics 7(1), 16,
    22. Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "When a Diatomist Meets a Physicist - Timeline of a Scientific Friendship", Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 151, p. 5-7., first page of article
    23. Gebeshuber I.C., Rose G., Pavlicek A. and Gazsó A. (2020) "Bio-inspired and Biomimetic Nanomaterials", NanoTrust Dossiers, NanoTrust Dossier 054en, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 6 pages (invited article)
    24. Drack M., Berger A., Ettinger B. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2020) "3D-Printed Facet Optics: Novel Adjustable Technical Optics Inspired by Compound Eyes", Frontiers in Materials.- Section Polymeric and Composite Materials, July 2020, vol. 7, Article 199(12 pages), Article Collection "3D Printing of Bio-inspired Structures", hosted by Drs. Yang Yang, Ziyu Wang and Chi Zhou.
    25. Gebeshuber I.C. and Ortner W. (2020) "Warum biologische Regulation wissenschaftlich so schwer zu beschreiben ist", Facultas Medical Journal: Ganzheitsmedizin - Zeitschrift für Neuraltherapie und Regulationsforschung 02/2020, Seiten 9-18 (invited article). ISSN 1016-1309, 33. Jahrgang.
    26. Gebeshuber I.C., Rose G., Pavlicek A. and Gazsó A. (2020) "Bio-Inspirierte und Biomimetische Nanomaterialien", NanoTrust Dossiers, NanoTrust Dossier 054, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 6 pages (invited article)
    27. Zobl S., Wilts B.D., Salvenmoser W., Pölt P., Gebeshuber I.C. and Schwerte T. (2020) "Orientation-Dependent Reflection of Structurally Coloured Butterflies", Biomimetics 2020, 5(1), 5,, . Click here to see one of our images on the cover page of the issue.
    28. Gebeshuber I.C. and Roy M. (2019) "Editorial: Special issue on the 3rd Indo Austrian Symposium on Advances in Materials Science", Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 233(3), 751-752. Special Section "Advances in Materials Engineering", Guest Editors: Ille C. Gebeshuber and Manish Roy, (invited article) Guest_Editorial_Part_C_2019.pdf
    29. Gebeshuber I.C. (2019) "Editorial: Inaugural Issue of Henry Journal of Nanoscience, Nanomedicine & Nanobiology", J. Nanosci. Nanomed. Nanobio. 3, 4. (invited article) Guest_Editorial_2019.pdf.
    30. Tinello D., Winkler H., Drack M., Gebeshuber I.C. and Bevanda-Rauch D. (2018) "Bio-inspirierte Fabriklayouts, Natur-Modell für einen effizienten Materialfluss", Hebezeuge und Fördermittel, Huss Medien Berlin, 03 (2018), 34 - 36.
    31. Gebeshuber I.C. and van Aken G. (2017) "Editorial: Friction and Lubricants Related to Human Bodies", Lubricants 2017, 5(1), 4; doi: 10.3390/lubricants5010004, ISSN 2075-4442. link to paper (open access), link to special issue (open access)
    32. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Value based science: What we can learn from micro- and nanotribology", Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces 10(1), pp. 10-18. doi: 10.1080/17515831.2015.1122394. link to PDF
    33. Zobl S., Salvenmoser W., Schwerte T., Gebeshuber I.C. and Schreiner M. (2016) "Morpho peleides butterfly wing imprints as structural colour stamp", Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 11(1) 016006(17 pp). doi: 10.1088/1748-3190/11/1/016006. Paper | Erratum
    34. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2015) "Raw materials synthesis from heavy metal industry effluents with bioremediation and phytomining: A biomimetic resource management approach", Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Volume 2015, Article ID 185071, 21 pages (Open Access), Phytomining_Bioremediation_Ille_185071.pdf
    35. Gebeshuber I.C. (2014)"Journal of Nanomedicine Research", Editorial for Vol. 1 Iss. 1, Journal of Nanomedicine Research 1(1), 3. doi: 10.15406/jnmr.2014.01.00003. JNMR-01-00003_ICG_Editorial.pdf
    36. Diah S.Z.M., Karman S.B. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Nanostructural colouration in Malaysian plants: Lessons for biomimetics and biomaterials", Journal of Nanomaterials Volume 2014, Article ID 878409, 15 pages, doi: 10.1155/2014/878409. link to paper (PDF, HTML, ePUB) 878409.pdf
    37. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M.O. (2014)"What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Special Issue "Advances in Bionic Engineering", Applied Mechanics and Materials 461, pp. 152-162,, ISBN 978-3-03785-932-2. App_Mech_Mat_2014_What_is_a_physicist_doing_in_the_jungle.pdf
    38. Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Message", in: Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT), 2014 International Conference on, doi:10.1109/ICCICCT.2014.6993208, IEEE Conference Publications, p. ii. 06993208_box.pdf
    39. Futterknecht O., Macqueen M.O., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Biomimetic MEMS sensor array for navigation and water detection", Proc. SPIE 8763 "Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS VI" (Eds. Schmid U., Aldavero J.L.S.d.R. and Leester-Schaedel M.), 87632B (9p), Grenoble, France; doi: 10.1117/12.2016953, ISBN 9780819495600. Proc_SPIE_2013_87632B.pdf
    40. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M.O. (2013) "New Asian Case Method for Tribology: A structured approach for increased problem solving competence in tribology education and research", Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces 7(2), 69-73. doi: 10.1179/1751584X13Y.0000000027. New_Asian_Case_Method_for_Tribology_trb243.pdf, Editorial
    41. Drack M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Comment on 'Innovation through imitation: biomimetic, bioinspired and biokleptic research" by A. E. Rawlings, J. P. Bramble and S. S. Staniland, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 6675'", Soft Matter 9, 2338-2340. doi: 10.1039/c2sm26722e. Drack-M_Gebeshuber-IC_2013_Comment-on-Innovation-through-imitation--biomimetic-bioinspired-and-biokleptic-research.pdf ** Ranked amongst the top 10 most accessed articles of the journal in January 2013. **
    42. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Bio-inspired polarized skylight-based navigation sensors: A review", Sensors 12(11), 14232-14261. doi: 10.3390/s121114232. sensors-12-14232.pdf, link
    43. Ismardi A., Dee C.F., Hamzah A.A., Bais B., Salleh M.M., Majlis B.Y. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Co-Synthesis and characterization of In2O3 and ZnO nanowires (Sintesis Bersama dan Pencirian bagi Nanowayar In2O3 dan ZnO)", Sains Malaysiana 41(4), 459-463. Abrar_et_al_2012.pdf
    44. Gebeshuber I.C. and Roy M. (2012) "Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Advanced Materials Engineering: Selected Papers from the Indo-Austrian Symposium 2010", Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 226(C2), 299-302. Special Issue "Advanced Materials Engineering: Selected Papers from the Indo-Austrian Symposium 2010", Guest Editors: Ille C. Gebeshuber and Manish Roy, doi: 10.1177/0954406211435297 (invited article) Guest_Editorial_Part_C_2012.pdf
    45. Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Green nanotribology", Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 226(C2), 374-386. Special Issue "Advanced Materials Engineering: Selected Papers from the Indo-Austrian Symposium 2010", Guest Editors: Ille C. Gebeshuber and Manish Roy, doi: 10.1177/0954406211428020 (invited article) reen_Nanotribology_Paper.pdf
    46. Ismardi A., Dee C.F., Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2012) "Growth and characterization of Indium doped ZnO nanowires using vapor transport deposition method", Advanced Materials Research 364, 202-205. doi: 10.4028/ AMR_362_202.pdf
    47. Makarczuk T., Matin T.R., Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M., Davaji B., Macqueen M.O., Mueller J., Schmid U. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Biomimetic MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human sensory perceptions: a survey on state-of-the art developments", Proc. SPIE 8066 "Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS V" (Eds. Schmid U., Aldavero J.L.S.d.R. and Leester-Schaedel M.), 80661O(15p), Prague, Czech Republic; doi: 10.1117/12.886554, ISBN 9780819486554. Biomimetic_MEMS_8066_60.pdf
    48. Gebeshuber I.C. and Gordon R. (2011) "Bioinspiration for tribological systems on the micro- and nanoscale: Dynamic, mechanic, surface and structure related functions", Special issue on Bioinspired Micro and Nanosystems, Micro and Nanosystems 3(4), 271-276. ISSN 1876-4029, doi: 10.2174/1876402911103040271 (invited article). Click here for Editorial. MNS_Bioinspiration_2011.pdf. ** Ranked amongst the top 10 of the most accessed and the most cited articles of the journal in 2014. **
    49. Gordon R., Levin S.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Triggered, nanostructured biodegradables (TNBs) for surgical implants", Special issue on Bioinspired Micro and Nanosystems, Micro and Nanosystems 3(4), 284-289. ISSN 1876-4029, doi: 10.2174/1876402911103040284 (invited article). Click here for Editorial. MNS_TNBs_2011.pdf
    50. Yunas J., Johari J., Bahadorimehr A.R., Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2011) "Investigation of simple process technology for the fabrication of valveless micropumps", Advanced Materials Research 254(8), 211-214. ISSN 1022-6680. Micropumps_AMR.254.211.pdf
    51. Macqueen M.O., Mueller J., Dee C.F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "GEMS: A MEMS-based way for the innervation of materials", Advanced Materials Research 254(8), 34-37. ISSN 1022-6680, doi: 10.4028/ GEMS_AMR.254.34.pdf
    52. Karman S.B., Macqueen M.O., Matin T.R., Diah S.M., Mueller J., Yunas J., Davaji B., Makarczuk T. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "On the way to the bionic man: A novel approach to MEMS based on biological sensory systems", Advanced Materials Research 254(8), 38-41. ISSN 1022-6680, doi: 10.4028/ bionic_man_AMR.254.38.pdf
    53. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2011) "3D corporate tourism: A concept for innovation in nanomaterials engineering", Int. J. Mat. Eng. Innov. 2(1), 38-48. Online ISSN 1757-2762, Print ISSN 1757-2754. IJMatEI020104_GEBESHUBER.pdf
    54. Naveira-Suarez A., Tomala A., Pasaribu R., Larsson R. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Evolution of ZDDP-derived reaction layer morphology with rubbing time", Scanning 32(5), 294-303, doi: 10.1002/sca.20207 (invited article). Scanning_2010_printed_paper.pdf Click here to see one of our images on the cover page of the issue. Online ISSN 1932-8745, ISSN 0161-0457
    55. Doerr N., Gebeshuber I.C., Holzer D., Wanzenboeck H.D., Ecker A., Pauschitz A. and Franek F. (2010) "Evaluation of ionic liquids as lubricants", J. Microeng. Nanoel. 1(1), 29-34. ISSN 2229-3183 (invited article) JMN_5-Nicole_Doerr_2010.pdf
    56. Yunas J., Johari J., Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "Design and fabrication of MEMS micropumps using double sided etch technique", IMAPS Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging 7(1), 44-47. ISSN 1551-4897 IMAPS_JMEP_MEMS_micropumps.pdf
    57. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "New ways of scientific publishing and accessing human knowledge inspired by transdisciplinary approaches", Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces 4(3), 143-151. Print ISSN 1751-5831, Online ISSN 1751-584X, doi: 10.1179/175158310X12626998129716, arXiv:1001.1199.
    58. Zika T., Buschbeck F., Preisinger G., Gebeshuber I.C. and Groeschl M. (2010) "Surface damage of rolling bearings caused by discrete current flow", Z. Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik T&S 57(3), 11-14. ISBN 978-3-8169-9999-7, ISSN 0724-3472 (invited article) Zika_et_al_T&S_2010.pdf
    59. Tiffany M.A., Gordon R. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Hyalodiscopsis plana, a sublittoral centric marine diatom, and its potential for nanotechnology as a natural zipper-like nanoclasp", Polish Botanical Journal 55(1), 27-41 Pbj551_s027-41_Tiffany_et_al.pdf. Click here to see one of our images on the cover page of the issue.
    60. Tomala A., Gebeshuber I.C., Pauschitz A.and Roy M. (2010) "A comparative AFM study of carbon alloyed Mo-Se-C and W-S-C films for tribological applications", Int. J. Mat. Res. (formerly: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde) 2010/07, 845-851. ISSN 1862-5282, doi: 10.3139/146.110358 845-851_ijmr110358 7_10_.pdfBack to Start
    61. Gebeshuber I.C., Majlis B.Y. and Stachelberger H. (2009) "Tribology in Biology: Biomimetic studies across dimensions and across fields", Int. J. Mech. Mat. Eng. 4(3), 321-327. ISSN 1823-0334 P15_IJMME.pdf
    62. Tomala A., Naveira-Suarez A., Gebeshuber I.C. and Pasaribu R. (2009) "Effect of base oil polarity on micro and nanofriction behaviour of base oil + ZDDP solutions", Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces 3(4), 182-188. doi: 10.1179/175158310X481709 trb127.pdf
    63. Gebeshuber I.C., Gruber P. and Drack M. (2009) "A gaze into the crystal ball - biomimetics in the year 2059", Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 223(C12), 50st Anniversary Issue, 2899-2918, (invited article). Article-PDF
    64. Tomala A., Doerr N. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Ultraduenne Schichten aus Ethanolamin - energieeffiziente wartungsarme Schmierstoffe", Z. Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik T&S 56(5), 29-32. ISBN 978-3-8169-9999-7, ISSN 0724-3472 (invited article) T&S_2009_reduced_filesize.pdf
    65. Tomala A., Doerr N. and Gebeshuber I.C. "Ultratenke vrstvy z etanolaminu - energeticky efektivne mazacie latky bez potreby udrzby", Tribotechnika 4/2009, 40-43. ISSN 1338-0S24 (invited article) Tribotechnika-4-2009.pdf
    66. Srajer J., Majlis B.Y. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Microfluidic simulation of a colonial diatom chain reveals oscillatory movement", Acta Bot. Croat. 68 (2), 431-441. Article-PDF
    67. Tomala A., Werner W.S.M., Gebeshuber I.C., Doerr N. and Stoeri H. (2009) "Tribochemistry of monomolecular lubricant films of ethanolamine oligomers", Tribology International 42(10), 1513-1518. doi: 10.1016/j.triboint.2009.06.004 Article-PDF
    68. Zika T., Gebeshuber I.C., Buschbeck F., Preisinger G. and Groeschl M. (2009) "Surface analysis on rolling bearings after exposure to defined electric stress", Proc. IMechE, Part J: J. Engineering Tribology, 2009, 223 (J5), 787-797. doi: 10.1243/13506501JET538 Article-PDF
    69. Gebeshuber I.C., Holzer D., Goschke R., Aumayr F. and Stoeri H. (2009) "Development of an atomic force microscope closed fluid cell for tribological investigations of large samples in chemically aggressive environments", Proc. IMechE, Part J: J. Engineering Tribology, 2009, 223 (J5), 759-765. doi: 10.1243/13506501JET539 Article-PDF
    70. Gebeshuber I.C., Stachelberger H., Ganji B.A., Dee C.F., Yunas J. and Majlis B.Y. (2009) "Exploring the innovational potential of biomimetics for novel 3D MEMS", Adv. Mat. Res. 74, 265-268, doi: 10.4028/ Article-PDF
    71. Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Engineering at the interface revisited", Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 223(C1), 50st Anniversary Issue, 65-101, doi: 10.1243/09544062JMES1138 (invited article). Article-PDFBack to Start
    72. Gebeshuber I.C., Drack M. and Scherge M. (2008) "Tribology in biology", Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces 2(4), 200-212, doi: 10.1179/175158308X383206 Article-PDF
    73. Bogus A., Gebeshuber I.C., Pauschitz A., Roy M. and Haubner R. (2008) "Micro- and nanomechanical properties of diamond film with various surface morphologies", Diamond and Related Materials 17(12), 1998-2004, doi: 10.1016/j.diamond.2008.06.010. Article-PDF, (Article @ Science Direct)
    74. Hekele O., Goesselsberger C.G. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "Nanodiagnostics performed on human red blood cells with atomic force microscopy", Mat. Sci. Technol. 24(9), 1162-1165(4), doi: 10.1179/174328408X341834. Article-PDF
    75. Gebeshuber I.C. and Drack M. (2008) "An attempt to reveal synergies between biology and mechanical engineering", Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 222(7), 1281-1287, doi: 10.1243/09544062JMES890 (invited article). Article-PDF
    76. El-Said A.S., Heller R., Meissl W., Ritter R., Facsko S., Lemell C., Solleder B., Gebeshuber I.C., Betz G., Toulemonde M., Moeller W., Burgdoerfer J. and Aumayr F. (2008) "Nano-hillocks on CaF2 surfaces created by the potential energy of highly charged slow projectile ions", Phys. Rev. Lett. 100(23), 237601 (4 pages), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.237601 Article-PDFBack to Start
    77. Lemell C., El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Gebeshuber I.C., Trautmann C., Toulemonde M, Burgdoerfer J. and Aumayr F. (2007) "On the nano-hillock formation induced by slow highly charged ions on insulator surfaces", Solid-State Electronics 51, 1398-1404, doi: 10.1016/j.sse.2007.06.016 Article-PDF
    78. Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Biotribology inspires new technologies", invited article, Nano Today 2(5), 30-37, doi: 10.1016/S1748-0132(07)70141-X Article-PDF
    79. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Simon M.C., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Gebeshuber I.C., Laimer J., Winter HP., Ullrich J. and Aumayr F. (2007) "Creation of surface nanostructures by irradiation with slow highly charged ions", Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 162, 467-472, doi: 10.1080/10420150701470803 Article-PDF
    80. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Simon M.C., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Lemell C., Burgdoerfer J., Gebeshuber I.C., Winter HP., Ullrich J., Trautmann C., Toulemonde M., Aumayr F. (2007) "Potential energy threshold for nano-hillock formation by impact of slow highly charged ions on a CaF2(111) surface", arXiv:cond-mat/0609246, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 258, 167-171, doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2006.12.142 Article-PDF
    81. Gruenberger C., Ritter R., Aumayr F., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Algal biophysics: Euglena gracilis investigated by atomic force microscopy", Mat. Sci. Forum 555, 411-416, doi: 10.4028/ Article-PDF
    82. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Simon M.C., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Gebeshuber I.C., Lang M., Winter HP., Ullrich J. and Aumayr F. (2007) "Surface nanostructures induced by slow highly charged ions on CaF2 single crystals", Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 256, 346-349, doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2006.12.140 Article-PDF
    83. Fuersatz M., Meissl W., Pleschko S., Gebeshuber I.C., Stolterfoht N., Winter HP. and Aumayr F. (2007) "Charging and discharging of nano-capillaries during ion-guiding of multiply charged projectiles", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 58, 319-322, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/58/1/071 Article-PDFBack to Start
    84. Crawford R.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2006) "Harmony of beauty and expediency", Science First Hand - A good journal for inquisitive people (published by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) 5(10), 30-36, ISSN 1810-3960 Article-PDF. Click here to see an image from our article on the cover page of this issue.
    85. Crawford R.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2006) "Harmony of beauty and expediency" (in Russian), Science First Hand - A good journal for inquisitive people (published by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) 4(10), 48-54, ISSN 1810-3960 Article-PDF. Click here to see an image from our article on the Russian cover page of this issue.
    86. Crawford R.M., Gebeshuber I.C., Thamatrakoln K. and Hildebrand M. (2006) "Mini Nano-engineers", Science First Hand - A good journal for inquisitive people (published by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) 5(10), ISSN 1810-3960. Summary: Article-PDF. Click here to see an image from our article on the cover page of this issue.
    87. Crawford R.M., Gebeshuber I.C., Thamatrakoln K. and Hildebrand M. (2006) "Mini Nano-engineers" (in Russian), Science First Hand - A good journal for inquisitive people (published by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) 4(10), ISSN 1810-3960. Summary (in Russian): Article-PDF. Click here to see an image from our article on the Russian cover page of this issue.
    88. Gebeshuber I.C. and Crawford R.M. (2006) "Micromechanics in biogenic hydrated silica: hinges and interlocking devices in diatoms", Proc. IMechE Part J: J. Eng. Tribol. 220(J8), 787-796, doi: 10.1243/13506501JET163. Article-PDF
    89. Gebeshuber I.C. (2006) Discussion on D. Dowson and A. Neville, Bio-tribology and the operating environment, Leeds-Lyon Symposium 2005, Proc. IMechE Part J: J. Eng. Tribol. 220(J3), 333 Article-PDFBack to Start
    90. Gebeshuber I.C., Stachelberger H. and Drack M. (2005) "Diatom biotribology", in: Life Cycle Tribology, Eds.: D. Dowson, M. Priest, G. Dalmaz and A.A. Lubrecht, Tribology and Interface Engineering Series, No. 48, Series Editor B.J. Briscoe, Elsevier, 365-370
    91. Kolm R., Gebeshuber I.C., Kenesey E., Ecker A., Pauschitz A., Werner W.S.M., and Stoeri H. (2005) "Tribochemistry of mono molecular additive films on metal surfaces, investigated by XPS and HFRR", in: Life Cycle Tribology, Eds.: D. Dowson, M. Priest, G. Dalmaz and A.A. Lubrecht, Tribology and Interface Engineering Series, No. 48, Series Editor B.J. Briscoe, Elsevier, 269-282
    92. Gebeshuber I.C., Stachelberger H. and Drack M. (2005) "Diatom bionanotribology - Biological surfaces in relative motion: their design, friction, adhesion, lubrication and wear", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 5(1), 79-87 (Article-PDF). Click here to see our data (3rd image 1st row) on the cover page of this special issue on Diatom Nanotechnology.Back to Start
    93. Gebeshuber I.C., Kindt J.H., Thompson J.B., Del Amo Y., Stachelberger H., Brzezinski M., Stucky G.D., Morse D.E. and Hansma P.K. (2003) "Atomic force microscopy study of living diatoms in ambient conditions", J. Microsc. 212(Pt3), 292-299. link, Article-PDFPaper | Article-PDFCorrigendum | Cover (with our data!)
    94. Gebeshuber I.C., Cernusca S., Aumayr F. and Winter HP. (2003) "Nanoscopic surface modification by slow ion bombardment", Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 229, 27-34 Article-PDF
    95. Gebeshuber I.C., Cernusca S., Aumayr F. and Winter HP. (2003) "AFM search for slow MCI-produced nanodefects on atomically clean monocrystalline insulator surfaces", Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 205, 751-757 Article-PDF
    96. Gebeshuber I.C., Thompson J.B., Del Amo Y., Stachelberger H. and Kindt J.H. (2002) "In vivo nanoscale atomic force microscopy investigation of diatom adhesion properties", Mat. Sci. Technol. 18(7), 763-766 Article-PDF
    97. Viani M.B., Pietrasanta L.I., Thompson J.B., Chand A., Gebeshuber I.C., Kindt J.H., Richter M., Hansma H.G. and Hansma P.K. (2000) "Probing protein-protein interactions in real time", Nature Structural Biology 7(8), 644-647. doi: 10.1038/77936 Article-PDF(praising papers: in New Scientist (Article-JPG) and in Chem. Eng. News (Article-JPG) )
    98. Petracchi D., Gebeshuber I.C., DeFelice L.J. and Holden A.V. (2000) "Stochastic resonance in biological systems", Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 11, 1819-1822 Article-PDF
    99. Gebeshuber I.C. (2000) "The influence of stochastic behavior on the human threshold of hearing", Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 11, 1855-1868 Article-PDF
    100. Svrcek-Seiler W.A., Gebeshuber I.C., Rattay F., Biro T. and Markum H. (1998) "Micromechanical models for the Brownian motion of hair cell stereocilia", J. Theor.Biol. 193(4), 623-630 Article-PDF
    101. Rattay F., Gebeshuber I.C., Gitter A.H. (1998) "The mammalian auditory hair cell: a simple electric circuit model", J. Acoust.Soc. Am. 103(3), 1558-1565, doi: 10.1121/1.421291 Article-PDFBack to Start


    1. Gebeshuber I.C. (2020) "Eine kurze Geschichte der Zukunft - Und wie wir sie weiterschreiben", Herder, Germany. 240 pages, ISBN 978-3451388521 Hier bestellen. Leseprobe
    2. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Wo die Maschinen wachsen: Wie Lösungen aus dem Dschungel unser Leben verändern werden", Ecowin Verlag, by Benevento Publishing - Eine Marke der Red Bull Media House GmbH, Wals bei Salzburg, Austria. 236 pages, ISBN 978-3-7110-0090-3. Hier bestellen. Cover, Prospekt. Shortlist "Wissenschaftsbuch des Jahres 2017" (Science Book of the Year 2017). Initiative by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy BMWFW.
    3. Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Biomimetics and Nanotechnology", UKM Press, Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 60 pages, ISBN 978-967-412-004-7.
    4. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Nanoscience on Surfaces", 156 pages, Holzhausen Publishing, Austria. ISBN 978-3-85493-178-2. info, buy the book from Holzhausen or from, about the author, Waschzettel.
      **This book was part of the basic supply list of the Austrian Ministry of European and International Affairs regarding Science, Engineering and Biology for Austria's Libraries in foreign countries (Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten, Österreichs Bibliotheken im Ausland. Grundausstattungsliste Naturwissenschaft, Technik, Biologie.) from 2011 until 2015.**

    Edited Scientific Works (Books, Special Issues of Scientific Journals, Conference Proceedings)

    1. Gebeshuber I.C. and Roy M. (in preparation) "Special issue on the 5th Indo Austrian Symposium on Advances in Materials Science", Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., Guest Editors: Ille C. Gebeshuber and Manish Roy
    2. Gebeshuber I.C. (Ed., 2024, 2025) Special Issue on "Recent Developments and Emerging Trends of Bioinspired Electronics", Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292). Call for Papers
    3. Gebeshuber I.C., Zischka F., Tiffany M. and Ghobara M. (2024-) "Colonial Diatoms" (DCHN), Book in the Series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, Series Editors: Gordon R. and Seckbach J., Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA.
    4. Güler O., Aherwar A., Ozkaya S. and Gebeshuber I.C. (Eds., from 2023) Special Issue on "Biomimetic Coatings", Frontiers in Biomaterials Science (ISSN 2813-3749). in preparation. Call for Papers (Abstract Submission Deadline 02 April 2023, Manuscript Submission Deadline 31 July 2023)
    5. Gebeshuber I.C. and Concilio A. (Ed., 2022-2024) Special Issue on "Editorial Board Members' Collection Series: Biomimetic Design, Constructions and Devices in Times of Change", Biomimetics (ISSN 2313-7673). Special Issue, Editorial
    6. Varna-Pannerec M., Calin M. and and Gebeshuber I.C. (Ed., 2022/2023) Special Issue on "Advanced in Natural and Bio-inspired Nanoparticles for Cardiovascular Diseases", Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991). link to SI
    7. Gebeshuber I.C. (Ed., 2022/2023) Special Issue on "Biomimetic Nanotechnology Vol. 3", Biomimetics (ISSN 2313-7673). link to SI
    8. Gebeshuber I.C., Kulshreshtha S. and Brewster C. (2021/22) "Sustainability in Agriculture: Selected Papers from the 8th International Conference on Agriculture 2021 (AGRICO 2021)", Special Issue MDPI Sustainability. Special Issue (Open Access)
    9. Gebeshuber I.C. (Ed., 2019/2020/2021) Special Issue on "Biomimetic Nanotechnology Vol. 2", Biomimetics (ISSN 2313-7673), 198 pp. Special Issue (Open Access).
    10. Gebeshuber I.C. and Roy M. (2019) "Editorial: Special Issue on the 3rd Indo Austrian Symposium on Advances in Materials Science", Special Section of IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 233(3), 2019, SAGE Publishing, 56 pp. Cover, Table of Contents, Guest Editorial
    11. Gebeshuber I.C. (Ed., 2016/2017/2018) Special Issue on "Biomimetic Nanotechnology", Biomimetics (ISSN 2313-7673). Special Issue (Open Access).
    12. Mohd Fadzli Bin Abdollah, ..., Gebeshuber I.C., ... (Eds., 2018) "Asiatrib 2018: Proceedings of Asia Conference on Tribology 2018", pp. 1-540, Malaysian Tribology Society (MYTRIBOS), ISBN 978-967-13625-2-5 (online). Proceedings (Open Access)
    13. Gebeshuber I.C. and van Aken G. (Eds., 2015/2016/2017) Special Issue on "Friction and Lubricants Related to Human Bodies", Lubricants (ISSN 2075-4442). Special Issue (Open Access).
    14. Ghazali M.J.B., Abdollah M.F.B., Hassan M.B., Salmiah Binti Kasolang S.B., A. Ghani J.B., Gebeshuber I.C., Fukuda K., Ria Jaafar T.B., Samion S., Bin Wan Ibrahim M.K.B., Ahmad M.A.B., Binti Mohd Zulkifli N.W.B., Md. Nasir R.B., Masripan N.A.B., Mohamad N.B., Hasan R.B., Ismail R.B., Tuan T.B., Amiruddin H.B., Taib M.T.B., Zakaria M.Z.B. and Mat Kamal S.E.B. (Eds., 2015) "Proceedings of Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2015", pp. 1-331, Malaysian Tribology Society (MYTRIBOS), ISBN 978-967-13625-0-1 (online). Proceedings (Open Access)
    15. Hassan M.B., Kasolang S.B., Hyie K.M., Abdollah M.F.B., A. Ghani J.B., Gebeshuber I.C., Fukuda K., Berhan M.N., Ria Jaafar T.B., Maleque M.A., Saad N.H.B., Ghazali M.J.B., Hsie W.L.Y., Jumahat A.B., Abu Bakar M.A.B., Abdullah N.R.B., Wan Ibrahim M.K.B., Siambun N.J., Mohd Shah M.K.B., Samion S.B., Ismail M.H.B., Nik Roseley N.R.B., Makhtar A.K.B., Amiruddin H.B. and Saleman A.R.B. (Eds., 2013) "International Tribology Conference Malaysia 2013", Procedia Engineering 68, pp. 1-750. Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISSN 1877-7058. Special Issue (Open Access)
    16. Goliaei B., Anderson P., Gebeshuber I.C., Rahman S.A. and Bukhari M.H.S. (Eds., 2012) "First Pakistan International Biophysics Symposium", Abstract Book, Department of Biomedical Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, June 2-3, 2012.Proceedings-PDF
    17. Gebeshuber I.C. and Vanura K. (Eds., 2012) "6. WINET Symposium *Bausteine des Lebens*: Flüssig, Flüssigkeiten, im Fluß, . . .", Abstract Book, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, March 29 - April 1, 2012.
    18. Gebeshuber I.C. and Roy M. (Guest Eds., 2012) "Advanced Materials Engineering: Selected Papers from the Indo-Austrian Symposium 2010", Special Issue of IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 226(C2), 2012, SAGE Publishing, 103 pp. Cover, Table of Contents, Guest Editorial
    19. Gruber P., Bruckner D., Hellmich C., Schmiedmayer H.-B., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (Eds., 2011) Biomimetics - Materials, Structures and Processes. Examples, Ideas and Case Studies, Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, Series Editor Claus Ascheron, 266 p., 123 illus. (53 in color), Hardcover, ISBN 978-3-642-11933-0, eISBN 978-3-642-11934-7. link to Springer, link to, link to
      ** In December 2011, this book was in two bestseller lists amongst the Top 100 worldwide: Biotechnology (#74) & Biophysics (#45). **
    20. Gebeshuber I.C., Holden A.V. and Petracchi D. (Guest Eds., 2000) "Stochastic resonance in biological systems", Special issue of Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 11(12), 09/2000, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 129 pp.
    21. Gebeshuber I.C., Holden A.V. and Petracchi D. (Eds., 1998) "Stochastic resonance in biological systems", Abstract Book, First International Conference on Stochastic Resonance in Biological systems, Arcidosso, Italy, May 5-9, 1998.
    22. Back to Start

    Book Chapters

    1. Gebeshuber I.C. (in preparation) "Biomineralization in marine organisms". Chapter for Springer Handbook of Marine Biotechnology 2. Edition, Se-Kwon Kim (Ed.), Springer. to be published 2025
    2. Gebeshuber I.C. (in preparation) "Structure Rather Than Material - Biomimetics of Functional Periodic Nanostructures", In: A Physical Approach to Biomimetics, (Eds Bels V., Gorb S., Gurka R., Liberzon A. and Hu D.), Springer.
    3. Gebeshuber I.C. and Lanza R. (in preparation) "The Educational Diatom Necklace - Art and Science of 3D Printing of Diatoms", In: Diatoms in the Arts and Crafts (DART), (Eds Pappas J. and Gordon R.), Volume 13 in the Series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, Series Editors: Gordon R. and Seckbach J., Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA.
    4. Gebeshuber I.C. (in preparation) "Foreword", In: Colonial Diatoms (DCHN), (Eds Gebeshuber I.C., Zischka F., Tiffany M. and Ghobara M.), Volume 10 in the Series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, Series Editors: Gordon R. and Seckbach J., Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA.
    5. Gebeshuber, I.C. (2024) "Die Magie des Lesens: eine Lebensreise durch Bücher", pp. 57-60. In: Wir setzen Lesezeichen - 55 Liebeserklärungen an das Buch. (Jubiläumsausgabe anl. des Generationswechsels im Herder Geschäft Wien Wollzeile), Herder Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. 224 pages, ISBN 978-3-451-03463-3
    6. Petz T., Grammer M., Fellinger T., van Nieuwenhoven R.W. and Gebeshuber I.C. (submitted) "Lessons from 3D Printing of Diatoms", In: Colonial Diatoms (DCHN), (Eds Gebeshuber I.C., Zischka F., Tiffany M. and Ghobara M.), Volume in the Series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, Series Editors: Gordon R. and Seckbach J., Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA.
    7. Gebeshuber, I.C. (2023) "Bionisch wirtschaften". In: Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung - (k)ein unternehmerisches Dilemma. Zukunftsbilder und Impulsberichte, Editor: Katharina Sigl, Springer Gabler Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 360 pages, pp. 31-40, Kapitel 3, ISBN 978-3-662-66814-6, Germany. link to chapter, link to whole book @ Springer. Gewinner des SDG Awards des Senats der Wiener Wirtschaft 2021
    8. Gebeshuber, I.C. (2023) "Rechnen", pp. 374-380. In: Was kommt. Was geht. Was bleibt. Kluge Texte über die wichtigsten Fragen unserer Zeit. (Jubiläumsausgabe anl. 225 Jahre Herder Verlag), Herder Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. 535 pages, ISBN 978-3-451-39583-3 link
    9. Zischka, F., Kratochvil, H., Noll A., Gordon, R., Harbich, T. and Gebeshuber, I.C. (2021) "Diatom Triboacoustics". In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach. S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA., ISBN 978-1-119-52635-3, Hardcover, pp. 249-282 link to book webpage, link to chapter
    10. Ghobara M., Mazumder N., Vinayak V., Reissig L., Gebeshuber I.C., Tiffany M.A. and Gordon R. (2019) "On Light and Diatoms: A Photonics and Photobiology Review", In: Diatoms: Fundamentals and Applications (DIFA), (Eds Seckbach J. and Gordon R.), Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA, ISBN 978-1-119-37021-5 (hardcover), 690 pp, pp. 129-160, Chapter 7. link to book webpage, link to e-chapter, link to e-book
    11. Hassan H.A., Ghazali M.J., Azhari C.H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "Tribological Characteristics of Banana Leaf", pp. 94-106. In: Advances in Materials Processing and Integrity: Non Metals and Hybrids. (Eds. Azhari C.H., Sulong A.B. and Zulkifli R.), UKM Press, Penerbit Univ. Kabangsaan Malaysia, ISBN 978-967-412-543-1
    12. Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "Foreword: Biocommunication in the Web of Life: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches", pp. xix-lxxv, Foreword in: Biocommunication, Sign-Mediated Interactions between Cells and Organisms. (Eds. Gordon R. and Seckbach J.), World Scientific Publishing, London, ISBN 978-1-78634-044-3 (hardcover), 750 pp. link to book webpage, Bookchapter-PDF Chapter
    13. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M.O. (2017) "Superfast Evolution via Trans- and Interspecies Biocommunication", pp. 165-186, Chapter 6 in: Biocommunication, Sign-Mediated Interactions between Cells and Organisms. (Eds. Gordon R. and Seckbach J.), World Scientific Publishing, London, ISBN 978-1-78634-044-3 (hardcover), 750 pp. link to book webpage, Bookchapter-PDF Chapter
    14. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Ecotribology: Development, Prospects, and Challenges", Chapter 1 in: Eco-Tribology - Research Developments, (Ed. J. Paulo Davim), Series "Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology", Springer Cham Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-24005-3, ch. 1, 1-39. Bookchapter-PDF, link to whole book @ Springer
    15. Gebeshuber I.C. and Drack M. (2016) "Biomimetics in Nanotechnology", Chapter 67 in: CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, (Eds. Kharisov B.I., Kharissova O.V. and Méndez U.B.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, ISBN 9781466580343, pp. 871-875. link to CRC, Bookchapter-PDF Chapter, Bookchapter-PDF Both Chapters + Front Matter
    16. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Green Nanotribology and Related Sustainability Aspects", Chapter 5 in: CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, (Eds. Kharisov B.I., Kharissova O.V. and Méndez U.B.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, ISBN 9781466580343, pp. 37-45. link to CRC, Bookchapter-PDF Chapter, Bookchapter-PDF Both Chapters + Front Matter
    17. Gebeshuber I.C., Gruber P. and Imhof B. (2015) "Biornametics - Architecture Inspired by Natural Patterns", in: Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology 2nd Edition, (Ed. Bhushan B.), Springer Dortrecht, 17 pp., ISBN 978-94-007-6178-0. doi 10.1007/978-94-007-6178-0_209-2. link to Springer Link, Bookchapter-PDF Chapter
    18. Gebeshuber I.C. and Lee D.W. (2016) "Nanostructures for coloration (organisms other than animals)", in: Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology 2nd Edition, (Ed. Bhushan B.), Springer Dortrecht, 19 pp., ISBN 978-94-007-6178-0., link to Springer Link, Bookchapter-PDF Chapter
    19. Gebeshuber I.C. (2015) "Biomineralization in marine organisms". Chapter 58, Part XI (Marine biotechnological products in industrial application), Springer Handbook of Marine Biotechnology, Se-Kwon Kim (Ed.), Springer, 1800 p., ISBN 978-3-642-53970-1, ch. 58, 1279-1300. Bookchapter-PDF, link to Springer
    20. Gebeshuber I.C. (2015) Various lexicon articles for the planned (but never realized) SAGE Encyclopedia of Decision Sciences and SAGE Encyclopedia of Energy and Environment. Encyclopaedia Entries-PDF
    21. Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Grüne und nachhaltige nanotribologische Systeme im Rahmen der globalen Herausforderungen", in: Nano Risiko Governance Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit Nanotechnologien, (Eds. Gazsó A. and Haslinger J.), Springer Verlag Wien, 2014, 300 p., ISBN 978-3-7091-1405-6, ch. 3, 49-80. link to Springer link to Springer Bookchapter-PDF
    22. Gebeshuber I.C., Macqueen M.O., Majlis B.Y. and Drack M. (2013) "Nanobioconvergence", Chapter 10 in: "Nanotechnology in the Edge of Convergence", Majlis B.Y., Kostadinov K. G. and Bhatti A.S. (Eds.) COMSATS & NAM S&T Centre 2013, pp. 123-139.
    23. Futterknecht O., Macqueen M.O., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Bioinspired Navigation Realized with MEMS", Chapter 11 in: "Nanotechnology in the edge of convergence", Majlis B.Y., Kostadinov K. G. and Bhatti A.S. (Eds.) COMSATS & NAM S&T Centre 2013, pp. 141-151.
    24. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Biomimetic inspiration regarding nano-tribology and materials issues in MEMS", in: Nano-Tribology and Materials in MEMS, (Eds. Sujeet Kumar Sinha, Nalam Satyanarayana and Seh Chun Lim), Springer, Ch. 2, 273 p., ISBN 978-3-642-36934-6, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36935-3_2, 53-79. link to Springer Bookchapter-PDF
    25. Tomala A., Gocerler H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Bridging nano- and microtribology in mechanical and biomolecular layers", in: Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology III, (Ed. Bhushan B.), NanoScience and Nanotechnology Series published by Springer-Verlag, 650 pages, ISBN 978-3-642-25413-0. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-25414-7_16, Ch. 16, 431-483. Bookchapter-PDF
    26. Gebeshuber I.C. and Lee D.W. (2012) "Nanostructures for coloration (organisms other than animals)", in: Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, (Ed. Bhushan B.), Springer, 3200 pages, ISBN 978-9048197507. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-9751-4, 1790-1803. Bookchapter-PDF
    27. Gebeshuber I.C., Gruber P. and Imhof B. (2012) "Biornametics - Architecture Inspired by Natural Patterns", in: Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, (Ed. Bhushan B.), Springer, 3200 pages, ISBN 978-9048197507. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-9751-4, 328-329. Bookchapter-PDF
    28. Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Green Nanotribology and Sustainable Nanotribology in the Frame of the Global Challenges for Humankind", in: Green Tribology - Biomimetics, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability, (Eds. Nosonovsky M. and Bhushan B.), Series: Green Energy and Technology, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 632 p., ISBN 978-3642236808, Ch. 5, 105-125. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-23681-5_5 PDF
    29. Gebeshuber I.C., Drack M., Aumayr F., Winter HP. and Franek F. (2011, reprint from 2006) "Scanning Probe Microscopy: From Living Cells to the Subatomic Range", In: Applied Scanning Probe Methods III: Characterization (NanoScience and Technology) Paperback (Eds. B. Bhushan and H. Fuchs), invited chapter, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-26909-0 (Print) 978-3-540-26910-6 (Online), 27-53. Bookchapter-PDF doi: 10.1007/3-540-26910-X_2 (Paperback, reprinted from the 2006 Hardcover Ed.)
    30. Gruber P., Bruckner D., Hellmich C., Schmiedmayer H.-B., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Preface", in: Biomimetics - Materials, Structures and Processes. Examples, Ideas and Case Studies, (Eds: Gruber P., Bruckner D., Hellmich C., Schmiedmayer H.-B., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C.), Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, Series Editor Claus Ascheron, 266 p., 123 illus. (53 in color), Hardcover, ISBN 978-3-642-11933-0 Preface-PDF link to Springer, v.
    31. Stachelberger H., Gruber P. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Biomimetics - its Technological and Societal Potential", in: Biomimetics - Materials, Structures and Processes. Examples, Ideas and Case Studies, (Eds: Gruber P., Bruckner D., Hellmich C., Schmiedmayer H.-B., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C.), Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, Series Editor Claus Ascheron, 266 p., 123 illus. (53 in color), Hardcover, ISBN 978-3-642-11933-0 Preface-PDF link to Springer, Ch. 1, 1-6.
    32. Gebeshuber I.C., Majlis B.Y. and Stachelberger H. (2011) "Biomimetics in Tribology", in: "Biomimetics - Materials, Structures and Processes. Examples, Ideas and Case Studies", Eds: Gruber P., Bruckner D., Hellmich C., Schmiedmayer H.-B., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C., Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, Series Editor Claus Ascheron, 266 p., 123 illus. (53 in color), Hardcover, ISBN 978-3-642-11933-0. link to Springer, Ch. 3, 25-50.Biomimetics_in_Tribology_aus_proofs.pdf
    33. Gebeshuber I.C., Gordon R. and Macqueen M.O. (2011) "Algae biofuel", in: Green Technology: An A-to-Z Guide, The SAGE Reference Series on Green Society: Towards a Sustainable Future, Vol. 10, (General Ed. Mulvaney D.R., Series Ed. Robbins P., Eds. Vol. 10: Robbins P., Mulvaney D. and Golson J.G.), Sage Publications, CA, USA, 528 p., ISBN 978-1-4129-9692-1, 7-9. Bookchapter-PDF
    34. Gebeshuber I.C., Aumayr M., Hekele O., Sommer R., Goesselsberger C.G., Gruenberger C., Gruber P., Borowan E., Rosic A. and Aumayr F. (2011) "Bacilli, green algae, diatoms and red blood cells - how nanobiotechnological research inspires architecture", Chapter X in: "Diatoms: Ecology and Life Cycle" (Ed. James C. Compton), Series: Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology, Nova Science Publishers (Hauppauge, New York), 317 p., ISBN 978-1-61761-979-3, 265-300.
    35. Gebeshuber I.C., Drack M., Aumayr F., Winter HP. and Franek F. (2010) "Scanning Probe Microscopy: From living cells to the subatomic range", In: Applied Scanning Probe Methods III: Characterization (NanoScience and Technology), Paperback (Eds. B. Bhushan and H. Fuchs), invited chapter, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-06596-5, 27-53. Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2006 edition (November 29, 2010), Bookchapter-PDF doi: 10.1007/3-540-26910-X_2
    36. Gordon R., Witkowski A., Gebeshuber I.C. and Allen C.S. (2010) "Les diatomeas de la Antártida y su papel potencial en la nanotecnología", in: Antártida. Tiempo de cambio, Spanish edition, (Eds.: Masó M., Masó M., Massip C and Perello J.), Editions ACTAR, Barcelona, ISBN 978-84-393-8285-0 (Arts Santa Mònica), ISBN 978-84-92861-32-3 (ACTAR), 84-96.
    37. Gordon R., Witkowski A., Gebeshuber I.C. and Allen C.S. (2010) "Les diatomees de l'Antàrtida i el seu paper potencial en la nanotecnologia", in: Antàrtida. Temps de canvi, Catalan edition, (Eds.: Masó M., Masó M. and Chillida A.), Editions ACTAR, Barcelona, ISBN 978-84-393-8283-6 (Arts Santa Mònica), ISBN 978-84-92861-31-6 (ACTAR), 84-95. Ille_Gebeshuber_Antarctica_Catalan.pdf
    38. Gordon R., Witkowski A., Gebeshuber I.C. and Allen C.S. (2010) "The diatoms of Antarctica and their potential roles in nanotechnology", in: Antarctica. Time of Change, English edition, (Eds.: Chillida A., Masó M., Masó M. and Chillida A.), ActarBirkhauser, Barcelona, ISBN 978-84-393-8284-3 (Arts Santa Mònica), ISBN 978-84-92861-26-2 (ACTAR), 84-95. Ille_Gebeshuber_Antarctica.pdf
    39. Lanza R. und Gebeshuber I.C. "Science and Art: Genderaspekte der naturwissenschaftlichen und kuenstlerischen Untersuchungen komplexer biogener Glasstrukturen (Kieselalgen). Die Kieselalge - Das Objekt der Begierde", In: Kunst - Forschung - Geschlecht (Eds. E. Blimlinger, M. Pimminger and A. Schiller), Universitaet für angewandte Kunst, Wien, 2010, ISBN 978-3-85211-154-4, 8-27. Genderkieselalgen_2010.pdf
    40. Gebeshuber I.C., Drack M., Aumayr F., Winter HP. and Franek F. (2010) "Scanning Probe Microscopy: From Living Cells to the Subatomic Range", in: Biosystems Investigated by Scanning Probe Microscopy, (Eds. Fuchs H. and Bhushan B.), 1st Edition (February 23, 2010), Springer: New York, 834 p., Hardcover, ISBN 978-3-642-02404-7, 359-385, doi: 10.1007/3-540-26910-X_2 (Review_of_the_book_by_Samori.pdf review in Anal. Bioanal. Chem.)
    41. Gebeshuber I.C. & co. (2010) "Molecular Assembler", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 431-432.
    42. Gebeshuber I.C. and Tomala A. (2010) "International Dialogue", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 356-357.
    43. Gebeshuber I.C. and Matin T.R. (2010) "Kroto, Sir Harry", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 385-386.
    44. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M. (2010) "Market Projections", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 408-409.
    45. Gebeshuber I.C. and Sukumaran M.S. (2010) "Monash Centre for Regulatory Studies", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 436-437.
    46. Gebeshuber I.C. and Laggner P. (2010) "Nanotools", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 559-563.
    47. Gebeshuber I.C., Belegratis M. and Schmidt V. (2010) "Emerging Nanopatterning Methods", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 184-185.
    48. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Nanogate (Tribological Coating for Automobiles)", In: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 485-486.
    49. Gebeshuber I.C., Ayatollahi F. and Damghanian M. (2010) "Iran Nanotechnology Policy Studies Committee", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 368-369.
    50. Gebeshuber I.C. and Getzlaff M. (2010) "Nanoenabled Products in Commerce", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 473-477.
    51. Gebeshuber I.C., Quist A.P. & co. (2010) "Transdisciplinarity", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 768-769.
    52. Gebeshuber I.C., Yunas J. and Dee C.F. (2010) "Nanomanufacturing", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 494-498.
    53. Gebeshuber I.C. and Laggner P. (2010) "Nanomaterials in Commerce", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 503-505.
    54. Gebeshuber I.C. & co. (2010) "National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 578-579.
    55. Gebeshuber I.C., Matin T.R., Halim L. and Ariffin S. (2010) "Nanoscale Undergraduate Education Program", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 528-530.
    56. Gebeshuber I.C., Gruber P. and Drack M. (2010)"Nanobioconvergence", In: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 454-456.
    57. Gebeshuber I.C. and Haseeb A.S.M.A. (2010) "Nanotechnology Institute (ASME)", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 551-552.
    58. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M. (2010) "History-in-the-Making", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 315-316.
    59. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M. (2010) "InnovationSpace", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 337-339.
    60. Gebeshuber I.C. and Igenbergs K. (2010) "International Center for Technology Assessment", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 350-351.
    61. Gebeshuber I.C. and Obermayr W. (2010) "Nano-Scale Science and Engineering", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 523-528.
    62. Gebeshuber I.C., Bais B. and Majlis B.Y. (2010)"Nanoelectronics", In: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 466-470.
    63. Gebeshuber I.C. and Liskiewicz T.W. (2010) "Tools", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 760-763.
    64. Gebeshuber I.C. and Getzlaff M. (2010) "Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Germany)", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 237-238.
    65. Gebeshuber I.C. and Cannarozzi G. (2010) "Nanologues", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 2, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 493-494.
    66. Gebeshuber I.C. and Getzlaff M. (2010) "Association of German Engineers", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 33-34.
    67. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M. (2010) "Global Value Chains", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 290-291.
    68. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "International SPM Image Competition", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 360-361.
    69. Gebeshuber I.C., Aumayr M., Hekele O., Sommer R., Goesselsberger C.G., Gruenberger C., Gruber P., Borowan E., Rosic A. and Aumayr F. (2010) "Bacilli, green algae, diatoms and red blood cells - how nanobiotechnological research inspires architecture", Chapter IX in: "Bio-Inspired Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology" (Ed. Yong Zhou), Series: Nanotechnology Science and Technology, Nova Science Publishers (Hauppauge, New York), ISBN-10: 1608761053, ISBN 978-1608761050, 207-243. Gebeshuber_NovaBook2010.pdf
    70. Gebeshuber I.C., Drack M., Aumayr F., Winter HP. and Franek F. (2006) "Scanning Probe Microscopy: From living cells to the subatomic range", In: Applied Scanning Probe Methods III: Characterization (NanoScience and Technology) (Eds. B. Bhushan and H. Fuchs), invited chapter, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-26909-0 (Print) 978-3-540-26910-6 (Online), 27-53. Bookchapter-PDF doi: 10.1007/3-540-26910-X_2 (Hardcover, reprinted in Paperback 2011)
    71. Gebeshuber I.C., Smith R.A.P., Aumayr F. and Winter HP. (2005) "Scanning Probe Microscopy across dimensions", In: From Cells to Proteins: Imaging Nature across Dimensions (Eds. Evangelista V., Barsanti L., Passarelli V. and Gualtieri P.), NATO Security through Science Series, Sub-Series B: Physics and Biophysics, Vol. 3, invited chapter, Springer Netherlands, ISBN 978-1-4020-3614-9, 139-165 Bookchapter-PDF.
    72. Gebeshuber I.C. and Rattay F. (2001) "Coding efficiency of inner hair cells at the threshold of hearing", In: Computational Models of Auditory Function (Eds. S. Greenberg und M. Slaney), ISBN 90 5199 457 5, IOS Press, Amsterdam, NATO ASI Series A Vol. 312, 5-16 Bookchapter-PDF.
    73. Gebeshuber I.C., Mladenka A., Rattay F. and Svrcek-Seiler W.A. (1998) "Brownian motion and the ability to detect weak auditory signals", In: Chaos and Noise in Biology and Medicine (Eds. M. Barbi and S. Chillemi), ISBN-10: 981023600X, ISBN-13: 978-9810236007, World Scientific Press, 230-237.Back to Start

    eBook Chapters

    1. Gebeshuber I.C. (in preparation) "Biomineralization in marine organisms". Chapter for Springer Handbook of Marine Biotechnology 2. Edition, Se-Kwon Kim (Ed.), Springer. to be published 2025
    2. Gebeshuber, I.C. (2023) "Bionisch wirtschaften". In: Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung - (k)ein unternehmerisches Dilemma. Zukunftsbilder und Impulsberichte, Editor: Katharina Sigl, Springer Gabler Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 360 pages, Print ISBN 978-3-662-66814-6, Online ISBN 978-3-662-66815-3, chapter 3, pp. 31-40, Germany. link to chapter, link to whole book @ Springer
    3. Gebeshuber, I.C. (2023) "Rechnen", pp. 374-380. In: Was kommt. Was geht. Was bleibt. Kluge Texte über die wichtigsten Fragen unserer Zeit. (Jubiläumsausgabe anl. 225 Jahre Herder Verlag), Herder Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. 535 pages, ISBN E-Book 978-3-451-83151-5 link
    4. Zischka, F., Kratochvil, H., Noll A., Gordon, R., Harbich, T. and Gebeshuber, I.C. (2021) "Diatom Triboacoustics". In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach]. S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA, ISBN 978-1-119-52635-3, pp. 249-282 link to book webpage, link to chapter
    5. Ghobara, M., N. Mazumder, V. Vinayak, L. Reissig, I.C. Gebeshuber, M.A. Tiffany & R. Gordon (2019) "On light and diatoms: A photonics and photobiology review", pp. 129-160, Chapter 7 in: Diatoms: Fundamentals and Applications (DIFA), (Eds Seckbach J. and Gordon R.), Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA, online ISBN 9781119370741, 690 pp. link to e-chapter, link to e-book
    6. Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "Foreword: Biocommunication in the web of life: Theoretical and experimental approaches", pp. xix-lxxv, Foreword in: Biocommunication, Sign-Mediated Interactions between Cells and Organisms. (Eds. Gordon R. and Seckbach J.), World Scientific Publishing, London, ISBN 978-1-78634-046-7 (eBook), 750 pp. Bookchapter-PDF Chapter
    7. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M.O. (2017) "Superfast evolution via trans- and interspecies biocommunication", pp. 165-186, Chapter 6 in: Biocommunication, Sign-Mediated Interactions between Cells and Organisms. (Eds. Gordon R. and Seckbach J.), World Scientific Publishing, London, ISBN 978-1-78634-046-7 (eBook), 750 pp. Bookchapter-PDF Chapter
    8. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Ecotribology: Development, Prospects, and Challenges", Chapter 1 in: Eco-Tribology - Research Developments, (Ed. J. Paulo Davim), Series "Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology", Springer Cham Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-24007-7, ch. 1, 1-39. Bookchapter-PDF, link to whole book @ Springer
    9. Gebeshuber I.C. (2015) "Biomineralization in marine organisms", Chapter 58, Part XI (Marine biotechnological products in industrial application), Springer Handbook of Marine Biotechnology, Se-Kwon Kim (Ed.), Springer, 1800 p., ISBN 978-3-642-53970-1, ch. 58, 1279-1300. link to Springer
    10. Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Grüne und nachhaltige nanotribologische Systeme im Rahmen der globalen Herausforderungen", in: Nano Risiko Governance Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit Nanotechnologien, (Eds. Gazsó A. and Haslinger J.), Springer Verlag Wien, 2014, 300 p., ISBN 978-3-7091-1405-6, ch. 3, 49-80. link to Springer link to Springer Bookchapter-PDF
    11. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Biomimetic inspiration regarding nano-tribology and materials issues in MEMS", in: Nano-Tribology and Materials in MEMS, (Eds. Sujeet Kumar Sinha, Nalam Satyanarayana and Seh Chun Lim), Springer, Ch. 2, 273 p., ISBN 978-3-642-36934-6, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36935-3_2. link to Springer
    12. Tomala A., Goecerler H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Bridging nano- and microtribology in mechanical and biomolecular layers", in: Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology III, (Ed. Bhushan B.), NanoScience and Nanotechnology Series published by Springer-Verlag, 650 pages, online ISBN 978-3-642-25414-7. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-25414-7_16, Ch. 16, 431-483. link to chapter
    13. Gebeshuber I.C. and Lee D.W. (2012) "Nanostructures for coloration (organisms other than animals)", in: Springer Reference Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, (Eds. Bhushan B. and Nosonovsky M.), Springer, ISBN 978-90-481-9751-4, 1790-1803. link to Springer
    14. Gebeshuber I.C., Gruber P. and Imhof B. (2012) "Biornametics - Architecture inspired by natural patterns", in: Springer Reference Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, (Eds. Bhushan B. and Nosonovsky M.), Springer, ISBN 978-90-481-9751-4, 328-329. link to Springer
    15. Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Green Nanotribology and sustainable nanotribology in the frame of the global challenges for humankind", in: Green Tribology - Biomimetics, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability, (Eds. Nosonovsky M. and Bhushan B.), Series: Green Energy and Technology, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 632 p., ISBN 978-3642236808, Ch. 5, 105-125. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-23681-5_5 link to Springer, full text at Google Books
    16. Gruber P., Bruckner D., Hellmich C., Schmiedmayer H.-B., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Preface", in: Biomimetics - Materials, Structures and Processes. Examples, Ideas and Case Studies, (Eds: Gruber P., Bruckner D., Hellmich C., Schmiedmayer H.-B., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C.), Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, Series Editor Claus Ascheron, 266 p., 123 illus. (53 in color), eISBN 978-3-642-11934-7 Preface-PDF link to Springer, v.
    17. Stachelberger H., Gruber P. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Biomimetics - its technological and societal potential", in: Biomimetics - Materials, Structures and Processes. Examples, Ideas and Case Studies, (Eds: Gruber P., Bruckner D., Hellmich C., Schmiedmayer H.-B., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C.), Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, Series Editor Claus Ascheron, 266 p., 123 illus. (53 in color), eISBN 978-3-642-11934-7 Preface-PDF link to Springer, Ch. 1, 1-6.
    18. Gebeshuber I.C., Majlis B.Y. and Stachelberger H. (2011) "Biomimetics in Tribology", in: "Biomimetics - Materials, Structures and Processes. Examples, Ideas and Case Studies", Eds: Gruber P., Bruckner D., Hellmich C., Schmiedmayer H.-B., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C., Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, Series Editor Claus Ascheron, 266 p., 123 illus. (53 in color), eISBN 978-3-642-11934-7 link to Springer, Ch. 3, 25-50.
    19. Gebeshuber I.C., Gordon R. and Macqueen M.O. (2011) "Algae biofuel", in: Green Technology: An A-to-Z Guide, eReference, The SAGE Reference Series on Green Society: Towards a Sustainable Future, Vol. 10, (General Ed. Mulvaney D.R., Series Ed. Robbins P., Eds. Vol. 10: Robbins P., Mulvaney D. and Golson J.G.), Sage Publications, CA, USA, eISBN 978-1-4129-7570-4.
    20. Gebeshuber I.C., Aumayr M., Hekele O., Sommer R., Goesselsberger C.G., Gruenberger C., Gruber P., Borowan E., Rosic A. and Aumayr F. (2011) "Bacilli, green algae, diatoms and red blood cells - how nanobiotechnological research inspires architecture", Chapter X in: "Diatoms: Ecology and Life Cycle" (Ed. James C. Compton), Series: Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology, Nova Science Publishers (Hauppauge, New York), ISBN 978-1-61122-400-9.
    21. Gebeshuber I.C. & co. (2010) "Molecular Assembler", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    22. Gebeshuber I.C. and Tomala A. (2010) "International Dialogue", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3.
    23. Gebeshuber I.C. and Matin T.R. (2010) "Kroto, Sir Harry", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    24. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M. (2010) "Market Projections", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    25. Gebeshuber I.C. and Sukumaran M.S. (2010) "Monash Centre for Regulatory Studies", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    26. Gebeshuber I.C. and Laggner P. (2010) "Nanotools", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    27. Gebeshuber I.C., Belegratis M. and Schmidt V. (2010) "Emerging Nanopatterning Methods", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    28. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Nanogate (Tribological Coating for Automobiles)", In: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    29. Gebeshuber I.C., Ayatollahi F. and Damghanian M. (2010) "Iran Nanotechnology Policy Studies Committee", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    30. Gebeshuber I.C. and Getzlaff M. (2010) "Nanoenabled Products in Commerce", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    31. Gebeshuber I.C., Quist A.P. & co. (2010) "Transdisciplinarity", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    32. Gebeshuber I.C., Yunas J. and Dee C.F. (2010) "Nanomanufacturing", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    33. Gebeshuber I.C. and Laggner P. (2010) "Nanomaterials in Commerce", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    34. Gebeshuber I.C. & co. (2010) "National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3.
    35. Gebeshuber I.C., Matin T.R., Halim L. and Ariffin S. (2010) "Nanoscale Undergraduate Education Program", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    36. Gebeshuber I.C., Gruber P. and Drack M. (2010)"Nanobioconvergence", In: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    37. Gebeshuber I.C. and Haseeb A.S.M.A. (2010) "Nanotechnology Institute (ASME)", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    38. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M. (2010) "History-in-the-Making", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    39. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M. (2010) "InnovationSpace", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3. link to chapter
    40. Gebeshuber I.C. and Igenbergs K. (2010) "International Center for Technology Assessment", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3.
    41. Gebeshuber I.C. and Obermayr W. (2010) "Nano-Scale Science and Engineering", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3.
    42. Gebeshuber I.C., Bais B. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "Nanoelectronics", In: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3.
    43. Gebeshuber I.C. and Liskiewicz T.W. (2010) "Tools", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3.
    44. Gebeshuber I.C. and Getzlaff M. (2010) "Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Germany)", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3.
    45. Gebeshuber I.C. and Cannarozzi G. (2010) "Nanologues", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3.
    46. Gebeshuber I.C. and Getzlaff M. (2010) "Association of German Engineers", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3.
    47. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M. (2010) "Global Value Chains", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3.
    48. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "International SPM Image Competition", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, e-ISBN 978-1-4129-7209-3.
    49. Gebeshuber I.C., Drack M., Aumayr F., Winter HP. and Franek F. (2010) "Scanning Probe Microscopy: From living cells to the subatomic range", In: Applied Scanning Probe Methods III: Characterization (NanoScience and Technology), eBook (Eds. B. Bhushan and H. Fuchs), invited chapter, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, e-ISBN-13 978-3-540-26910-6, 27-53. Kindle Edition (November 29, 2010).
    50. Gebeshuber I.C., Aumayr M., Hekele O., Sommer R., Goesselsberger C.G., Gruenberger C., Gruber P., Borowan E., Rosic A. and Aumayr F. (2010) "Bacilli, green algae, diatoms and red blood cells - how nanobiotechnological research inspires architecture", Chapter IX in: "Bio-Inspired Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology" (Ed. Yong Zhou), Series: Nanotechnology Science and Technology, Nova Science Publishers (Hauppauge, New York). Order eBook here Back to Start

    Papers in Conference Proceedings

    1. Gebeshuber I.C. (in preparation) "Von der Natur lernen: Bionik als Schlüssel zu umweltverträglicheren Praktiken des Wirtschaftens", Track #4: Wissen zwischen Medien und Wissenschaft, Proceedings, Momentumkongress 2024: Alternativen, Ossiach, Austria, Oktober 17-20, 2024. link
    2. Gebeshuber I.C., Singer C., Ehrentraut A., Macqueen M.O. and Swan E. (submitted) "Establishing The Urban Sustainability Index: Assessing Urban Sustainability for Effective Change", Submitted to AMPS Livable Cities London Conference Proceeding, 2024.
    3. Gebeshuber I.C. (submitted) "Was können wir von der Natur lernen? Bionik und Ernährung - neue wissenschaftliche Wege in eine nachhaltige Zukunft", eingeladener Beitrag, Tagungsband 13. Symposion Dürnstein 2024 "Was werden wir morgen essen?"
    4. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Bionik im Einsatz: Innovative Lösungen für die Landtechnik", invited paper, in: Tagungsband des 24. Arbeitswissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums des Fachausschusses Arbeitswissenschaften im Landbau, Wien, Universität für Bodenkultur BOKU Wien, Eds. Elisabeth Quendler and Ornella Kajdy, "Arbeit unter einem D-A-CH: Transformation der Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft durch sozio-ökonomische und ökologische Herausforderungen", Vienna, Austria, organized by Elisabeth Quendler, 27.-28.02.2024, pp. 12-15. TAGUNGSBAND_AKAL_2024_Wien_ICG.pdf
    5. Wild N., Feuchter M., Gebeshuber I.C., Adami C., Vasilijevic M., Macqueen M., Pamminger H., Dobretsberger J., Schindler P., Póczi A., Brandstätter (2020) "Nachhaltige Verpackungen - Materialeffizienz anhand Vorbild Natur?!", Extended Abstract 15. Abfallwirtschafts- und Recyclingkonferenz Recy & DepoTech 2020, Leoben, Austria, 18-20 November 2020, 5 pages. Extended_Abstract_DepoTech_2020_Gebeshuber.pdf
    6. Tinello D., Boley M., Drack M., Gebeshuber I.C. and Winkler H. (2017) "Bionik in der Logistik - umsetzbares Potential!", In: Logistisches Produktionsmanagement (Hrsg. Zsifkovits H.E. und Altendorfer-Kaiser S.), 4. Wissenschaftlicher Industrielogistik-Dialog, Leoben, Austria, pp. 125-139. WiLD_2017_eingescannt.pdf
    7. Gebeshuber I.C. (2015) "Value-based micro- and nanotribology", Proc. 6th International Conference Nano-Technology Viennano'15, TFZ Wiener Neustadt, Austria, pp. 14-15. Viennano15_Ille_C_Gebeshuber.pdf
    8. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "The 'secret gems' of polarized light-based navigation systems from the Islamic view", in: Proceedings of i-Inova 2013 4th Exposition on Islamic innovation 2013, Creativity & Innovation Seminar, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Kuala Lumpur, 2013, ISBN 978-967-5852-23-7, pp. 354-358.
    9. Gebeshuber I.C., Gruber P. and Imhof B. (2012) "Sustainability in Science, Architecture and Design: Lessons from Attenborough, Loos and Biornametics", Proceedings of the Sustainability through Biomimicry Conference, Sustainability through Biomimicry 2012, Al-Solaiman S. (Ed.), College of Design, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Nov. 27-28, 2012, invited paper, pp. 235-255. Dammam_2012_Proceedings.pdf
    10. Mueller J. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Science Graffiti ©", Proceedings, Momentumkongress 2012, Hallstatt, Austria, September 27-30, 2012 Jeanette Ille Momentum 2012
    11. Hobl R., Holtgrewe U. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Das Eliten-, Herrschafts- und Demokratietheater", Proceedings, Momentumkongress 2012, Hallstatt, Austria, September 27-30, 2012 Robert Ursula Ille Momentum 2012
    12. Gebeshuber I.C., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M., Macqueen M. (2012) "Biomimetic development of technology to assist, enhance and expand human sensory perceptions - On the importance of collaboration with the fundamental sciences", Solid St. Sci. Technol. Express 8(1), pp. 1-3. 3STE811-3-Gebes.pdf
    13. Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Importance of fundamental and applied science in higher education", Solid St. Sci. Technol. Express 8(3).
    14. Diah S.Z.M., Karman S.B., Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "The 'navigational sense' in living nature: A survey for engineers", in: Geoinformation - Catalyst for Planning, Development and Good Governance. Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment AGSE 2012, Behr F.-J., Rahman A.A., Zimmermann M. and Pradeepkumar A.P. (Eds.), AGSE Publishing, Karlsruhe, Germany, ISBN 978-3-943321-06-7, pp. 79-84. AGSE2012_2012_Proceedings_Siti_Salmah_Oliver_Ille.pdf ** With the presentation of this paper Mrs. Siti Zaleha was awarded the AGSE Innovation Award in Recognition of Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Applied Geoinformatics ** (click here for photo)
    15. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M., Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Towards a 'navigational sense' for humans: Biomimetic polarized light-based navigation system", in: Geoinformation - Catalyst for Planning, Development and Good Governance. Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment AGSE 2012, Behr F.-J., Rahman A.A., Zimmermann M. and Pradeepkumar A.P. (Eds.), AGSE Publishing, Karlsruhe, Germany, ISBN 978-3-943321-06-7, 71-76. AGSE2012_2012_Proceedings_Siti_Salmah_Oliver_Ille.pdf ** With the presentation of this paper Mrs. Salmah was awarded the AGSE Innovation Award in Recognition of Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Applied Geoinformatics ** (click here for photo)
    16. Futterknecht O., Macqueen M.O., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Bioinspired navigation and water vapour detection realized with MEMS", Proc. 5th IMEN LIPI Joint Seminar on Microelectronic Devices, System and Instrumentations. ISBN 978-602-19889-0-9. 1-6. frontmatter, article, backmatter matter.pdf
    17. Gebeshuber I.C., Zobl S. and Lang-Lepschy D. (2011) "Nachhaltige egalitaere Bildung", Proceedings, Momentumkongress 2011, Hallstatt, Austria, October 27-30, 2011. Momentum2011_Ille_Bildung.pdf, link
    18. Lang-Lepschy D. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Krisenerfahrungen der Gleichheit - Ungleichheit erkennen, aufzeigen und darstellen", Proceedings, Momentumkongress 2011, Hallstatt, Austria, October 27-30, 2011. Krisenerfahrungen_der_Gleichheit.pdf, link
    19. Zobl S. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Survival of the fittest 2011?", Proceedings, Momentumkongress 2011, Hallstatt, Austria, October 27-30, 2011. Momentum 2011_Oekosoziale_Globalisierung_Zobl_Gebeshuber.pdf, link
    20. Gebeshuber I.C., Pichler D. and Majlis B.Y. (2011) "On the way towards a MEMS-assisted magnetic sense for humans", Proc. The 5th Korea-Malaysia Joint Workshop on Nanotechnology, October 20, 2011, Seoul, Korea, pp. 119-129.
    21. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M. (2011) "Towards a new type of science for successfully addressing the global challenges for humankind", Proceedings International Seminar on Environmental Sciences "Environmental based on science research for a better life", Padang, Indonesia, invited paper. Editors: Rikha Septiani Yuda, Maharani Hazar, Zul Arifin. ISBN 978-602-18475-0-3, p. 1-11.Gebeshuber_Macqueen_ISES2011_New_kind_of_science.pdf
    22. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2011) "Green Nanotribology - Challenges, Development and Opportunities", Proc. 3rd European Conference on Tribology ECOTRIB Viennano'11, Vienna, Austria, 13-14, ISBN 978-3-901657-39-9. 435_V00-001_EA_GEBESHUBER.pdf
    23. Zobl S., Matin T.R., Majlis B.Y., Schwerte T., Schreiner M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Structural colors in the focus of nanoengineering and the arts: A survey on state-of-the art developments", Proc. 3rd European Conference on Tribology ECOTRIB Viennano '11, Vienna, Austria, 815-821, ISBN 978-3-901657-39-9. 434_V01-004_SP_GEBESHUBER_k.pdf
    24. Bahadorimehr A., Jumril Y., Gebeshuber I.C., Dee C.F. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "Low cost fabrication of passive microfluidic devices", Proc. 10th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology NANO 2010, 1007-1011, doi: 10.1109/NANO.2010.5697855, ISBN 978-142447033-4. ICO_TS11_010_Paper.pdf
    25. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "Bioinspired MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human auditory capabilities: Development of a new generation of MEMS in medicine", Proceedings, The 4th Korea-Malaysia Joint Workshop on Nanotechnology, December 13, 2010, Putrajaya, Malaysia, pp. 77-83.
    26. Matin T.R., Leong M.K., Majlis B.Y. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Correlating nanostructures with function: Structural colours in wings of a Malaysian bee", AIP Conf. Proc. 1284(1), 5-14, doi: 10.1063/1.3515563, ISSN 0094-243X, ISBN 978-0-7354-0838-8. AIP_Conf_Proc_2010_Bee_wing.pdf
    27. Esichaikul R., Macqueen M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "3D Corporate tourism: Application-oriented problem solving in tropical rainforests", Proceedings 8th Asia-Pacific CHRIE Conference "Integrating Hospitality & Tourism in Asia and Pacific", August 12-14, 2010. Phuket, Thailand, ISBN 979-616-7375-22-9, 146-155. Thailand_2010_Proceedings_Ille_paper.pdf
    28. Zika T, Buschbeck F., Preisinger G., Gebeshuber I.C. and Groeschl M. (2009) "Surface damage of rolling bearings caused by discrete current flow", Proc. Symposium 2009 der Österreichischen Tribologischen Gesellschaft Wien, 26. November 2009 "Lebensdauer und Energieeffizienz - Herausforderungen im Maschinenbau und in der Schmierungstechnik", Österreichische Tribologische Gesellschaft, ISBN 978-3-901657-34-4, Eds. Friedrich Franek and Andreas Pauschitz, 219-227. Article-PDF
    29. Gebeshuber I.C., H. Stachelberger and B.Y. Majlis (2009) "Exploring the innovation potential of biomimetics for novel 3D micro- and nanoelectromechanical Systems (MEMS and NEMS)", Proc. Sixth Plant Biomechanics Conference, November 16th - 21st, 2009, Cayenne, French Guyana, France, Ed. Bernard Thibaut, 374-381. Article-PDF
    30. Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Structural colors in biology and how these natural micro- and nano structures inspires current nanotechnology", Proc. International Seminar on Science and Technology ISST 2009 "The role of sciences and technology to improve the quality of life", October 24, 2009, Bukittinggi, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-96614-0-8, 1-16. Gebeshuber_ISST2009_final.pdf
    31. Gebeshuber I. C. and Majlis B.Y. (2009) "Applied biomimetics: Low noise aircraft design", Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi 9(2), pp. 12-19, ISSN 1411-8289.
    32. Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Nanomedicine and Biomimetic Nanotechnology - Concepts and Applications", Proceedings Second International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Application IWNA 2009, Vung Tau, Viet Nam, November 12-14, 2009, p. 152-153. (Abstract-PDF and Biography)
    33. Gebeshuber I.C., Haidinger M., Goesselsberger C.G., Wollmann E. and Hekele O. (2009) "Nanomedicine: possible early diagnostics of leukemia via atomic force microscopy of red blood cells", Proc. Nanotech Malaysia 2009 Conference, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia, October 27-29, 2009, p. 368-370, ISBN 9789834 492106. Abstract-PDF
    34. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2009) "Biomimetics", Proc. Nanotech Malaysia Conference, KLCC Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 27-29, 2009, ISBN 9789834 492106, ISBN 9789834 492106. Abstract-PDF
    35. Matin T.R., Menon P.S., Shaari S. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Photonic crystal micro- and nanostructures in iridescent butterfly wings", Proc. Nanotech Malaysia 2009 Conference, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia, October 27-29, 2009, ISBN 9789834 492106, pp. 170-171. Abstract-PDF
    36. Gebeshuber I.C., Majlis B.Y. and Stachelberger (2009) "Tribology in biology: biomimetic studies across dimensions and across fields", Proc. National Tribology Conference 2009 (NTC2009), Eds. M.H. Hassan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, S. Rahman, M.J. Ghazali and J.A. Ghani, ISBN 978-983-42040-1-3, 157-164. Abstract-PDF
    37. Goesselsberger C.G., Hekele O., Brandstetter M., Aumayr M., Sommer R. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Topography and stiffness characteristics of Bacillus subtilis UV-resistant and UV-sensitive spores", Proceedings International Conference on Bioengineering & Biomaterials (IC2B), March 18-20, Meknes, Morocco.
    38. Neutsch L. Gebeshuber I.C., Aumayr F. and Gabor F. (2009) "Cells feel their surrounding - implications for biomedicine and drug delivery", Sci. Pharm. 77(1), 188. doi: 10.3797/scipharm.oephg.21.SL-21 Abstract-PDF
    39. Gebeshuber I.C., Majlis B.Y., Neutsch L., Aumayr F. and Gabor F. (2009) "Nanomedicine and Biomimetics: Life Sciences meet Engineering & Physics", Proceedings of the 3rd Vienna International Conference Micro- and Nanotechnology - Viennano'09, Eds. W.J. Bartz and F. Franek, ISBN 978-3-901657-33-7 (CD), ISBN 978-3-901657-32-0 (book), pp. 17-23 Abstract-PDF
    40. Srajer J. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Diatom nanotechnology: fluid dynamic finite element modelling correlates structure with function in Rutilaria philippinarum", Proceedings of the 3rd Vienna International Conference Micro- and Nanotechnology - Viennano'09, Eds. W.J. Bartz and F. Franek, ISBN 978-3-901657-33-7 (CD), ISBN 978-3-901657-32-0 (book), pp. 415-420 Abstract-PDF
    41. Bogus-Tomala A., Naveira-Suarez A., Gebeshuber I.C. and Pasaribu R. (2009) "Effect of base oil polarity on micro and nano friction behaviour of base oil +ZDDP solutions", Proceedings of the 3rd Vienna International Conference Micro- and Nanotechnology - Viennano'09, Eds. W.J. Bartz and F. Franek, ISBN 978-3-901657-33-7 (CD), ISBN 978-3-901657-32-0 (book), pp. 97-102 Abstract-PDF
    42. Gebeshuber I.C., Doerr N. and Tomala A. (2008) "Ultraduenne Schichten aus Ethanolamin - energieeffiziente wartungsarme Schmierstoffe", Proc. Symposium 2008 der Österreichischen Tribologischen Gesellschaft Wien, 27. November 2008 "Innovationen bei Werk- und Schmierstoffen für moderne, umweltorientierte Tribosysteme", Österreichische Tribologische Gesellschaft, ISBN 978-3-901657-30-6, 157-169. Abstract-PDF
    43. Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "TU BIONIK universitaetsweites Kooperationszentrum Bionik/Biomimetics", Bionik - BiologInnen und TechnikerInnen schauen sich ueber die Schulter, BMVIT 2008, pp. 93-99
    44. Bogus A., Gebeshuber I.C., Doerr N., Werner W.S.M. and Stoeri H. (2008) "Tribochemistry of monomolecular lubricant films of ethanolamine oligomers", Proceedings 13th Nordic Symposium on Tribology NORDTRIB, June 2008, Tampere, Finland, paper NT2008-24-3 Abstract-PDF
    45. Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Social, health and ethical implications of nanotechnology", Proceedings of the 2nd Vienna International Conference Micro- and Nanotechnology - Viennano'07, ISBN 978-3-901657-25-2 (book), ISBN 978-3-901657-27-6 (CD), pp. 15-17 Article-PDF
    46. Fuersatz M., Meissl W., Pleschko S., Gebeshuber I.C., Stolterfoht N., Winter HP. and Aumayr F. (2006) "Charging and discharging of nano-capillaries during ion-guiding of multiply charged projectiles", paper submitted to the proceedings of the 13th International conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI 2006) Abstract-PDF
    47. Fink M., Semerad E., Mozdzen G., Wendrinsky J., Hulla G., Kolm R., Gebeshuber I., Stoeri H., Dunn B., Eesbeek M.V., Rohr Th. and Moser M. (2006) "Characterisation of Teflon FEP (HST, LDEF) following long term exposure to Leo", European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP 616 (ISSN 0379-6566), 09/2006, 8p Abstract-PDF
    48. Gebeshuber I.C., Smith R.A.P., El-Said A.S., Kaska K., Pleschko S., Gruenberger C., Winter HP. and Aumayr F. (2006) "UHV and ambient AFM investigations of silicon surfaces nanostructured with singly- and multiply-charged ions", Proceedings of the VIII. Linz Winter Workshop "Advances in single molecule research for biology and nanoscience", Trauner Verlag Universitaet, Schriftenreihe Biophysik, Band 1, Editors: P. Hinterdorfer, G. Schuetz and P. Pohl, Linz, Austria, ISBN 3-85499-163-0, ISBN 978-3-85499-163-2, pp. 117-122
    49. Gebeshuber I.C., Pauschitz A. and Franek F. (2006) "Biotribological model systems for emerging nano-scale technologies.", NanoSingapore2006, IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies - Nanoelectronics, CD ROM, ISBN 0-7803-9358-9
    50. Gebeshuber I.C., Smith R.A.P., Pleschko S., Gruenberger C., Kaska K., Fuersatz M., Winter H. and Aumayr F. (2006) "Nanostructuring surfaces with slow multiply charged ions.", Proceedings "Emerging Technologies - Nanoelectronics", 2006 IEEE Conference on 10-13 Jan. 2006, pp. 324-327 01609739.pdf
    51. Gebeshuber I.C., Pauschitz A. and Franek F. (2006) "Biotribological model systems for emerging nano-scale technologies.", Proceedings "Emerging Technologies - Nanoelectronics", 2006 IEEE Conference on 10-13 Jan. 2006, ISBN 0-7803-9357-0, pp. 396-400, doi: 10.1109/NANOEL.2006.1609757 Paper-PDF
    52. Gebeshuber I.C., Stachelberger H., Drack M. and Franek F. (2005) "Biotribology at the micro- and nanoscale as exemplified by diatoms", Proceedings 1st Vienna International Conference Micro-and Nano-Technology, March 9-11, 2005, Vienna, Austria, pp. 135-140 Abstract-PDF
    53. Doerr N. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2004) "Schmierstoff-Grenzflaechen-Wechselwirkungen in Tribosystemen", Z. Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, 51. Jg., Heft 1/2004, expert-Verlag, Renningen (D), ISSN 0724-3472, pp. 67-68 Abstract-PDF
    54. Gebeshuber I.C., Stachelberger H. and Drack M. (2004) "Surfaces in relative motion: bionanotribological investigations", In: I. Boblan and R. Bannasch (Ed.), First International Industrial Conference Bionik 2004, April 22-23, 2004, held attendant to the Hannover Messe, Hannover, Germany. Fortschr.-Ber. VDI Reihe 15 Nr. 249, Duesseldorf: VDI Verlag 2004. ISBN 3-18-324915-4, ISSN 0178-9589229-236, pp. 229-236 Abstract-PDF
    55. Stoeri H., Kleiner R., Werner W.S.M., Kolm R., Gebeshuber I.C. and Jogl C. (2004) "Characterisation of monomolecular lubricant films" , Proceedings 14th International Colloquium Tribology, Technische Akademie Esslingen, Volume III, 1663-1666, January 13-15, 2004
    56. Doerr N. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2004) "Schmierstoff-Grenzflaechen Wechselwirkungen in Tribosystemen", Proceedings 14th International Colloquium Tribology, Technische Akademie Esslingen, Volume I, 501-502, January 13-15, 2004
    57. Kolm R., Kleiner R., Gebeshuber I.C., Werner W. und Stoeri H. (2003) "Charakterisierung von monomolekularen Schmierstofffilmen", OETG Jahressymposium 2003 Abstract-PDF
    58. Bleda-Maza de Lizana M., Brandt H., Gebeshuber I.C., MacPherson M., Matsuguchi T. and Számadó S. (2003) "Does complexity always increase during major evolutionary transitions ?", Proceedings Santa Fe Institute Complex Systems Summer School 2003, Santa Fe, NM/USA Abstract-PDF
    59. Gebeshuber I.C. and Rattay F. (1998) "Modeling the human hearing threshold curve for pure tones: the effects of stereociliary Brownian motion, endogenious transduction channel noise, stochasticity in neurotransmitter release and innervation density in various frequency bands", Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Computational Hearing (Eds. S. Greenberg and M. Slaney), pp. 7-12
    60. Gebeshuber I.C., Pontes Pinto J., Naves Leao R., Mladenka A. and Rattay F. (1998) "Stochastic resonance in the inner ear: the effects of endogenious transduction channel noise and stereociliary thermal motions on the human hearing threshold in various frequency bands", ARGESIM Report No. 10: Proceedings TU-BioMed Minisymposium 1998 "Brain Modelling" (Ed. F. Rattay), pp. 40-44
    61. Gebeshuber I.C. (1997) "Where physics meets biology: a journey into the inner ear", Proc. XII. Int. Conf. for Physics Students, ViennaBack to Start
    62. Medical Technology Assessment: Click here for an overview on this research project.
    63. Gebeshuber I.C., Ratzer B., Wild C. (1997) "Health care technology assessment in biomedical engineering: social science accompanying research", Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 35, Supplement part II, 1254
    64. Gebeshuber I.C., Ratzer B., Wild C. (1997) "Sozialwissenschaftliche Begleitungforschung biomedizinischer Projekte an der TU-Wien", TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten Nr. 2, 6. Jahrgang - Juli 1997, 37-41 (in German)
    65. Ratzer B., Gebeshuber I.C., Wild C. (1997) "Biomedical Engineering: Social Science Accompanying Research", Annual Meeting of the International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care,13:47
    66. Gebeshuber I.C., Ratzer B., Wild C. (1997) "Sozialwissenschaftliche Begleitung biomedizinischer Forschung", Soziale Technik 1/97, pp. 12-15 (in German)
    67. Gebeshuber I.C., Ratzer B. (1996) "Eine Sozialwissenschaftliche Begleitstudie von Projekten im Bereich Biomedizinischer Technik an der TU-Wien", Biomedizinische Technik, Band 41, Ergaenzungsband 1, 580-581 (in German)
    68. Gebeshuber I.C. (1996) "The mechano-electric transduction in the inner ear", Biomedizinische Technik, Band 41, Ergaenzungsband 1, pp. 618-619Back to Start


    1. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Sutterlüty C., Pribyl F., Wedenik T. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Redefining 3D Bioprinting: Vertical Bio-Ink Deposition for Improved Biofabrication", Poster @ Living Machines 2024, 8-11 July 2024, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
    2. Zimmerl M., Kaltenböck P., Whitmore K. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Biomimetics of Passive Radiative Cooling Properties of Silver Ants", Poster @ Poster Session, 2024 Exner Lectures, Wilhelm Exner Medal Foundation, 14 May 2024, Vienna, Austria.
    3. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Buranits F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Understanding Growth for Engineered Living Materials by simulating induced Gall Growth with an extended VirtualLeaf", Poster @ Poster Session, 2024 Exner Lectures, Wilhelm Exner Medal Foundation, 14 May 2024, Vienna, Austria.
    4. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Mateus-Berr R., Gebeshuber I.C. and Gabl M. (2024) "Harmonizing Nature, Engineering, and Creativity: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Engineered Living Materials, Artistry, and Sustainability in Collaborative Mycelium Brick Construction", Poster @ "The First International Online Conference on Biomimetics IOCB 2024", 15-17 May 2024.
    5. Zischka F., Kaser V., Whitmore K., Kainradl R., Krenn H.W., Gaal-Haszler S. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Butterfly Wing Scales as Inspiration for Multifunctional Building Surfaces", Poster @ "The First International Online Conference on Biomimetics IOCB 2024", 15-17 May 2024.
    6. Zimmerl M., Kaltenböck P. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Utilizing Passive Radiative Properties of Silver Ants", Poster @ "The First International Online Conference on Biomimetics IOCB 2024", 15-17 May 2024.
    7. Zischka F., Kaser V., Whitmore K., Kainradl R., Krenn H. W., Gaal-Haszler S. and I. C. Gebeshuber (2024) "Butterfly Wing Scales as Inspiration for Multifunctional Building Surfaces", Poster NP2024-002, NANOPOSTER 2024 - 13th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, Nanopaprika - The International Nanoscience Community, Budapest/Hungary, April 15-21, 2024. Abstract,
    8. Zimmerl M., Kaltenboeck P. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Biomimetics of Nanostructure-Based Passive Cooling Properties of Silver Ants", Poster NP2024-005, NANOPOSTER 2024 - 13th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, Nanopaprika - The International Nanoscience Community, Budapest/Hungary, April 15-21, 2024. Abstract,
    9. Petz T., Grammer M., Fellinger T., van Nieuwenhoven R.W. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Lessons from 3D Printing of Diatoms", Netzwerk Algen 2023, Poster, Wien, Austria, 16. Oktober 2023.
    10. Hageneder L., Plank H., Wewerka K. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Towards Biomimetics of Superhydrophobic Water Strider Feet", Poster 5th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Challenges in Nanoscience & Application", 13-15 March 2023, Mauterndorf, Lungau, Austria
    11. Gisinger F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Managing Insect Feet: Biomimetics of Plant Wax Based Non-Toxic Micro- and Nanostructural Insect Repellents", Poster 5th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Challenges in Nanoscience & Application", 13-15 March 2023, Mauterndorf, Lungau, Austria
    12. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Bürger A.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Mechanical Bactericide by Biomimetics of the Nanopillars on Insect Wings", Poster 5th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Challenges in Nanoscience & Application", 13-15 March 2023, Mauterndorf, Lungau, Austria
    13. Gisinger F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) " Managing Insect Feet: Biomimetics of Plant Wax Based Non-Toxic Insect Repellents", Poster, SUSNANOFAB Final Networking Event, February 23-24, 2023, TU Wien, Austria.
    14. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Gisinger F., Graves P.-M., Hammel A., Mörth A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Insights into Growth Regulation by Connecting Simulations of Plant-Growth to the Plant Gall Life Cycle", Poster, SUSNANOFAB Final Networking Event, February 23-24, 2023, TU Wien, Austria.
    15. Zischka F., Opelt K. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Diatoms as Inspiration for the Semiconductor Industry - Hinges and Interlocking Devices on the Micro- and Nanoscale", Poster, SUSNANOFAB Final Networking Event, February 23-24, 2023, TU Wien, Austria.
    16. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Gisinger F., Graves P.-M., Hammel A., Mörth A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Insights into Growth Regulation by Connecting Simulations of Plant-Growth to the Plant Gall Life Cycle", Poster MRS 2023 Spring Meeting & Exhibit, 10-14 April 2023, San Francisco, California, USA.
    17. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Gisinger F., Graves P.-M., Hammel A., Mörth A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Insights into Growth Regulation by Connecting Simulations of Plant-Growth to the Plant Gall Life Cycle", Poster 3rd International Workshop on Insect Bio-Inspired Technologies, November 17-18, 2022, Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK.
    18. Hageneder L., Plank H., Wewerka K. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Towards Biomimetics of Superhydrophobic Water Strider Feet", Poster 3rd International Workshop on Insect Bio-Inspired Technologies, November 17-18, 2022, Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK. link to conference,
    19. Gisinger F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Managing Insect Feet: Biomimetics of Plant Wax Based Non-Toxic Insect Repellents", Poster 3rd International Workshop on Insect Bio-Inspired Technologies, November 17-18, 2022, Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK. Poster
    20. Zischka F., Opelt K. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Funktionale Mikro- und Nanostrukturen in biogenem Glas - Die Kieselalge als Ideengeber für die Halbleiterindustrie", Netzwerk Algen 2022, Poster, Wien, Austria, 8. September 2022. Kieselalgenposter_IlleKevFlo_2022.pdf
    21. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Gisinger F., Graves P.-M., Hammel A., Mörth A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Insights into Growth Regulation by Connecting Simulations of Plant-Growth to the Plant Gall Life Cycle", Engineered Living Materials 2022, June 21-23, 2022, INM Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien, Saarbrücken, Germany. Poster_Gallen.pdf
    22. Kaser V. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Butterfly Wings - Biomimetics of Thermoregulation", Poster NP2022-030, NANOPOSTER 2022 - 11th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, Nanopaprika - The International Nanoscience Community, Budapest/Hungary, April 25-30, 2022. Poster Abstract, Poster
    23. Hammel A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Biomimetic Passive Cooling", Poster NP2022-012, NANOPOSTER 2022 - 11th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, Nanopaprika - The International Nanoscience Community, Budapest/Hungary, April 25-30, 2022. Poster Abstract, Poster
    24. Zischka F., Kratochvil H., Noll A., Gordon R., Harbich T. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Kieselalgen zuhören, um unsere Maschinen besser zu verstehen", Netzwerk Algen, Poster D.A.CH Algen Summit - Algenbiotechnologie in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, Wien, Austria, 11-12 October 2021. Poster_Kieselalgen.pdf
    25. Vasiljevic M., Wild N., Feuchter M., Schindler P., Poczi A., Riester M., Macqueen M., Pamminger H., Wittendorfer R., Brandstätter A. und Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "EFFIE - Effizientere, biobasierte und recyclebare Stretchfolie", Gemeinsame Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft und Schweizerische Physikalische Gesellschaft, August 30 - September 3, 2021, Universität Innsbruck, Austria.
    26. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Bürger A.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Mechanical Bactericide by Biomimetics of the Nanopillars on Insect Wings", Poster EuroNanoForum 2021, 5-6 May 2021, ONLINE. link
    27. Gebeshuber I.C., Rose G., Pavlicek A. and Gazsó A. (2021) "Biomimetic and Bio-Inspired Advanced Materials", Poster EuroNanoForum 2021, 5-6 May 2021, ONLINE. link
    28. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Bürger A.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Wings of Death - Mechanical Bactericide by Biomimetics of the Nanopillars on Insect Wings", Poster NP2021-021, NANOPOSTER 2021 - 10th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, Nanopaprika - The International Nanoscience Community, Budapest/Hungary, April 12-18, 2021. Poster Abstract, Poster
    29. Wild N., Feuchter M., Gebeshuber I.C., Schindler P., Macqueen M., Pamminger H., Brandstätter (2020) "Nachhaltige Verpackungen - Materialeffizienz anhand Vorbild Natur?", 15. Abfallwirtschafts- und Recyclingkonferenz Recy & DepoTech 2020, Leoben, Austria, 18-20 November 2020. link zum Programmheft
    30. Gebeshuber I.C. (2019) "Biomimetik @ IAP TU Wien", Poster 20. Österreichischer Klimatag Icebreaker event @ TU Wien, 24 April 2019. Poster
    31. Zobl S., Salvenmoser W., Schwerte T., Gebeshuber I.C. and Schreiner M. (2016) "Bionic-Art: Multifunctionality of nanostructured butterfly wing surfaces", Poster P16-11, NANOPOSTER 2016 - 6th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, April 11-17, 2016. Poster with YouTube link (PDF, 1.8 MB)
    32. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Tinjauan pendekatan biomimetik dalam pengurusan sumber dari bahan logam berat melalui Bioremediasi dan 'Pyhtomining'", Poster i-Innova 2014 5th Exposition on Islamic innovation 2014, Commercialisation of Innovation for Ummah Well-Being, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Kuala Lumpur, November 28-30, 2014. Poster_Bioremediasi_I-Innova 14.pdf
    33. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M., Rahim F., Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2014) "STEMming bioinspired nature contemplation amongst students - The STEMind approach", Poster Pameran Keterlibatan Komuniti UKM 2014, April 25-26, 2014, UKM, Malaysia.
    34. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M., Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Introducing discourse analysis to nanotechnology", Poster P14-13, NANOPOSTER 2014 - 4th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, April 14-18, 2014. Poster (jpg, 1.2 MB) ** Ranked 4th in the Poster Competition! **
    35. Meschik T. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Nanotechnology of the cow: Lessons for biomimetics and materials", Poster P13-27, NANOPOSTER 2013 - 3rd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, September 9-13, 2013. Poster (jpg, 4.3 MB)
    36. Chew P.C. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Nanoscale traits in forming an inert environment from biomimetics", Poster P13-11, NANOPOSTER 2013 - 3rd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, September 9-13, 2013. Poster (jpg, 710 kB)
    37. Razman A., Diah S.Z.M., Karman S., Zobl S. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Metallic sheen without metals and colours without dies: Towards a new, sustainable way of resource management via nanostructural colours", Poster P13-10, NANOPOSTER 2013 - 3rd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, September 9-13, 2013. P13-10_Metallic_sheen_without_metals_and_colours_without_dies.pdf
    38. Futterknecht O., Macqueen M.O., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Biomimetic nanoscience inspired by elephants and bees: Water detection with MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)", Poster P13-02, NANOPOSTER 2013 - 3rd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, September 9-13, 2013. NANOPOSTER2013poster_IlleCGebeshuber.pdf ** 2nd Prize in the Poster Competition! **
    39. Futterknecht O., Macqueen M.O., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Biomimetic MEMS sensor array for navigation and water detection", Poster 8763-82, SPIE Microtechnologies - Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS, Grenoble, France, April 24-26, 2013. Poster_SPIE_Grenoble_2013_k.pdf
    40. Karman S., Diah S.Z.M., Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Inspired by elephants and bees: Navigation and water detection with MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)", 13th ASEA Uninet Plenary Meeting, Putrajaya, Malaysia, February 17-22, 2013. IMEN_Biomimetics_Poster_ASEA_Uninet2013.pdf
    41. Zobl S., Marx W., Schwerte T., Schreiner M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Bionic.Art - Structure.makes.Colors", Materials Today Virtual Conference: Nanotechnology, December 11-13, 2012 10283_hall_57_Materials_Today_2012.pdf
    42. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M., Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Nanomaterials for green technology - Introducing discourse analysis to nanotechnology", 3rd ISESCO International Workshop and Conference on Nanotechnology IWCN2012, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, December 5-7, 2012. IWCN2012_Discourse_Analysis_in_Nanotechnology_Poster.pdf
    43. Hirhager N., Crawford A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Biomimetic methods to create new transparent and emotion-responsive biomaterials and their use in Architecture and Design", 5. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, 19.-21. November 2012, Wien. 2012_Wiener_Biomaterialsymposium_Poster_Nicole_Alys_Ille.pdf
    44. Crawford A.E., Hirhager N. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Nanoscale functionalities in transparent animals inspiring novel approaches in architecture", P12-35, 2nd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference" on - The International NanoScience Community, 2012. Poster_Transparency_Ille_Alys_Nicole_Nanopaprika_2012.pdf ** Ranked 7th in the Poster Competition! **
    45. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Development of a bioinspired polarized skylight based 'navigation sense' for humans", P12-29, 2nd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference" on - The International NanoScience Community, 2012. Poster_Navigational_Sense_Salmah_Nanopaprika_2012.pdf
    46. Diah S.Z.M., Karman S.B., Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "The 'navigational sense' in insect bioinspired independent navigation system", P12-34, 2nd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference" on - The International NanoScience Community, 2012. Poster_Navigational_Sense_Zaleha_Nanopaprika_2012.pdf
    47. Zobl S., Gebeshuber I.C., Marx W., Schwerte T. and Schreiner M. (2012) "Bionic.Art - Structure.makes.Colors", P12-43, 2nd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference" on - The International NanoScience Community, 2012. Poster_Bionic_Art_Structure_makes_Color_Nanopaprika_2012.pdf ** 2nd Prize in the Poster Competition! **
    48. Zobl S., Gebeshuber I.C., Marx W., Schwerte T. and Schreiner M. (2012) "Bionic.Art - Structure.makes.Colors", "Winning hearts and minds", Critical Art Ensemble, documenta'13, Kassel, August 30, 2012. Pressemeldung, movie (16:40, in English)
    49. Ehret S., Neumann-Micheau N., Piccottini P. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "How to implement the teachings of nature?", The First Pakistan International Biophysics Symposium including 1st National Biophysics Student Meeting and Research Competition, Department of Biomedical Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, June 2-3, 2012. Invited Poster Poster_Pakistan_2012_Severin_Teachings_of_nature.pdf
    50. Neumann-Micheau N., Tributsch H., Ehret S., Piccottini P. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Biomimetics in energy Systems - Addressing the global challenge of sustainable energy supply", The First Pakistan International Biophysics Symposium including 1st National Biophysics Student Meeting and Research Competition, Department of Biomedical Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, June 2-3, 2012. Invited Poster Poster_Pakistan_2012_Nicolas_Hydrogen_generation.pdf
    51. Futterknecht O., Macqueen M.O., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Bioinspired navigation and water vapour detection realized with MEMS", International Workshop on Nanotechnology in the Edge of Convergence (UNESCO, COMSATS Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South), November 24-27, 2011, Bangi, Malaysia. Comsats-2011_Poster_MEMS_Navigation_Polarisation.pdf
    52. Diah S.Z.M., Macqueen M.O., Dee C.F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "GEMS: A MEMS-based way for the innervation of materials", ICMAT2011, Singapore. GEMS_ICMAT11_Poster.pdf
    53. Karman S.B., Macqueen M.O., Matin T.R., Diah S.Z.M., Mueller J., Yunas J., Davaji B., Makarczuk T. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "On the way to the bionic man: A novel approach to MEMS based on biological sensory systems", ICMAT2011, Singapore. Bionic_Man_ICMAT11_Poster.pdf
    54. Gebeshuber I.C., Majlis B.Y., Diah S.Z.M., Karman S.B. and Matin T.R. (2011) "Dari diatom ke dinasour: Biomimetik merentasi skala" (From diatoms to dinosaurs: Biomimetics across scales. Yes, together with our dino models for the audience to play with!), Perasmian Ekspo Pemacuan Kegemilangan Warisan Ilmu, May 3-5, 2011, Dectar, UKM DINOPOSTER_final.pdf
    55. Makarczuk T., Schmid U., Matin T.R., Macqueen M.O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Biomimetic MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human sensory perceptions - A survey on state-of-the art developments", SPIE Microtechnologies, Prague, Czech Republic, April 18-20, 2011. SPIE_Poster_2011.pdf
    56. Imhof B., Gruber P., Hoheneder W., Gebeshuber I.C., Jeronimidis G., Gruenberger C., Chayaamor N., Lynn G., Balliet K., Diles J., Bollinger K., Glaeser G., Doerstelmann M., Rebek B.S., Hofmarcher J. and Sommerhuber L. (2010) "Biornametics", Leoben 2010 Workshop on the Prospects of BIONICS for Functional Materials Science and Engineering, Impulszentrum für Werkstoffe, Leoben, Austria, September 22, 2010. leoben2010_a1.pdf
    57. Gebeshuber I.C., Stachelberger H. and Majlis B.Y. (2009) "Exploring the innovational potential of biomimetics for novel 3D MEMS", Nanotech Malaysia 2009 Exhibition, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia, October 27-29, 2009. Poster-PDF
    58. Gebeshuber I.C., Stachelberger H. and Majlis B.Y. (2009) "Exploring the innovational potential of biomimetics for novel 3D MEMS", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies ICMAT 2009, Symposium L: NEMS/MEMS Technology and Devices, Singapore, Poster presented on June 30, 2009. Poster-PDF
    59. Neutsch L., Fossati S., Glattauer R., Aumayr F., Gabor F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "Characterization of Colloidal Drug Delivery Systems via Atomic Force Microscopy", Poster 3. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, 19.-21.11.2008, Tagungsband Seite 56 , ISBN 978-3-200-01613-2 Poster-PDF
    60. Fossati S., Neutsch L., Glattauer R., Gabor F., Aumayr F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "In situ imaging of targeted delivery of drugs to living cells with AFM", Poster CIMST (Zurich Center for Imaging Science and Technology) Summer School on Bio-medical Imaging, September 1-12, 2008, Zurich, Switzerland. Poster-PDF
    61. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Heller R., Ritter R., Facsko S., Lemell C., Solleder, B. Gebeshuber I.C., Betz G., Moeller W., Burgdoerfer J. and Aumayr F. (2008) "Potential energy threshold for nano-hillock formation on CaF2 by impact of very slow, highly charged ions.", Poster A-c06 @ HCI 2008, Sept. 1-5, 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
    62. Ritter R., Meissl W., Kowarik G., Gebeshuber I.C., Suess L., Toulemonde M., Dufour C., Lebius H., Maunoury L. and Aumayr F. (2008) "Ion irradiation effects on HOPG and mica investigated with scanning probe microscopies", Poster for ICACS 23 (International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids), August 17-22, 2008, South Africa
    63. Bogus A., Bianchi D. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "WEMESURF - Networking in a Marie Curie Research Training Network.", Poster presented at Euroscience Open Forum ESOF2008 "Science for a better life", July 18-22, 2008, Barcelona, Spain. Poster-PDF
    64. Meissl W., Heller R., El-Said A.S., Ritter R., Simon M., Ginzel R., Solleder B., Facsko S., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Lemell C., Gebeshuber I., Moeller W., Ullrich J.,Burgdoerfer J., Aumayr F. (2008) "How the potential energy of slow highly charged ions can induce the formation of nano-hillocks on CaF2", Poster presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the EU network ITS-LEIF, Da Balaia, Algarve/Portugal, May 21, 2008
    65. Celarek A., Whitmore L.C., Kubel F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "Nanoflakes", Poster presented at the Final European Workshop of the EU FP6 Network WIN, March 6-7, 2008, Dresden University of Technology, Germany. Poster-PDF)
    66. Meissl W., Heller R., El-Said A.S., Simon M., Ritter R., Facsko S., Gebeshuber I.C., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Moeller W., Ullrich J. and Aumayr F. (2008) "Nano-hillocks on CaF2 surfaces created by the potential energy of slow highly charged projectile ions.", Poster Symposion on Surface Science 2008 (3S08), St. Christoph am Arlberg, March 4, 2008
    67. Hekele O., Goesselsberger C.G., Brandstetter M., Aumayr M., Radel S., Sommer R. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Bacillus subtilis investigated by bio- and nanotechnological methods", 57. Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, September 24-29, 2007, Donau-Universität Krems, Austria. Poster-PDF
    68. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Lemell C., Gebeshuber I.C., Burgdoerfer J., Trautmann C., Toulemonde M., Ullrich J. and F.Aumayr (2007) "Potential energy threshold for surface nanostructuring of CaF2(111) induced by slow highly charged ions.", Poster 14th Intern. Conf. on Radiation Effects in Insulators (REI-2007), Caen, Normandy/France, August 31, 2007
    69. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Facsko S., Heller R., Lemell C., Gebeshuber I.C., Burgdoerfer J., Trautmann C., Toulemonde M., Ullrich J., Moeller W. and Aumayr F. (2007) "Surface nanostructuring of CaF2 (111) by irradiation with slow highly charged ions." Abstract ICPEAC 2007 (XXVth International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions), July 25-31, 2007, Freiburg, Germany. Poster-PDF
    70. Gebeshuber I.C., Wippel F., El-Said A.S., Gruenberger C., Ritter R. and Aumayr F. (2007) "Substrate surface preparation by low energy ion impact: Setting the stage for molecular pinning of biomolecules." Poster 2nd Annual Meeting ITS LEIF, April 30 - May 7, 2007, Fodele Beach, Crete. Poster-PDF
    71. Meissl W., El-Said A.S., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Facsko S., Heller R., Lemell C., Gebeshuber I.C., Burgdoerfer J., Trautmann C., Toulemonde M., Ullrich J., Moeller W. and Aumayr F. (2007) "Observation of a potential energy threshold in nano-hillock formation on CaF2(111) by impact of slow highly charged ions." Poster 2nd Annual Meeting ITS LEIF, April 30 - May 7, 2007, Fodele Beach, Crete.
    72. Ritter R., Gruenberger C., El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Hekele O., Goesselsberger C., Aumayr F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "AFM-research at the IAP of the Vienna University of Technology." Poster Asylum Research UK AFM Forum, St. John's College, University of Oxford, April 16-17, 2007, Oxford, UK. Poster-PDF
    73. Gebeshuber I.C. and Crawford R.M. (2007) "Diatoms - the source of biotribological inspiration for novel 3D MEMS." Poster Meeting of the German Physical Society DPG Regensburg, March 29, 2007, Regensburg, Germany.
    74. Gruenberger C., Ritter R., Aumayr F., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2006) "Biophysics of green algae: Euglena gracilis investigated by atomic force microscopy." Poster presented at the 56th Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society OEPG, Wednesday, September 20, 2006, Graz, Austria. Poster-PDF
    75. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Pieczetowski C., Simon M., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Gebeshuber I.C., Winter HP., Lang M., Ullrich J., Aumayr F. (2006) "Ambient AFM investigation of nanostructures on CaF2 single crystals induced by slow highly charged Xe ions." Poster presented at the 56th Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society OEPG, Wednesday, September 20, 2006, Graz, Austria. Poster-PDF
    76. Fuersatz M., Meissl W., Pleschko S., Gebeshuber I.C., Stolterfoht N., Winter HP. and Aumayr F. (2006) "Charging and discharging of nano-capillaries during ion-guiding of multiply charged projectiles." Poster presented at the 13th International conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI 2006) Poster-PDF
    77. Fink M., Semerad E., Mozdzen G., Wendrinsky J., Hulla G., Kolm R., Gebeshuber I., Stoeri H., Dunn B., Eesbeek M.V., Rohr Th. and Moser M. (2006) "Characterisation of Teflon FEP (HST, LDEF) following long term exposure to Leo", Poster presented at the 10th International Symposium on Materials in a Space Environment The 8th International Conference on Protection of Materials and Structures in a Space Environment, 19-23 June 2006, Collioure, France. Poster-PDF(Poster) Programm-PDF(Programme)
    78. Gebeshuber I.C. and Crawford R.M (2006) "Diatoms - biotribological model systems for emerging micro- and nano-scale technologies." Poster presented at 20. Treffen der deutschsprachigen Diatomologen mit internationaler Beteiligung (presented March 25), Trebon, Southern Bohemia Poster-PDF
    79. Meissl W., El-Said A.S., Simon M., Gebeshuber I.C., Winter HP., Aumayr F., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R.,Tawara H., Ullrich J. (2006) "Surface modifications on and electron emission from insulator surfaces induced by impact of slow highly charged ions." Poster presented at Symp. on Surface Science 2006, March 5-11, St. Christoph am Arlberg, Austria
    80. Gebeshuber I.C., Pauschitz A. and Franek F. (2006) "Biotribological model systems for emerging nano-scale technologies." Poster NanoSingapore2006, IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies - Nanoelectronics (presented January 12), Singapore
    81. Deachapunya S., Major A., Goldfarb F., Gebeshuber I.C., Aumayr F. and Arndt M. (2005) "Towards surface detection of interference fringes and molecular nanopatterns." Poster 55. Jahrestagung Österr. Physikal. Ges. (presented September 28), Vienna Poster-PDF
    82. Forsich C., Gebeshuber I.C., Laimer H., Stoeri H. and Humlicek J. (2005) "Spectroscopic ellipsometry as an in-situ diagnostic tool for the avoidance of compound layer formation during plasma nitriding." Poster ECASIA-2005 (presented September 29), Vienna Poster-PDF
    83. Smith R.A.P., Gebeshuber I.C., Gruenberger C., Kaska K., Pleschko S., Winter HP. and Aumayr F. (2005) "Surface modifications on Si(111): H surfaces caused by the impact of multiply-charged ions." Poster ECASIA-2005 (presented September 27), Vienna Poster-PDFBack to Start

    Standards and Technical Guidelines

    Book Review

    Research Abstracts


    1. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Bionik im Einsatz: Innovative Lösungen für die Landtechnik", Abstract for Keynote, 24. Arbeitswissenschaftliches Kolloquium "Arbeit unter einem D-A-CH: Transformation der Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft durch sozio-ökonomische und ökologische Herausforderungen", BOKU Wien, Organizer Elisabeth Quendler, Vienna, Austria, 27-28 February 2024.
    2. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Vom Einzelgänger zur Partnerschaft: Eine spannende Zeitreise durch die Evolution der Mitochondrien aus der Sicht einer Bionikerin und Nanotechnologin", Abstract for Plenary AddressMikroimmuntherapie-Forum 2024, 7-10 March 7-10, 2024, Palma, Mallorca
    3. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Was können wir von der Natur lernen? Bionik und Ernährung - neue wissenschaftliche Wege in eine nachhaltige Zukunft", 13. Symposion Dürnstein 2024 "Was werden wir morgen essen?", Stift Dürnstein, Organizer Ursula Baatz, 14-16 March 2024, Austria
    4. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Biomimetics of Thermoregulation in Butterflies", Abstract for 24. Österreichischer Klimatag "Stadt und Land im Fluss", TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2-4 April.2024. link to event
    5. Zimmerl M., Kaltenboeck P. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Biomimetics of Nanostructure-Based Passive Cooling Properties of Silver Ants", Abstract for Poster NP2024-005, NANOPOSTER 2024 - 13th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, Nanopaprika - The International Nanoscience Community, Budapest/Hungary, April 15-21, 2024. Abstract
    6. Zischka F., Kaser V., Whitmore K., Kainradl R., Krenn H. W., Gaal-Haszler S. and I. C. Gebeshuber (2024) "Butterfly Wing Scales as Inspiration for Multifunctional Building Surfaces", Abstract for Poster NP2024-002, NANOPOSTER 2024 - 13th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, Nanopaprika - The International Nanoscience Community, Budapest/Hungary, April 15-21, 2024. Abstract
    7. Gebeshuber I.C., van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Petz T. and Grammer M. (2024) "3D Printing of Diatoms", The 15th European Diatom Meeting, 7-9 May 2024, Ohrid, Northern Macedonia.
    8. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Mateus-Berr R., Gebeshuber I.C. and Gabl M. (2024) "Harmonizing Nature, Engineering, and Creativity: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Engineered Living Materials, Artistry, and Sustainability in Collaborative Mycelium Brick Construction", Programme and Abstract Book "The First International Online Conference on Biomimetics IOCB 2024", p. 28, sciforum-086670, 15-17 May 2024.
    9. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Mateus-Berr R., Gebeshuber I.C. and Gabl M. (2024) "Harmonizing Nature, Engineering, and Creativity: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Engineered Living Materials, Artistry, and Sustainability in Collaborative Mycelium Brick Construction", Proceedings 2024, 107(1), 32.
    10. Zischka F., Kaser V., Whitmore K., Kainradl R., Krenn H.W., Gaal-Haszler S. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Butterfly Wing Scales as Inspiration for Multifunctional Building Surfaces", Programme and Abstract Book "The First International Online Conference on Biomimetics IOCB 2024", p. 73, sciforum-086636, 15-17 May 2024.
    11. Zimmerl M., Kaltenböck P. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Utilizing Passive Radiative Properties of Silver Ants", Programme and Abstract Book "The First International Online Conference on Biomimetics IOCB 2024", p. 103, sciforum-086604, 15-17 May 2024.
    12. Zimmerl M., Kaltenböck P. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Utilizing Passive Radiative Properties of Silver Ants", Proceedings 2024, 107(1), 45.
    13. Zimmerl M., Kaltenböck P., Whitmore K. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Biomimetics of Passive Radiative Cooling Properties of Silver Ants", Abstract for Poster @ Poster Session, 2024 Exner Lectures, Wilhelm Exner Medal Foundation, 14 May 2024, Vienna, Austria.
    14. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Buranits F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Understanding Growth for Engineered Living Materials by simulating induced Gall Growth with an extended VirtualLeaf", Abstract for Poster @ Poster Session, 2024 Exner Lectures, Wilhelm Exner Medal Foundation, 14 May 2024, Vienna, Austria.
    15. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Wachstum und Verfall: Ein neues Konzept für die Materialwissenschaften", Abstract for a Plenary Address, 18th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XVIII: Verfall", June 7-9, 2024, Graz, Austria.
    16. Singer C., Ehrentraut A., Swan E. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Establishing The Urban Sustainability Index: Assessing Urban Sustainability for Effective Change", AMPS Livable Cities Conference, June 26-28, 2024, London, UK.
    17. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Sutterluety C. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Redefining 3D Bioprinting: Vertical Bio-Ink Deposition for Improved Biofabrication", Living Machines 2024, 8-11 July 2024, Chicago, Illinois, USA
    18. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Was mich interessiert am Anthropozän: Wachstum und Verfall - Ein neues Konzept für die Materialwissenschaften", Abstract for Invited Impulse Lecture, Forum St. Stephan 2024 "Evolution im Anthropozän", August 5-11, 2024, Schloss Seggau, Seggauberg, Austria.
    19. Corti M., Zischka F., Preda F., Perri A., Polli D., Cerullo G., Ballada O., Barta C., Chroust L., Valentini G., Gebeshuber I.C. and Manzoni C. (2024) "A Bolometric Hyperspectral Camera based on a Birefringent Interferometer for Remote Sensing in the Thermal Infrared", Contribution ID : 453, Focused Sessions 3: Passive Radiative Cooling, EOSAM 2024 European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Naples, Italy, September 9-13, 2024.
    20. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Sutterlüty C., Pribyl F., Wedenik T. and Gebeshuber I.C. (submitted) "Redefining 3D Bioprinting: Vertical Bio-Ink Deposition for Improved Biofabrication", Abstract submitted to Engineered Living Materials 2024, September 18-20, 2024, Saarbrücken, Germany.
    21. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Drack M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (submitted) "Engineered Materials: Bioinspired 'Good Enough' vs. Maximized Performance", Abstract submitted to Engineered Living Materials 2024, September 18-20, 2024, Saarbrücken, Germany.
    22. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) Plenary Address "The Unspecific from the Perspective of Physics", Forum International Neural Therapy & Functional Myodiagnosis 2024 "Methods to Explore and Treat Unspecific Conditions", organized by the Österreichische Medizinische Gesellschaft für Neuraltherapie und Regulationsforschung, October 4-6, 2024, Vienna, Austria.
    23. Gebeshuber I.C. and Lanza R. (submitted) "The Educational Diatom Necklace - Art and Science of 3D Printing of Diatoms", abstract for a chapter in the book "Diatoms in the Arts and Crafts", Eds. Pappas J. and Gordon R., Volume 13 in the Series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, Series Editors: Gordon R. and Seckbach J., Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA.
    24. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Engineered Living Materials", Abstract for Keynote, 2nd Smart Surface Summit, TFZ Wiener Neustadt, Austria, 17 October 2024.
    25. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Bionisch Wirtschaften - Ein Paradigmenwechsel für die Zukunft", Track #4: Wissen zwischen Medien und Wissenschaft, Momentumkongress 2024: Alternativen, Ossiach, Austria, Oktober 17-20, 2024.
    26. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Was können wir von der Natur lernen? Neue wissenschaftliche Wege in eine nachhaltige Zukunft", Abstract for Evening Lecture Abendvortrag beim "Tag der Linzer Hochschulen", Linz, Austria, 12 November 2024.
    27. Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Nature's Engineering: Diatoms as Model Systems for Advanced MEMS Tribology and Corrosion Resistance", Abstract for an Invited Lecture at the 6th International Conference on Tribo-Corrosion, December 10-11, 2024, IIT Delhi, India. Abstract
    28. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M.O. (2024) "Biomimetic Approaches and Engineered Living Materials (ELMs) in Surface Engineering: Utilizing Common, Biodegradable Materials for Functional Structures", Abstract for a Keynote Presentation at the 2nd Indo-European Symposium on Surface Engineering (IESSE-2024). Birla Institute of Technology, 11-12 December 2024, Ranchi, India. Abstract
    29. Zischka F., Kaser V., Whitmore K., Kainradl R., Krenn H.W., Gaal-Haszler S.and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Butterfly Wing Scales as Inspiration for Multifunctional Building Surfaces", Abstract for the 2nd Indo-European Symposium on Surface Engineering (IESSE-2024). Birla Institute of Technology, 11-12 December 2024, Ranchi, India. Abstract
    30. Zischka F., Kaser V., Whitmore K., Kainradl R., Krenn H.W., Gaal-Haszler S.and Gebeshuber I.C. (2024) "Butterfly Wing Scales as Inspiration for Advanced Building Materials", Abstract for the 6th Indo Austrian Symposium on Materials Engineering, December 12-13, 2024, IIT Kharagpur, India. Abstract
    31. 2023

    32. Zischka F., Opelt K. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Diatoms as Inspiration for the Semiconductor Industry - Hinges and Interlocking Devices on the Micro- and Nanoscale", Abstract for a poster @ the International Networking Event "Sustainable Nanofabrication", February 23-24, 2023, TU Wien, Austria.
    33. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Bürger A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Mechanical Bactericide by Biomimetics of the Nanopillars in Insect Wings", Abstract for a poster @ the International Networking Event "Sustainable Nanofabrication", February 23-24, 2023, TU Wien, Austria.
    34. Gisinger F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Managing Insect Feet: Biomimetics of Plant Wax based Non-Toxic Insect Repellents", Abstract for a poster @ the International Networking Event "Sustainable Nanofabrication", February 23-24, 2023, TU Wien, Austria.
    35. Hageneder L., Plank H., Wewerka K. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Towards Biomimetics of Superhydrophobic Water Strider Feet", Book of Abstracts 5th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Challenges in Nanoscience & Application", p. 39, 13-15 March 2023, Mauterndorf, Lungau, Austria
    36. Gisinger F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Managing Insect Feet: Biomimetics of Plant Wax Based Non-Toxic Insect Repellents", Book of Abstracts 5th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Challenges in Nanoscience & Application", p. 38, 13-15 March 2023, Mauterndorf, Lungau, Austria
    37. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Bürger A.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Mechanical Bactericide by Biomimetics of the Nanopillars on Insect Wings", Book of Abstracts 5th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Challenges in Nanoscience & Application", p. 49, 13-15 March 2023, Mauterndorf, Lungau, Austria
    38. Gebeshuber I.C. and van Nieuwenhoven R.W. (2023) "Biomimetic Nanotechnology Insights for Growing Technical Devices in Functional Shape", Invited Lecture , Book of Abstracts 5th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Challenges in Nanoscience & Application", p, 14, 13-15 March 2023, Mauterndorf, Lungau, Austria
    39. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Gisinger F., Graves P.-M., Hammel A., Mörth A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Insights into Growth Regulation by Connecting Simulations of Plant-Growth to the Plant Gall Life Cycle", Abstract MRS 2023 Spring Meeting & Exhibit, 10-14 April 2023, San Francisco, California, USA. Poster Abstract
    40. Gebeshuber I.C. and van Nieuwenhoven R.W. (2023) "The Plant as Teacher - Insights from Botany for Growing Devices in Functional Shape" Invited Lecture, Abstract Book, The 7th International Conference of Bionic Engineering ICBE 2023, organized by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE), Wuhan, P.R. China.
    41. Gebeshuber I.C. (2023) "Der Schleimpilz als Modellorganismus für den Übergang von Einzelzelle zu Organismus - Egoismus vs. Gemeinschaftssinn", Abstract for a Plenary Address, 17th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XVII: Lebensabschnitte", November 10-12, 2023, Vienna, Austria.
    42. 2022

    43. Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Bionik lehren - Spagat zwischen Biologie, Technik und Kunst", Abstract for "Interdisziplinär kreisen: Symposium der Fachdidaktik in Österreich", Keynote Presentation, Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Wien, Austria ONLINE February 17, 2022.
    44. Bürger A., van Nieuwenhoven R. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Learning from cicadas: Bioinspired functional structures against multidrug-resistant bacteria", Abstract for a Plenary Address at the 6th Bioinspired Materials 2022 - International School and Conference on Biological Materials Science BioINP2022, 21-24 March 2022, DGM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, Kostenz, Bayern, Germany. link to conference page,
    45. van Nieuwenhoven R., Bürger A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Bactericidal Surfaces by Biomimetics of the Nanopillars on Insect Wings", Abstract for 3rd Advanced Materials Science World Congress "Anticipating Future Trends, New Insights, and Cutting-Edge Technologies in Materials Science and Engineering", March 21-22, 2022, London, UK.
    46. Kaser V. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Butterfly Wings - Biomimetics of Thermoregulation", Abstract for Poster NP2022-030 @ NANOPOSTER 2022 - 11th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, The International Nanoscience Community, Budapest/Hungary, April 25-30, 2022. Poster Abstract
    47. Hammel A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Biomimetic Passive Cooling", Abstract for Poster NP2022-012 @ NANOPOSTER 2022 - 11th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, The International Nanoscience Community, Budapest/Hungary, April 25-30, 2022. Poster Abstract
    48. Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Workshop I: Eine naturwissenschaftliche Geschichte der Zukunft - Zuversicht aus der Dynamik Glauben und Wissen", Forum Christlicher Führungskräfte, Stift Göttweig, Austria. April 28, 2022. link to abstract on conference page
    49. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Gisinger F., Graves P.-M., Hammel A., Mörth A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Insights into growth regulation by connecting simulations of Plant-Growth to the Plant Gall Life Cycle", Book of Abstracts Engineered Living Materials 2022, June 21-23, 2022, INM Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien, Saarbrücken, Germany. Poster_Gallen.pdf
    50. Bürger A.M., van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Mears L.L.E., Whitmore K., Gebeshuber I. C., Simon C., Kienzl P. and Elbe-Bürger A. (2022) "Antibacterial Structures Inspired by Cicada Wings", Abstract CIMTEC 2022 "9th Forum on New Materials", June 25-29, 2022, Perugia, Italy.
    51. Wild N., Feuchter M., Schindler P.A., Poczi A., Gebeshuber I.C., Vasiljevic M., Macqueen M., Pamminger H. and Brandstätter A. (2022), "Biodegradability of polymers - Laboratory scale vs. field scale test", Abstract EPF European Polymer Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, June 26 - July 1, 2022.
    52. van Nieuwenhoven R., Bürger A.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Antibacterial Surfaces Inspired by Nanopillars on Cicada Wings", OEPG Annual Meeting, Leoben, September 26-30, 2022
    53. Chowdhury F.N., Bhattacharya B.S., Cho H.-K., Faragasso A., Gebeshuber I.C., Ciupercă, E.M., Marinova G. and Doyle-Kent M. (2022) "Women in STEM: Snapshots from a Few Asian Countries", Invited Lecture, Book of Abstracts 21st TECIS 2022 - IFAC International Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, Pristina, Kosovo, October 2022
    54. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Gisinger F., Graves P.-M., Hammel A., Mörth A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Insights into Growth Regulation by Connecting Simulations of Plant-Growth to the Plant Gall Life Cycle", Book of Abstracts 3rd International Workshop on Insect Bio-Inspired Technologies, November 17-18, 2022, Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK. link
    55. Hageneder L., Plank H., Wewerka K. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Towards Biomimetics of Superhydrophobic Water Strider Feet", Book of Abstracts 3rd International Workshop on Insect Bio-Inspired Technologies, November 17-18, 2022, Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK. link to conference, link to abstract
    56. Gisinger F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2022) "Managing Insect Feet: Biomimetics of Plant Wax Based Non-Toxic Insect Repellents", Book of Abstracts 3rd International Workshop on Insect Bio-Inspired Technologies, November 17-18, 2022, Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK.
    57. 2021

    58. Bürger A., van Nieuwenhoven R. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Antibacterial Surface Structures of Cicada Wings and Technical Replication", Abstract 4th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2021 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Advanced Materials", 11-13 January 2021, ONLINE.
    59. Gebeshuber I.C., Rose G., Pavlicek A. and Gazsó A. (2021) "Biomimetic and Bio-Inspired Advanced Materials", Abstract for an Invited Lecture at the 4th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2021 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Advanced Materials", 11-13 January 2021, ONLINE.
    60. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Bürger A.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Wings of Death - Mechanical Bactericide by Biomimetics of the Nanopillars on Insect Wings", Abstract for Poster NP2021-021, NANOPOSTER 2021 - 10th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, April 12-18, 2021. Poster Abstract
    61. Gebeshuber I.C., Rose G., Pavlicek A. and Gazsó A. (2021) "Biomimetic and Bio-Inspired Advanced Materials", Abstract for Poster at the EuroNanoForum 2021, 5-6 May 2021, ONLINE.
    62. van Nieuwenhoven R.W., Bürger A.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Mechanical Bactericide by Biomimetics of the Nanopillars on Insect Wings", Abstract for Poster at the EuroNanoForum 2021, 5-6 May 2021, ONLINE.
    63. Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Goldschürfen mit Senfpflanzen und essbare Insektenschutzmittel - Positive Technologien inspiriert von der belebten Natur", Abstract Frauensalon, 15. June 2021, nowa Training Beratung Projektmanagement, Jakominiplatz 16, Graz. Invited Lecture.
    64. Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Werthaltungen und Lebenswelten - Impuls für die Podiumsdiskussion", Abstract Internationale Sommertagung Tainach 2021 "Lebenswelten in Bewegung: Anfragen an Europa", 1.-7.8.2021, Tainach, Austria. Abstract meines Impulses
    65. Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Shaping the Future of Agriculture: Biomimetic Non-toxic Species-specific Insect Repellents for Agricultural Plants" Book of Abstracts The 8th International Conference on Agriculture 2021 (AGRICO 2021) "Future of agriculture and organic agriculture towards green economy", ISBN 978-624-5746-03-3, p. 2 AGRICO 2021. Keynote Lecture, 19-20 August 2021, ONLINE. Abstracts_Book_AGRICO_2021.pdf
    66. Hammel A. und Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Biomimetic Passive Cooling", Bulletin SPG/SSP Vol. 37, 2021, ÖPG Tagungsband Nr. 70, p. 68.
    67. Vasiljevic M., Wild N., Feuchter M., Schindler P., Poczi A., Riester M., Macqueen M., Pamminger H., Wittendorfer R., Brandstätter A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "EFFIE - Effizientere, biobasierte und recyclebare Stretchfolie", Bulletin SPG/SSP Vol. 37, 2021, ÖPG Tagungsband Nr. 70, p. 71.
    68. Wild N., Feuchter M., Schindler P.A., Poczi A., Gebeshuber I.C., Vasiljevic M., Macqueen M., Pamminger H. and Brandstätter A. (2021) "Bio-based polymers for transport packaging - possibilities & limitations", Book of Abstracts Polymer Meeting 14 (PM14), 30 August - 2 September 2021, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria.
    69. Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Neue Entwicklungen in der Biomimetik und Nanotechnologie", Abstract 15th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XV: Wahrheit / Ehrlichkeit / Gültigkeit", 4-5 September 2021, Berlin, Germany. Plenary Address.
    70. Wild N., Feuchter M., Vasiljevic M., Gebeshuber I.C., Schindler P., Poczi A., Riester M., Macqueen M., Pamminger H., Brandstätter (2021) "Biomimetic design for bio-based polymer films" 29. Leoben-Conference on Polymer Engineering & Science, 15-16 September 2021, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
    71. Bürger A.M., van Nieuwenhoven R.W. and Gebeshuber I. C. (2021) "Structural Bactericide by Biomimetics of the Nanopillars on Cicada Wings", in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Bionic Engineering IWBE 2021, Organizers: University of Manchester, Jilin University, p. 125.
    72. Hammel A. and Gebeshuber I. C. (2021) "Biomimetic Passive Cooling", in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Bionic Engineering IWBE 2021, Organizers: University of Manchester, Jilin University, p. 126-127.
    73. Zischka F. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2021) "Kieselalgen zuhören, um unsere Maschinen besser zu verstehen", Abstract D.A.CH Algen Summit - Algenbiotechnologie in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, Wien, Austria, 11-12 October 2021. Poster. Informationen zur Veranstaltung
    74. 2020

    75. Gebeshuber I.C. (2020) "Genetisches Erinnern für eine bessere Zukunft: Buch führen über Bedrohung und Vergangenheit", Abstract 14th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XIV: Erinnern/Vergessen", 20-23 February 2020, Vienna, Austria. Plenary Address.
    76. Gebeshuber I.C. (2020) "Biomimetic and Bio-Inspired Advanced Materials", Abstract for an Invited Lecture at the Asia Nano Forum (ANF) 2020 "Advanced Materials and Emerging Issues", 8. October 2020, Vienna, Austria.
    77. Gebeshuber I.C. (2020) "Bionik - Was wissensdurstige Schlaufüchse von Tieren, Pflanzen und Mikroorganismen für eine bessere Technik lernen können", Abstract für Junior Biologicum 2020 "Das Leben konstruieren - Wie Menschen und andere Tiere ihre Umwelt gestalten", ONLINE Oktober/November 2020, Grünau im Almtal. Invited.
    78. Gebeshuber I.C. (2020) "Bionik - Lernen von Konstruktionen in der belebten Natur für bessere Technologien", Abstract für Biologicum 2020 "Das Leben konstruieren - Wie Menschen und andere Tiere ihre Umwelt gestalten", ONLINE Oktober/November 2020, Grünau im Almtal. Invited.
    79. Wild N., Feuchter M., Gebeshuber I.C., Adami C., Vasilijevic M., Macqueen M., Pamminger H., Dobretsberger J., Schindler P., Póczi A., Brandstätter (2020) "Nachhaltige Verpackungen - Materialeffizienz anhand Vorbild Natur?!", Extended Abstract 15. Abfallwirtschafts- und Recyclingkonferenz Recy & DepoTech 2020, Leoben, Austria, 18-20 November 2020. Extended_Abstract_DepoTech_2020_Gebeshuber.pdf
    80. 2019

    81. Gebeshuber I.C. (2019) "Verantwortung in der Wissenschaft", Abstract 13th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XIII: Verantwortung", Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Hannover, Germany, 14-17 February 2019. Plenary Address.
    82. Gebeshuber I.C. (2019) "Sustainability Biomimetics - Lernen von der belebten Natur für Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien", Abstract Workshop "Nachhaltige Innovation", Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies IASS Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, 18-19 February 2019. Invited Lecture.
    83. Gebeshuber I.C. (2019) "Learning from Plants for Green Engineering", Abstract 6th International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Engineering, April 27-29, 2019, Tabarka-Tunisia. Plenary Address.
    84. Gazsó A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2019) "Technology assessment of advanced nanomaterials and their role in circular economy", Abstract for the International Roundtable "Nano-Science & Nano-Technology", 4. - 5. September 2019, Shanghai, Jiaxing, China
    85. Pichler C.F., Merza V., Weinberger M.P., Kositz A.M., Hutter H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2019) "Biomimetics of Functional Shadow Plant Surface Structures" Keynote Presentation, Abstract Book, The 6th International Conference of Bionic Engineering ICBE2019, organized by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE), Changchun, P.R. China, 23-26 September 2019, p. 13. ISSN 1672-6529, ISBN 9-771672-652194.
    86. Gebeshuber I.C. (2019) "Warum biologische Regulation wissenschaftlich so schwer zu beschreiben ist" Plenary Address, Abstract Book Forum Neural Therapy International, organized by the Österreichische Medizinische Gesellschaft für Neuraltherapie und Regulationsforschung, Vienna, Austria, 4-6 October 2019, p. 20.
    87. Gebeshuber I.C. & Wernle A.A.K. (2019) "Workshop: Sustainability Biomimetics - Lernen von der belebten Natur für Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien", Abstract Local Conference of Youth LCOY 2019, Volkshochschule Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, Schwendergasse 41, 1150 Wien, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 November 2019. link to conference homepage
    88. 2018

    89. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M.O. (2018) "Sustainable Energy - Challenges of the upcoming Energy Transition", Abstract XUB Sustainability Summit 2018 "Sustainability Disruptions for mitigating global risks", Xavier School of Sustainability XSoS & Xavier University Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, February 9-10, 2018. , link to summit compendium
    90. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M.O. (2018) "Living in Balance - New Ways of Cohabitation with Nature", Abstract XUB Sustainability Summit 2018 "Sustainability Disruptions for mitigating global risks", Xavier School of Sustainability XSoS & Xavier University Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, February 9-10, 2018. Plenary Address., link to summit compendium
    91. Gebeshuber I.C. (2018) "Structural colour master stamp (fast and cheap, low-tech high-yield) from Morpho peleides butterfly wings" (gem. mit S. Zobl), March 8-9, 2018: NIL Industrial Day, Plenary Address, Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Austria
    92. Gebeshuber I.C. (2018) "Living in Balance - New Ways of Cohabitation with Nature", Abstract 5th International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Engineering, April 28-30, 2018, Sousse-Tunisia. Plenary Address.
    93. Tinello D., Boley M., Brunner M., Stadlthanner D., Bevanda-Rauch D., Drack M., Gebeshuber I.C. and Winkler H. (2018) "Blood vessels and human liver as bio-inspiration to reduce internal transport costs in factories", Abstract 2018 International Workshop on Bionic Engineering (IWBE2018), organized by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE) and the Israel Biomimicry Organization (IBO) Tel Aviv, Israel.
    94. Gebeshuber I.C. (2018) "Leben in Balance - Neue Wege der Kohabitation der Geschöpfe", Abstract Forum St. Stephan 2018 "Wissenschaft verantworten", 8. August 2018, St. Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria Plenary Address.
    95. Gazso A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2018) "Risk Governance of Bioinspired Advanced Materials", Abstract for the European Advanced Materials Congress EAMC 2018, 18-22. August 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
    96. Gebeshuber I.C. (2018) "Leben in Balance", Abstract 12th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XII: Emotionen", Bad Gastein, Austria, 23-26 August 2018. Plenary Address.
    97. Gebeshuber I.C. (2018) "Advanced materials, disruptive technologies and radical change in production processes", Abstract 11th NanoTrust Conference - Advanced Materials and Circular Economy, Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, October 30-31, 2018. Invited Lecture.
    98. 2017

    99. Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "Towards safe biomimetic nanotechnology: Inspirations from Nature", Abstract Keynote Presentation 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology Modeling and Simulation (ICNMS'17), Barcelona, Spain, April 4-6, 2017.
    100. Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "Is Anything Ever New? The Concept of Novelty in Physics", Abstract 11th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XI: Neu", Hamburg, Germany, April 28-30, 2017. Invited Lecture.
    101. Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "Green Nanotribology - Challenges, Development and Opportunities", Seminar Lecture @ Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 23 May 2017, 5pm ct. Invitation by Prof. Wolfgang Kautek.
    102. Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Abstract Hilgendorf Lecture (Invited Lecture), Institut für Evolution und Ökologie - Evolutionsbiologie der Invertebraten, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany, July 12, 2017. Abstract-PDF
    103. Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "Biomaterials for Positive Technologies" (Keynote Presentation), Book of Abstracts International Conference on Advanced Engineering Functional Materials (ICAEFM 2017). Gandhi Institute for Technological Advancement, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, September 21-23, 2017. link
    104. Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "Wie Biomimetik und Nanotechnologie Gebäude und Kälte-/Klimatechnik beeinflussen könnten" Keynote Presentation 3. Österreichischen Klima-Kälte-Tag, September 28, 2017, Eventpyramide, Vösendorf bei Wien.
    105. Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "Biomimetics of plant wax nanostructures providing natural immunity to harmful organisms", 4th International Vavilov Conference, N. I. Vavilov's Ideas in the Modern World. Presentation Saint-Petersburg, Russia, November 20-24, 2017 Vavilov_2017_Abstract_Ille.pdf, link to abstract at Russian e-library
    106. Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Seminar Lecture, TUG/KFU Physics Colloquium Winter 2017, Graz, Austria, December 5, 2017 link
    107. Gebeshuber I.C. (2017) "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Seminar Lecture, Zernike Institute of Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, December 21, 2017
    108. 2016

    109. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Dating in Physics", Abstract 10th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life X: Altern", Vienna, February 18-21, 2016. Invited Lecture.
    110. Zobl S., Salvenmoser W., Schwerte T., Gebeshuber I.C. and Schreiner M. (2016) "Bionic-Art: Multifunctionality of nanostructured butterfly wing surfaces", Online Abstract for Poster P16-11, NANOPOSTER 2016 - 6th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, April 11-17, 2016. Abstract w/ link to Poster and Movie
    111. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Green Energy and Environmental Engineering: Biomimetic Approaches", Abstract 3rd International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Engineering, Hammamet, Tunisia, April 23-25, 2016. Plenary Address
    112. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Sustainable Biomimetic Nanotechnology: Inspiration from Nature for Disruptive Micro- and Nanosystems" Invited Lecture, Abstract Book, The 5th International Conference of Bionic Engineering ICBE2016, organized by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE) and sponsored by University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus (UNNC), Ningbo, P.R. China, June 21-24, 2016, p. 60. Gebeshuber_Abstract_ICBE_2016_Ningbo.pdf
    113. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Towards Safe Biomimetic Nanotechnology" Invited Lecture, 10th Erwin Schrödinger Colloquium 2016 anläßlich des 30-jährigen Jubiläums der Erwin Schrödinger Gesellschaft für Nanowissenschaften, Vienna, Austria, July 14, 2016.
    114. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Towards Safe Nanotechnology: Lessons from Living Nature", Seminar Lecture @ Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering, BoKu Wien University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, December 1, 2016. Invitation by Prof. Helga Lichtenegger.
    115. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Inspiration from living Nature for corrosion prevention: Examples, basic principles, and transfer to tribology" (Keynote Presentation), Abstract Tribo Corrosion V, NFTDC, Hyderabad, India, December 12-13, 2016.
    116. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Functional coatings, thin films and multi layers in organisms: Examples, basic principles, and bioinspired engineering applications" (Keynote Presentation), Abstract 1st International Conference on Coatings, Thin Films, Multilayer Devices and Systems, NFTDC, Hyderabad, India, December 14-16, 2016.
    117. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) Keynote Presentation (given by Dr. Salmah) "Towards a 'navigational sense' for humans: Biomimetic polarized light-based navigation system", IEEE International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies ICCICCT 2016, Noorul Islam University, Thuckalay, Tamilnadu, India, December 16-17, 2016. link
    118. Gebeshuber I.C. (2016) "Safe Structured Biomimetic Nanotechnology-Based Materials for Technological Applications" (Plenary Address), Book of Abstracts 3rd Indo-Austrian Symposium on Advances in Materials Engineering (AME 2016), p. 3. Victor Menezes Convention Centre (VMCC), IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, December 19-20, 2016. Abstracts_AME_2016.pdf
    119. 2015

    120. Gebeshuber I.C. (2015) "Frauen und technische Studien - ein Minderheitenprogramm?!", European Forum Alpbach 2015, Higher Education Symposium. Breakout Session "Removing stumbling blocks - Higher education innovators introduce themselves" - "Stolpersteine beseitigen - VorreiterInnen aus ganz Europa stellen sich vor". Alpbach, Austria, 25.-27.08.2015. Invited Lecture. ICG_Alpbach-2015_BA06_Hochschulgespraeche.pdf
    121. Gebeshuber I.C. (2015) "Time Perception - Zeitwahrnehmung", Abstract 9th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life IX", Berlin, September 3-6, 2015. Invited Lecture.
    122. Gebeshuber I.C. (2015) "Innovision in ecotribology: Biomimetic approaches", Extended Abstract, Proceedings of Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2015, pp. 225-226, Malaysian Tribology Society (MYTRIBOS), ISBN 978-967-13625-0-1 (online). ICG_Innovision_Extended_Abstract_MITC_2015.pdf
    123. Gebeshuber I.C. (2015) "Sustainable Biomimetic Nanotechnology: Inspiration from Nature for Disruptive Micro- and Nanosystems", Abstract International Conference on Microsystems and Nanotechnologies (ICMN 2015), Conference Programme Book pp. 4-5, Guilin, China, November 20-22, 2015. Invited Lecture. Biography & Abstract
    124. Gebeshuber I.C. (2015) "Value-based micro- and nanotribology", In: Book of Abstracts, pp. 15-16. Abstract for a plenary address at the 6th International Conference Nano-Technology - Viennano'15, TFZ Wiener Neustadt, Austria, November 24-25, 2015. Plenary Address. Viennano15_Ille_C_Gebeshuber.pdf
    125. Ghobara, M.M., V. Vinayak, D.R. Smith, B. Schoefs, I.C. Gebeshuber & R. Gordon (2015) "Diatom frustules as photo-regulators of diatom photobiology", In: National Symposium on Horizons of Light in Molecules, Materials and Daily Life, p. 19. Department of Chemistry (School of Chemical Sciences & Technology), Dr. H. S. Gour Central University, Sagar, MP 470003, India, December 18-19, 2015. Ed.: R.N. Yadava. Sagar, MP India, Department of Chemistry (School of Chemical Sciences & Technology), Dr. H. S. Gour Central University.Ghobara&2015_India_Abstract_Book.pdf
    126. 2014

    127. Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Inspired by Nature: New ways of doing engineering and managing resources for successfully addressing global challenges for humankind", Workshop "Learning from Nature for successfully addressing global challenges for humankind", EU-ASEAN STI Days, Bangkok, Thailand, January 21-23, 2014. Keynote Presentation, Workshop Chair, Panel Discussion Member.
    128. Karman S., Diah S.Z.M., Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Introducing discourse analysis to nanotechnology", Abstract for Poster P14-13, NANOPOSTER 2014 - 4th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, April 14-18, 2014. P14-13_Introducing_discourse_analysis_to_nanotechnologyNanoposter2014.pdf
    129. Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Bridging theory to practice: Biomimetic nanoscience and nanotechnology to design for society", Keynote Presentation, Abstract for the 2014 Indo-Dutch Conference "Design for sustainable well-being & empowerment", Indian Institute of Science IISc, Bangalore, India, June 12-14, 2014, p. 29. Bridging_Theory_to_Practice_IISc_2014.pdf
    130. Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) Keynote Presentation "The future of communication", IEEE International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies ICCICCT 2014, Noorul Islam University, Thuckalay, Tamilnadu, India, July 10-11, 2014. ICCICCT_Abstract_Ille_C_Gebeshuber.pdf,link
    131. Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Value-based science: What we can learn from micro- and nanotribology" (Introductionary Keynote Presentation), Abstract 7th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology'14, Osieck-Warsaw, Poland, September 7-11, 2014. Ille_Gebeshuber_Micro-Tribology2014_Abstract_Values_in_Science.pdf
    132. Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Tribologie, Natur und Kunst - eine freudige Reise durch verwandte Welten", Keynote Presentation @ Workshop "Tribology and Art", Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology AC2T research Ges.m.b.H., Wiener Neustadt, September 12, 2014. Chair, Member of the Scientific Committee. Tribology_and_Arts_Ille_Gebeshuber.pdf
    133. Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Tribology, dental sciences, nature and art - A joyful journey through kindred worlds", Seminar Lecture @ Institute of Bioengineering, School of Engineering & Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK, September 17, 2014. Invitation by Profs. Paul Anderson and Alvaro Mata. Start 4 pm. Ille_Gebeshuber_Seminar_Abstract_Queen_Mary_2014.pdf
    134. Gebeshuber I.C., Diah S.Z.M. and Karman S.B. (2014) "Biomimetic studies regarding a structural approach to multifunctional nanomaterials in Fraser's Hill, Malaysia, 2014", Book of Abstracts, Scientific Expedition Fraser's Hill 2014, October 16-21, 2014, pp. 23-24. Abstract_Gebeshuber_et_al_Biomimetics_in_Frasers_Hill.pdf
    135. Macqueen M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Nurturing minds: From knowledge to understanding", Abstract for a Keynote Presentation at the National Association of Gifted Children Malaysia Conference "Nurturing Gifted Minds: A Journey", Monash University, Malaysia. Invited Lecture. (November 1, 2014)
    136. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Tinjauan Pendekatan Biomimetik dalam Pengurusan Sumber dari Kumbahan Bahan Logam Berat Melalui Bioremediasi dan 'phytomining'", Abstract i-Innova 2014 5th Exposition on Islamic innovation 2014, Commercialisation of Innovation for Ummah Well-Being, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Kuala Lumpur, November 28-30, 2014. Abstract_zaleha_ukm-iINOVA2014_phytomining_bioremediation.pdf
    137. Gebeshuber I.C. (2014) "Biomimetic nanotechnology inspired by insects", Abstract for a Keynote Speech at the International Symposium on Insects ISoI2014, Bayview Hotel, Melaka, Malaysia, December 1-3, 2014. Biomimetic_Nanotechnology_inspired_by_Insects.pdf
    138. 2013

    139. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Nanobioconvergence", Abstract for a virtual presentation at the Second Life Embryogenesis Course by Richard Gordon, Second Life Cyberspace, location:, 2-3PM (PST) @ Jan. 30, 2013; 6AM @ Jan. 31, 2013 (Malaysia time, PST+16); sometime around midnight Jan. 30/31 in Europe. Invited Lecture.
    140. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Layers - Schichten aus der Sicht der Physik", Abstract 7th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life VII", University of Hannover, Germany, February 21-24, 2013. Invited Lecture Winet_2013-Abstract-Ille.pdf
    141. Futterknecht O., Macqueen M.O., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "MEMS sensor array for navigation and water detection", Abstract SPIE Microtechnologies 2013 - Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS, Grenoble, France. Abstract 8763-82, p. 21. EMT13-Oliver_Abstract_Grenoble_2013.pdf
    142. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Seminar Lecture, USM Universiti Sabah Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysian Borneo, May 9, 1013. Abstract_KK_06_2013.pdf
    143. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Seminar Lecture, Faculty of Bioscience and Medical Engineering (FBME), UTM Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, May 17, 1013, 10:30 am Abstract_KK_06_2013.pdf
    144. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Invited Lecture, UKM-Flinders Nanotechnology Summer School (June 24-27, 2013), School of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, FST, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia UKM.
    145. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "The era of the nano-world and opportunities for Gaza", Abstract for "The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development", Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza City, Palestinian territories, p. 11.
    146. Gaza_2-14_Book_of_Abstracts_Ille.pdf
    147. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Invited Lecture, Malaysian Nature Society MNS Annual General Meeting AGM 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 20, 2013 Ille_Abstract+Bio_MNS_AGM_2013.pdf (Abstract & Bio)
    148. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Invited Lecture, Program and Abstracts The 4th International Conference of Bionic Engineering ICBE'13, University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, P.R. China, August 13-16, 2013, p. 24.
    149. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) Support Material for the interview by Emmet Brady on bees and how they inspire novel technologies, Bee-a-Thon 2013, August 21, KDRT 95.7 FM Davis, California, USAIlle_Bee-a-Thon2013_abstract.pdf
    150. Futterknecht O., Macqueen M.O., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Biomimetic nanoscience inspired by elephants and bees: Water detection with MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)", Abstract for Poster P13-02, NANOPOSTER 2013 - 3rd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, September 9-13, 2013. Abstract_P13-02_Biomimetic_nanoscience_Oliver.pdf
    151. Razman A., Diah S.Z.M., Karman S., Zobl S. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Metallic sheen without metals and colours without dies: Towards a new, sustainable way of resource management via nanostructural colours", Abstract for Poster P13-10, NANOPOSTER 2013 - 3rd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, September 9-13, 2013. Abstract_P13-10_Nanoposter2013_Azam.pdf
    152. Chew P.C. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Nanoscale traits in forming an inert environment from biomimetics", Abstract for Poster P13-11, NANOPOSTER 2013 - 3rd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, September 9-13, 2013. Abstract_P13-11_Nanoscale_traits_Vivian.pdf
    153. Meschik T. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Nanotechnology of the cow: Lessons for biomimetics and materials", Abstract for Poster P13-27, NANOPOSTER 2013 - 3rd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, September 9-13, 2013. Abstract_P13-27_Nanotechnology_of_the_Cow.pdf
    154. Gebeshuber I.C., Luo J., Prakash B. and Rymuza Z. (2013) "Impulse Talk: Ecotribology - Development, prospects and challenges", Keynote Presentation, Extended Abstract 738, Proceedings of the 5th World Tribology Congress WTC2013, Torino, Italy, September 8-13, 2013. ISBN 9-788-89081-8509. Ecotribology_extended_abstract_WTC_2013.pdf
    155. Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Bioinspired design", Abstract for the 2013 Asia Nano Forum, Surya University, Jakarta, Indonesia, October 2-. Invited Lecture. Proceedings_ANF_ANC2013_Jakarta.pdf
    156. Gebeshuber I.C., Futterknecht O., Karman S. and Diah S.Z.M. (2013) "Biomimetic development of a new generation of MEMS in medicine", Kongres Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, Hotel Equatorial, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia, November 28-29, 2013
    157. 2012

    158. Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Nanobioconvergence", Abstract for a virtual presentation at the Second Life ® Embryogenesis Course by Richard Gordon, Second Life ® Cyberspace, location:, Jan. 18./19, 2012 (depending on your timezone :). Invited Lecture.
    159. Gebeshuber I.C. and Obermayr W. (2012) "Nanobioconvergence", Programa y Libro de Resúmenes International Conference "New Materials in the Age of Convergence", Havanna University, Cuba, March 12-15, 2012, p. 21. Invited Lecture. NANO-IMRE-2012_Libro_de_Resumenes_ICG.pdf
    160. Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Fluids - Flüssigkeiten aus der Sicht der Physik", Abstract 6th International WiNet Conference "Building Blocks of Life", MedUni Vienna, Austria, March 28-April 1, 2012. Invited Lecture. Winet_2012-Abstract-Ille.pdf
    161. Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Biophysics in an age of convergence: Challenges and prospects", Abstract Book, First Pakistan International Biophysics Symposium, Department of Biomedical Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, June 2-3, 2012. Keynote Presentation (Wilhelm Roentgen Lecture), p. 5. Pakistan_Biophysics_2012_Keynote_Ille.pdf
    162. Ehret S., Neumann-Micheau N., Piccottini P. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "How to implement the teachings of nature?", Abstract Book, First Pakistan International Biophysics Symposium, Department of Biomedical Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, June 2-3, 2012, p. 17. Invited Poster Pakistan_Biophysics_2012_Severin.pdf
    163. Neumann-Micheau N., Tributsch H., Ehret S., Piccottini P. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Biomimetics in energy Systems - Addressing the global challenge of sustainable energy supply", The First Pakistan International Biophysics Symposium including 1st National Biophysics Student Meeting and Research Competition, Department of Biomedical Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, June 2-3, 2012, p. 18. Invited Poster Pakistan_Biophysics_2012_Nicolas.pdf
    164. Gebeshuber I.C., Futterknecht O., Karman S. and Diah S.Z.M. (2012) "A new generation of MEMS in medicine to assist, enhance and expand human sensory perceptions", Abstract Book, First Pakistan International Biophysics Symposium, Department of Biomedical Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, June 2-3, 2012, p. 21. Pakistan_Biophysics_2012_Oral_Ille_et_al.pdf
    165. Gebeshuber I.C., Drack M, Macqueen M.O. and Majlis B.Y. (2012) "Nanobioconvergence", Abstract, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology (AIMST University), Bedong 08100 Kedah, Malaysia. Invitation by Dr. Benchaporn Lertanantawong (Dr. Jern), June 14, 2012. Seminar Lecture. Nanobioconvergence_abstract_AIMST_06_2012.pdf
    166. Diah S.Z.M., Karman S.B., Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "The 'navigation sense' in living nature: A survey for engineers", Abstract, Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment 2012 (AGSE 2012) Forum "Geoinformation - Catalyst for planing, development and good governance", Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, July 16-20, 2012. agse2012_abstract_biology_z_final.pdf
    167. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M., Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Towards a 'navigational sense' for humans: Biomimetic polarized light-based navigation system", Abstract, Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment 2012 (AGSE 2012) Forum "Geoinformation - Catalyst for planing, development and good governance", Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, July 16-20, 2012. AGSE2012_abstract_engineering_s_final.pdf
    168. Gebeshuber I.C. and Futterknecht O. (2012) "Networking implications for students, alumni and young researchers", in: Geoinformation - Catalyst for Planning, Development and Good Governance. Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment AGSE 2012, Behr F.-J., Rahman A.A., Zimmermann M. and Pradeepkumar A.P. (Eds.), ISBN 978-3-943321-06-7, 289. AGSE2012_2012_Proceedings_Siti_Salmah_Oliver_Ille.pdf
    169. Gebeshuber I.C., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M., Macqueen M. (2012) "Biomimetic development of technology to assist, enhance and expand human sensory perceptions - On the importance of collaboration with the fundamental sciences", Extended Abstract Fundamental Science Congress 2012 FSC2012 "Fundamental Sciences: Merging Science, Industry and Society", UPM Serdang, Malaysia, July 17-18, 2012. Invited Lecture. Abstract_ICG_FSC2012_web.pdf
    170. Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Importance of fundamental and applied science in higher education", Extended Abstract Fundamental Science Congress 2012 FSC2012 "Fundamental Sciences: Merging Science, Industry and Society", UPM Serdang, Malaysia, July 17-18, 2012. Abstract_OF_and_ICG_FSC2012_final.pdf
    171. Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "The Asian Case Method for tribology", Abstract for an Invited Lecture at the JAST (Japanese Society of Tribologists) - MYTRIBOS (Malaysian Tribology Society) Meeting 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 27-28, 2012
    172. Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Introducing the New Asian Case Method to micro- and nanotribology", Abstract 6th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology'12, Osieck-Warsaw, Poland, September 9-13, 2012. Keynote Presentation. Abstract_Ille_Micro-Tribology2012.pdf
    173. Crawford, A. E., Hirhager, N. and Gebeshuber, I.C. (2012) "Nanoscale functionalities in transparent animals inspiring novel approaches in architecture", Abstract for Poster P12-35, 2nd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference" on - The International NanoScience Community, September 10-14, 2012. Abstract_P12-35_Transparent_animals_inspiring architecture_Alys_Nicole_Nanopaprika_2012.pdf
    174. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Development of a bioinspired polarized skylight based 'navigation sense' for humans", Abstract for Poster P12-29, 2nd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference" on - The International NanoScience Community, September 10-14, 2012. Abstract_P12-29_Navigation_sense_for_humans_Nanopaprika_2012.pdf
    175. Diah S.Z.M., Karman S.B., Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "The 'navigational sense' in insect bioinspired independent navigation system", Abstract for Poster P12-34, 2nd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference" on - The International NanoScience Community, September 10-14, 2012. Abstract_P12-34_Navigation_sense_Siti_Nanopaprika_2012.pdf
    176. Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry: Introducing the Case Method for Tribology", Abstract Kick-Out Workshop MINILUBES, EU FP7 PEOPLE Project "Mechanisms of interactions in nano-scale of novel ionic lubricants with functional surfaces", Wiener Neustadt, Austria, September 18-19, 2012. Keynote Presentation
    177. Hobl R., Holtgrewe U. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Das Eliten-, Herrschafts- und Demokratietheater", Abstract, Momentumkongress 2012, Hallstatt, Austria, September 27-30, 2012. Hobl_Gebeshuber_Track2_Momentum_2012_Abstract_v06.pdf
    178. Mueller J. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Science Graffiti (c)", Abstract, Momentumkongress 2012, Hallstatt, Austria, September 27-30, 2012. Momentum2012_Abstract_Jeanette_Ille_final.pdf
    179. Futterknecht O., Macqueen M.O., Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Inspiration from functional biomaterials in honeybees and elephants: Development of miniaturized devices for navigation and water detection", Abstract 5. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, 19.-21. November 2012, Wien. Oliver_Ille_Wiener_Biomat_Abstract_2012.pdf
    180. Hirhager N., Crawford A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Biomimetic methods to create new transparent and emotion-responsive biomaterials and their use in Architecture and Design", Abstract 5. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, 19.-21. November 2012, Wien. Nicole_Alys_Ille_Wiener_Biomat_Abstract_2012_Langversion.pdf
    181. Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Sustainability through Biomimetics: Lessons from Attenborough, Loos and Biornametics", The Book of Abstracts, Sustainability through Biomimicry 2012, College of Design, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Nov. 27-28, 2012, p. 19-20. Keynote Presentation. Dammam_2012_Abstracts.pdf
    182. Gebeshuber I.C., Gruber P. and Imhof B. (2012) "Sustainability in Science, Architecture and Design: Lessons from Attenborough, Loos and Biornametics", The Book of Abstracts, Sustainability through Biomimicry 2012, College of Design, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Nov. 27-28, 2012, p. 65-68. Dammam_2012_Abstracts.pdf
    183. Karman S.B., Diah S.Z.M., Futterknecht O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Nanomaterials for green technology - Introducing discourse analysis to nanotechnology", Abstract 3rd ISESCO International Workshop and Conference on Nanotechnology IWCN2012, 5-7 December 2012, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, p. 135. IWCN_2012_Book_of_Abstracts.pdf
    184. 2011

    185. Matin T.R., Damghanian M., Adam J.H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Learning from nature for technology: Biomimetics in the Lata Jarum rainforest", Abstracts, Seminar Bio-kejuruteraan, Penilaian Ekosistem & Spesies 2011: Siri Ke-3 Lata Jarum, UKM, March 7-8, 2011. Keynote Presentation. ISBN 967-5878-41-1, p. 22
    186. Makarczuk T., Schmid U., Matin T.R., Macqueen M.O. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Biomimetic MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human sensory perceptions: survey on state-of-the-art developments", In: Technical Summaries Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS V, Proceedings of SPIE Volume 8066, Eds. Schmid U., Sánchez-Rojas J.L. and Leester-Schaedel M., June 1, 2011. ISBN 9780819486554, p. 11. SPIE_Microtechnologies_2011__Teresa_Abstract.pdf
    187. Naveira-Suarez A., Tomala A., Pasaribu R., Larsson R. and I. Gebeshuber (2011) "Evolution of ZDDP-derived reaction layer morphology with rubbing time", Abstract, 2011 STLE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 15-19, 2011, p. 96. Abstract_STLE2011-ZDDP.pdf
    188. Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Morphodynamische Biomimetik: Ueber das Inspirationspotential konvergenter Evolution für neue Technologien", Abstract for a Seminar Lecture, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, May 24, 2011 Gebeshuber_Morphodynamische_Biomimetik.pdf
    189. Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "In the dark: Temperature sensing, magnetosensing, echolocation and electroreception in blind animals - and what we can learn from them for new technological devices", Book of Abstracts 5th International WiNet Conference "Building Blocks of Life", Dortmund, Germany, June 2-5, 2011. Invited Lecture.
    190. Gebeshuber I.C., Mueller J. and Macqueen M.O. (2011) "NEMS-based innervation of materials", Book of Abstracts ICMAT-11 (International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies) Symposium G: NEMS/MEMS and microTAS, G-PO3-47, p. 91-92, Singapore, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2011. ICMAT11_Book_of_Abstracts_all.pdf
    191. Karman S.B., Macqueen M.O., Matin T.R., Diah S.Z.M., Mueller J., Yunas J., Makarczuk T. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "On the way to the bionic man - A novel approach to MEMS based on biological sensory systems", Book of Abstracts ICMAT-11 (International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies) Symposium G: NEMS/MEMS and microTAS, G-PO3-47, p. 90, Singapore, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2011. ICMAT11_Book_of_Abstracts_all.pdf
    192. Yunas J., Suasana, Bahadorimehr A., Majlis B.Y. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Investigation of simple process technology for the fabrication of valveless micropumps", Book of Abstracts ICMAT-11 (International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies) Symposium G: NEMS/MEMS and microTAS, G11-7, p. 61, Singapore, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2011. ICMAT11_Book_of_Abstracts_all.pdf
    193. Ismardi Abrar I., Dee C.F., Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. "Study of properties of Indium mixed ZnO nanowires synthesized by using a double quartz tube method", Book of Abstracts ICMAT-11 (International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies) Symposium I: Semiconductor Nanowires and Heterostructures: Synthesis, Properties and Multifunctions, I-PO2-59, p. 88, Singapore, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2011. ICMAT11_Book_of_Abstracts_all.pdf
    194. Gruber P., Imhof B. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "BIORNAMETICS - Architecture defined by natural patterns", Book of Abstracts, International Bionic Engineering Conference 2011, Boston, USA, Sept. 18-20, 2011. BION2011_0155.pdf
    195. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M. (2011) "Towards a new type of science for successfully addressing the global challenges for humankind", Book of Abstracts International Seminar on Environmental Sciences ISES 2011, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia, October 8, 2011. Keynote Presentation, p. 3-4. Gebeshuber_Macqueen_Abstract_ISES2011.pdf
    196. Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Bionanotribology - Challenges, Development and Opportunities", Booklet of Abstracts, DGM Conference "Friction, Wear and Wear Protection", Karlsruhe, Germany, October 26-28, 2011. Plenary Address, p. 10. Ille_Gebeshuber_DGM_Bionanotribology_Abstract.pdf
    197. Gebeshuber I.C., Zobl S. and Lang-Lepschy D. (2011) "Nachhaltige egalitaere Bildung", Abstract, Momentumkongress 2011, Hallstatt, Austria, October 27-30, 2011. Gebeshuber_Zobl_Lepschy_Track9_Momentum_2011_Abstract.pdf
    198. Lang-Lepschy D. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Gleichheit fordern!", Abstract, Momentumkongress 2011, Hallstatt, Austria, October 27-30, 2011. Momentum_Lang-Lepschy_und_Gebeshuber.pdf
    199. Zobl S. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Survival of the fittest 2011?", Abstract, Momentumkongress 2011, Hallstatt, Austria, October 27-30, 2011. Zobl_Gebeshuber_2011_Abstract21_7_2011_3813.pdf
    200. Gebeshuber I.C., Pichler D. and Majlis B.Y. (2011) "On the way towards a MEMS-assisted magnetic sense for humans", Abstract, The 5th Korea-Malaysia Joint Workshop on Nanotechnology, October 20, 2011, 2010, Seoul, Korea, p. 121. Invited Lecture.
    201. Futterknecht O., Macqueen M.O., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Bioinspired navigation and water vapour detection realized with MEMS", Book of Abstracts Joint Seminar on Nanotechnology between IMEN-UKM and PPET-LIPI (Research Center for Electronics and Telecommunication - Indonesian Institutes of Sciences), November 15-18, 2011, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, p. 12. Invited Lecture. Abstract_Ille_IMEN_LIPI_2011.pdf
    202. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2011) "Green nanotribology and sustainable nanotribology in the frame of the global challenges for humankind", Abstract Keynote Presentation RTC2011 Regional Tribology Conference 2011, Langkawi Island, Malaysia, November 22-24, 2011. Gebeshuber_Abstract_and_Biodata_RTC_2011.pdf
    203. Gebeshuber I.C., Drack M, Macqueen M.O. and Majlis B.Y. (2011) "Nanobioconvergence", International Workshop on Nanotechnology in the Edge of Convergence (UNESCO, COMSATS Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South), November 24-27, 2011, Bangi, Malaysia, p. 52. Invited Lecture.Nanobioconvergence_COMSATS_2011.pdf
    204. Futterknecht O., Macqueen M.O., Karman S., Diah S.Z.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Bioinspired navigation and water vapour detection realized with MEMS", Abstract & Programme Book, International Workshop on Nanotechnology in the Edge of Convergence (UNESCO, COMSATS Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South), November 24-27, 2011, Bangi, Malaysia, p. 57. Poster_Navigation_and_Water_Detection_COMSATS_2011.pdf
    205. Davaji B., Yunas J., Matin T.R., Macqueen M.O., Majlis B.Y. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Towards a magnetic sense in humans: Expanding our capabilities with biomimetic magnetosensory MEMS", Abstract & Programme Book, International Workshop on Nanotechnology in the Edge of Convergence (UNESCO, COMSATS Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South), November 24-27, 2011, Bangi, Malaysia, p. 67-68.
    206. Gebeshuber I.C. and Macqueen M.O. (2011) "Towards a new type of science for successfully addressing the global challenges for humankind", Abstracts of the Launch of the Bio-inspired Nanotechnology Initiative in Asia: 5th Workshop on Manufacturing Technologies for a Sustainable Society "Bio-inspired Nanostructures, Systems, and Manufacturing", December 16, 2011, Suzhou Industrial Park, China, p. 13-14. Gebeshuber_Macqueen_Abstract_China2011.pdf Back to Start
    207. 2010

    208. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "Bioinspired MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human auditory capabilities", Book of Abstracts 4th International WiNet Conference "Building Blocks of Life", Semriach, Austria, March 17-22, 2010. Invited Lecture. Ille_Semriach_2010.pdf
    209. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "Biomimetic Nanotechnology: A Powerful Means to address Global Challenges", Book of Abstracts 2nd ISESCO Workshop and Conference on Nanotechnology (IWCN2010), Bangi, Malaysia, p. 19. Plenary Address. Ille_Biomimetic_Nanotechnology.pdf
    210. Menon P.S., Matin T.R., Gebeshuber I.C., Majlis B.Y. and Shaari S. (2010) "3D Corporate Tourism: A Concept for Innovation in Nanomaterials Engineering", Book of Abstracts 2nd ISESCO Workshop and Conference on Nanotechnology (IWCN2010), Bangi, Malaysia, p. 45. 3D_Tourism_ISESCO.pdf
    211. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "Der Regenwald als Labor - Lehrmeister Natur", Plus Lucis 1a/2010, Zeitschrift des Vereins zur Foerderung des physikalischen und chemischen Unterrichts. Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft - Fachausschuss Lehrkräfte an Höheren Schulen, p. 5 and 13 (in German) 64FBW2010_Programm_nur_Ille.pdf
    212. Gebeshuber I.C., Matin T.R., Menon P.S., Shaari S., Leong M.K. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "Correlating nanostructures with function: Structural colours in wings of a Malaysian beetle", Book of Abstracts 3rd Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Symposium, June 16, 2010, Bandung, Indonesia, Keynote Presentation, p. 2-3. Nanostructures_beetlewing_abstract.pdf
    213. Gebeshuber I.C., Matin T.R. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "3D Corporate Tourism in the marine sciences: Application-oriented problem solving in marine ecosystems", Book of Abstracts Conference on the Marine Ecosystem of Malaysia (COMEM 2010), June 22-24, 2010, Cherating, Pahang, Malaysia. CoMEM2010_abstract_Gebeshuber.pdf
    214. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "Bioinspired MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human auditory capabilities", Book of Abstracts Joint Seminar on Nanotechnology between IMEN-UKM and PPET-LIPI (Research Center for Electronics and Telecommunication - Indonesian Institutes of Sciences), July 12-13, 2010, Putrajaya, Malaysia, Invited Lecture.
    215. Esichaikul R., Macqueen M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "3D Corporate Tourism: Application-oriented problem solving in tropical rainforests", Book of Abstracts 8th Asia-Pacific CHRIE Conference "Integrating Hospitality & Tourism in Asia and Pacific", August 12-14, 2010, Phuket, Thailand, ISBN 979-616-7375-22-9, p. 68. 3D_Thailand_Abstract_2010.pdf
    216. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Kieselalgen und Ferrarimotoren: Lernen von Natur und Technik für moeglichst reibungslose zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation in Kompetenzzentren", Abstracts European Forum Alpbach 2010, Technology Forum, Arbeitskreis 06. Alpbach, Austria, 08.2010 Alpbach_2010_Abstract_und_LL.pdf
    217. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Structural colours in biology and how these natural micro- and nanostructures inspire current technology", Abstracts European Forum Alpbach 2010, Seminar Week, Seminar 13: "Biomimetics: Learning from nature for technical innovations". Alpbach, Austria, 08.2010 Ille_Abstracts_Biomimetics_School_Alpbach_2010.pdf
    218. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "The innovation potential of biomimetics for novel 3D MEMS and NEMS", Abstracts European Forum Alpbach 2010, Seminar Week, Seminar 13: "Biomimetics: Learning from nature for technical innovations". Alpbach, Austria, 08.2010 Ille_Abstracts_Biomimetics_School_Alpbach_2010.pdf
    219. Gordon R., Drack M., Ector L. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "History of models of diatom motility", Book of Abstracts 21st International Diatom Symposium, 29 August to 3 September, 2010, St. Paul, Minnesota United States Gordon&2010_IDS_Abstract.pdf
    220. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Biomimetics: Challenges, Development and Opportunities", Selected Abstracts in the 3rd International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE'10), Zhuhai, P.R. China, p. 6. Invited Lecture. 09_2010_China_Gebeshuber_Abstract.pdf
    221. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Biomimetic Nanotechnology: A Powerful Means to address Global Challenges", Abstract for a Seminar Lecture, Szczecin University, Poland, beginning of October 2010. Abstract_Poland2010_Ille_Gebeshuber_Biomimetic_Nanotechnology.pdf
    222. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Learning from diatoms: biomimetic nanotechnology approaches", Abstract for an Invited Lecture, Workshop "Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions & biostratigraphy: introduction and application of siliceous microfossils", Szczecin, Poland, October 4-9, 2010. Abstract_Poland2010_Ille_Gebeshuber_Learning_from_diatoms.pdf
    223. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "The contribution of biomimetics to address global challenges for humankind", Abstract for a Plenary Address (Evening Lecture), bionik-A - 2nd International Symposium on Biomimetics 2010, October 7, 2010, Villach, Austria Abstract_Bionik-A_Villach.pdf
    224. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Strukturfarben in Biologie, Kunst und Technik", Abstract for a Seminar Lecture, - Institute of Natural Science and Technology in Art, Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Academy of Fine Arts), Vienna, Austria, October 13, 2010 Strukturfarben_Bildende.pdf
    225. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Nanomedizin und Biomimetik - Konzepte und Anwendungen", Abstract for a Seminar Lecture, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, October 13, 2010 Biomimetische_Nanotechnologie_VetMedWien.pdf
    226. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "New ways of scientific publishing and accessing human knowledge inspired by transdisciplinary approaches to tribology", Abstract for an Invited Lecture, WEMESURF Close Down Meeting, October 18-19, 2010, Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology, Wiener Neustadt, Austria. New_ways_of_scientific_publishing.pdf
    227. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Nanocolours: Correlating structure with function", Invited Lecture, Enabling Science and Nanotechnology (ESciNano), 2010 International Conference on, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 1-3, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-8853-7, doi:10.1109/ESCINANO.2010.5701080. 05701080.pdf
    228. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "Green nanotribology - Challenges, development and opportunities", Book of Abstracts "Indo-Austrian Symposium 2010: Advanced Materials Engineering", December 8-9, 2010, Nonferrous Materials Technology Development Centre, Hyderabad - 500 058, India, p. 25-25 (abstract), p. 59 (CV). Invited Lecture. Gebeshuber_Abstract_Hyderbad_2010.pdf
    229. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2010) "Bioinspired MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human auditory capabilities: Development of a new generation of MEMS in medicine", Book of Abstracts, The 4th Korea-Malaysia Joint Workshop on Nanotechnology, December 13, 2010, Putrajaya, Malaysia, p. 75-76. Invited Lecture
    230. Gebeshuber I.C. (2010) "Strukturfarben in Biologie, Kunst und Technik", Abstract for a Seminar Lecture on Dec. 21, 2010, Institute for Fine Arts, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria
    231. Back to Start


    232. Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Nanomedizin und Biomimetik: Das spannende Aufeinandertreffen der Lebenswissenschaften mit den Ingenieurswissenschaften und der Physik", Plus Lucis 1a/2009, Zeitschrift des Vereins zur Förderung des physikalischen und chemischen Unterrichts. Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft - Fachausschuss Lehrkräfte an Höheren Schulen, p. 4 (announcement, in German) 63FBW2010_Programm_nur_Ille.pdf
    233. Gebeshuber I.C., Neutsch L., Aumayr F. and Gabor F. (2009) "Nanomedicine and biomimetics: Life sciences meet engineering & physics", Book of Abstracts 2nd International Symposium on TriboCorrosion, March 17-18, 2009, Wiener Neustadt, Austria, p. 44. Plenary Address. Abstract-PDF
    234. Srajer J. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Diatom nanotechnology: fluid dynamic finite element modelling correlates structure with function in Rutilaria philippinarum", Abstract for the 3rd Vienna International Conference Nanotechnology - Viennano'09, March 18-20, 2009, Vienna and Wiener Neustadt
    235. Tomala A., Naveira-Suarez A., Gebeshuber I.C. and Pasaribu R. (2009) "Effect of base oil polarity on micro and nano friction behaviour of base oil +ZDDP solutions", Abstract for the 3rd Vienna International Conference Nanotechnology - Viennano'09, Vienna and Wiener Neustadt, March 18-20, 2009
    236. Neutsch L., Gebeshuber I.C., Aumayr F. and Gabor F. (2009) "Cells feel their surroundings - implications for biomedicine and drug delivery", 21st Sci. Congr. Aust. Pharm. Soc., April 16-18, 2009, Vienna, Austria. Abstract-PDF
    237. Gebeshuber I.C., Majlis B.Y. and Stachelberger H. (2009) "Tribology in Biology: Biomimetic Studies across Dimensions and across Fields", Abstract for the National Tribology Conference, May 4-5, 2009, Rimba Ilmu (Forest of Knowledge), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Abstract-PDF
    238. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2009) "Learning from Nature: Biomimetic Adhesives", Invited Lecture, ADHESINT Workshop, July 1-3, 2009, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Abstract-PDF
    239. Gebeshuber I.C., Majlis B.Y., Neutsch L., Aumayr F. and Gabor F. (2009) "Cell-surface interactions: examining the biological-physical interface", Book of Abstracts 2009 International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies ICMAT 2009, Symposium C: Advanced Delivery of Therapeutics: New Challenges for Materials, Singapore, June 28 - July 3, 2009, p. 15. Abstract-PDF
    240. Gebeshuber I.C., Stachelberger H. and Majlis B.Y. (2009) "Exploring the innovational potential of biomimetics for novel 3D MEMS", Book of Abstracts 2009 International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies ICMAT 2009, Symposium L: NEMS/MEMS Technology and Devices, Singapore, June 28 - July 3, 2009, p. 22. Abstract-PDF
    241. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2009) "Applied biomimetics: Low noise aircraft design", Program & Abstracts, The 3rd PPET-IMEN Joint Seminar on Electronic Devices, MEMS and Nanotechnology, August 18-20, 2009, p. 47. Abstract-PDF
    242. Gebeshuber I.C., Majlis B.Y. and Franek F. (2009) "Biomimetics", Abstract for Keynote Presentation, 5th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology '09, September 20-24, 2009, Milowka, Poland, pp. 10-11. Abstract-PDF
    243. Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Learning from diatoms: Biomimetic Approaches", Abstract for Plenary Address, 20th North American Diatom Symposium, Iowa Lakeside Lab, September 23-27, 2009, Milford, Iowa, USA, pp. 21-22.
    244. Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Biomimetics", Abstract for Plenary Address, 34th Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and 3rd Asean Biochemistry Conference, October 7-8, 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p. 18.
    245. Gebeshuber I.C., Haidinger M., Goesselsberger C.G., Wollmann E. and Hekele O. (2009) "Nanomedicine: possible early diagnostics of leukemia via atomic force microscopy of red blood cells", Abstract for an Oral Presentation at the Nanotech Malaysia Conference, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 27-29, 2009, p. 368-370. Abstract-PDF
    246. Gebeshuber I.C. and Majlis B.Y. (2009) "Biomimetics", Abstract for a Plenary Address at the Nanotech Malaysia Conference, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 27-29, 2009. Abstract-PDF
    247. Matin T.R., Menon P.S., Shaari S. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Photonic crystal micro- and nanostructures in iridescent butterfly wings", Abstract for an Oral Presentation at the Nanotech Malaysia Conference, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 27-29, 2009, p. 170-171. Abstract-PDF
    248. Gebeshuber I.C., Haidinger M., Goesselsberger C.G., Wollmann E. and Hekele O. (2009) "Nanomedicine: possible early diagnostics of leukemia via atomic force microscopy of red blood cells", Abstract for an Invited Lecture at the International Minisymposium "Nanotechnology in Health and Medicine", organised by UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute (UMBI), UKM Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 29, 2009, p. 21-24.
    249. Gebeshuber I.C. (2009) "Nanomedicine and Biomimetic Nanotechnology - Concepts and Applications", Abstract for an Invited Lecture at the International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Application, Vung Tau, Viet Nam, November 12-14, 2009. Abstract-PDFBack to Start
    250. 2008

    251. Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "Structural colours in biology and how these natural micro- and nanostructures inspire current technology", EU FP6 Network WIN, Final European Workshop, March 6-7, 2008, Dresden, Germany Abstract-PDF
    252. Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "Geckos, white blood cells and diatoms - how biology inspires novel dry, switchable and self-healing adhesives", Abstract submitted to the 2nd ADHESINT Workshop, 26-28 March, 2008, University of Sevilla, Spain. Abstract-PDF
    253. Bogus A., Gebeshuber I.C., Doerr N., Werner W.S.M. and Stoeri H. (2008) "Tribochemistry of monomolecular lubricant films of ethanolamine oligomers", Abstracts 13th Nordic Symposium on Tribology NORDTRIB, June 2008, Tampere, Finland, p. 38 Abstract-PDF
    254. Bogus A., Bianchi D. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "WEMESURF - Networking in a Marie Curie Research Training Network", Abstracts Euroscience Open Forum ESOF2008 "Science for a better life", July 18-22, 2008, Barcelona, Spain, P253
    255. Bogus A., Gebeshuber I.C., Roy M., Cavaleiro A. and Franek F. (2008) "Nanotribology of Mo-Se-C films", Abstract submitted to the Gordon Research Conference on Tribology Advancing Interfacial Science & Engineering, July 6-11, 2008, Colby College, Waterville, ME, USA Abstract-PDF
    256. Roy M., Gebeshuber I., Pauschitz A., Caveleiro A., Fontalvo G.A. and Mitterer C. (2008) "On the nanotribology of transition metal dichalclgenides deposited by various sputtering techniques.", Abstract submitted to the Gordon Research Conference Thin film & small scale behavior, July 27 - August 1, 2008, Colby College, Waterville, ME, USA Abstract-PDF
    257. Ritter R., Meissl W., Kowarik G., Suess L., Maunoury L., Lebius H., Dufour C., Gebeshuber I.C., Toulemonde M. and Aumayr F. (2008) "Nano-hillock formation due to impact of HCI on lamellar materials", Abstract submitted to ICACS 23 (International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids), August 17-22, 2008, South Africa
    258. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Heller R., Ritter R., Facsko S., Lemell C., Solleder, B. Gebeshuber I.C., Betz G., Moeller W., Burgdoerfer J. and Aumayr F. (2008) "Potential energy threshold for nano-hillock formation on CaF2 by impact of very slow, highly charged ions", Book of Abstracts HCI 2008, Sept. 1-5, 2008, Tokyo, Japan, p. A-c06
    259. Srajer J. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "Microfluidic simulation of a colonial diatom chain reveals pumping behavior", Abstract 20th International Diatom Symposium 2008, 7-13 September 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia, p. 88.
    260. Bogus A., Gebeshuber I.C., Roy M., Pauschitz A., Polcar T. and Cavaleiro A. (2008) "A comparative AFM study of carbon alloyed Mo-Se-C and W-S-C films for tribological applications", Abstract 35th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, September 2007, Leeds, p. XXI/3 Abstract-PDF
    261. Psychogyiopoulou K., Tomala A., Werner W.S.M., Gebeshuber I.C., Doerr N. and Stoeri H. (2008) "Tribochemistry of isomer and oligomer lubricant films", Abstract for ELECTROCHEM 08, Sept. 17-18, 2008, Liverpool, UK
    262. Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "Bacilli, green algae, diatoms and red blood cells - how biology inspires novel materials in nanoarchitectural applications", Book of Abstracts European Materials Research Society E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw University of Technology, September 15-19, 2008, p. 188 Abstract-PDF
    263. Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "Scanning Probe Microscopy across Dimensions", Abstract for a Plenary Address at the Junior Scientist Conference 2008, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, November 16-18, 2008. Abstract-PDF
    264. Lanza R. und Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "Science and art: Genderaspekte der naturwissenschaftlichen und kuenstlerischen Untersuchungen komplexer biogener Glasstrukturen (Kieselalgen). Die Kieselalge - Das Objekt der Begierde", Kunst - Forschung - Geschlecht, Eine Vortragsreihe der Koordinationsstelle für Genderfragen und Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen der Universitaet für angewandte Kunst Wien. Abstract-PDF
    265. Bogus A., Doerr N. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "Monomolecular layers: energy efficient low maintenance lubricants", Abstract OETG Symposium, "Innovationen bei Werk- und Schmierstoffen für moderne, umweltorientierte Tribosysteme", organised by the Österreichische Tribologische Gesellschaft, November 20, 2008, Wiener Neustadt.
    266. Srajer J. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2008) "Microfluidic simulation of a colonial diatom chain reveals pumping behavior", Abstract 3. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, 19.-21. November 2008, Wien.
    267. Neutsch L., Fossati S., Glattauer R., Aumayr F., Gabor F. and Gebeshuber I. (2008) "Atomic Force Microscopy als universelle Technik zur Charakterisierung nanopartikulaerer Arzneistofftraeger und deren zellulaerer Targets", Abstract 3. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, 19.-21. November 2008, Wien.Back to Start
    268. 2007

    269. Gebeshuber I.C. and Crawford R.M. (2007) "Diatoms - the source of biotribological inspiration for novel 3D MEMS", Verhandl. DPG (VI) 42, 4/2007, p. 544 Abstract-PDF
    270. Kolm R., Pieczetowski C.A. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Isomer specific tribological behaviour of hydroxyquinolines" Abstract ECOTRIB Joint European Conference on Tribology and Final Conference of COST 532 action: Triboscience and Tribotechnology, June 12-15, 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract-PDF
    271. Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Bionanotechnology: challenges and opportunities", Abstract 1st International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life", July 14-21, 2007, Hamburg, Germany Abstract-PDF
    272. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Facsko S., Heller R., Lemell C., Gebeshuber I.C., Burgdoerfer J., Trautmann C., Toulemonde M., Ullrich J., Moeller W. and Aumayr F. (2007) "Surface nanostructuring of CaF2 (111) by irradiation with slow highly charged ions", Abstract ICPEAC 2007 (XXVth International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions), July 25-31, 2007, Freiburg, Germany, Abstracts of Contributed Papers Vol. I, Eds. Anton J. et al., p. Fr151.
    273. Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Algen machen Glas und Bakterien erzeugen Magnete. Was die Materialwissenschaft von der Natur alles lernen kann", (Algae make glass and bacteria produce magnets. What materials science can learn from nature), Abstract Technology talks @ European Forum Alpbach 2007 (Technologiegespraeche @ Europäisches Forum Alpbach), Emergence - Die Entstehung von Neuem, Arbeitskreis 07: Design by Nature - Der Beitrag der Natur zum industriellen Fortschritt, Alpbach/Tirol, August 23-25, 2007 Abstract-PDF Ille-MOV, youtube (6:20-6:50)
    274. Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Structural colours in biology", Book of Abstracts International School and Conference on Optics and Optical Materials - ISCOM07, Belgrade, Serbia, September 3-7, 2007, ISBN 978-86-82441-20-5, p. 13 Abstract-PDF
    275. Bogus A., Aumeyr T., Pieczetowski C., Vasko C.A., Doerr N. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "AFM nanotribology study of the frictional properties of hydroxyquinolines isomers and ethanolamine oligomers", Abstract 34th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, September 2007, Lyon, p. XXX/4 Abstract-PDF
    276. Hekele O., Goesselsberger C.G. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Nanomedicine performed with the atomic force microscope on human red blood cells", Programme and the book of abstracts / The Ninth Conference of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 10-14, 2007, ISBN 978-86-80321-11-0, p. 60 Abstract-PDF
    277. Hekele O., Goesselsberger C.G., Brandstetter M., Sommer R. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Nanobiological atomic force microscopy study of the sporulation of Bacillus subtilis", Programme and the book of abstracts / The Ninth Conference of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 10-14, 2007, ISBN 978-86-80321-11-0, p. 60 Abstract-PDF
    278. Hekele O., Goesselsberger C.G., Brandstetter M., Aumayr M., Radel S., Sommer R. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2007) "Bacillus subtilis investigated by bio- and nanotechnological methods", 57. Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, Donau-Universitaet Krems, Austria, September 24-29, 2007 Abstract-PDF, p. 85-86Back to Start
    279. 2006

    280. Gebeshuber I.C., Drack M., Pauschitz A. and Franek F. (2006) "Biotribological model systems for emerging nano-scale technologies", Abstract NanoSingapore 2006, IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies - Nanoelectronics, January 10 - 13, 2006, Singapore Abstract-PDF, p. 133-134
    281. Gebeshuber I.C., Smith R.A.P., Fuersatz M., Kaska K., Pleschko S., Winter HP. and Aumayr F. (2006) "Nanostructuring surfaces with slow multiply charged ions", Abstract NanoSingapore 2006, IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies - Nanoelectronics, January 10 - 13, 2006, Singapore Abstract-PDF, p. 274-275
    282. Gebeshuber I.C., El-Said A.S., Smith R.A.P., Pleschko S., Gruenberger C., Kaska K., Fuersatz M., Winter HP. and Aumayr F. (2006) "UHV and ambient AFM investigations of surfaces nanostructured with slow singly- and multiply-charged ions", Abstracts VIII. Annual Linz Winter Workshop "Advances in single-molecule research for biology & nanoscience.", February 3 - 6, 2006, Linz, Austria, p. 58
    283. Gebeshuber I.C. and Crawford R.M. (2006) "Diatoms and tribology - asking new questions", Abstracts 20. Treffen der deutschsprachigen Diatomologen mit internationaler Beteiligung 20. DDT, March 23 - 26, 2006, Trebon, Southern Bohemia, p. 11
    284. Gebeshuber I.C. and Crawford R.M. (2006) "Diatoms - biotribological model systems for emerging micro- and nano-scale technologies", Abstracts 20. Treffen der deutschsprachigen Diatomologen mit internationaler Beteiligung 20. DDT, March 23 - 26, 2006, Trebon, Southern Bohemia, p. 12
    285. Meissl W., El-Said A.S., Simon M., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Tawara H., Winter HP., Lang M. and Aumayr F. (2006) "Surface modifications on and electron emission from insulator surfaces induced by impact of slow highly charged ions", Abstract Symp. on Surface Science 2006, March 5 - 11, St. Christoph am Arlberg, Austria, p. 83-84.
    286. Gebeshuber I.C. and Werner W.S.M. (2006) "Nanoanalytische Methoden am Institut für Allgemeine Physik der Technischen Universitaet Wien", Abstract 1. Österreichisches Nanoanalytik-Symposium: Nanoanalytik in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft - Angebot, Bedarf und Problemloesungskompetenz, May 11 - 12, 2006, Grundlsee, Austria, p. 8
    287. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Simon M., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Gebeshuber I.C., Winter HP., Lang M., Aumayr F. (2006) "Slow highly charged ion-induced surface nanostructures on CaF2 single crystals studied by scanning force microscopy", Abstract International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids ICACS-2006, July 21 - 26, 2006, Berlin, Germany, p. 68
    288. Fuersatz M., Meissl W., Pleschko S., Simon M.C., Gebeshuber I.C., Stolterfoht N., Winter HP., and Aumayr F. (2006) "Charging and discharging of nanocapillaries during ion-guiding of multiply charged projectiles", 13th International conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions HCI-2006, August 28 - September 1, 2006, Queen's University Belfast (QUB), Northern Ireland, UK, p. 3-3.
    289. Crawford R.M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2006) "How the science of tribology, the study of friction, can stimulate new questions of the diatoms", Abstract 19th International Diatom Symposium, August 28 - September 3, 2006, Listvianka, Russia, p. 32
    290. Gruenberger C., Ritter R. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2006) "The monocrystalline photoreceptor of Eulgena gracilis from a physicists point of view", Programme and the book of abstracts / The Eigth Conference of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society YUCOMAT 2006, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 4 - 8, 2006, ISBN 86-80321-09-5, p. 58 Abstract-PDF
    291. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Simon M.C., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Gebeshuber I.C., Winter HP., Ullrich J. and Aumayr F. (2006) "Creation of surface nanostructures on CaF2 by irradiation with slow highly charged ions", 16th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions IISC-16, September 17 - 22, 2006, Schloss Hernstein, Austria, p. 33
    292. Fuersatz M., Meissl W., Pleschko S., Simon M.C., Gebeshuber I.C., Stolterfoht N., Winter HP., and Aumayr F. (2006) "Charging and discharging of nanocapillaries during ion-guiding of multiply charged projectiles", 16th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions IISC-16, September 17 - 22, 2006 Schloss Hernstein, Austria, p. 51.
    293. El-Said A.S., Meissl W., Pieczetowski C.A., Simon M.C., Crespo Lopez-Urrutia J.R., Gebeshuber I.C., Winter HP., Ullrich J. and Aumayr F. (2006) "Ambient AFM investigation of nanostructures on CaF2 single crystals induced by slow highly charged Ar and Xe ions", 56. Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, September 18-21, 2006, Technische Universitaet Graz, Austria, p. 105
    294. Gruenberger C., Ritter R., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2006) "Biophysics of green algae: Euglena gracilis investigated by atomic force microscopy", 56. Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, September 18-21, 2006, Technische Universitaet Graz, Austria, p. 105
    295. Gebeshuber I.C., Stoeri H., Aumayr F. and Winter HP. (2006) "Nanoanalytical and nano(bio)technological research projects at Institut für Allgemeine Physik, Vienna University of Technology", Book of Abstracts Austrian-Russian Science Day: Bilateral Meeting on Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, October 16, 2006, Russian Culture Center, Brahmsplatz 8, 1040 Vienna, Austria Abstract-PDF
    296. Gruenberger C., Ritter R., Stachelberger H. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2006) "Atomic force microscopy investigation of Euglena gracilis, the producer of a highly efficient monocrystalline photodetector", Abstract innano advances in nano-biotechnology, October 19 - 20, 2006, Congress Innsbruck, Austria, p. 12Back to Start
    297. 2005

    298. Deachapunya S., Goldfarb F., Gebeshuber IC, Aumayr F. and Arndt M. (2005) "Towards a direct surface detection of quantum interference with biomolecules", Abstract for the VII. Annual Linz Winter Workshop "Advances in Single-Molecule Research for Biology & Nanoscience", February 4-7, 2005, Linz, Austria, 1-17.
    299. Aumayr F., Cernusca S., Gebeshuber IC and Winter HP. (2005) "Slow highly charged ions - a new tool for nanostructuring surfaces", Poster
    300. Fuersatz M., Pleschko S., Gebeshuber IC, Winter HP., Lemell C., Stolterfoht N. and Aumayr F. (2005) "Ion guiding effects through nanocapillaries in PET foils", Poster, 348. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar "Ions at Surfaces: Patterns and Processes", June 19.-23., Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany
    301. Kaska, K., ..., Gebeshuber IC, Winter HP. and Aumayr F. (2005) "...", Poster, 348. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar "Ions at Surfaces: Patterns and Processes", June 19.-23., Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany
    302. Gebeshuber I.C., Drack M. and Scherge M. (2005) "Tribology in Biology", Abstract for the 4th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology'05, September 5-7, 2005, Karwica, Poland, p. 17 Abstract-DOC
    303. Doerr N., Gebeshuber IC, Ecker A., Pauschitz A. and Franek F. (2005) "Evaluation of ionic liquids for the application as lubricants - part 2", Abstract 32nd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, September 2005, Lyon, France, p. XI/3
    304. Gebeshuber IC and Kolm R. (2005) "Development of an atomic force microscope closed fluid cell for tribological investigations of large samples in volatile environments", Abstract 32nd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, September 2005, Lyon, France, p. XVIII/2
    305. Fuersatz M., Pleschko S., Gebeshuber IC, Winter HP., Lemell C., Stolterfoht N. and Aumayr F. (2005) "2-D scattering distribution of multiply charged ions guided through nano-capillaries", Abstract ICPEAC-2005, July 2005, Rosario, Argentina
    306. Smith R.A.P., Gebeshuber I.C., Pleschko S., Kaska K., Winter HP. and Aumayr F. (2005) "Surface modifications on Si(111) due to impact of slow multiply charged ions", Abstract ECASIA-2005, September 25.-30., Vienna Abstract-PDF
    307. Forsich C., Gebeshuber IC, Laimer H., Stoeri H. and Humlicek J. (2005) "Spectroscopic ellipsometry as an in-situ diagnostic tool for the avoidance of compound layer formation during plasma nitriding", Abstract ECASIA-2005, September 25.-30., Vienna Abstract-PDF
    308. Deachapunya S., Goldfarb F., Major A., Gebeshuber IC, Aumayr F. and Arndt M. (2005) "Surfaces for the direct detection of interference fringes and molecular nanopatterns", Abstracts 55. Jahrestagung Österr. Physikal. Ges., Universitaet Wien, September 2005, p. 112.Back to Start
    309. 2004

    310. Kolm R., Gebeshuber I.C., Werner W.S.M. and Stoeri H. (2004) "Characterisation of monomolecular lubricant films", Book of abstracts 227th ACS National Meeting, Division of colloid and surface chemistry “ Friction, lubrication, and adhesion in micro- and nano-scale devices”, Anaheim, CA, USA, March 28-April 1, 2004
    311. Gebeshuber I.C., Stachelberger H. and Drack M. (2004) "Surfaces in relative motion: bionanotribological investigations", Abstracts Bionik 2004 International Industrial Conference, Hannover, Germany, April 22-24, 2004 Abstract-PDF
    312. Gebeshuber I.C., Stachelberger H. and Drack M. (2004) "Diatom Bionanotribology", Abstract 31st Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, September 2004, Leeds, United Kingdom
    313. Kolm R., Gebeshuber I.C., Kenesey E., Ecker A., Pauschitz A., Werner W.S.M. and Stoeri H. (2004) "Tribochemistry of mono molecular additive films on metal surfaces, investigated by ESCA and HFRR", Abstract 31st Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, September 2004, Leeds, United Kingdom
    314. Gebeshuber I.C. (2004) "Scanning probe microscopy: from cells to single atoms", NATO ASI "From cells to proteins: Imaging Nature across dimensions, September 2004, Pisa, ItalyBack to Start
    315. 2003

    316. Kolm R., Kleiner R., Gebeshuber I.C., Ecker A., Werner W.S.M. and Stoeri H. (2003)"ESCA study of ultrathin lubricant layers", Abstract TRIMIS2003 Tribology in Microsystems, Neuchatel, CH, June 2-3, 2003
    317. Aumayr F., Gebeshuber I.C., Cernusca S. and Winter HP. (2003) "Slow highly charged ions - a new tool for nanostructuring of surfaces?", Abstracts 4th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizationsfor New Materials and Devices ALC'03, Kauai, Hawaii/USA, October 5-10, 2003
    318. Kolm R., Kleiner R., Gebeshuber I.C., Werner W. und Stoeri H. (2003) "Charakterisierung von monomolekularen Schmierstofffilmen", OETG Jahressymposium 2003 Abstract-PDF
    319. Kolm R., Foisner J., Friedbacher G., Kleiner R., Gebeshuber I.C., Werner W.S.M. and Stoeri H. (2003) "Data interpretation of angle resolved ESCA measurements of self-assembled monolayers on silicon substrates", Abstract 12. Tagung Festkoerperanalytik, Wien, September 22-24, 2003 Abstract-PDFBack to Start
    320. 2002

    321. Gebeshuber I.C. (2002) "Naturally nanostructured biomaterials", Abstracts Bionanotechnology Meeting @ Oxford University, UK, April 2002 Abstract-PDF
    322. Gebeshuber I.C., Cernusca S., Aumayr F. and Winter HP. (2002) "Ultrahigh vacuum atomic force microscopy investigation of nanoablation from insulator surfaces by slow multicharged ions", Abstracts EURESCO Cluster - Surface Interactions: EuroConference on Functional Clusters, June 1-6 2002, Granada, Spain, 43 Abstract-PDF
    323. Gebeshuber I.C. (2002) "On the sensitivity of natural sensor systems", Abstracts NATO ASI "Molecular Electronics: Bio-sensor and Bio-computer", Pisa, Italy, 2002 Abstract-PDF
    324. Gebeshuber I.C., Cernusca S., Aumayr F. and Winter HP. (2002) "Slow-MCI induced nanodefects at insulator surfaces studied by UHV-AFM", Abstracts 11th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, September 2002, Caen, France, 160Back to Start
    325. 2001

    326. Gebeshuber I.C., Cernusca S., Woergoetter R., Aumayr F. and Winter HP. (2001) "Surface nano-defects by impact of slow ions", XXII-ICPEAC (International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 643
    327. Gebeshuber I.C., Bernardi J. and Schattschneider P. (2001) "The University Centre for Transmission Electron Microscopy", Abstracts Euro-Summer School on Electron Crystallography, Barcelona/E, July 2001
    328. Gebeshuber I.C., Cernusca S., Woergoetter R., Aumayr F. and Winter HP. (2001) "Producing surface nano-defects by impact of slow ions", ICACS-19 (19th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids), Paris, July/August 2001, 208
    329. Gebeshuber I.C., Viani M.B., Pietrasanta L.I., Thompson J.B., Chand A., Kindt J.H., Richter M., Hansma H.G. und Hansma P.K. (2001) "Einzelmolekueluntersuchungen an Reparaturproteinen", Abstracts 51. Jahrestagung Österr. Physikal. Ges., Technische Universitaet Wien, September 2001, 30, 152-153. Abstract-PDF
    330. Gebeshuber I.C., Cernusca S., Aumayr F. and Winter HP. (2001) "Untersuchung der Potentialzerstaeubung von Oberflaechen durch einzelne Ionen mittels UHV-AFM/STM", Abstracts 51. Jahrestagung Österr. Physikal.Ges., Technische Universitaet Wien, September 2001, 31, 94-95. Abstract-PDFBack to Start
    331. 2000

    332. Gebeshuber I.C., Kindt J.H., Thompson J.B., DelAmo Y., Stachelberger H., Brzezinski M., Stucky G.D., Morse D.E. and Hansma P.K. (2000) "Adhesives made by benthic diatoms studied by in vivo Atomic Force Microscopy", Biophys. J. 78, 10A (55-Plat)
    333. Viani M.B., Pietrasanta L.I., Thompson J.B., Gebeshuber I.C., Kindt J.H., Richter M., Hansma H.G. and Hansma P.K. (2000) "Single molecule studies of chaperonin complex formation and disassociation", Biophys. J. 78, 269A (1589-Plat)
    334. Hansma P.K., Geheschuber I. :), Smith-Maddux B., Viani M., Thompson J., Kindt J., Morse D. and Stucky G. (2000) "Architecture and function of fracture-resistant, biological materials", Symposium Morphology and Dynamics of Crystal Surfaces in Complex Molecular Systems, in: Abstracts of the Materials Research Society Spring 2000 Meeting, San Francisco, California, April 2000, 224-225
    335. Cernusca S., Hayderer G., Gebeshuber I.C., Schmid M., Varga P., Winter HP. and Aumayr F. (2000) "Surface damage on HOPG induced by bombardement with slow singly and multiply charged Ar ions", Book of Abstracts, Heidelberg2000: Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures, 64
    336. Gebeshuber I.C., Kindt J.H., Thompson J.B., DelAmo Y., Stachelberger H., Brzezinski M., Stucky G.D., Morse D.E. and Hansma P.K. (2000) "AFM study of living diatoms in ambient conditions", Book of Abstracts, Heidelberg2000: Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures, 21
    337. Gebeshuber I.C., Rattay F. and Stachelberger H. (2000) "In vivo nanoscale investigation of diatom adhesive and structural properties" , Book of Abstracts, Nanoscience for Nanotechnology Meeting @ Oxford University, UK, 29
    338. Gebeshuber I.C., Rattay F. and Stachelberger H. (2000) "Biomineralization and biomimetics - key technologies of the 21st century", Book of Abstracts 50. Jahrestagung Österr. Physikal.Ges., Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz, 210Back to Start
    339. 1999

    340. Gebeshuber I.C. and Rattay F. (1999) "Stochastic resonance due to inner hair cell endogenous noise in the mechano-electric transduction of very weak tones - a modelling study for several frequencies", Brit. J. Audiol. Vol. 33.2, April 1999
    341. Gebeshuber I.C. and Rattay F. (1999) "Computational model for the physical limit of signal transduction in inner hair cells", Biophys. J. 76, A227.
    342. Gebeshuber I.C., Kindt J.H., Thompson J.B., DelAmo Y., Brzezinski M., Stucky G.D., Morse D.E. and Hansma P.K. (1999) "Atomic force microscopy of diatoms in vivo", in: Abstracts of the 15th North American Diatom Symposium, Spaulding S. and Kingston J. (eds.), Pingree Park Campus, Colorado State University, September 1999, 8Back to Start
    343. 1998

    344. Rattay F., Gebeshuber I.C., Mladenka A., Svrcek-Seiler W. and Pontes Pinto J. (1998) "Cochlear nerve spontaneous activity supports the detection of low level acoustic signals", Abstr. 21st MidWinter Research Meeting of Assoc. Res. Otolaryngology, 62 Abstract-PDF
    345. Gebeshuber I.C. and Rattay F. (1998) "Modelled human hearing threshold curve", Abstract brochure of the 35th Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, 45
    346. Mladenka A., Rattay F., Gebeshuber I.C., Pontes Pinto J., Naves Leao R. and Lalics P. (1998) "An application of neural networks on information processing in the human ear", Abstract brochure of the 194th WE-Heraeus Seminar Scientific Applications of Neural Nets. Bad Honnef, GermanyBack to Start
    347. 1997

    348. Gebeshuber I. (1997) "Modeling the kinetics in the auditory receptor cell using equivalent electric circuits", BMT Austria 1/97 Jahresheft 1996, 44-45 (in German)
    349. Gebeshuber I.C., Mladenka A., Rattay F. and Svrcek-Seiler W.A. (1997) "Brownian motion and the ability to detect weak auditory signals", in: Book of Abstracts, International School of Biophysics: Chaos and Noise in Biology and Medicine, Ischia, May 1997
    350. Gebeshuber I.C., Mladenka A., Rattay F. and Svrcek-Seiler W.A. (1997) "Computational demonstration that Brownian motion of inner hair cells stereocilia may enhance the ability to detect low level auditory tones from auditory nerve spiking patterns", J. Physiol (London) 504P, 127P-128P
    351. Gebeshuber I.C., Mladenka A., Rattay F. and Svrcek-Seiler W.A. (1997) "Brownian motion enhances the ability to detect low level auditory signals", Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 35, Supplement part I, 302Back to Start
    352. 1995

    353. Gebeshuber I.C., Rattay F., Markum H. (1995) "Simulation der elektrischen Vorgaenge in auditorischen Rezeptorzellen", Jahrestagung Österr. Physikal. Ges. 1995, 110Back to Start

    Back to Start

    Popular Science / Outreach Activities:

    Conferences, Meetings, Seminars & Short Visits:


    1. July 25 - August 1, 2025: Forum St. Stephan 2025 "Sprache und Macht", Schüttkasten Geras, Austria.
    2. 2024

    3. February 2, 2024: World Interfaith Harmony Week WIHW2024, invitation by the Universal Peace Federation UPF "Building a Peace Narrative at a time of Global Crisis: The Contribution of Religion", Invited Lecture "Building a Peace Narrative at a time of Global Crisis: The Contribution of Nature and Religion". Speakers: Diplomats, Religious leaders, Academics and Leaders of NGOs. Vienna International Centre VIC, UNO United Nations Headquarters, Vienna, Austria.
    4. February 27-28, 2024: Invited Lecture "Bionik im Einsatz: Innovative Lösungen für die Landtechnik", 24. Arbeitswissenschaftliches Kolloquium an der BOKU: Transformation der Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft durch sozioökonomische und ökologische Herausforderungen, invitation by Prof. Elisabeth Quendler, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Landtechnik
    5. March 4-7, 2024: Expert Workshop, Theorie der Bionik, Tübingen, Germany.
    6. March 7-10, 2024: Plenary Address "Vom Einzelgänger zur Partnerschaft: Eine spannende Zeitreise durch die Evolution der Mitochondrien aus der Sicht einer Bionikerin und Nanotechnologin", Mikroimmuntherapie-Forum 2024, Palma, Mallorca.
    7. March 14-16, 2024: Invited Lecture "Was können wir von der Natur lernen? Bionik und Ernährung - neue wissenschaftliche Wege in eine nachhaltige Zukunft", 13. Symposion Dürnstein 2024 "Was werden wir morgen essen?", Stift Dürnstein, Organizer Ursula Baatz, Austria (link to event, link to my talk on YouTube (in German))
    8. May 7-9, 2024: The 15th European Diatom Meeting, Ohrid, Northern Macedonia
    9. May 15-17, 2024: 1st International Online Conference on Biomimetics IOCB 2024, online. Organized by the scientific journal Biomimetics. Invited Lecture "Bioinspired Growth and Decay - A New Paradigm for Materials Science"
    10. May 29-31, 2024: IFAC International Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability - 22nd TECIS 2024, Waterford, Ireland. Invited Lectures, Session Organizer, Session Chair.
    11. June 26-28, 2024: AMPS Livable Cities Conference, London, UK. Lecture "The Urban Sustainability Index: Assessing Urban Sustainability for Effective Change"
    12. August 5-11, 2024: Forum St. Stephan 2024 "Evolution im Anthropozän", Schloss Seggau in Seggauberg, Austria. Member of the Scientific Preparation Team, invited Impulse Lecture.
    13. September 20-22, 2024: British Plant Gall Society Weekend, Peterboroughg, UK. Lecture "The Plant as Teacher: Insights from Botany for Growing Devices in Functional Shape".
    14. October 4-6, 2024: Plenary Address "The Unspecific from the Perspective of Physics", Forum International Neural Therapy & Functional Myodiagnosis 2024 "Methods to Explore and Treat Unspecific Conditions", organized by the Österreichische Medizinische Gesellschaft für Neuraltherapie und Regulationsforschung, Vienna, Austria.
    15. Oktober 17-20, 2024: Momentumkongress 2024: Alternativen, Ossiach, Austria. Lecture "Bionisch Wirtschaften - Ein Paradigmenwechsel für die Zukunft", Track #4: Wissen zwischen Medien und Wissenschaft.
    16. December 10-11, 2024: "6th International Conference on Tribo-Corrosion", IIT Delhi, India. Invited Lecture "Nature's Engineering: Diatoms as Model Systems for Advanced MEMS Tribology and Corrosion Resistance"
    17. December 11-12, 2024: "2nd Indo European Symposium on Surface Engineering", Ranchi, India. Keynote Presentation "Biomimetic Approaches and Engineered Living Materials (ELMs) in Surface Engineering: Utilizing Common, Biodegradable Materials for Functional Structures"
    18. December 12-13, 2024: "6th Indo Austrian Symposium on Materials Engineering", IIT Kharagpur, India. Co-Chair
    19. 2023

    20. February 3, 2023: World Interfaith Harmony Week, invitation by the Universal Peace Federation UPF "Why Religions and Cultures in Dialogue matter for achieving the UN SDGs", Invited Lecture "Physics, Interfaith and the United Nations SDGs: Living in Balance - New Ways of Cohabitation with Nature". Speakers: Diplomats, Religious leaders, Academics and Leaders of NGOs. Vienna International Centre VIC, UNO United Nations Headquarters, Vienna, Austria. Documentation: Summary, Short Video Report, Session 1, Session 2
    21. February 20, 2023: Minisymposium "Biomimetic Thermoregulation III", online. Lecture "Bioinspirierte Modelle für die Thermoregulation II: Struktur-Funktionsbeziehungen in Schmetterlingsflügelschuppen" (with Florian Zischka). Organized by IAP TU Wien & STO SE & Co. KGaA
    22. March 13-15, 2023: 5th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Challenges in Nanoscience & Application", Invited Lecture "Biomimetic Nanotechnology Insights for Growing Technical Devices in Functional Shape", Schloss Mauterndorf, Mauterndorf, Lungau, Austria.
    23. March 31 - April 1, 2023: Workshop "Kleine Fächer" - Fächerdiversität abseits des Mainstreams, in Kooperation mit dem Verein zur Förderung der Universitätenkonferenz, Diplomatische Akademie, Wien, Austria.
    24. April 14-15, 2023: Jahreskongress für Ganzheitsmedizin 2023 "Schmerz - was tun?", Plenary Address "Warum die biologische Regulierung wissenschaftlich so schwer zu beschreiben ist", Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität, Salzburg, Austria.
    25. June 6, 2023: 20 Jahre Jubiläum Internationales Bildungsnetzwerk Pilgrim, Festive Speech "Vom Staunen zum Lernen aus der Natur", Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems, Festsaal, Mayerweckstrasse 1, 1210 Wien, Austria. link, Artikel KathPress
    26. July 28 - August 4, 2023: Forum St. Stephan 2023 "Die Rolle der Wissenschaften in Zeiten des Umbruchs", Schüttkasten Geras, Austria. Member of the Scientific Preparation Team.
    27. September 5, 2023: Auslandskulturtagung BMEIA, Einl. BM Schallenberg, Ankerbrotfabrik, Wien.
    28. September 7-9, 2023: Invited Lecture "In the blink of an eye - Time scales reflected by a biomimetics expert", Workshop "Intersecting Pasts - Collaborative Working at History's Fuzzy Boundaries", organized by Lisa Regazzoni (U Bielefeld) and Ingrid Mann (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø), Institute for Advanced Study der Universität Bielefeld, Center for Interdisciplinary Research of Bielefeld University, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF), Germany.
    29. September 14, 2023: 15th Nanotrust Conference, organized by the Institute of Technology Assessment, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
    30. September 15, 2023: International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) Autumn Assembly, Plenary Address "Global Challenges - An optimistic vision of the future", Vienna, Austria.
    31. October 12-15, 2023: 7th International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE 2023), Invited Lecture "The Plant as Teacher - Insights from Botany for Growing Devices in Functional Shape", organized by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE), Wuhan, P.R. China.
    32. October 16, 2023: Netzwerk Algen Jahresmeeting, Poster "Was man von 3D gedruckten Kieselalgen alles lernen kann", Wien, Austria.
    33. November 10-12, 2023: 17th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XVII: Lebensabschnitte", Vienna, Austria.
    34. December 8-10, 2023: SIIAEC Conference 2023 "The Decline of Global Ethics", Bratislava, Slowakia. (SIIAEC: International Secretariat for Catholic Engineers, Agronomists and Industry Officials, Icmica Pax Romana). Organizing Committee Member.
    35. 2022

    36. February 9, 2022: "Bionik für bessere Technologien - Lernen von den Tricks der belebten Natur", Abendveranstaltung der Katholischen Akademie in Bayern in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Museum in München, München, Germany
    37. February 17, 2022: "Interdisziplinär kreisen: Symposium der Fachdidaktik in Österreich", Keynote Presentation "Bionik lehren - Spagat zwischen Biologie, Technik und Kunst", Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Wien, Austria ONLINE
    38. March 21-24, 2022: BioINSP 2022: "6th International School and Conference on Biological Materials Science", Plenary Addresss "Learning from cicadas: Bioinspired functional structures against multidrug-resistant bacteria" and Session Chair "Hierarchical Materials and Structures", DGM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, Kostenz, Bayern, Germany link to conference page
    39. April 8, 2022: Österreichische Lebensmittelchemiker Tage 2022: Keynote Presentation, Graz, Austria
    40. April 27-29, 2022: Forum Christlicher Führungskräfte, Workshop I: Eine naturwissenschaftliche Geschichte der Zukunft - Zuversicht aus der Dynamik Glauben und Wissen, Stift Göttweig, Austria
    41. June 10, 2022: "Innovation in Malaysia - Ein Symposion der Österreichisch-Malaysischen Gesellschaft", Invited Lecture "Der Regenwald als Quelle der Innovation", Otto Mauer Zentrum, Wien, Austria
    42. June 20-29, 2022: CIMTEC 2022: "9th Forum on New Materials", "Antibacterial Structures Inspired by Cicada Wings", Perugia, Italy
    43. August 5-12, 2022: Forum St. Stephan 2022 "Identität und Grenzen", St. Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria.
    44. September 8, 2022: Netzwerk Algen Jahresmeeting, Poster "Funktionale Mikro- und Nanostrukturen in biogenem Glas - Die Kieselalge als Ideengeber für die Halbleiterindustrie", Wien, Austria.
    45. September 30, 2022: Symposium Biodiversität, Veranstalter: Österreichische Bischofskonferenz, Tulln, Austria.
    46. October 26-28, 2022: 21st TECIS 2022 - IFAC International Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, Prishtina, Kosovo. Invited Lecture "Women in STEM: Snapshots from a Few Asian Countries"
    47. November 9-11, 2022: WOW Physics - Women of the world in physics, online, hosted by Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.
    48. December 15-18, 2022: The 7th International Conference of Bionic Engineering ICBE2022, Invited Lecture, ONLINE.
    49. 2021

    50. January 11-13, 2021: 4th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2021 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Advanced Materials", Invited Lecture "Biomimetic and Bio-Inspired Advanced Materials", ONLINE
    51. March 2-4, 2021: Cynhadledd: Cyfarfod Diatomau Ewrop (Conference: European Diatom Meeting), ONLINE
    52. March 17-18, 2021: 733. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on "Nanobiotechnology for Cell Interfaces", ONLINE
    53. April 9, 2021: Industrial Design Exkursion (Leitung: Prof. Bachlmair), Seminar Lecture "Bionik - Lernen von der Natur für positive Technologien", ONLINE, Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz, Austria
    54. May 5-6, 2021: EuroNanoForum 2021, ONLINE. link
    55. July 12, 2021: Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Bamberg, Invited Lecture "Glauben - Wissen - Verstehen: Die Reise der Menschheit", KHG Bamberg, Germany
    56. July 30 - August 6, 2021: Forum St. Stephan 2021 "Der Platz Europas in der Welt", St. Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria.
    57. August 19-20, 2021: 8th International Conference on Agriculture AGRICO 2021, Keynote Lecture "Shaping the Future of Agriculture: Biomimetic Non-toxic Species-specific Insect Repellents for Agricultural Plants", ONLINE
    58. September 4-5, 2021: 15th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XV: Wahrheit / Ehrlichkeit / Gültigkeit", Plenary Address Berlin, Germany. Memeber of the Scientific Committee
    59. September 7, 2021: Seminar talk "Learning from Living Nature: Biomimetics for Positive Technologies", Institute of Physics, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (invitation by Sarah Lindner), Graz, Austria
    60. October 1, 2021: Spiritualität und Nachhaltigkeit - Tagung im Rahmen des Schwerpunktes 'Endliche Erde' des Forum St. Stephan, Tagungskonzeption: Sibylle Trawöger und Marlene Deibl, Otto Mauer Zentrum, Wien, Austria,
    61. October 2, 2021: Tagung für Lehrende 2021 "Future Literacy", Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich, Baden, Austria, Keynote Presentation
    62. October 11-12, 2021: Netzwerk Algen Jahresmeeting, D.A.CH Algen Summit - Algenbiotechnologie in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, Poster "Kieselalgen zuhören, um unsere Maschinen besser zu verstehen", Wien, Austria.
    63. October 29, 2021: Art Institutions in the Age of of Existential Risks, Keynote Presentation (invitation by Peter Weibel), ZKM Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
    64. 2020

    65. February 20-23, 2020: 14th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XIV", Vienna, Austria. Plenary Address, Member of the Scientific Committee. Member of the Organizing Committee
    66. February 26, 2020: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    67. March 9-12, 2020: Inner Assessment Board Meeting, Enterprise Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
    68. March 16, 2020: Sitzung Richtlinienausschuss, Erstellung VDI Richtlinie 6220 Blatt 2, Bionischer Entwicklungsprozess, VDI, Düsseldorf, Germany
    69. ONLINE July 20-22, 2020: Biological and bio-inspired optics Faraday Discussion - Living Light edition, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
    70. July 31 - August 7, 2020: Forum St. Stephan 2020 "Ethik in einer globalisierten Welt", St. Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria
    71. ONLINE August 31, 2020: Future Science Forum (Pujiang Innovation Forum): Innovation, co-governance and collaboration in climate change research. Nature Research, China
    72. October 8, 2020: Asia Nano Forum (ANF) 2020 "Advanced Materials and Emerging Issues", Invited Lecture, Vienna, Austria.
    73. ONLINE Oktober/November 2020: Biologicum 2020 "Das Leben konstruieren", Grünau im Almtal, Austria
    74. September 22-23, 2020: Cyber Mentor Treffen, Mittwoch, 23. September 2020 an der Grund- und Stadtteilschule Alter Teichweg, Hamburg, Germany
    75. 2019

    76. February 14-17, 2019: 13th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XIII", Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Hannover, Germany. Plenary Address, Member of the Scientific Committee.
    77. February 18-19, 2019: Symposium on Sustainable Technologies, Invited Lecture "Sustainability Biomimetics - Lernen von der belebten Natur für Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien", Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies IASS Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
    78. February 21, 2019: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    79. April 24-26, 2019: 20. Österreichischer Klimatag, Technische Universität Wien & Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Österreich. Invited Lecture "Goldschürfen mit Senfpflanzen und essbare Pestizide - Positive Technologien inspiriert von der belebten Natur", Vortrag bei der Icebreaker Veranstaltung, TU Wien, TU the Sky, 24.4.2019 (link to conference page)
    80. April 27-29, 2019: 6th International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Engineering, Tabarka-Tunisia. Plenary Address "Learning from Plants for Green Engineering"
    81. May 16, 2019: Konstituierende Sitzung Richtlinienausschuss, Erstellung VDI Richtlinie 6220 Blatt 2, Bionischer Entwicklungsprozess, VDI, Düsseldorf, Germany
    82. May 25, 2019: 50 jähriges Bestehen Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Konstanz, Festive Speech "Die Zukunft der Forschung - die kommenden 50 Jahre", KHG Konstanz, Germany
    83. August 2-9, 2019: Forum St. Stephan 2019 "Change - Wie Neues entsteht", St. Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria.
    84. August 9-10, 2019: SynBioBeta European Thought Leader Retreat, Werkstätte Wattens, Tyrol, Austria.
    85. September 23-26, 2019: The 6th International Conference of Bionic Engineering ICBE2019, organized by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE), Changchun, P.R. China. Keynote Presentation, Scientific Advisory Committee Member, Session Chair "Bionic/Biological functional structures and surfaces".
    86. October 4-6, 2019: Forum Neural Therapy International, organized by the Österreichische Medizinische Gesellschaft für Neuraltherapie und Regulationsforschung, Vienna, Austria. Plenary Address
    87. October 18, 2019: 34. Österreichischen Automatisierungstag, OCG, Wollzeile 1, 1010 Wien
    88. October 28, 2019: Sitzung Richtlinienausschuss, Erstellung VDI Richtlinie 6220 Blatt 2, Bionischer Entwicklungsprozess, VDI, Düsseldorf, Germany
    89. November 8-10, 2019: Local Conference of Youth LOCY 2019, Invited Workshop "Sustainability Biomimetics - Lernen von der belebten Natur für Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien", Vienna, Austria.
    90. November 14, 2019: Visit to and seminar lecture "Sustainability Biomimetics - Lernen von der belebten Natur für Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien", Institute of Biomedical Mechatronics, University Linz, Austria
    91. November 29-December 2, 2019: SIIAEC Conference "Europe today: How to cope with her turbulences?" & Assembly, Centro Antonianum di Padova, Padova, Italy.
    92. 2018

    93. January 18, 2018: 5. Wissensatelier, Museum of Digital Art, Zurich, Switzerland. Invited Lecture
    94. February 1-2, 2018: Fachtagung Anwendungen der Bionik: Von der Invention zur Innovation, Kufstein & Wattens, Austria. Plenary Address "Was macht eine Physikerin im Dschungel? Die Bionik des Regenwaldes" (1 February 2018), Panel Member Discussions "Grundlagen der Bionik" (1 February 2018) und "Anwendungen der Bionik" (2 February 2018)
    95. February 9-10, 2018: XUB Sustainability Summit 2018 "Sustainability Disruptions for mitigating global risks", Xavier School of Sustainability XSoS & Xavier University Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
    96. February 21, 2018: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    97. March 8-9, 2018: NIL Industrial Day, Plenary Address "Structural colour master stamp (fast and cheap, low-tech high-yield) from Morpho peleides butterfly wings" (gem. mit S. Zobl), Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Austria
    98. April 25, 2018: Seminar talk "Living in Balance - New Ways of Cohabitation with Nature", Institute of Soil Science, UFT BoKu University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (invitation by Markus Puschenreiter), Tulln, Austria
    99. April 27, 2018: Experts Round "Bionik - Lernen von der Natur für positive Technologien", ICG & Fraunhofer Austria Geschäftsführung & Führungskräfte (invitation by Wilfried Sihn), Vienna, Austria
    100. April 28-30, 2018: 5th International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Engineering, Sousse-Tunisia. Plenary Address "Living in Balance - New Ways of Cohabitation with Nature",
    101. May 14, 2018: "Bionik - Lernen von der Natur", Vortrag für Schüler und Schülerinnen der Klassen 1-5, HTL Braunau, Austria.
    102. June 29, 2018: "Bionik - Lernen von der Natur", Vortrag für Schüler und Schülerinnen der Klassen 1-5, HTL Andorf, Austria.
    103. Juli 3-4, 2018: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung des Kunststoff-Clusters mit dem Mechatronik-Cluster, Plenary Address "Zusammenhänge der Natur, die unseren Fortschritt prägen werden" & Meet the Experts, Hypo Lounge des Stadions St. Pölten, Niederösterreich.
    104. August 3-10, 2018: Forum St. Stephan 2018 "Wissenschaft verantworten", St. Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria. Plenary Address "Leben in Balance - Neue Wege der Kohabitation der Geschöpfe"
    105. August 23-26, 2018: 12th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XII", Bad Gastein, Austria. Plenary Address, Member of the Scientific Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee.
    106. October 12, 2018: 33. Österreichischen Automatisierungstag, Plenary Address "Was kann die Automatisierung von der Natur lernen?", OCG, Wollzeile 1, 1010 Wien
    107. October 16, 2018: Bionikkonferenz der Business Upper Austria - OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, Plenary Address "Bioinspirationen - Wie die Natur unseren Fortschritt prägt", Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
    108. October 30-31, 2018: 11th Nanotrust Conference - Advanced Materials and Circular Economy. Invited Lecture "Advanced materials, disruptive techologies and radical change in production processes", ITA ÖAW, Vienna, Austria.
    109. October 30-31, 2018: 11th Nanotrust Conference - Advanced Materials and Circular Economy. Scientific Head "Shiller Color Workshop", ITA ÖAW & IAP TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.
    110. November 13, 2018: Veranstaltung Mercur (Innovationspreis WK Wien). Festive Speech "Inspired by nature", Kuppelsaal, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.
    111. 2017

    112. February 14, 2017: "Wo die Maschinen wachsen: Wie Lösungen aus dem Dschungel unser Leben verändern werden", Vortrag für Schüler und Schülerinnen der Klassen 1-4, HTL Steyr, Austria.
    113. February 15, 2017: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    114. March 14, 2017: Forum "Zeit und Glaube", Podiumsdiskussion moderiert von Dr. Susanne Riedler. Am Panel: Matthias Beck, Lioba Lobmayr & Ille C. Gebeshuber. Thema: Der Mensch der Zukunft. Forum Zeit und Glaube, Otto Mauer Zentrum 1090 Wien. Programm (inkl. Abstract)
    115. April 3, 2017: Workshop "Sicherer Umgang mit Advanced Materials", Impulse Talk "Bio-inspired materials", Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Österreich.
    116. April 4-6, 2017: 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology Modeling and Simulation (ICNMS'17), Keynote Presentation "Towards safe biomimetic nanotechnology: Inspirations from Nature", Barcelona, Spain.
    117. April 27-30, 2017: 11th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XI", Hamburg, Germany. Invited Lecture, Member of the Scientific Committee.
    118. June 10-12, 2017: Synthetic Biology Satellite Meeting - Biomimetic Rainforest Expedition, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
    119. June 13-16, 2017: SB7.0 - The 7th International Meeting on Synthetic Biology, Plenary Address "Learning from Living Nature: Biomimetics for Positive Technologies" (Strategy Session) and Panel Discussion Member "Strategy", Singapore
    120. June 23, 2017: Seminar Lecture "Green Nanotribology - Challenges, Development and Opportunities" @ Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Invitation by Prof. Wolfgang Kautek.
    121. July 12, 2017: "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Hilgendorf Lecture (invited lecture), Institut für Evolution und Ökologie - Evolutionsbiologie der Invertebraten, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany
    122. September 11, 2017: Sino-Austria Nanotechnology and New Material Workshop, Invited Lecture "Learning from Living Nature: Biomimetics for Positive Technologies", Shenzhen, China
    123. September 12, 2017: China-Austria Roundtable on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Invited Lecture "Learning from Living Nature: Biomimetics for Positive Technologies", Suzhou, China
    124. September 13, 2017: Austrian Nanotechnology Conference 2017, Invited Lecture "Learning from Living Nature: Biomimetics for Positive Technologies", Shanghai, China
    125. September 15, 2017: China-Austria Roundtable on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Invited Lecture "Learning from Living Nature: Biomimetics for Positive Technologies", Peking, China
    126. September 22, 2017: Xavier University Bhubaneswar, Xavier School of Sustainability, Seminar Lecture "Biomimetics : Learning from living nature for better engineering and sustainability", Sustainability Thematic Lecture Series. Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
    127. September 21-23, 2017: International Conference on Advanced Engineering Functional Materials (ICAEFM 2017), Keynote Presentation "Biomaterials for Positive Technologies" Gandhi Institute for Technological Advancement, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. link
    128. September 26, 2017: PhD Retreat Center of Ceompetence Wood K Plus, Invited Lecture "Inspiration from living Nature" Gumpoldskirchen bei Wien, Austria
    129. September 28, 2017: 3. Österreichischen Klima-Kälte-Tag, Keynote Presentation "Wie Biomimetik und Nanotechnologie Gebäude und Kälte-/Klimatechnik beeinflussen könnten" Eventpyramide, Vösendorf bei Wien
    130. October 16, 2017: Scientific Advisory Council Meeting "Bird Shades" (link to company profile), ZAT Leoben, Austria
    131. November 9, 2017: 11th WoodWelding Day, Invited Lecture "Biomimetics - learning from living nature for better engineering and sustainable economic approaches", Invitation by G. Plasonig. Stansstad, Switzerland
    132. November 13, 2017: Seminar Lecture "Biomimetics of Structural Colours" in the interdisciplinary seminar "New Concepts in Light- and Electron- Microscopy - scientific results, instruments, methods" 300158 SE @ Core Facility Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Invitation by Wiss.OR Dr. Marieluise Weidinger and Dr. Siegfried Reipert.
    133. November 20-24, 2017: 4th International Vavilov Conference, N. I. Vavilov's Ideas in the Modern World. Presentation "Biomimetics of plant wax nanostructures providing natural immunity to harmful organisms", Saint-Petersburg, Russia
    134. December 5, 2017: TUG/KFU Physics Colloquium Winter 2017, Graz, Austria. Seminar Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest"
    135. December 19, 2017: BRG/BORG Sankt Pölten, Austria. Invited Lectures "Forscher unterwegs - Abenteuer im Dschungel von Borneo" (Unterstufe), und "Forschung als Beruf(ung)" für die Oberstufe
    136. December 21, 2017: Zernike Institute of Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Seminar Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest"
    137. 2016

    138. February 17, 2016: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    139. February 18, 2016: Quantensprung Science Day, BORG Wiener Neustadt, Austria. Invited Lecture
    140. February 18-21, 2016: 10th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life X", IFF Vienna. Invited Lecture, Member of the Scientific Committee.
    141. April 23-25, 2016: 3rd International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Engineering, Hammamet, Tunisia. Plenary Address, Advisory Committee Chair, Session Chair.
    142. May 18, 2016: Making Nano "Safer by Design" - An Interdisciplinary Workshop, University of Vienna, Austria
    143. May 19, 2016: "Bionik - Lernen von der Natur für besseres Wirtschaften und nachhaltige Technologien", Vortrag bei Firma Knapp AG, KickOff Meeting FFG Bridge Projekt "BioFacLay: Bio-inspired factory layouts for optimal materialflow", Hart bei Graz, Austria.
    144. May 31, 2016: Jahresmeeting Netzwerk Algen "Downstreaming und internationale Aktivitäten", FH Wels, Austria.
    145. June 7, 2016: "Auf den Spuren sicherer biomimetischer Nanotechnologie: Eine Physikerin im Regenwald von Malaysia", Seminarvortrag am ÖAW Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung, Wien, Austria. 7. Juni 2016.
    146. June 13, 2016: nanoNET Meeting, TU Wien.
    147. June 21-24, 2016: The 5th International Conference of Bionic Engineering ICBE2016, organized by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE) and sponsored by University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus (UNNC), Ningbo, P.R. China. Invited Lecture, Session Chair "Nature inspired designs and industrial applications" (with Michael Hensel)
    148. July 4, 2016: 10th Erwin Schrödinger Colloquium 2016 anläßlich des 30-jährigen Jubiläums der Erwin Schrödinger Gesellschaft für Nanowissenschaften, Invited Lecture "Towards safe biomimetic nanotechnology", Vienna, Austria (July 14, 2016)
    149. July 8-14, 2016: SSBSS 2016 International Synthetic and Systems Biology Summer School: Biology meets Computer Science and Engineering , Volterra (Pisa) Tuscany, Italy.
    150. September 21, 2016: Associate Editor Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    151. September 24, 2016: Plenary Address "Innovationen aus der Natur - Was wir von unseren Gärten, Wäldern und Auen lernen können", Auftaktveranstaltung "Die Natur der Innovation", Stift Kremsmünster, Austria
    152. November 3-5, 2016: NRW-Dialogforum, Thema 2016: "Transformation - Beschleunigung - Gestaltbarkeit", Forschungsinstitut für gesellschaftliche Weiterentwicklung (FGW), Düsseldorf, Germany
    153. November 23, 2016: Quantensprung Science Day, BORG Mistelbach, Austria. Invited Lecture
    154. December 1, 2016: Seminar Lecture "Towards Safe Nanotechnology: Lessons from Living Nature" @ Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering, BoKu Wien University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. Invitation by Prof. Helga Lichtenegger.
    155. December 12-13, 2016: Tribo Corrosion V, NFTDC, Hyderabad, India. Keynote Presentation
    156. December 14-16, 2016: 1st International Conference on Coatings, Thin Films, Multilayer Devices and Systems, NFTDC, Hyderabad, India. Keynote Presentation
    157. December 19-20, 2016: 3rd Indo-Austrian Symposium on Advances in Materials Engineering (AME 2016), Victor Menezes Convention Centre (VMCC), IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India. Plenary Address
    158. 2015

    159. February 12, 2015: Strategy Board Meeting, COMET K2 XTribology Excellence Centre of Tribology, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    160. February 18, 2015: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    161. April 23, 2015: Future of Construction, Shell Speed Matching Event, Invited Lecture, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    162. June 13, 2015: Should Putrajaya control education? Decentralising education in Malaysia, Organizer: IDEAS Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs: Making Markets work for the Poor, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    163. August 12-13, 2015: Visit to Dr. Celi Monsada, ITDI-DOST Industrial Technology Development Institute and Department of Science and Technology, Manila, Philippines.
    164. August 25-27, 2015: European Forum Alpbach 2015 - InEquality, Higher Education Symposium. Breakout Session "Removing stumbling blocks - Higher education innovators introduce themselves" - "Stolpersteine beseitigen - VorreiterInnen aus ganz Europa stellen sich vor". Invited Lecture, Alpbach/Tirol, Austria
    165. September 3-6, 2015: 9th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life IX", Berlin, Germany. Invited Lecture, Member of the Scientific Committee.
    166. September 14, 2015: "Bionik: Lernen von der Natur, für besseres Wirtschaften und nachhaltige Technologien", Technische Universität Graz, Austria. Kind invitation by Prof. Dirk Jodin to give the Forum Akademie 27 Lecture of the Alumni Association of the TU Graz. link
    167. September 23, 2015: Associate Editor Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    168. October 23, 2015: First Singaporean-Austrian Science and Business Day: Innovation, Research and Industry, Singapore. Organized by Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW) in Kooperation mit der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ) und der Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
    169. November 16-17, 2015: 2nd Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2015 MITC2015, Penang, Malaysia. Session Chair "Biotribology"
    170. November 20-22, 2015: International Conference on Microsystems and Nanotechnologies (ICMN 2015), Invited Lecture, Session Chair "Invited Talks II" and "Technical Session 2: Semiconductor and Electronic Technology Series", Guilin, China.
    171. November 24-25, 2015: 6th International Conference Nano-Technology - Viennano'15, Plenary Address, Member of the Scientific Committee, TFZ Wiener Neustadt, Austria.
    172. December 3, 2015: Visit to Prof. Gernot Kubin & group, Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory, Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 16c, 8010 Graz, Austria.
    173. 2014

    174. January 21-23, 2014: Workshop "Learning from Nature for successfully addressing global challenges for humankind", EU-ASEAN STI Days, Bangkok, Thailand. Workshop Chair, Keynote Presentation, Panel Discussion Member.
    175. February 10, 2014: Presentation & Round Table Discussion "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest" with Profs. Ibrahim Abdulhalim (Ben Gurion University), Zygmunt Ryzmuza (Warzaw University of Technology) and Ille C. Gebeshuber (UKM & TU Wien), NTU Nanyang Technical University, Singapore
    176. February 17-18, 2014: Seminar Lecture "The future of manufacturing", General Engineering Research Institute (GERI), kind invitation by Prof. Xun Chen, John Moores University, Liverpool, UK
    177. February 19, 2014: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    178. February 27, 2014: Strategy Board Meeting, COMET K2 XTribology Excellence Centre of Tribology, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    179. March 6, 2014: Seminar Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Austrian Institute of Technology, Nanobiotechnology Dept., Vienna, Austria
    180. March 7, 2014: 'Experts go Popper' Lecture "Was macht eine Physikerin im Dschungel? Auf den Spuren einer Biomimetik des Regenwaldes", Sir Karl Popper Schule Wiedner Gymnasium School for Gifted Children, Vienna, Austria.
    181. May 31, 2014: Facilitator and Rapporteur "Bridging Biology and Engineering", Biomimetics and Biomimicry Workshop: Applications for Desalination. Waterhub Singapore, Singapore
    182. June 1-5, 2014: 6th Singapore International Water Week, Singapore
    183. June 10, 2014: Seminar Lecture "Biomimetic Nanotechnology: A Powerful Means to address Global Challenges", Department of Mechanical Engineering, Invitation by Prof. Satish V. Kailas, Indian Institute of Science IISc, Bangalore, India
    184. June 11, 2014: Seminar Lecture "Structural Colours. Learning from nature for engineering: How structural colours and other secrets of life around us can help change our technology towards sustainability", Center for Product Design and Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Science IISc, Bangalore, India
    185. June 12-14, 2014: Member of the International Advisory Committee and Keynote Presentation "Bridging theory to practice: Biomimetic nanoscience and nanotechnology to design for society", Panelist, Conference "Design for sustainable well-being & empowerment", Indian Institute of Science IISc, Bangalore, India
    186. July 10-11, 2014: Keynote Presentation "The future of communication", IEEE International Conference on "Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies ICCICCT 2014", Noorul Islam university, Thuckalay, Tamilnadu, India.
    187. September 7-11, 2014: Introductionary Keynote Presentation "Value-based science: What we can learn from micro- and nanotribology", 7th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology'14, Osieck-Warsaw, Poland
    188. September 12, 2014: Workshop "Tribology and Art", Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology AC2T research Ges.m.b.H., Wiener Neustadt. Chair, Keynote Presentation, Member of the Scientific Committee.
    189. September 17, 2014: Associate Editor Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    190. September 17, 2014: Seminar Lecture "Tribology, dental sciences, nature and art - A joyful journey through kindred worlds", Institute of Bioengineering, School of Engineering & Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK. Invitation by Profs. Paul Anderson and Alvaro Mata.
    191. December 1-3, 2014: Keynote Speaker, International Symposium on Insects, Entomological Society of Malaysia, Malacca, Malaysia
    192. December 10-11, 2014: The 1st Malaysia-Japan Joint Symposium on Nanotechnology 2014, UKM Bangi, Malaysia
    193. 2013

    194. January 30, 2013: virtual presentation at the Second Life Embryogenesis Course by Richard Gordon, presentation title: "Nanobioconvergence", Second Life Cyberspace, location:
    195. February 13, 2013: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    196. February 21-24, 2013: 7th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life VII", University of Hannover, Germany. Invited Lecture, Member of the Scientific Committee.
    197. February 25, 2013: Strategy Board Meeting, COMET K2 XTribology Excellence Centre of Tribology, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    198. March 9-11, 2013: 3rd Global Conference for Academic Research on Scientific and Emerging Technologies 3rd GCARSET 2013, Keynote Presentation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    199. April 4, 2013: TEDxKLChange, The Star Auditorium, Jalan 16/11, 46350 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia (invited guest)
    200. May 8-11, 2013: Seminar Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Department of Physics with Electronics, School of Science and Technology, University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysian Borneo. Invitation by Dr. Aaliya Rehman Khan.
    201. May 17, 2013: Seminar Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia. Invitation by Dr. Dedy H.B. Wicaksono. 10:30am
    202. June 24-27, 2013: UKM-Flinders Nanotechnology Summer School, School of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, FST, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia UKM, Invited Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest" on June 24, 2:30-3:10pm
    203. July 20, 2013: Malaysian Nature Society MNS Annual General Meeting AGM 2013, Invited Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    204. August 13-16, 2013: 4th International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE'13), Invited Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Session Chair "Bionic Structures", University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China.
    205. August 24, 2013: Membership Strategy Workshop, Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    206. August 27-28, 2013: Algae Workshop 2013 "Towards greener environment through sustainable algae technology", Keynote Presentation "Algae Nanotechnology", Bangi, Malaysia
    207. September 8-13, 2013: 5th World Tribology Congress (WTC2013, link), Torino, Italy. Member of the Scientific Committee, Track Organizer "Ecotribology", Panel Discussion Member, Keynote Speaker and Session Chair
    208. September 8-13, 2013: 5th Vienna International Conference Nanotechnology - Viennano13, Torino, Italy. Member of the Scientific Committee.
    209. October 25, 2013: 2nd Board Meeting Meeting of the Malaysian Tribology Society (MYTRIBOS) 2013, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
    210. November 17-20, 2013: Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2013 MITC2013, Sutera Harbour Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Committee Member and Session Chair.
    211. 2012

    212. January 7, 2012: "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics research for sustainability", presentation in the course of the photo review session from our expedition to Maliau Basin in August/September 2011. Malaysia International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI), Plaza Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    213. January 10-12, 2012: Indonesia Endangered Species Forum, Jakarta, Indonesia and site visit to the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (close to Balikpapan, East Kalimantan)
    214. January 18, 2012: virtual presentation at the Second Life Embryogenesis Course by Richard Gordon, presentation title: "Nanobioconvergence", Second Life Cyberspace, location:
    215. February 9, 2012: Workshop on Polymers for Nanotechnology, Monash University, Malaysia Campus, Bandar Sunway, Malaysia
    216. February 16, 2012: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    217. March 1, 2012: Strategy Board Meeting, COMET K2 XTribology Excellence Centre of Tribology, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    218. March 12-14, 2012: School "Materials Science and Biomimetics", Havanna University, Cuba. Organizer and Lecturer. School Homepage
    219. March 12-15, 2012: Conference "New Materials in the Age of Convergence", Havanna University, Cuba. Invited Lecture "Nanobioconvergence", International Organizing Committee Member and Session Chair.
    220. March 28-April 1, 2012: Member of the Scientific Committee and Invited Lecture 6th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life", MedUni Vienna, Austria
    221. June 2-3, 2012: Member of the Scientific Committee and Keynote Presentation The First Pakistan International Biophysics Symposium including 1st National Biophysics Student Meeting and Research Competition, Department of Biomedical Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan. Member of the Scientific Committee.
    222. July 17-18, 2012: Invited Lecture 4th Fundamental Science Congress 2012 FSC2012 "Fundamental Sciences: Merging Science, Industry and Society", UPM Serdang, Malaysia
    223. August 27-28, 2012: Invited Lecture JAST (Japanese Society of Tribologists) - MYTRIBOS (Malaysian Tribology Society) Meeting 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    224. September 6, 2012: Seminar Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Faculty of Law and Administration, Szczecin University, Szczecin, Poland
    225. September 7, 2012: Private Seminar Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", for Archbishop Andrzej Dziega, university professor and former dean of church law, Szczecin, Poland
    226. September 9-13, 2012: Keynote Presentation "Introducing the New Asian Case Method to micro- and nanotribology" and Surprise Lecture "What is a physicist doing in a jungle?", 6th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology'12, Osieck-Warsaw, Poland
    227. September 18-19, 2012: Kick-Out Workshop MINILUBES, EU FP7 PEOPLE Project "Mechanisms of interactions in nano-scale of novel ionic lubricants with functional surfaces", Keynote Presentation, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    228. September 19-23, 2012: 16. Philosophicum Lech "Animals. Man and his nature. Tiere. Der Mensch und seine Natur", Lech am Arlberg, Austria
    229. September 26, 2012: Visit to the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Villach, Austria
    230. September 27-30, 2012: Momentumkongress 2012 "Demokratie", Hallstatt, Austria
    231. November 5-7, 2012: Nano Malaysia 2012 - Conference and Expo (in lieu of the 2012 World Innovation Forum WIF-KL), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Committee Member
    232. November 6-7, 2012: The future we want, EPSM SLiM 2012: Post Rio+20 Symposium, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    233. November 19, 2012: Roundtable Discussion on Christian-Muslim Relation in Malaysia and Germany, Special Guests: Rev. Dr. Rainer Oechslen and Rev. Thomas Paulsteiner, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, UKM, Malaysia
    234. November 27-28, 2012: Keynote Presentation Sustainability through Biomimicry 2012, Member of the International Scientific Referee Committee, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    235. December 11-13, 2012: Materials Today Virtual Conference: Nanotechnology, 2.00pm-6.00pm (GMT), link
    236. 2011

    237. February 3, 2011: Strategy Board Meeting, COMET K2 XTribology Excellence Centre of Tribology, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    238. February 17, 2011: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    239. February 22, 2011: Workshop "Applications of 3D Laser Scanning", UKM, Faculty of Engineering, Bangi, Malaysia
    240. March 3, 2011: "ASEAN Livable Cities Summit", invitation as special guest of special guest of American Institute of Architects - Hong Kong Chapter, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    241. March 7-8, 2011: Keynote Presentation "Ekspedisi Saintifik Lata Jarum 2009: Views from the physicists", Seminar Biokejuruteraan, penilaian ekosistem & spesies 2011: Puri Pujangga, UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
    242. March 30, 2011: Seminar "Strengthening Academia-Industry Linkages", Sir Peter Michael Williams, Vice-President of The Royal Society UK, UKM and Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MiGHT), UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
    243. May 10-11, 2011: First Annual HKS Asia Public Policy Forum "Energy, Innovation, and Sustainable Development". Joint Program hosted by the Harvard Kennedy School and Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Economics and organized by the Bimasena Energy and Mines Society, Jakarta, Indonesia
    244. May 23, 2011: Panel Discussion Member SLIVER Gallery Series, Panel Discussion "BIORNAMETICS - Architecture defined by natural patterns explores a new methodology to interconnect scientific evidence with creative design in the field of architecture" and final public event of our PEEK arts-based research project "Biornametics" together with a short project presentation and the display of a physical prototypical experiment. University of Applied Arts, Institute of Architecture, Vienna, Austria, 7pm-9pm. Poster_Biornametics_Panel_Discussion_May_23_2011.pdf
    245. May 24, 2011: Seminar Lecture "Morphodynamische Biomimetik: Ueber das Inspirationspotential konvergenter Evolution für neue Technologien", University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna Gebeshuber_Morphodynamische_Biomimetik.pdf
    246. June 2-5, 2011: Member of the Scientific Committee and Invited Lecture 5th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life", Dortmund, Germany
    247. June 7-9, 2011: Plenary Address "Green Nanotribology" ECOTRIB 2011 - 3rd European Conference on Tribology arranged jointly with Viennano '11 - 4th Vienna International Conference on Nano Technology, Member of the Scientific Committee. Vienna and Wiener Neustadt. Announcement
    248. June 14-16, 2011: NanoMalaysia Summit and Expo 2011, PTWC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    249. June 26-July 1, 2011: ICMAT-11, Singapore
    250. July 15, 2011: Lecture "Social Business: A Way to Solve Society's Most Pressing Problems", Professor Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate in Residence, UKM, Malaysia
    251. August 8-12, 2011: Research visit to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, on invitation by Prof. Vijay Arora, UTM Ambassador for Globalization
    252. September 21, 2011: Seminar Lecture "Biomimetics in Tribology: Materials, Structures and Processes", Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
    253. October 8, 2011: International Seminar on Environmental Sciences ISES 2011, Keynote Presentation "Towards a new type of science for successfully addressing the global challenges for humankind", Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
    254. October 14, 2011: Panel Discussion Member 4th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) - Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM, Malaysia) Global Discourse on Nanotechnology "Nanotechnology: Engineering for a better future", organised by WIEF, UiTM and the Statistical, Economic & Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC, Turkey). On the Panel: Dr. Savas Alpay and Dr. Mehmet Bayindir (Turkey), Prof. Dr. Ille C. Gebeshuber (Austria and Malaysia), Prof. Jackie Y. Ying (Singapore), Prof. Sirirurg Songsivilai (Thailand), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Rusop (Malaysia), Moderator: Dr. Gunawan Witjaksono (Malaysia), 14.10.2011, KLCC Convention Centre, Malaysia. k_4th GD_Brochure_FA_11102011.pdf, my contribution to this panel on youtube (movie, 12 minutes)
    255. October 19-22, 2011: The 5th Korea-Malaysia Joint Workshop on Nanotechnology, Invited Lecture, Korea
    256. October 26-28, 2011: Member of the Program Committee and Plenary Address DGM Conference "Friction, Wear and Wear Protection", Karlsruhe, Germany
    257. October 27-30, 2011: Momentumkongress 2011 "Gleichheit", Hallstatt, Austria
    258. November 15-18, 2011: Joint Seminar on Nanotechnology between IMEN-UKM and PPET-LIPI (Research Center for Electronics and Telecommunication - Indonesian Institutes of Sciences), Invited Lecture "Bioinspired navigation and water vapour detection realized with MEMS", Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    259. November 22-24, 2011: RTC2011 Regional Tribology Conference 2011, Member of Programm Committee and Keynote Presentation, Langkawi Island, Malaysia
    260. November 24-27, 2011: International Workshop on Nanotechnology in the Edge of Convergence (UNESCO, COMSATS Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South), Invited Lecture "Bionanoconvergence", Session Chair "Technical Session-III" and Rapporteur, Bangi, Malaysia
    261. December 7-10, 2011: IMEN Lab Retreat, Lumut, Malaysia
    262. December 16, 2011: Launch of the Bio-inspired Nanotechnology Initiative in Asia: 5th Workshop on Manufacturing Technologies for a Sustainable Society "Bio-inspired Nanostructures, Systems, and Manufacturing", Invited Lecture "Towards a new type of science for successfully addressing the global challenges for humankind", Suzhou Industrial Park, China
    263. 2010

    264. January 25-27, 2010: Plenary Address "Biomimetic Nanotechnology: A Powerful Means to address Global Challenges" 2nd ISESCO Workshop and Conference on Nanotechnology (IWCN2010), Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
    265. February 18, 2010: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    266. March 17-22, 2010: Invited Lecture "Bioinspired MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human auditory capabilities" 4th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life", Semriach, Austria
    267. May 4, 2010: Harvard Ezra F. Vogel Malaysia/Singapore Initiative Public Lecture Series, Prof. Tu Weiming "Toward a dialogical civilization", UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
    268. May 31, 2010: Seminar Lecture "Engineering meets Biology meets Art in the Malaysian jungle", Gender Art Lab, Universitaet für Angewandte Kunst Wien (Vienna University of Applied Arts), invitation by Prof. Marion Elias
    269. June 1-2, 2010: Lecture and Workshop "Correlating structure with function on the nanoscale: Structural colours" at our first Biomimetics - Biornametics Seminar and Workshop, Universitaet für Angewandte Kunst Wien (Vienna University of Applied Arts) workshop_biornametics_1.pdf
    270. June 9, 2010: Seminar Lecture "Biomimetic nanotechnology: A powerful means to address global challenges", Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale, Université Paris-Sud 11, Orsay, France
    271. June 14, 2010: Plenary Address "Structural colours in nature, technology and the arts - Theoretical basis, some examples and exciting biomimetics" at the symposium "Framing the Influence of Nature in Human's Aesthetic & Application" at Dasein Academy of Art, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    272. June 16, 2010: Keynote Presentation "Correlating nanostructures with function: Structural colours in wings of a Malaysian beetle", 3rd Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Symposium, Bandung, Indonesia
    273. June 22-24, 2010: Oral presentation "3D Corporate Tourism in the marine sciences: Application-oriented problem solving in marine ecosystems", Conference on the Marine Ecosystem of Malaysia (COMEM 2010), Cherating, Pahang, Malaysia.
    274. July 12-13, 2010: Joint Seminar on Nanotechnology between IMEN-UKM and PPET-LIPI (Research Center for Electronics and Telecommunication - Indonesian Institutes of Sciences), Invited Lecture "Bioinspired MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human auditory capabilities", Putrajaya, Malaysia
    275. July 26-27, 2010: 2010 Workshop on BioMEMS Sensors, Malaysian Institute of Microelectronic Systems (MIMOS), Technology Park Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Invited Lecture "Correlating structure with function on the nanoscale: Structural colors"
    276. August 20-25, 2010: European Forum Alpbach 2010 - Construction and reality, Seminar Week, Seminar 13: Biomimetics: Learning from nature for technical innovations, Seminar Lectures "Structural colors" and "Bionanotribology", Alpbach/Tirol, Austria.
    277. August 26-28, 2010: European Forum Alpbach 2010 - Construction and reality, Alpbach Technology Forum 2010: Invited Lecture, Arbeitskreis 06 'Tribologie - Unterschiedliche Betrachtungen von Reibung und Verschleiss', Alpbach/Tirol, Austria.
    278. September 14-16, 2010: 3rd International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE'10), Invited Lecture "Biomimetics: Challenges, Development and Opportunities" and Session Co-Chair "Biomaterials & Bionic/Biomimetic Materials", Zhuhai, China.
    279. September 20, 2010: Invited Lecture, HOTSCIENCE Forum "Should Nanotech be part of our School Curriculum?", Invited Lecture "The Austrian Perspective", Petronas Twin Towers Level 5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    280. October 3, 2010: Seminar Lecture "Biomimetic Nanotechnology: A Powerful Means to address Global Challenges", Physics Seminar, Szczecin University, Poland.
    281. October 4-9, 2010: Invited Lecture "Learning from diatoms: biomimetic nanotechnology approaches", Workshop "Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions & biostratigraphy: introduction and application of siliceous microfossils", Szczecin, Poland
    282. October 6-8, 2010: Plenary Address (Evening Lecture) "The contribution of biomimetics to address global challenges for humankind", bionik-A - 2nd International Symposium on Biomimetics 2010, Villach, Austria
    283. October 11-12, 2010: Lecture and Workshop "Structural colors in biology, engineering and the arts: Bauplan, analysis and applications" at our second Biomimetics - Biornametics Seminar and Workshop, Universitaet für Angewandte Kunst Wien (Vienna University of Applied Arts) workshop_biornametics_2.pdf
    284. October 13, 2010: Seminar Lecture "Strukturfarben in Biologie, Kunst und Technik", Institute of Natural Science and Technology in Art, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien Strukturfarben_Bildende.pdf
    285. October 13, 2010: Seminar Lecture "Nanomedizin und Biomimetik - Konzepte und Anwendungen", Institute for Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna Biomimetische_Nanotechnologie_VetMedWien.pdf
    286. October 13-14, 2010: 3rd Malaysian Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Scientific Meeting (MTERMS 2010), Invited Lecture "Nanotechnology and biomimetics in regenerative medicine", Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor
    287. October 18-19, 2010: WEMESURF Close Down Meeting: Invited Lecture "New ways of scientific publishing and accessing human knowledge inspired by transdisciplinary approaches to tribology", Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    288. Oct. 28, 2010: Harvard Ezra F. Vogel Malaysia/Singapore Initiative Public Lecture Series, Prof. Dennis J. Encarnation "Asia and the World Economy: Before and After the 'Great Recession' of 2008", UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
    289. December 1-3, 2010: ESCINANO 2010: International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology "Taking up the Nanotech Challenge through Creative and Innovative Minds", KLCC Convention Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Invited Lecture "Nanocolours: Correlating structure with function"
    290. December 8-9, 2010: Indo-Austrian Symposium on Materials Engineering, Hyderabad, India: Invited Lecture "Green Nanotribology - Challenges, Development and Opportunities"
    291. December 13-14, 2010: Malaysia-Korea Seminar, Invited Lecture "Bioinspired MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human auditory capabilities: Development of a new generation of MEMS in medicine", Putrajaya, Malaysia
    292. December 16-17, 2010: IMEN Lab Retreat, Malacca, Malaysia
    293. December 21, 2010: Seminar Lecture "Strukturfarben in Biologie, Kunst und Technik", Gender Art Lab, Universitaet für Angewandte Kunst Wien (Vienna University of Applied Arts), invitation by Prof. Marion Elias Back to Start
    294. 2009

    295. February 17, 2009: Editorial Board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    296. March 6-8, 2009: IMEN Lab Retreat, Seremban, Malaysia
    297. March 17-18, 2009: Plenary Address "Nanomedicine and Biomimetics: Life Sciences meet Engineering & Physics" 2nd International Symposium on TriboCorrosion, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    298. March 18-20, 2009: 3rd Vienna International Conference on Nanotechnology - Viennano09, Member of the Scientific Committee, Session Chair & Panel Discussion Leader. Vienna and Wiener Neustadt
    299. March 20, 2009: Seminar Lecture "Scanning Probe Microscopy across Dimensions", Institute for Sensor and Actuator Systems, Department for Microsystems Technology, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
    300. March 24-26, 2009: Visit to National University of Singapore and Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, Singapore
    301. May 4-5, 2009: National Tribology Conference, Rimba Ilmu (Forest of Knowledge), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    302. May 15, 2009: Seminar Lecture "Structural colours in biology and how these natural micro - and nanostructures inspire technological innovations", Tropical Forest Biodiversity Centre Meeting Room, Forest research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, Malaysia
    303. May 19, 2009: Seminar Lecture "Structural colours meeting and how natural micro and nanostructures inspire current nanotechnology", Bilik Mesyuarat Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia
    304. July 1-3, 2009: Invited lecture "Geckoes, white blood cells and diatoms - how biology inspires novel dry, switchable and self-healing adhesives", ADHESINT Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    305. July 6, 2009: Seminar Lecture "Structural colours in biology and how these natural micro - and nanostructures inspire technological innovations", Institute of Nanostructured Materials and Photonics, Weiz, Austria
    306. August 18-19, 2009: Joint Seminar on Nanotechnology between IMEN-UKM and PPET-LIPI (Research Center for Electronics and Telecommunication - Indonesian Institutes of Sciences), Invited Lecture, Bali
    307. September 18-24, 2009: Keynote Presentation "Biomimetics", 5th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology `09, Milowka, Poland
    308. September 24, 2009: Rapporteur, NanoTrust, Risk Governance and Technology Assessment Nanotechnologies - (Unwanted) Health Aspects of Nanomaterials, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
    309. September 23-27, 2009: Plenary Speaker "Learning from Diatoms: Biomimetic Approaches" 20th North American Diatom Symposium, Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, USA
    310. October 7-8, 2009: Plenary Address "Biomimetics", 34th Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (MSBMB) & 3rd ASEAN Biochemistry Conference, Prince Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Highlighted in the Malaysian Journal for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 17(2), 2009 Article-PDF
    311. October 24, 2009: Plenary Address "Structural colors in biology and how these natural micro- and nano structures inspires current nanotechnology", International Seminar on Science and Technology 2009 ISST 2009 "The role of sciences and technology to improve the quality of life", Bukittinggi, Indonesia
    312. October 27-29, 2009: Nanotech Malaysia 2009, Plenary Address "Biomimetics", Member of the Scientific Committee, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    313. October 27-29, 2009: Nanotech Malaysia 2009, Lecture "Nanomedicine: possible early diagnostics of leukemia via atomic force microscopy of red blood cells", Member of the Scientific Committee, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    314. October 29, 2009: International Minisymposium "Nanotechnology in Health and Medicine", Invited Lecture "Nanomedicine: possible early diagnostics of leukemia via atomic force microscopy of red blood cells", organised by UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute (UMBI), UKM Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    315. November 12-14, 2009: International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Application, Invited Lecture "Nanomedicine and Biomimetic Nanotechnology - Concepts and Applications", Vung Tau, Viet Nam
    316. November 16-21, 2009: Ekspedisi Saintifik Lata Jarum 2009 (ESLJ 2009). Lectures "Biomimetics and Nanomedicine - Concepts and Applications" and "The Rainforest as our Nanotechnology Lab: Biomimetics of the Reflective Properties of the Eyes of Night-Active Spiders"
    317. December 8, 2009: Governance for Sustainable Development, Round Table Dialogue, LESTARI, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
    318. December 30, 2009: Workshop "BioMEMS and Biomimetics", Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaBack to Start
    319. 2008

    320. February 12, 2008: Editorial board Meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    321. March 6-7, 2008: Invited lecture "Structural colours in biology and how these natural micro- and nanostructures inspire current technology", EU FP6 Network WIN, Final European Workshop, Dresden, Germany
    322. March 26-28, 2008: Invited lecture "Geckoes, white blood cells and diatoms - how biology inspires novel dry, switchable and self-healing adhesives", The Second Leverhulme Trust Workshop on "Adhesive interactions between particles and surfaces at micro and nano-scales", University of Seville, Sevilla, Spain
    323. April 10-17, 2008: Costa Rica Design Workshop. Click here for an article about this course that appeared in the Oct. 2008 issue of Popular Mechanics.
    324. May 13-14, 2008: WEMESURF Network Meeting, Fraunhofer Institut f. Umwelt-, Sicherheits-, Energietechnik UMSICHT and NanoFocus AG, Oberhausen, Germany
    325. May 15, 2008: Workshop on Optical Surface Characterisation, Nanofocus AG, Oberhausen, Germany
    326. Mai 18-20, 2008: 2nd ITS LEIF Summer School, Da Balaea Club Mediteranne, Portugal
    327. Mai 20-24, 2008: 3rd Annual ITS LEIF Meeting, Da Balaea Club Mediteranne, Portugal
    328. July 14-21, 2008: XV Escuela internacioal de verano en ciencia y technologia de materiales, Guest professor with lecture series "Surface nanoanalytics in physics, biology and tribology", Universidad de la Habana, Cuba
    329. August 20-23, 2008: Technology talks @ European Forum Alpbach 2008 (Technologiegespraeche @ Europäisches Forum Alpbach), Wahrnehmung und Entscheidung, Alpbach/Tirol
    330. August 25 - September 5, 2008: WEMESURF Summer School. Member of the Scientific Committee. Invited lecture "Networking implications for young researchers", Reichenau, Wien and Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    331. September 7-13, 2008: 20th International Diatom Symposium, Dubrovnik, Croatia
    332. September 17-18, 2008: Invited lecture "Bacilli, green algae, diatoms and red blood cells - how biology inspires novel materials in nanoarchitectural applications", Fall 2008 Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
    333. September 22-23, 2008: Invited Speaker Tribo-Talk "Nanotechnologie und Tribologie - eine neue Dimension" @ Tribologie Fachtagung 2008 mit internationaler Beteiligung der Deutschen Tribologischen Gesellschaft, Goettingen, Germany
    334. September 24, 2008: Editorial board meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    335. September 25, 2008: Invited Lecture "TU BIONIK universitaetsweites Kooperationszentrum Bionik/Biomimetics" Fachtagung "Bionik - An der Schnittstelle zwischen Biologie und Technik. BiologInnen und TechnikerInnen schauen sich ueber die Schulter". Tiergarten Schoenbrunn, Wien. Universum - Das schönste Magazin Österreichs 9/2008, Universum Spezial, p. 13 and 15. Universum Spezial 9/2008 (pdf)
    336. October 2, 2008: Seminar talk "Biotribology on the micrometer scale: hinges and interlocking devices in diatoms", Institute of Limnology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Mondsee, Austria
    337. October 14, 2008: Invited Workshop "Strukturfarben in der Biologie - eine Inspirationsquelle erster Qualität für neue technische Entwicklungen" and Panel Discussion Member on "Role models and perspectives of women in technology". GenderWorkshop-08, FH Technikum Wien, "Rollenbilder und Perspektiven in der Technik", Fachhochschule Technikum Wien
    338. October 23-24, 2008: 9th Vienna Globalization Symposium, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Austria
    339. October 30, 2008: Lecture "The biomimetic project BioScreen" @ 1st TU BIONIK Workshop, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
    340. November 13, 2008: Panel Discussion Member, HTU Panel Discussion Series "Technik hoch Management" ("Technology to the power of Management"), event "Was bringt die TU fürs Leben?" ("The advantage of TU Wien for YOUR life)", 18:30, Prechtlsaal, TU Wien, Austria
    341. November 14-16, 2008: Lectures "Structural colours", "Reflected light microscopy" and "Scanning probe microscopy across dimensions", European City of Science, Paris, France.
    342. November 14-16, Paris, France
    343. November 17, 2008: Plenary Address "Scanning Probe Microscopy across Dimensions", Junior Scientist Conference 2008, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
    344. November 18, 2008: Invited Speaker Panel Discussion on "Trends and Role Models". Dr. Franz Slawik-Symposium "Gegen Vorurteile", Schwechat, Austria
    345. November 19, 2008: Invited Speaker "Science and art: Genderaspekte der naturwissenschaftlichen und kuenstlerischen Untersuchungen komplexer biogener Glasstrukturen (Kieselalgen). Die Kieselalge - Das Objekt der Begierde", Kunst - Forschung - Geschlecht, Eine Vortragsreihe der Koordinationsstelle für Genderfragen und Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen der Universitaet für angewandte Kunst Wien. announcement (in German)
    346. November 19, 2008: Presentations "Atomic Force Microscopy als universelle Technik zur Charakterisierung nanopartikulaerer Arzneistofftraeger und deren zellulaerer Targets" and "Microfluidic simulation of a colonial diatom chain reveals pumping behaviour", 3. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Vienna, Austria
    347. November 21, 2008: Panel Discussion Member, "Science Lounge - Das Gottes-Teilchen. Wenn die Naturwissenschaft die Antworten liefert, brauchen wir dann noch Religion?", Podiumsdiskussion @ Internationale Fachtagung SciCom - Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Wissenschaftskommunikation (International Meeting "SciCom - Opportunities and Limits of Science Communication", Vienna, Austria. Presseaussendung davor, Presseinformation danach Back to Start
    348. 2007

    349. January 17, 2007: Plenary Address "Science & Industry: Cooperation aspects", Second European Nanotechnology Partnering Day "Cooperation: Nano 07", Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    350. January 18, 2007: invited guest at the seminar Frauen und Physik, Kleiner Seminarraum des Instituts für Theoretische Physik, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Wien, 5. Stock
    351. February 20, 2007: Editorial board meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    352. March 13-14, 2007: WEMESURF Network meeting 2, TU Wien. Organizer and Member of the Scientific Committee.
    353. March 14-16, 2007: 2nd Vienna International Conference Micro- and Nanotechnology - Viennano07, Vienna and Wiener Neustadt. Member of the scientific committee, Plenary Address "Social, health and ethical implications of nanotechnology", Session Chair "Bio Nano - Technology 2" and "Bio Nano - Technology 3"
    354. March 26-30, 2007: DPG Regensburg, Meeting of the German Physics Association, Regensburg, Germany
    355. April 26-29, 2007: Visit to Dr. Paul Zaslansky, Max-Planck Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflaechenforschung, Potsdam, Germany. Lecture "Natural MEMS, glassy rubberbands and self-healing adhesives - a glance at diatoms, and what they can teach us"
    356. April 30 - May 7, 2007: 2nd Annual Meeting ITS LEIF, Poster "Substrate surface preparation by low energy ion impact: Setting the stage for molecular pinning of biomolecules.", Heraklion, Crete
    357. May 10, 2007: Seminar lecture at the Institute of Biophysics and Nanosystems Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz, Austria, invitation by director P. Laggner
    358. June 12-15, 2007: WEMESURF Network Meeting 3 & ECOTRIB Joint European Conference on Tribology and Final Conference of COST 532 action: Triboscience and Tribotechnology, lecture "Isomer specific tribological behaviour of hydroxyquinolines", Ljubljana, Slovenia
    359. July 14-21, 2007: 1st International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life", Hamburg, Germany, lecture "Bionanotechnology - challenges and opportunities", Member of the Scientific Committee.
    360. August 23-25, 2007: Invited lecture "Algen machen Glas und Bakterien erzeugen Magnete. Was die Materialwissenschaft von der Natur alles lernen kann" (Algae make glass and bacteria produce magnets. What materials science can learn from nature), Technology talks @ European Forum Alpbach 2007 (Technologiegespraeche @ Europäisches Forum Alpbach), Emergence - Die Entstehung von Neuem, Arbeitskreis 07: Design by Nature - Der Beitrag der Natur zum industriellen Fortschritt, Alpbach/Tirol. Click here for a german synopsis of the working committees. film
    361. September 3-7, 2007: Invited lecture "Structural colours in biology" at the ISCOM07, International school and conference on optics and optical materials, Belgrade, Serbia,
    362. September 10-14, 2007: YUCOMAT 2007, 9th annual conference of the Yugoslav Materials Society, Herceg Novi, Montenegro
    363. September 19, 2007: Hochaufloesende Oberflaechen-Analytik in Nanometerbereich, Wirtschaftskammer Wien
    364. September 25, 2007: Editorial board meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    365. October 18-19, 2007: Invited lectures "Nanosciences at surfaces" and "Networking implications for women in nanosciences and nanotechnologies", EU FP6 Network "Women in nano" Workshop on Nanomaterials and Gender Aspects in Research and Technology, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden
    366. December 6-7, 2007: WEMESURF Network Meeting 5, Imperial college, London, UK Back to Start
    367. 2006

    368. January 10-13, 2006: NanoSingapore 2006: IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies - Nanoelectronics, lecture "Nanostructuring surfaces with slow multiply-charged ions" and poster "Biotribological model systems for emerging nanometer scale technologies", Singapore
    369. February 3-6, 2006: VIII. Annual Linz Winter Workshop "Advances in single-molecule research for biology & nanoscience", lecture "UHV and ambient AFM investigations of surfaces nanostructured with slow singly- and multiply-charged ions", Linz, Austria
    370. February 7, 2006: Editorial board meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    371. March 17, 2006: Seminar lecture "Rastersondenmikroskopie: von lebenden Zellen zu einzelnen Elektronenspins" at E164 - Institut für Chemische Technologien und Analytik, Seminar series "Analytical Chemistry", G. Friedbacher, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
    372. March 23-26, 2006: 20. Treffen der deutschsprachigen Diatomologen mit internationaler Beteiligung, lecture "Diatoms and Tribology - Asking new questions" and poster "Biotribological model systems for emerging nanometer scale technologies", Trebon, Southern Bohemia
    373. May 2-4, 2006: Visit to G. Cailletaud, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, France (financed by OEAD Amadee Project 5/2005 "Grain scale investigations into fretting contacts")
    374. May 7-9, 2006: Visit to Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mechatronics, Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics, Z. Rymuza. Seminar series of the Division of Design of Precise Devices Seminar lecture "Biology for nanotechnologists" and guest professorship teaching "Biology for nanotechnology students" in the lecture course "Micromechatronics" for 3rd year students, Warsaw, Poland
    375. May 11-12, 2006: 1. Österreichisches Nanoanalytik-Symposium: Nanoanalytik in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft - Angebot, Bedarf und Problemloesungskompetenz, lecture "Nanoanalytische Methoden am Institut für Allgemeine Physik der Technischen Universitaet Wien", Grundlsee, Austria
    376. May 28 - June 2, 2006: ICCS 2006 International Conference on Clusters at Surfaces, Rostock - Warnemuende, Germany
    377. July 2-6, 2006: IIWE International Institute for Women in Engineering, Plenary Address "Networking implications for women in engineering", EPF, Sceaux, France
    378. July 7-12, 2006: 1st Annual Meeting ITS LEIF, lecture "AFM investigations of sticking properties of biomolecules on substrates", Sandbjerg, Denmark
    379. September 4-8, 2006: YUCOMAT 2006, 8th annual conference of the Yugoslav Materials Society, lecture "Biophysics of green algae: Euglena gracilis investigated by atomic force microscopy", Herceg Novi, Serbia and Montenegro
    380. September 17-20, 2006: nanomesh Workshop, Braunwald, Switzerland
    381. September 26, 2006: Editorial board meeting, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., London, UK
    382. October 8-10, 2006: 3. Berichtskolloquium des Schwerpunktprogramms 1117 der Deutschen Forschungs-Gemeinschaft "Prinzipien der Biomineralisation", Plenary Address "Tribology of biomineralised structures", Bad Honnef, Germany
    383. October 16, 2006: Austrian-Russian Science Day: Bilateral Meeting on Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, Invited lecture "Nanoanalytical and nano(bio)technological research projects at Institut für Allgemeine Physik, Vienna University of Technology.", Russian Culture Center, Vienna, Austria
    384. October 19-20, 2006: innano advances in nano-biotechnology, lecture "Atomic force microscopy investigation of Euglena gracilis, the producer of a highly efficient monocrystalline photodetector, Congress Innsbruck, Austria
    385. November 26-28, 2006: Visit to CNR Pisa, Istituto di Biofisica, Seminar lecture "From red blood cells to green algae: biophysics performed with the atomic force microscope (AFM)", Pisa, ItalyBack to Start
    386. 2005

    387. March 9-11, 2005: 1st Vienna International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Technology, lecture "Biotribology at the Micro- and Nanoscale as Exemplified by Diatoms", Vienna, Austria
    388. July 3-6, 2005: IIWE International Institute for Women in Engineering, Paris, Plenary Address Networking implications for women in engineering, EPF, Sceaux, France
    389. August 24-27, 2005: Alpbach Technology Forum 2005 (Technologiegespraeche Forum Alpbach), Alpbach/Tirol
    390. September 5-7, 2005: 4th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology'05, Karwica, Poland, Keynote Presentation "Tribology in biology"
    391. September 6-9, 2005: 32nd Leeds-Lyon Symposium, Lyon, France. Lecture "Development of an atomic force microscope closed fluid cell for tribological investigations of large samples in volatile environments".
    392. September 10-13, 2005: Visit to G. Cailletaud, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, France (financed by OEAD Amadee Project 5/2005 "Grain scale investigations into fretting contacts")
    393. September 25-30, 2005: ECASIA-05 11th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Vienna, Austria. Member of the scientific committee, Session Chair "Biomaterials"
    394. December 14-16, 2005: Visit to M. Priest, Mechanical Engineering department, University of Leeds. Seminar lecture "Biotribological model systems for emerging micro- and nano-scale technologies - switchable adhesives and glassy rubber bands"Back to Start
    395. 2004

    396. April 22-24, 2004: Bionik 2004 International Industrial Conference, lecture "Surfaces in relative motion: Bionanotribological investigations", Hannover, Germany
    397. June 1-2, 2004: Visit to Alfred Wegener Institute Bermerhaven, R.M. Crawford and R. Gordon
    398. September 7-10, 2004: 31st Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology: Life Cycle Tribology, lecture, Leeds, United Kingdom
    399. September 11-23, 2004: NATO ASI "From cells to proteins: Imaging nature across dimensions", invited lecture "Scanning Probe Microscopy: From cells to single atoms and beneath", Pisa, ItalyBack to Start
    400. 2003

    401. January 1, 2003: Senior Researcher @ AC2T (Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology) Research GesmbH, Wiener Neustadt
    402. June 1-3, 2002: TRIMIS2003 meeting (Tribology in Microsystems), poster, Neuchatel, Switzerland
    403. June 8 - July 5, 2003: Research scholar @ the CSSS03 (Complex Systems Summer School 2003), Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, USA. Lecture "Does complexity always increase during major evolutionary transitions ?"
    404. June 27-29, 2003: Visit to Paul Hansma's lab, Physics Department, University of California Santa Barbara. Lecture "On complexity".
    405. July 14-27, 2003: Guest attendant (thank you, Profs. Sigmund and Stadler !) @ the Vienna Summer University 2003 SWC Scientific World Conceptions "Biological and Cosmological Evolution"
    406. November 26-28, 2003: Visit to Alfred Wegener Institute Bermerhaven, R.M. Crawford. Seminar lecture "AFM of living diatoms in ambient conditions", Bremerhaven, GermanyBack to Start
    407. 2002

    408. February 2002: Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco, California, USA and research stay at Paul Hansma's lab, Physics Department, University of California Santa Barbara
    409. March 22, 2002: Visit to and seminar Reisen in den Nanokosmos - Physik und Biologie im kleinsten Rahmen at Institut für Nanostrukturierte Materialien und Photonik (Prof. Leising), Joanneum Research, Weiz. Lecture "Reisen in den Nanokosmos - Physik und Biologie im kleinsten Rahmen"
    410. April 11-13, 2002: Bionanotechnology Meeting @ Oxford University, UK, Invited lecture "Naturally nanostructured biomaterials"
    411. June 1-6, 2002: EURESCO Cluster-Surface Interactions: EuroConference on Functional Clusters, Granada, Spain
    412. June 24 - July 4, 2002: NATO ASI "Molecular Electronics: Bio-sensor and Bio-computer", Pisa, Italy
    413. June 30 - July 21, 2002: Telluride Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering, Telluride CO 81435, Colorado, USA. (Poster "Tools in the Nanokosmos" and Discussion Group "What is life?") Abstracts-PDF
    414. September 1-6, 2002: HCI-2002 11th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Caen, France
    415. October 1, 2002: Universitaetsassistentin (equivalent to assistant professor in the US) appointment @ VTU Wien, Institut für Allgemeine Physik
    416. November 29, 2002: Visit to L'Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata (INOA) in Firenze, Italia. Seminar "A journey into the nanocosmos - physics and biology on the molecular scale".Back to Start
    417. 2001

    418. January 23 - 27, 2001: Visit to and seminar lecture "UHV AFM/STM investigations of ion-induced nanodefect formation" at Institut für Angewandte Physik and the Center of Competence Nanoanalytics, R. Wiesendanger, Hamburg, Germany
    419. March 31 - April 2, 2001: Visit to and seminar lecture "Real-time investigation of single biomolecule interactions performed with anatomic force microscope designed for small cantilevers" at the Istituto di Biofisica del C.N.R., Pisa, Italy
    420. April 28 - Mai 2, 2001: Visit to and seminar lectures at the Istituto di Biofisica (C. Ascoli) del C.N.R. ("AFM study of living diatoms in ambient conditions") and the Sezione di Fisiologia del Dipartimento di Fisiologia e Biochimica "Giuseppe Moruzzi" (M. Pellegrino) della Università di Pisa ("Probing protein-protein interactions in real time"), Pisa,Italy
    421. May 14, 2001: Visit to and seminar lecture "Expeditionen in den Nanokosmos - Methoden und Anwendungen der Rastersondenmikroskopie" at Institut für Experimentalphysik, Arbeitsbereich Quantenexperimente und die Grundlagen der Physik, A. Zeilinger, Universitaet Wien, Austria
    422. July 13, 2001: "Einzelmolekueluntersuchungen an Reparaturproteinen mit dem Rasterkraftmikroskop", Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars "Theoretische Biochemie", Institut für Theoretische Chemie und Molekulare Strukturbiologie, Universitaet Wien
    423. July 23-27, 2001: Electron Crystallography School 2001: Electron Crystallography and Cryo-Electron Microscopy on Inorganic Materials and Organic and Biological Molecules, UPC Barcelona, Spain
    424. July 29 - August 3, 2001: ICACS-19 19th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Paris, France
    425. September 11-16, 2001: EURESCO Particle-Solid Interactions: EuroConference on the Deposition of Atoms, Ions and Clusters at Surfaces, San Sebastian, Spain
    426. September 17-21, 2001: 51. Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft @ Technische Universitaet Wien. Lecture "Untersuchung der Potentialzerstaeubung von Oberflaechen durch einzelne Ionen mittels UHV-AFM/STM"
    427. December 4, 2001: Seminar lecture "On Chirality", Institut für Theoretische Physik, TU WienBack to Start
    428. 2000

    429. February 2k: 44th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, lecture "Adhesives made by benthic diatoms studied by in vivo Atomic Force Microscopy" and research stay at Paul Hansma's lab, Physics Department, University of California Santa Barbara, Seminar Lecture "Nanostructuring with slow highly charged ions"
    430. Mai 17, 2k: Visit to and seminar lecture "In vivo AFM of natural adhesives of benthic diatoms", Institute for Biophysics, University Linz, Austria
    431. Mai 28-31, 2k: Heidelberg2000: Scanning Probe Microscopy, Cantilever Sensors and Nanostructures
    432. July 16-19, 2k: Third International Conference on Non-Contact Atomic Force Microscopy (NC-AFM 2000), Hamburg
    433. September 16-19, 2k: 3rd Euroconference-'Nanoscience for Nanotechnology', Oxford University, UK. Lecture "In vivo nanoscale investigation of diatom adhesive and structural properties"
    434. September 25-29, 2k: 50. Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft Karl-Franzens Universitaet Graz. Lecture "Biomineralization and biomimetics - key technologies of the 21st century"
    435. November 2k: Research stay at Physics Department, University of California Santa BarbaraBack to Start
    436. 1999

    437. February 13-17, 1999: 43rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Lecture "Computational model for the physical limit of signal transduction in inner hair cells"
    438. February 22 - April 15, 1999: Research stay at Paul Hansma's lab, Physics Department, University of California Santa Barbara. Lecture "Computational model for the physical limit of signal transduction in inner hair cells"
    439. April 20-22, 1999: Meeting of The Physiological Society, University College London. Lecture "Stochastic resonance due to inner hair cell endogenous noise in the mechano-electric transduction of very weak tones - a modelling study for several frequencies"
    440. May 30 - June 1, 1999: Meeting Seattle'99: Scanning Probe Microscopy, Cantilever Sensors and Nanostructures
    441. 1999: PostDoc at Paul Hansma's lab, Physics Department,University of California Santa Barbara
    442. August 27-29, 1999: 1st International Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy of Polymers, University of California Santa Barbara
    443. September 22-25, 1999: 15th North American Diatom Symposium, Pingree Park Campus, Colorado State University. Lecture "Atomic force microscopy of diatoms in vivo"
    444. October 2, 1999: 5th California Microscopy Colloquium, San Francisco State University
    445. October 15 -17, 1999: Seventh Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology, Santa Clara, CaliforniaBack to Start
    446. 1998

    447. February 1998: Two weeks research stay with Dr. Fernán Jaramillo, Department of Physiology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA. Seminar lectures "Cochlear nerve spontaneous activity supports the detection of low level acoustic signals" and "Modelled human hearing threshold curve"
    448. February 1998: Visit to Prof. L.J. Defelice, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nasville, USA. Seminar lectures "Cochlear nerve spontaneous activity supports the detection of low level acoustic signals" and "Modelled human hearing threshold curve"
    449. February 1998: Organizer of the TU-BioMed Minisymposium 1998 "Brain Modelling"(TU Wien, Vienna). Lecture "Stochastic resonance in the inner ear: the effects of endogenious transduction channel noise and stereociliary thermal motions on the human hearing threshold in various frequency bands"
    450. 1998: Research project "TU-BioMed - Coordination Model for Biomedical Research and Teaching regarding the specific framework given by the European Union" (sponsored by the Austrian Ministry of Science)
    451. May 5-9, 1998: Member of the Scientific Committee and Organizer of the First International Conference on Stochastic Resonance in Biological Systems, lecture "The influence of stochasticity on the human threshold of hearing", Arcidosso (Tuscany), Italy
    452. May/June 1998: Invitation to Helsinki by Academy professor Risto Naeaetaenen (BioMag Laboratory, Cognitive Brain Research Unit at the Department of Psychology of the University of Helsinki). Seminar Lecture "Modeling the human hearing threshold curve for pure tones: the effects of stereociliary Brownian motion, endogenious transduction channel noise, stochasticity in neurotransmitter release and innervation density in various frequency bands"
    453. July 1-12, 1998: NATO Advanced Study Institute Computational Hearing, Il Ciocco (Tuscany), Italy
    454. August 29 - September 1, 1998: 35th Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, University Hospital of Innsbruck, Austria. Lecture "Modelled human hearing threshold curve"
    455. September 14 and 15, 1998: British Society of Audiology short papers meeting on Experimental Studies of Hearing and Deafness, University College London, (invitation by E.F. Evans, Department of Communication and Neuroscience, Keele University). Seminar Lecture "Cochlear nerve spontaneous activity supports the detection of low level acoustic signals"
    456. September 17 and 18, 1998: Visit to the Department of Communication and Neuroscience, Keele University, United Kingdom. Seminar Lecture "Modelled human hearing threshold curve"
    457. October 2-10, 1998: Visit to S. Greenberg from the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Seminar Leture "The influence of stochasticity on the human threshold of hearing". Seminar Lecture "Stochastic and Deterministic Influences on the Peripheral Coding of Auditory Signals" at the U.C. Berkeley's "Ear Club", seminar lecture "Deterministic and Stochastic Coding of Auditory Signals" at Stanford University Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) .
    458. October 16-18, 1998: Invitation to Helsinki to the First International Workshop on Mismatch Negativity and its Clinical Applications, Finland
    459. 1998: Organizer of and lecturer in the module Technisch-naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen (Technological and Scientific Basics) (module 1 of the Postgraduate University Course "Anwenderorientierte Biomedizin" (User-orientated Biomedicine), Donau Universitaet Krems)
    460. November 1998: PhD in Technical Physics (external examiner: Prof. Jonathan Ashmore, FRS, University College London; obtained first class honors)
    461. December 9-11, 1998: Scuola Avanzata SIME, Microscopie a Scansione di Sonda, Florence, ItalyBack to Start
    462. 1997

    463. May 1997: International School of Biophysics: Chaos and Noise in Biology and Medicine, Ischia, Italy. Lecture "Brownian motion and the ability to detect weak auditory signals"
    464. May 1997: Research Visit to Istituto di Biofisica del C.N.R. (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), Pisa, Italy. Seminar Lecture "Modeling the kinetics in the auditory receptor cell using equivalent electric circuits"
    465. September 7 - October 3, 1997: Crete Course in Computational Neuroscience, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FO.R.T.H.), Heraklion, Greece. Lecture "Brownian motion and the ability to detect weak auditory signals"
    466. September 1-5, 1997: Meeting of The Physiological Society, University of Bristol, United Kingdom. Lecture "Computational demonstration that Brownian motion of inner hair cells stereocilia may enhance the ability to detect low level auditory tones from auditory nerve spiking patterns"
    467. October 1997: Patch clamp course with Y. Maruyama at the Department of Pathology, General Hospital Vienna, AustriaBack to Start
    468. 1996

    469. September 4-7, 1996: Joint Annual Meeting of the German, the Austrian and the Swiss Associations of Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zuerich, lecture "Brownian motion enhances the ability to detect low level auditory signals", winner of the first prize in the students competition


    1. November 2001: Ariau Amazon Towers Rainforest Lodge, Amazon, Brazil. Privately organized. Project: "Getting to know the jungle"
    2. April 10-17, 2008: Uvita, Costa Rica. Design Workshop. Organized by the Biomimicy Guild, Montana, USA. Project: "Applied Biomimetics: Low-Noise Aircraft Design"
    3. June 21, 2009: Field trip to Dato' Henry Barlow, Genting Tea Estate, Genting Sempah, Pahang, Malaysia. Project: "Structural colours in moths, plants and butterflies"
    4. August 26-31, 2009: Scientific Expedition to Danum Valley Conservation Area (DVCA), the Borneo Rainforest Lodge and Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia. Organized by the Malaysian Nature Society (Alex Foong). Danum Valley covers 43.800 hectares and comprises almost entirely lowland dipterocarp forest. DVCA represents the largest expanse of pristine forest of this type remaining in Sabah. Project: "Application of the Biomimicry Innovation Method in Borneo"
    5. November 16-21, 2009: Ekspedisi Saintifik Lata Jarum 2009 (ESLJ 2009), organized by Prof. Jumaat Adam (UKM), Pahang, Malaysia. Project: "Biomimetic studies of the reflective properties of the eyes of night-active spiders" Chapter_for_coffee_table_book-PDF
    6. January 23, 2010: Field trip to the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM). Course "Bascis of Nature Guiding", FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia. Organized by the Malaysian Nature Society (Pasupathy Jayaraj).
    7. February 5-7, 2010: Mini Ekspedisi Saintifik Bukit Fraser (Fraser Hill), Malaysia, organized by Profs. Jumaat Adam and Ille C. Gebeshuber (UKM). Project: "Tarantulas, biomimetics and the tropical rainforest - an introduction" Report_Bukit_Fraser_2010.pdf
    8. July 9-11, 2010: Santubong Peninsula, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia
    9. August 6-8, 2010: Endau Rompin National Park, Peninsular Malaysia
    10. September 26-28, 2010: Semban (the village above the clouds; 6 hours away from the nearest dirt road), Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia. Semban is a Bidayuh village in the Bungo Range located about 42km from Kuching, Sarawak. Though Semban is spared, its road access will be underwater together with the three other Bidayuh villages (Kampung Bojong, Kampung Rejoi & Kampung Sait), rich flora and fauna will disappear along with the history of the community to make way for the controversial water reservoir project known as Bengoh Dam which is to be completed in 2011. The Bengoh Dam will cover approximately 127sq km or one quarter of the Sarawak Kiri River water catchment area.
    11. November 13-14, 2010: Tanjung Piai, Johor National Park, Johor, Malaysia
    12. November 17-19, 2010: Kampung Sukau, Kinabatangan Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, Malaysia
    13. November 21-24, 2010: Lata Jarum, Pahang, Malaysia
    14. March 12-13, 2011: Tanjung Tuan, Melacca, Malaysia
    15. March 25-28, 2011: Khao Sok National Park, Thailand (report on amazing wildlife seen there: link - with my photo of the deer with eyebrows, cheers, Dick Sandler!!)
    16. July 23-24, 2011: Taman Alam Liar Negeri (Lata Kijang), Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
    17. August/September 2011: Maliau Basin, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, Malaysia
    18. September 26-October 2, 2011: Canoeing the Baram River (September 27 - October 1, 2011) and Historic Baram Regatta (October 1-2, 2011) , Upper Baram, Sarawak. The Baram is Malaysia's second longest river. The canoe expedition began on the 27th from the navigable parts of the upper Baram to the South China Sea. On the way we stoped and stayed at Penan settlements and Kenyah and Kayan longhouses. We visited one of the last animist longhouses and visited their spirit house and and participated in their music, songs and dances, in the longhouses where they were created. This was an opportunity to discuss the impact of the proposed Baram Dam with the local communities. The Baram is due to be dammed soon and many of the cultural sites and longhouses will be abandoned. The problems of the Bakun Dam have shown that the concerns of local communities and NGOs are very real and the promises of the dam projects problematic at best. The people will either drift to the towns or end up in poorly designed concrete settlements in logged areas where their culture will disappear or exist as a shadow of itself devoid of soul and meaning in a tourist show. In a few years an expedition like this will no longer be possible. Click here for an article by Leong Hon Yuen on our tour in The Star from Dec. 10, 2011.
    19. March 5-11 & 16-24, 2012: Cuban National Parks: Selection of Alejandro de Humboldt National Park (UNESCO), Caguanes National Park, Cuchillas del Toa, Desembarco del Granma National Park (UNESCO), Guanahacabibes peninsula, Jardines de la Reina, Sierra Cristal National Park, Sierra del Rosario, Turquino (or Sierra Maestra) National Park and Viñales Valley.
    20. June 15-17, 2012: Ulu Muda Field Research Centre, Kedah, Malaysia
    21. August 19-20, 2012: Kuala Selangor Nature Park & Sekinchan, Malaysia
    22. August 25-26, 2012: Tasik Bera, Pahang, Malaysia
    23. October 13, 2012: Field trip to the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM)
    24. November 17, 2012: Templer's Park Forest Reserve, Selangor, Malaysia
    25. January 24-27, 2013: Taman Negara, Malaysia
    26. February 1-4, 2013: Mabul Island, Semporna, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, Malaysia
    27. April 11-18, 2013: Whirinaki rainforest and Waitakere Ranges, New Zealand (with Peter Goldsbury)
    28. May 8-11, 2013: Kinabalu Park, UNESCO World Heritage site, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, Malaysia
    29. November 17-20, 2013: North Borneo (Kawang, Kinarut, Papar, Putatan, Tanjung Aru), Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, Malaysia
    30. January 27-29, 2014: Ulu Muda Field Research Centre, Kedah, Malaysia
    31. April 25-29, 2014: Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater, Java, Indonesia
    32. May 9-11, 2014: Bukit Fraser (Fraser Hill), Malaysia, organized by MNS Bird Group
    33. September 29-30, 2014: Bukit Fraser (Fraser Hill), Malaysia, research for FRGS project and biomimetic jungle walk with Mechanical Engineering Professor
    34. October 16-21, 2014: Bukit Fraser (Fraser Hill), Malaysia, organized by FST, UKM (Expedisi Saintifik Koridor Raub-Bukit Fraser 2014)
    35. May 23-26, 2015: Taman Negara National Park & Kuala Tahan National Park, Pahang, Malaysia
    36. July 17-20, 2015: Batang Ai Longhouse & surrounding rainforest, Sarawak, Malaysia
    37. July 30 - August 2, 2015: Krakatoa & Living Bridges, incl. Biomimetic Jungle Expedition, Java, Indonesia. Organised by John Chan (main trip) and Ille C. Gebeshuber (biomimetic jungle trip).
    38. June 10 - 13, 2017: Bako National Park, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, incl. Biomimetic Jungle Expedition. Organised by John Cumbers (main trip) and Ille C. Gebeshuber (biomimetic jungle trip).
    39. September 16, 2019: Bukit Fraser (Fraser Hill), Malaysia
    40. September 18 - 21, 2019: Sarawak Biodiversity Center Nature Trail & Night Walk in Permai, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo.
    41. Back to Start

    Plenary Addresses, Keynote Presentations and Invited Lectures

    1. 6th Indo Austrian Symposium on Materials Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India. Co-Chair (12-13 December 2024)
    2. 2nd Indo European Symposium on Surface Engineering, Ranchi, India. Keynote Presentation "Biomimetic Approaches and Engineered Living Materials (ELMs) in Surface Engineering: Utilizing Common, Biodegradable Materials for Functional Structures" (December 11-12, 2024)
    3. 6th International Conference on Tribo-Corrosion, IIT Delhi, India. Invited Lecture "Nature's Engineering: Diatoms as Model Systems for Advanced MEMS Tribology and Corrosion Resistance" (December 10-11, 2024)
    4. Tag der Linzer Hochschulen 2024, Linz, Austria. Evening Lecture Abendvortrag "Was können wir von der Natur lernen? Neue wissenschaftliche Wege in eine nachhaltige Zukunft" (November 12, 2024)
    5. 2nd Smart Surface Summit, TFZ Wiener Neustadt, Austria Keynote "Engineered Living Materials" (October 17, 2024)
    6. Forum International Neural Therapy & Functional Myodiagnosis 2024 "Methods to Explore and Treat Unspecific Conditions", organized by the Österreichische Medizinische Gesellschaft für Neuraltherapie und Regulationsforschung, Vienna, Austria. Plenary Address "The Unspecific from the Perspective of Physics" (4-6 October 2024)
    7. futureEDUCATIONaward, Rathaus, Wien. Keynote (September 13, 2024)
    8. Forum St. Stephan 2024 "Evolution im Anthropozän", Schloss Seggau, Seggauberg, Austria, Invited Impulse "Was mich interessiert am Anthropozän: Wachstum und Verfall - Ein neues Konzept für die Materialwissenschaften" (5-11 August 2024)
    9. 18th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XVIII: Verfall", Graz, Austria. Plenary Address "Wachstum und Verfall: Ein neues Paradigma in den Materialwissenschaften" (June 7-9, 2024)
    10. 22nd IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability TECIS 2024, South East Technological University, Waterford, Ireland. Invited Lecture "Beyond Boundaries: Harnessing Unique Intellectual Abilities through Inclusive Engineering Education" (May 29-31, 2024)
    11. 22nd IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability TECIS 2024, South East Technological University, Waterford, Ireland. Invited Lecture "Interdisciplinary Approaches in Engineering Education: Preparing Young Minds for Complex Challenges" (May 29-31, 2024)
    12. 22nd IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability TECIS 2024, South East Technological University, Waterford, Ireland. Invited Lecture "Innovations and Challenges in Engineering Education for the Future: Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" (May 29-31, 2024)
    13. 1st International Online Conference on Biomimetics IOCB 2024, online. Organized by the scientific journal Biomimetics. Invited Lecture "Bioinspired Growth and Decay - A New Paradigm for Materials Science" (15-17 May 2024)
    14. Symposion Dürnstein 2024: Invited Lecture "Was können wir von der Natur lernen? Bionik und Ernährung - neue wissenschaftliche Wege in eine nachhaltige Zukunft", 13. Symposion Dürnstein "Was werden wir morgen essen?", Stift Dürnstein, Organizer Ursula Baatz, Austria (14-16 March 2024)
    15. Mikroimmuntherapie-Forum 2024: Plenary Address "Vom Einzelgänger zur Partnerschaft: Eine spannende Zeitreise durch die Evolution der Mitochondrien aus der Sicht einer Bionikerin und Nanotechnologin", Palma, Mallorca (7-10 March 2024)
    16. 24. Arbeitswissenschaftliches Kolloquium an der BOKU: Transformation der Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft durch sozioökonomische und ökologische Herausforderungen: Invited Lecture "Bionik im Einsatz: Innovative Lösungen für die Landtechnik", invitation by Prof. Elisabeth Quendler, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Landtechnik (27-28 February 2024)
    17. World Interfaith Harmony Week WIHW2024, invitation by Universal Peace Federation UPF "Building a Peace Narrative at a time of Global Crisis: The Contribution of Religion", Invited Lecture "Building a Peace Narrative at a time of Global Crisis: The Contribution of Nature and Religion". Speakers: Diplomats, Religious leaders, Academics and Leaders of NGOs. Vienna International Centre VIC, United Nations Headquarters, Vienna, Austria (February 2, 2024)
    18. 17th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XVII: Lebensabschnitte", Plenary Address "Der Schleimpilz als Modellorganismus für den Übergang von Einzelzelle zu Organismus - Egoismus vs. Gemeinschaftssinn", Vienna, Austria. (November 10-12, 2023)
    19. 7th International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE 2023), Invited Lecture "The Plant as Teacher - Insights from Botany for Growing Devices in Functional Shape", organized by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE), Wuhan, P.R. China (12-15 October 2023)
    20. Workshop "Intersecting Pasts - Collaborative Working at History's Fuzzy Boundaries": Invited Lecture "In the blink of an eye - Time scales reflected by a biomimetics expert", Center for Interdisciplinary Research of Bielefeld University, Germany. (September 7-9, 2023)
    21. Jahreskongress für Ganzheitsmedizin 2023 "Schmerz - was tun?", Plenary Address "Warum die biologische Regulierung wissenschaftlich so schwer zu beschreiben ist", Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität, Salzburg (April 14-15, 2023)
    22. 5th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Challenges in Nanoscience & Application": Invited Lecture "Biomimetic Nanotechnology Insights for Growing Technical Devices in Functional Shape", Mauterndorf, Lungau, Austria (13-15 March 2023)
    23. World Interfaith Harmony Week WIHW2023, invitation by Universal Peace Federation UPF "Why Religions and Cultures in Dialogue matter for achieving the UN SDGs", Invited Lecture "Physics, Interfaith and the United Nations SDGs: Living in Balance - New Ways of Cohabitation with Nature". Speakers: Diplomats, Religious leaders, Academics and Leaders of NGOs. Vienna International Centre VIC, United Nations Headquarters, Vienna, Austria (February 3, 2023)
    24. 21st TECIS 2022 - IFAC International Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, Invited Lecture "Women in STEM: Snapshots from a Few Asian Countries", Pristina, Kosovo (26 October 2022)
    25. "Innovation in Malaysia - Ein Symposion der Österreichisch-Malaysischen Gesellschaft", Invited Lecture "Der Regenwald als Quelle der Innovation", Otto Mauer Zentrum, Wien, Austria (10 June 2022)
    26. Forum Christlicher Führungskräfte, Workshop I: Eine naturwissenschaftliche Geschichte der Zukunft - Zuversicht aus der Dynamik Glauben und Wissen, Stift Göttweig, Austria (April 27-29, 2022)
    27. Österreichische Lebensmittelchemiker Tage 2022: Keynote Presentation "Kieselalgen - Schöne und funktionale Wunderwesen, von denen wir vieles lernen können", AG Lebensmittelchemie, Kosmetik und Gebrauchsgegenstände, Invitation by Michael Murkovic, Graz, Austria (8 April 2022)
    28. BioINSP 2022: "6th International School and Conference on Biological Materials Science", Plenary Addresss "Learning from cicadas: Bioinspired functional structures against multidrug-resistant bacteria", DGM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, Kostenz, Bayern, Germany (21-24 March 2022)
    29. Interdisziplinär kreisen: Symposium der Fachdidaktik in Österreich, Keynote Presentation "Bionik lehren - Spagat zwischen Biologie, Technik und Kunst", Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Wien, Austria (17 February 2022, ONLINE)
    30. Abendveranstaltung der Katholischen Akademie in Bayern in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Museum in München: "Bionik", München, Germany (9 February 2022)
    31. ZKM Karlsruhe: Art Institutions in the Age of of Existential Risks, Keynote Presentation (invitation by Peter Weibel), ZKM Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany (29 October 2021)
    32. Tagung für Lehrende 2021 "Future Literacy", Keynote Presentation, Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich, Baden, Austria (2 October 2021)
    33. Kulturjahr 2020, Keynote Presentation @ Abschlußveranstaltung, Graz, Austria (7 September 2021)
    34. 15th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XV: Wahrheit / Ehrlichkeit / Gültigkeit", Plenary Address Berlin, Germany (4-5 September 2021)
    35. 8th International Conference on Agriculture AGRICO 2021. Keynote Lecture "Shaping the Future of Agriculture: Biomimetic Non-toxic Species-specific Insect Repellents for Agricultural Plants" (19-20 August 2021)
    36. Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Bamberg, Invited Lecture "Glauben - Wissen - Verstehen: Die Reise der Menschheit", KHG Bamberg, Germany (12 July 2021)
    37. 4th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2021 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Advanced Materials", Invited Lecture "Biomimetic and Bio-Inspired Advanced Materials", ONLINE (11-13 January 2021)
    38. Biologicum 2020 "Das Leben konstruieren", Invited Lecture "Bionik - Lernen von Konstruktionen in der belebten Natur für bessere Technologien", Grünau im Almtal, Austria (ONLINE Oktober/November 2020)
    39. Asia Nano Forum (ANF) 2020 "Advanced Materials and Emerging Issues", Invited Lecture "Biomimetic and Bio-Inspired Advanced Materials", Vienna, Austria (8 October 2020)
    40. 14th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XIV: Erinnern / Vergessen", Plenary Address "Genetisches Erinnern für eine bessere Zukunft: Buch führen über Bedrohung und Vergangenheit", Vienna, Austria (20-23 February 2020)
    41. Local Conference of Youth LCOY 2019 (Österreichische Jugendklimakonferenz), Invited Workshop "Sustainability Biomimetics - Lernen von der belebten Natur für Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien", Volkshochschule Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, Schwendergasse 41, 1150 Wien, Vienna, Austria (November 8-10, 2019) link to conference homepage
    42. Forum Neural Therapy International, organized by the Österreichische Medizinische Gesellschaft für Neuraltherapie und Regulationsforschung, Vienna, Austria. Plenary Address "Warum biologische Regulation wissenschaftlich so schwer zu beschreiben ist" (4-6 October 2019)
    43. 6th International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE2019), Keynote Presentation "Biomimetics of Functional Shadow Plant Surface Structures", organized by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE), Changchun, P.R. China (23-26 September 2019)
    44. 50 jähriges Bestehen Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Konstanz, Festive Speech "Die Zukunft der Forschung - die kommenden 50 Jahre", KHG Konstanz, Germany (25 May 2019)
    45. 6th International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Engineering. Plenary Address "Learning from Plants for Green Engineering", Tabarka-Tunisia (27-29 April 2019)
    46. 20. Österreichischer Klimatag, Technische Universität Wien & Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Österreich. Invited Lecture "Goldschürfen mit Senfpflanzen und essbare Pestizide - Positive Technologien inspiriert von der belebten Natur", Vortrag bei der Icebreaker Veranstaltung, TU Wien, TU the Sky, 24.4.2019 (link to conference page) (24-26 April 2019)
    47. Workshop "Nachhaltige Innovation", Invited Lecture "Sustainability Biomimetics - Lernen von der belebten Natur für Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien", Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies IASS Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany (18-19 February 2019)
    48. 13th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XIII: Verantwortung", Plenary Address "Reflections on Responsibility", Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Hannover, Germany (14-17 February 2019)
    49. Veranstaltung Mercur (Innovationspreis WK Wien), Festive Speech "Inspired by nature", Kuppelsaal, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria (13 November 2018)
    50. 11th NanoTrust Conference - Advanced Materials and Circular Economy, Invited Lecture "Advanced materials, disruptive techologies and radical change in production processes", ITA ÖAW, Vienna, Austria (30-31 October 2018)
    51. 11th NanoTrust Conference - Advanced Materials and Circular Economy, Scientific Head "Shiller Color Workshop", ITA ÖAW & IAP TU Wien, Vienna, Austria (30-31 October 2018)
    52. Bionikkonferenz der Business Upper Austria - OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, Plenary Address "Bioinspirationen - Wie die Natur unseren Fortschritt prägt", Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria (16 October 2018).
    53. 33. Österreichischen Automatisierungstag, Plenary Address "Was kann die Automatisierung von der Natur lernen?", OCG, Wollzeile 1, 1010 Wien (12 October 2018)
    54. 12th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XII: Emotionen", Plenary Address "Leben in Balance", Bad Gastein, Austria (23-26 August 2018)
    55. Forum St. Stephan 2018 "Wissenschaft verantworten", Plenary Address "Leben in Balance - Neue Wege der Kohabitation der Geschöpfe", St. Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria (8. August 2018)
    56. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung des Kunststoff-Clusters mit dem Mechatronik-Cluster, Plenary Address "Zusammenhänge der Natur, die unseren Fortschritt prägen werden", Hypo Lounge des Stadions St. Pölten, Niederösterreich (3 Juli 2018).
    57. 5th International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Engineering. Plenary Address "Living in Balance - New Ways of Cohabitation with Nature", , Sousse-Tunisia (April 28-30, 2018)
    58. NIL Industrial Day, Plenary Address "Structural colour master stamp (fast and cheap, low-tech high-yield) from Morpho peleides butterfly wings" (gem. mit S. Zobl), Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Austria (8.-9. March 2018)
    59. XUB Sustainability Summit 2018 "Sustainability Disruptions for mitigating global risks", Plenary Address. "Living in Balance - New Ways of Cohabitation with Nature", Xavier School of Sustainability XSoS & Xavier University Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. (February 9-10, 2018) link to summit compendium
    60. Fachtagung Anwendungen der Bionik: Von der Invention zur Innovation, Kufstein & Wattens, Austria. Plenary Address "Was macht eine Physikerin im Dschungel? Die Bionik des Regenwaldes" (1 February 2018)
    61. 5. Wissensatelier, Museum of Digital Art, Zurich, Switzerland. Invited Lecture "Lernen von der Natur" (18 January 2018)
    62. 11th WoodWelding Day, Invited Lecture "Biomimetics - learning from living nature for better engineering and sustainable economic approaches", Invitation by G. Plasonig. Stansstad, Switzerland (9. November 2017)
    63. 3. Österreichischen Klima-Kälte-Tag, Keynote Presentation "Wie Biomimetik und Nanotechnologie Gebäude und Kälte-/Klimatechnik beeinflussen könnten" Eventpyramide, Vösendorf bei Wien (28 September 2017)
    64. PhD Retreat Center of Ceompetence Wood K Plus, Invited Lecture "Inspiration from living Nature" Gumpoldskirchen bei Wien, Austria (26 September 2017)
    65. International Conference on Advanced Engineering Functional Materials (ICAEFM 2017), Keynote Presentation "Biomaterials for Positive Technologies", Gandhi Institute for Technological Advancement, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India (21-23 September 2017) link
    66. China-Austria Roundtable on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Invited Lecture "Learning from Living Nature: Biomimetics for Positive Technologies", Peking, China (September 15, 2017)
    67. Austrian Nanotechnology Conference 2017, Invited Lecture "Learning from Living Nature: Biomimetics for Positive Technologies", Shanghai, China (September 13, 2017)
    68. China-Austria Roundtable on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Invited Lecture "Learning from Living Nature: Biomimetics for Positive Technologies", Suzhou, China (September 12, 2017)
    69. Sino-Austria Nanotechnology and New Material Workshop, Invited Lecture "Learning from Living Nature: Biomimetics for Positive Technologies", Shenzhen, China (September 11, 2017)
    70. Hilgendorf Lecture (invited lecture) "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Institut für Evolution und Ökologie - Evolutionsbiologie der Invertebraten, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany. (12 July 2017)
    71. SB7.0 - The 7th International Meeting on Synthetic Biology, Plenary Address "Learning from Living Nature: Biomimetics for Positive Technologies", Singapore (13-16 June 2017)
    72. 11th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life XI: Neu", Invited Lecture "Is anything ever new? The Concept of Novelty in Physics", Hamburg, Germany (April 27-30, 2017)
    73. 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology Modeling and Simulation (ICNMS'17), Keynote Presentation "Towards safe biomimetic nanotechnology: Inspirations from Nature", Barcelona, Spain (4-6 April 2017)
    74. Workshop "Sicherer Umgang mit Advanced Materials", Impulse Talk "Bio-inspired materials", Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Österreich (3 April 2017)
    75. 3rd Indo-Austrian Symposium on Advances in Materials Engineering (AME 2016), Plenary Address "Safe Structured Biomimetic Nanotechnology-Based Materials for Technological Applications", Victor Menezes Convention Centre (VMCC), IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India. (19 December 2016)
    76. 1st International Conference on Coatings, Thin Films, Multilayer Devices and Systems, Keynote Presentation "Functional coatings, thin films and multi layers in organisms: Examples, basic principles, and bioinspired engineering applications", Abstract 1st International Conference on Coatings, Thin Films, Multilayer Devices and Systems, NFTDC, Hyderabad, India (December 15, 2016)
    77. Tribo Corrosion V, Keynote Presentation "Inspiration from living Nature for corrosion prevention: Examples, basic principles, and transfer to tribology", NFTDC, Hyderabad, India (December 13, 2016)
    78. Auftaktveranstaltung "Die Natur der Innovation", Plenary Address "Innovationen aus der Natur - Was wir von unseren Gärten, Wäldern und Auen lernen können", Stift Kremsmünster, Austria (24 September 2016)
    79. 10th Erwin Schrödinger Colloquium 2016 anläßlich des 30-jährigen Jubiläums der Erwin Schrödinger Gesellschaft für Nanowissenschaften, Invited Lecture "Towards safe biomimetic nanotechnology", Vienna, Austria (14 July 2016)
    80. 5th International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE2016), Invited Lecture "Sustainable biomimetic nanotechnology: Inspiration from Nature for disruptive micro- and nanosystems", Session Chair "Nature inspired designs and industrial applications" (with Michael Hensel), organized by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE) and sponsored by University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus (UNNC), Ningbo, P.R. China (June 21-24, 2016)
    81. 3rd International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Engineering, Plenary Address "Green Energy and Environmental Engineering: Biomimetic Approaches", Hammamet, Tunisia (April 23-25, 2016)
    82. 10th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life X", Invited Lecture "Dating in Physics", Vienna, Austria. Member of the Scientific Committee. (February 18-21, 2016)
    83. Viennano'15 - 6th International Conference Nano-Technology, Plenary Address "Value-based micro- and nanotribology", Member of the Scientific Committee, TFZ Wiener Neustadt, Austria (November 24-25, 2015)
    84. International Conference on Microsystems and Nanotechnologies (ICMN 2015), Invited Lecture, Guilin, China (November 20-22, 2015)
    85. International Conference on Semiconductor Physics and Devices (ICSPD 2015), Invited Lecture, Guilin, China (November 20-22, 2015)
    86. The 4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2015), Invited Lecture, Guilin, China (November 20-22, 2015)
    87. The 2nd Conference on Advances in Robotics and Automation Technology (ARAT 2015), Invited Lecture, Guilin, China (November 20-22, 2015)
    88. The 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2015), Invited Lecture, Guilin, China (November 20-22, 2015)
    89. The 3rd Electronics and Circuits Conference (ECC 2015), Invited Lecture, Guilin, China (November 20-22, 2015)
    90. International Conference on Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems (MLPRIS 2015), Invited Lecture, Guilin, China (November 20-22, 2015)
    91. International Conference on Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications (ICRSTA 2015), Invited Lecture, Guilin, China (November 20-22, 2015)
    92. 2015 Conference on Image Analysis and Computer Vision (CIACV 2015), Invited Lecture, Guilin, China (November 20-22, 2015)
    93. 9th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life IX", Invited Lecture "Time Perception - Zeitwahrnehmung", Berlin, Germany. Member of the Scientific Committee. (September 3-6, 2015)
    94. European Forum Alpbach 2015 - InEquality, Invited Lecture, Alpbach/Tirol, Austria (August 25-27, 2015)
    95. Future of Construction, Shell Speed Matching Event, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Invited Lecture (April 23, 2015)
    96. International Symposium on Insects, Entomological Society of Malaysia, Malacca, Malaysia. Keynote Presentation (December 1-3, 2014)
    97. National Association of Gifted Children Malaysia Conference "Nurturing Gifted Minds: A Journey", Keynote Presentation "Nurturing mind: From knowledge to understanding", Monash University, Subang Jaya, Malaysia. (November 1, 2014)
    98. Workshop "Tribology and Art", Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology AC2T research Ges.m.b.H., Wiener Neustadt, Austria, Europe. Chair, Keynote Presentation, Member of the Scientific Committee. (September 12, 2014)
    99. 7th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology'14, Introductionary Keynote Presentation "Value-based science: What we can learn from micro- and nanotribology", Osieck-Warsaw, Poland (September 7-11, 2014)
    100. IEEE International Conference on "Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies ICCICCT 2014", Keynote Presentation "The future of communication", Noorul Islam University, Thuckalay, Tamilnadu, India (July 10-11, 2014)
    101. Conference "Design for Sustainable Well-Being & Empowerment", Keynote Presentation "Bridging theory to practice: Biomimetic nanoscience and nanotechnology to design for society", Member of the International Advisory Committee, Panelist, Indian Institute of Science IISc, Bangalore, India (June 12-14, 2014)
    102. Workshop "Learning from Nature for successfully addressing global challenges for humankind": Keynote Presentation "Inspired by Nature: New ways of doing engineering and managing resources for successfully addressing global challenges for humankind", EU-ASEAN STI Days, Bangkok, Thailand. Workshop Chair, Panel Discussion Member. (January 21-23, 2014)
    103. 5th World Tribology Congress WTC2013, Keynote Presentation "Impulse Talk: Ecotribology - Development, prospects and challenges", Torino, Italy (September 8-13, 2013)
    104. 5th World Tribology Congress WTC2013, Panel Discussion Member, Torino, Italy. On the Panel: Prof. Dr. Ille C. Gebeshuber (Austria & Malaysia) Prof. Dr. Jianbin Luo (China) and Prof. Dr. Zygmunt Rymuza (Poland). Moderator: Oliver Futterknecht (September 8-13, 2013)
    105. Algae Workshop 2013 "Towards greener environment through sustainable algae technology", Keynote Presentation "Algae Nanotechnology", Bangi, Malaysia (August 27-28, 2013)
    106. 4th International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE'13), Invited Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China (August 13-16, 2013)
    107. Malaysian Nature Society MNS Annual General Meeting AGM 2013, Invited Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest", Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (July 20, 2013)
    108. UKM-Flinders Nanotechnology Summer School, School of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, FST, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia UKM, Invited Lecture "What is a physicist doing in the jungle? Biomimetics of the rainforest" on June 24, 2:30-3:10pm (June 24-27, 2013)
    109. 3rd Global Conference for Academic Research on Scientific and Emerging Technologies 3rd GCARSET 2013, Keynote Presentation "Biomimetics for Emerging Economies", Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (March 9-11, 2013)
    110. 7th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life VII", Invited Lecture "Layers - Schichten aus der Sicht der Physik", University of Hannover, Germany. Member of the Scientific Committee. (February 21-24, 2013)
    111. Sustainability through Biomimicry 2012, Keynote Presentation "Sustainability through Biomimetics: Lessons from Attenborough, Loos and Biornametics", Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (November 27-28, 2012)
    112. 6th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology'12, Keynote Presentation "Introducing the New Asian Case Method to micro- and nanotribology", Osieck-Warsaw, Poland (September 9-13, 2012)
    113. MINILUBES Close Down Meeting, EU FP7 PEOPLE Project "Mechanisms of interactions in nano-scale of novel ionic lubricants with functional surfaces", Keynote Presentation, Wiener Neustadt, Austria (September 18-19, 2012)
    114. JAST (Japanese Society of Tribologists) - MYTRIBOS (Malaysian Tribology Society) Meeting 2012, Invited Lecture "The Asian Case Method for tribology", Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (August 27-28, 2012)
    115. Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment 2012 (AGSE 2012) Forum "Geoinformation - Catalyst for planing, development and good governance", Invited Workshop "Networking implications for students, alumni and young researchers", Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (July 16-20, 2012)
    116. Fundamental Science Congress 2012 FSC2012 "Fundamental Sciences: Merging Science, Industry and Society", Invited Lecture "Biomimetic development of technology to assist, enhance and expand human sensory perceptions - On the importance of collaboration with the fundamental sciences", UPM Serdang, Malaysia (July 17-18, 2012)
    117. The First Pakistan International Biophysics Symposium including 1st National Biophysics Student Meeting and Research Competition, Keynote Presentation (Wilhelm Roentgen Lecture) "Biophysics in an age of convergence: Challenges and prospects", Department of Biomedical Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan (June 2-3, 2012)
    118. The First Pakistan International Biophysics Symposium including 1st National Biophysics Student Meeting and Research Competition, Guest Speech "The era of the nano-world and opportunities for Pakistan", Department of Biomedical Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan (June 2-3, 2012)
    119. 6th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life VI", Invited Lecture "Fluids - Fluessigkeiten aus der Sicht der Physik", MedUni Vienna, Austria (March 28-April 1, 2012)
    120. International Conference "New Materials in the Age of Convergence", Invited Lecture "Nanobioconvergence" and International Organizing Committee Member, Havanna University, Cuba. (March 12-15, 2012) Conference Homepage
    121. Launch of the Bio-inspired Nanotechnology Initiative in Asia: 5th Workshop on Manufacturing Technologies for a Sustainable Society "Bio-inspired Nanostructures, Systems, and Manufacturing", Invited Lecture "Towards a new type of science for successfully addressing the global challenges for humankind", Suzhou Industrial Park, China (December 16, 2011)
    122. International Workshop on Nanotechnology in the Edge of Convergence (UNESCO, COMSATS Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South), Invited Lecture "Bionanoconvergence", Bangi, Malaysia (November 24-27, 2011)
    123. Joint Seminar on Nanotechnology between IMEN-UKM and PPET-LIPI (Research Center for Electronics and Telecommunication - Indonesian Institutes of Sciences), Invited Lecture "Bioinspired navigation and water vapour detection realized with MEMS", Yogyakarta, Indonesia (November 15-18, 2011)
    124. DGM Conference "Friction, Wear and Wear Protection", Plenary Address "Bionanotribology - Challenges, Development and Opportunities" and Member of the Program Committee, Karlsruhe, Germany (October 26-28, 2011)
    125. The 5th Korea-Malaysia Joint Workshop on Nanotechnology, Invited Lecture "On the way towards a MEMS-assisted magnetic sense for humans", Seoul, Korea (October 20, 2011)
    126. 4th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) - Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM, Malaysia) Global Discourse on Nanotechnology "Nanotechnology: Engineering for a better future", organised by WIEF, UiTM and the Statistical, Economic & Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC, Turkey), Panel Discussion Member. On the Panel: Dr. Savas Alpay and Dr. Mehmet Bayindir (Turkey), Prof. Dr. Ille C. Gebeshuber (Austria and Malaysia), Prof. Jackie Y. Ying (Singapore), Prof. Sirirurg Songsivilai (Thailand), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Rusop (Malaysia), Moderator: Dr. Gunawan Witjaksono (Malaysia), KLCC Convention Centre, Malaysia (October 14, 2011) k_4th GD_Brochure_FA_11102011.pdf, my contribution to this panel on youtube (movie, 12 minutes)
    127. International Seminar on Environmental Sciences ISES 2011, Keynote Presentation "Towards a new type of science for successfully addressing the global challenges for humankind", Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia (October 8, 2011)
    128. ECOTRIB 2011 - 3rd European Conference on Tribology arranged jointly with Viennano'11 - 4th Vienna International Conference on Nano Technology, Plenary Address "Green Nanotribology", Member of the Scientific Committee, Vienna and Wiener Neustadt, Austria (June 7-9, 2011)
    129. 5th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life V", Invited Lecture "In the dark: Temperature sensing, magnetosensing, echolocation and electroreception in blind animals - and what we can learn from them for new technological devices", Dortmund, Germany (June 2-5, 2011)
    130. SLIVER Gallery Series, Panel Discussion "BIORNAMETICS - Architecture defined by natural patterns explores a new methodology to interconnect scientific evidence with creative design in the field of architecture" and final public event of our PEEK arts-based research project "Biornametics" together with a short project presentation and the display of a physical prototypical experiment: Panel Discussion Member University of Applied Arts, Institute of Architecture, Vienna, Austria (May 23, 2011) Poster_Biornametics_Panel_Discussion_May_23_2011.pdf
    131. Seminar Biokejuruteraan, Penilaian Ekosistem & Spesies 2011, Keynote Presentation "Ekspedisi Saintifik Lata Jarum 2009: Views from the physicists", Puri Pujangga, UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia (March 7-8, 2011)
    132. The 4th Korea-Malaysia Joint Workshop on Nanotechnology, Invited Lecture "Bioinspired MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human auditory capabilities: Development of a new generation of MEMS in medicine", Putrajaya, Malaysia (December 13, 2010)
    133. Indo-Austrian Symposium on Materials Engineering, Invited Lecture "Green nanotribology - Challenges, development and opportunities", Hyderabad, India (December 8-9, 2010)
    134. ESCINANO2010: International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology "Taking up the Nanotech Challenge through Creative and Innovative Minds", Invited Lecture "Nanocolours: Correlating structure with function", Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (December 1-3, 2010)
    135. WEMESURF Close Down Meeting, Invited Lecture "New ways of scientific publishing and accessing human knowledge inspired by transdisciplinary approaches to tribology", Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology, Wiener Neustadt, Austria (October 18-19, 2010)
    136. 3rd Malaysian Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Scientific Meeting (MTERMS 2010), Invited Lecture "Nanotechnology and biomimetics in regenerative medicine", Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia (October 13-14, 2010)
    137. bionik-A - 2nd International Symposium on Biomimetics 2010, Plenary Address (Evening Lecture) "The contribution of biomimetics to address global challenges for humankind", Villach, Austria (October 6-8, 2010)
    138. Workshop "Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions & biostratigraphy: introduction and application of siliceous microfossils", Invited Lecture "Learning from diatoms: biomimetic nanotechnology approaches", Szczecin, Poland (October 4-9, 2010)
    139. HOTSCIENCE Forum "Should Nanotech be part of our School Curriculum?", Invited Lecture "Nanotechnology in Schools: The Austrian Perspective", Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (September 20, 2010)
    140. 3rd International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE'10), Invited Lecture "Biomimetics: Challenges, Development and Opportunities", Zhuhai, China (September 14-16, 2010)
    141. European Forum Alpbach 2010 - Construction and reality, Alpbach Technology Forum 2010: Invited Lecture "Kieselalgen und Ferrarimotoren: Lernen von Natur und Technik für moeglichst reibungslose zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation in Kompetenzzentren", Arbeitskreis 06 'Tribologie - Unterschiedliche Betrachtungen von Reibung und Verschleiss', Alpbach/Tirol, Austria (August 26-28, 2010)
    142. 2010 Workshop on BioMEMS Sensors, Invited Lecture "Correlating structure with function on the nanoscale: Structural colors", Malaysian Institute of Microelectronic Systems (MIMOS), Technology Park Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (July 26-27, 2010)
    143. Joint Seminar on Nanotechnology between IMEN-UKM and PPET-LIPI (Research Center for Electronics and Telecommunication - Indonesian Institutes of Sciences), Invited Lecture "Bioinspired MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human auditory capabilities", Putrajaya, Malaysia (July 12-13, 2010)
    144. 3rd Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Symposium, Keynote Presentation, "Correlating nanostructures with function: Structural colours in wings of a Malaysian beetle", Bandung, Indonesia (June 16, 2010)
    145. Framing the Influence of Nature in Human's Aesthetic & Application: Plenary Address "Structural colours in nature, technology and the arts - Theoretical basis, some examples and exciting biomimetics" at the symposium at Dasein Academy of Art, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (June 14, 2010)
    146. 4th International WiNET Symposium "Building blocks of life IV", Invited Lecture "Bioinspired MEMS to assist, enhance and expand human auditory capabilities", Semriach, Austria (March 17-22, 2010)
    147. 2nd ISESCO Workshop and Conference on Nanotechnology (IWCN2010), Plenary Address "Biomimetic nanotechnology: A powerful means to address global challenges", Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia (January 25-27, 2010)
    148. International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Application, Invited Lecture "Nanomedicine and biomimetic nanotechnology - Concepts and applications", Vung Tau, Viet Nam (November 12-14, 2009)
    149. Seminar on Nanotechnology in Health and Medicine, Invited Lecture "Nanomedicine: possible early diagnostics of leukemia via atomic force microscopy of red blood cells", UKM Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (October 29, 2009)
    150. Nanotech Malaysia, Plenary Address "Biomimetics", Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (October 27-29, 2009)
    151. International Seminar on Science and Technology 2009 ISST 2009 "The role of sciences and technology to improve the quality of life", Plenary Address "Structural colors in biology and how these natural micro- and nano structures inspires current nanotechnology", Bukittinggi, Indonesia (October 24, 2009)
    152. 34th Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (MSBMB) & 3rd ASEAN Biochemistry Conference, Plenary Address "Biomimetics", Prince Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (October 7-8, 2009) (Highlighted in the Malaysian Journal for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 17(2), 2009 Article-PDF)
    153. 20th North American Diatom Symposium, Plenary Address "Learning from Diatoms: Biomimetic Approaches", Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, USA (September 23-27, 2009)
    154. 5th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology `09, Keynote Presentation "Biomimetics", Milowka, Poland (September 20-24, 2009)
    155. Joint Seminar on Nanotechnology between IMEN-UKM and PPET-LIPI (Research Center for Electronics and Telecommunication - Indonesian Institutes of Sciences), Invited Lecture, Bali, Indonesia (August 18-19, 2009)
    156. ADHESINT Workshop, Invited Lecture "Learning from Nature: Biomimetic Adhesives", St. Petersburg, Russian Federation (July 1-3, 2009)
    157. National Tribology Conference, Rimba Ilmu (Forest of Knowledge), University of Malaya, Plenary Address "On the future of tribology", Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (May 4-5, 2009)
    158. 2nd International Symposium on TriboCorrosion, Invited Lecture "Nanomedicine and biomimetics: Life sciences meet engineering & physics", Wiener Neustadt, Austria (March 17-18, 2009)
    159. Kunst - Forschung - Geschlecht, Eine Vortragsreihe der Koordinationsstelle für Genderfragen und Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Invited Lecture "Science and art: Genderaspekte der naturwissenschaftlichen und kuenstlerischen Untersuchungen komplexer biogener Glasstrukturen (Kieselalgen). Die Kieselalge - Das Objekt der Begierde". Click here for announcement (in German), University for Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria (November 19, 2008)
    160. Junior Scientist Conference 2008, Plenary Address "Scanning Probe Microscopy across Dimensions", TU Wien, Vienna, Austria (November 17, 2008)
    161. Dr. Franz Slawik-Symposium "Gegen Vorurteile", Plenary Address Panel Discussion on "Trends and Role Models", Schwechat, Austria (November 18, 2008)
    162. European City of Science: Invited Workshop "Structural colours in biology and how they inspire novel technological applications", Paris, France (November 14-16, 2008)
    163. "Science Management", HTU, TU Wien, Panel Discussion Member, Vienna, Austria (November 13, 2008)
    164. GenderWorkshop-08, FH Technikum Wien, "Rollenbilder und Perspektiven in der Technik", Invited Workshop "Strukturfarben in der Biologie - eine Inspirationsquelle erster Qualitaet für neue technische Entwicklungen" & Panel Discussion Member on "Role Models and Perspectives of Women in Technology", Fachhochschule Technikum Wien, Vienna, Austria (October 14, 2008)
    165. Tribologie Fachtagung 2008 mit internationaler Beteiligung der Deutschen Tribologischen Gesellschaft, Plenary Address Tribo-Talk "Nanotechnologie und Tribologie - eine neue Dimension", Goettingen, Germany (September 22-23, 2008)
    166. Fall 2008 Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Invited Lecture "Bacilli, green algae, diatoms and red blood cells - how biology inspires novel materials in nanoarchitectural applications", Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (September 17-18, 2008)
    167. WEMESURF Summer School, Member of the Scientific Committee, Invited Lecture "Networking implications for young researchers", Reichenau, Wien and Wiener Neustadt, Austria (August 25 - September 5, 2008)
    168. The Second Leverhulme Trust Workshop on "Adhesive interactions between particles and surfaces at micro and nano-scales", University of Seville, Invited Lecture "Geckoes, white blood cells and diatoms - how biology inspires novel dry, switchable and self-healing adhesives", Sevilla, Spain (March 26-28, 2008)
    169. EU FP6 Network WIN, Final European Workshop, Invited Lecture "Structural colours in biology and how these natural micro- and nanostructures inspire current technology", Dresden, Germany (March 6-7, 2008)
    170. European Union EU FP6 Network "Women in nano" Workshop on Nanomaterials and Gender Aspects in Research and Technology, Invited Lectures "Nanosciences at surfaces" and "Networking implications for women in nanosciences and nanotechnologies", Gothenburg, Sweden (October 18-19, 2007)
    171. ISCOM07, International School and Conference on Optics and Optical Materials, Invited Lecture "Structural colours in biology", Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia (September 3-7, 2007)
    172. European Forum Alpbach, Europäisches Forum Alpbach, Technologiegespraeche, Invited Lecture "Algen machen Glas und Bakterien erzeugen Magnete. Was die Materialwissenschaft von der Natur alles lernen kann" (Algae make glass and bacteria produce magnets. What materials science can learn from nature), Technology talks @ European Forum Alpbach 2007, Emergence - Die Entstehung von Neuem, Arbeitskreis 07: Design by Nature - Der Beitrag der Natur zum industriellen Fortschritt, Alpbach/Tirol (August 23-25, 2007). film
    173. Second European Nanotechnology Partnering Day "Cooperation: Nano 07": Plenary Address "Science & Industry: Cooperation aspects", Wiener Neustadt, Austria (January 17, 2007)
    174. 2nd Vienna International Conference Micro- and Nanotechnology - Viennano'07: Plenary Address "Social, health and ethical implications of nanotechnology", Member of the Scientific Committee, Vienna and Wiener Neustadt (March 14-16, 2007)
    175. German Science Foundation (DFG) Priority Program 1117 of the German Science Foundation "Principles of Biomineralisation", 3rd meeting, Plenary Address "Tribology of biomineralised structures", Bad Honnef, Germany (October 8-10, 2006)
    176. IIWE International Institute for Women in Engineering, Plenary Address "Networking implications for women in engineering", Paris, France, (July 2-6, 2006)
    177. 4th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology'05, Keynote Presentation "Tribology in biology", Karwica, Poland (September 5-7, 2005)
    178. IIWE International Institute for Women in Engineering, Plenary Address "Networking implications for women in engineering", Paris, France (July 3-6, 2005)
    179. NATO Advanced Study Institute "From cells to proteins: Imaging nature across dimensions", Invited Lecture, Pisa, Italy (September 11-23, 2004)Back to Start

    Last changed: 1.10.24, Ille Gebeshuber
